FY2018 Study on business opportunity of High-quality Energy Infrastructure to Overseas Business Opportunity Analysis The Study for Restoration and Upgrading Dams Under Operation in the Republic of the Philippines FINAL REPORT FEBRUARY 2019 NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (様式2) 二次利用未承諾リスト 報告書の題名:フィリピン国:既存ダム再生・ 能力増強 事業化調査事業 ファイナルレポー ト 委託事業名 : 経済産業省 受注事業者名 : 日本工営株式会社 Page No. Title 1-1 Table 1.1 Main Economic Indicators in the Philippines 1-4 Table 1.2 Electrification rates in the Philippines 1-4 Table 1.3 Changes in installed capacity in the Philippines (2010 to 2015) 1-4 Table 1.4 Targets in renewable energy development in the Philippines (2011 to 2030) 1-5 Table 1.5 Changes in electricity supply framework in the Philippines Present Conditions of Hydropower Generation Dams Operation in 1-8 Table 1.6 Philippines 1-11 Figure 1.2 Geographical Location Map of Bohol and Two Project Sites 1-13 Figure 1.3 Average Temperature and Precipitation in Bohol 1-15 Figure 1.4 Active Fault Lines in Bohol 3-22 Figure 3.4 Location Map of Ambuklao and Binga Dams 3-24 Figure 3.6 Location Map of Pulangi Dam 3-38 Figure 3.19 Location Map of Miral Dam 3-53 Figure 3.22 Hydrological and Operation Data of Bohol Project 3-54 Table 3.19 Recorded Spillout Discharge 3-54 Figure 3.23 Spillway Improvement Plan at Malinao Dam 3-58 Figure 3.25 Selection Chart of Turbine Type 3-60 Table 3.28 Maximum Flow Velocity in Penstock 3-78 Table 3.42 Planned planting area and actual planting area of each irrigation scheme 3-92 Figure 3.42 Example of Siphon Type Dredging System 4-2 Figure 4.2 Inabanga Watershed and Malinao Dam Reservoir 5-7 Table 5.9 Result of Economic Analysis 7-1 Figure 7.1 NIA Organization Chart 8-5 Table 8.1 Mechanical properties of duplex stainless steel (standard value: JIS G 4304) 8-6 Figure 8.4 Example of weight reduction of structural steel by applying SUS 821 L 1 8-7 Figure 8.6 Exposure test results of SUS 821 L 1 and SUS 304 8-8 Figure 8.7 Application proposal of lean duplex stainless steel PREFACE This report represents the results of the Pre-feasibility Study, as a part of High Quality Energy Infrastructure Projects for Overseas Infrastructure Development Promotion Study, carried out by Nippon Koei, Co., Ltd. This study titled “The Study for Restoration and Upgrading Dams Under Operation in the Republic of the Philippines” is to study present conditions of existing dams in the Republic of the Philippines, to select urgent and priority projects for dam improvement and upgrading, and to conduct pre-feasibility study. In the Study, the Bohol irrigation dams which had been constructed under the Japanese ODA was selected as the priority project, and hydropower provision of the irrigation dams as a renewable energy and redevelopment of water resources of the dams were proposed considering the Japanese advanced technologies for restoration and upgrading dams under operation. We hope that this report will help realization for the captioned project and will be a reference for beneficial use by the relevant people. February 2019 Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. ABBREVIATIONS A ACIAR - Australian Center for International Agricultural Research ASEAN - Association of South-Eastern Asian ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials AWD - Alternative wetting/drying B BAU - Business As Usual BDO - Banco De Oro BFAR - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BOHECO2 - Bohol II Electric Cooperative, Inc. BOT - Build – Operate – Transfer BROT - Build – Rehabilitate – Operate – Transfer BSWM - Bureau of Soils and Water Management C CAD - Computer – aided Design CBK - CBK Power Company Limited CCCM - Canadian Climate Center Model COP - Climate Change CPT - Critical Pitting Temperature CSC - Certificate of Stewardship Contract CSR - Community and Social Responsibility/ies D DA/BFAR - The Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources DAO - DENR Administrative Order DBP - Development Bank of the Philippines DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources DMD - Dam Management Department (NPC) DOE - Department of Energy DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways E ECAs - Environmentally Critically Areas ECC - Environmental Compliance Certificate ECs - Electric Cooperatives EDP - Environment Development Project EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EIS - Environmental Impact Statement EL. or El. - Elevation EMB - Environmental Management Bureau EOJ - Embassy of Japan EPIRA - Electric Power Industry Reform Act ERC - Energy Regulatory Commission A-1 F FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization FIRR - Financial Internal Rate of Return FIT - Feed-In Tariff F/S - Feasibility Study FY - Fiscal Year G GCMs - General Circulation Models GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GHG - Greenhouse Gas GDP - Gross Domestic Product GIS - Geographic Information System GOCC - Government Owned and Controlled Corporations GOJ - Government of Japan GOP - Government of the Philippines GREEN - Global action for Reconciling Economic growth and Environmental preservation H ha(s). - hectare(s) HD - High Definition HEPP - Hydro Electric Power Plant HP - Home Page I IAs - Irrigators’ Associations IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICLEE - Institute of Climate, Energy and Environment ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission IEE - Initial Environmental Examination INDC - Intended Nationally Determined Contribution IP - Intellectual Property IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPP - Independent Power Producer IPPA - IPP administrator IPs - Indigenous Peoples IRR - Implementing Rules and Regulations ISELCO - Isabela Electric Cooperative, Inc. J JBIC - Japan Bank for International Cooperation JCM - Joint Crediting Mechanism JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency JIS - Japanese Industrial Standard JMOFA - Japan Ministry of Foreign Affair JSSC - Japanese Society Steel Construction K KII - Key Informant Interview A-2 L LGU(s) - Local Government Unit(s) LOI - Letter of Intent LPWA - Low Power Wide Area LTE - Long Term Evolution LTS - Local Technical Staff LWL - Low Water Level M MARIIS - Magat River Integrated Irrigation System MCM - Million Cubic Meter MEA - Multilateral Environmental Agreements MILT - Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Japan) MMDA - Metropolitan Manila Development Authority MOA(s) - Memorandum of Agreement(s) MOE - Ministry of Environment N NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research NETIS - New Technology Information System NGO(s) - Non-Government Unit(s) NIA - National Irrigation Administration NIPAS - National Integrated Protected Area System’s NPC - National Power Corporation NPV - Net Present Value NREB - National Renewable Energy Board NWL - Normal Water Level NWRB - National Water Resources Board (Philippines) O O&M or O/M - Operations and Maintenance ODA - Official Development Assistance OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECF - Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund P PAGASA - Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration PEISS - Philippine Environmental Impact System PES - Power Engineering Services PDRRMC - Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council PHP - Philippine peso POs - People’s Organizations PPA - Purchase Price Allocation PPP - Private Partnership Projects PSA - Philippine Standard Agency PSIF - Private Sector Investment Finance PSALM - Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation A-3 R RA - Republic Acts RDRRMC - Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council RO - Regional Office ROW - Right of Way RPS - Renewable Portfolio Standard RSPL - Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape S SALT - Sloping Agricultural Land Technology SAPS - Special Assistance for Project Sustainability SCF - Standard Conversion Factor SRIP - Small Reservoir Irrigation Project SN - Statkraft Norfund SNAP - SN Aboitiz Power, Inc. SPC - Special Purpose Company SRES - Special Report on Emission Scenarios SRIP - Small Reservoir Irrigation Project STAT - Statistic STEP - Special Terms for Economic Partnership SUS - Steel Special Use Stainless SWCF - Soil and Water Conservation Foundation SXGA - Super Xtended Graphics Array T TEPSO - Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. TOR - Term of Reference U UKMO - United Kingdom Meteorological Office UPMO - Unified Project Management Office V VAT - Value Added Tax VGA - Video Graphics Array W WACC - Weighted Average Cost of Capital WESM - Wholesale Electricity Spot Market X XRAIN - Exterded Radar Infromation Network A-4 Unit Length Money mm = millimeter PHP = Philippine Peso cm = centimeter JPY = Japanese Yen m = meter USD = U.S. Dollar km = kilometer Area Direction ha = hectare N = North m2 = square meter E = East km2 = square kilometer S = South W = West Volume NE = North-East NW = North-West 1, lit = liter SE = South-East m3 = cubic meter SW = South-West m3/s, cms = cubic meter per second MCM = million cubic meter m3/d, cmd = cubic meter per day Weight Others mg = milligram % = percent g = gram ° = degree kg = kilogram ' = minute t = ton " = second MT = metric ton °C = degree Celsius cap. = capital Time md = man-day mil. = million sec = second no. = number hr = hour pers. = person d = day mmho = micromho yr = year ppm = parts per million ppb = parts per billion Energy lpcd = litter per capita per day kcal = Kilocalorie kW = kilowatt MW = megawatt kWh = kilowatt-hour GWh = gigawatt-hour A-5 Draft Final Report Main Report Table of Contents
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