WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED Office of the General Manager (F&A) - Corporate. Bidyut Bhawan (7th floor- Block - ), Sector – II, Block – DJ,:: Bidhannagar :: Kolkata-700091 Phone : , Tele Fax: , Email: website: www.wbsedcl.in , CIN:- U40109WB2007SGC113473 (A Government of West Bengal Enterprise) NOTICE INVITING BID BID DOCUMENT FOR EMPANELLMENT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKERS FOR PROVIDING SERVICES OF CASH PICK UP AND DEPOSIT INTO BANK BID Notice No: GM/FA/DCL/LTR/5/168 DT. 23.02.2018 GM (F&A) – Corporate Section - 1 NOTICE INVITNG BID FOR EMAPNELLMENT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKERS FOR PROVIDING SERVICES OF CASH PICK UP AND DEPOSIT INTO BANK West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. (WBSEDCL), a Company incorporated under companies act 1956 having registered office at Bidyut Bhawan, mainly engaged in Distribution, Hydel & Solar Power Generation in West Bengal is one of the leading utility in India. The WBSEDCL has its presence across the length & breadth of West Bengal. There are 507 numbers of Customer Care Centres (CCCs) which are collection offices under the administrative control of respective Divisional Office and divided under 18 nos. of Regional Offices with consumer base of 1.72 Crores (approx). All the 18 Regional Offices are based out of 18 Districts in the State of West Bengal and under administrative control of 5 Zonal Offices. West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. (WBSEDCL), invites Bid from scheduled commercial bankers in sealed envelope intending for providing services of Cash Pick up from Customer Care Centres (CCCs) and depositing into designated bank as per Terms & Conditions and the Scope of Work as specified in this Bid document. The Zone wise Divisions and number of Customer Care Centres (CCCs) which are collection offices and average collection amount per day is given in Annexure-A. A list showing number of Customer Care Centres (CCCs) falling under each Zone based on their proximity to nearest bank location also enclosed in Annexure – B. In such list ABC gradation is used where (A) indicates „Banking facility available within 1 K.M from CCC‟ (B) indicates „Banking facility available within 1 K.M to 5 K.M from the Customer Care Centre‟ & (C) indicates „Banking facility available beyond 5 K.M from Customer Care Centre‟. Interested bankers after ensuring fulfilment of all the qualification and other criteria as specified in this Bid documents may submit duly filled in offers in sealed envelope only as per the prescribed format and addressed to "The General Manager (F&A) – Corporate, WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, Block- , 7th Floor, Salt Lake City, Sector-II, DJ-Block, Kolkata-700091" so as to reach within due date & time per details below. 1.0 Key Dates 1.1 The schedule of issue, submission and opening of Bid documents are given hereunder Sl No Action Date & time At Seminar Hall - II, 7th Floor, Vidyut Bhavan, th 1 Pre Bid meeting WBSEDCL. Salt Lake. Kolkata – 700091 on 28 Feb 2018 at 12:30 Hrs th 2 Issue of Bid document: From 24 Feb 2018 At the office of “The General Manager (F&A) th Last Date & Time of submitting Corporate, WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, Block- DJ , 7 Floor, Salt Lake City, Sector-II, DJ-Block, Kolkata- 3 complete Bid together with th documents as stated in this notice: 700091" within due date of 8 March 2018 and by 16:00 Hrs. At Seminar Hall-1, 7th Floor, Vidyut Bhavan, Date of opening of Technical Bid th 4 WBSEDCL. Salt Lake. Kolkata – 700091 on 9 March (Part-1) : 2018 at 11:00 Hrs. Date of opening of Price Bid (Part – Only Successful Bidders qualified in Technical Part will 5 2) : be invited subsequently. 1.2 If any „Strike‟ or „Holiday‟ falls on any of the scheduled date, then the next working day (between mentioned working hours) shall be considered as scheduled date and scheduled time. 2.0 Qualifying Criteria (Eligibility conditions) 2.1 This Bid is invited only from the scheduled commercial Banks as per Second Schedule of RBI Act 1934. 2.2 The intending bank should have prior experience in handling cash pick-up and deposit into bank services for any large organisation, preferably in Public Sector Units (PSU). Copy of LOA / Order etc duly supported by performance certificate to be submitted indicating tenure and volume of cash handled. 2.3 The intending bank should have a valid PAN. Copy of valid PAN card to be submitted 2.4 The intending banker should have a valid 15 digit Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN) under GST Act 2017. Copy of valid GST Registration Certificate to be submitted. 2.1 An Affidavit in Original (duly notarized in Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/-) in support of no criminal / disciplinary proceedings initiated and not debarred the bank OR it‟s assignees for carrying the cash pick up and deposit services to be provided as per template in Annexure – C. 3.0 Submission of Bid 3.1 The Bid is to be submitted only as per enclosed prescribed format (refer Section-2) in two parts viz Part-1: Technical Bid & Part-2: Price Offer separately in a sealed cover marked as "Bid for empanelment of Cash Pick up & Deposit Services - PART-1" and “Bid for empanelment of Cash Pick up & Deposit Services - PART-2". 3.2 The Bank should take due care and caution that in no circumstances the documents meant for Part- 1 should be provided in envelop meant for Part-2 and vice versa, which will make the concern bid as non responsive and be rejected. 3.3 Both the above two sealed envelopes shall then be kept in a third envelope, sealed and superscripted as " Bid for empanelment of Cash Pick up & Deposit Services ". 3.4 All three envelopes should also bear the name & address of the intending banker submitting the Bid and addressed to "The General Manager (F&A) – Corporate, WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, 7th Floor, Salt Lake City, Sector-II, DJ-Block, Kolkata-700091" 3.5 The Bid once submitted by intending banker cannot be revised, modified or re-submitted. 3.6 More than one Bid from same bank will not be accepted. In the event where more than one bid is received form a particular Bank, both the Bid offers shall be treated as non-responsive and will summarily be rejected. 3.7 Bid to be submitted at the office of "The General Manager (F&A) – Corporate, WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, 7th Floor, Salt Lake City, Sector-II, DJ-Block, Kolkata-700091" during the working days between 10:00 Hrs to 16:00 Hrs on Monday to Friday & between 10:00 Hrs to 13:00 Hrs on Saturday. Submission of Bid beyond the stipulated last date & time will not be entertained and summarily rejected. WBSEDCL will neither be responsible nor shall entertain in receiving any Bid intended for submission beyond the stipulated last date and time. 3.8 Bid sent through fax /email will be summarily rejected and disqualify the concerned bidder even the same also sent in person / courier / registered post. 4.0 Price Offer 4.1 The intended banker shall quote Zone wise price offer, combining all the CCCs under the Zone in the appropriate price schedule at Part-2 under Section-2 of this Bid. As such there will not be any price offer for a particular CCC but for all the CCC under a specific Zone. 4.2 The quoted price offer to be written in figure as well as in word. In the event of any dispute arises, the price written in word shall prevail. 4.3 Offer price to be quoted based on cash pick up & deposit amount of Rupees per 1000 (thousand) only. Amount of cash pick up & deposit of more than Rs 500/- (Five hundred) but less than Rs 1000/- (one thousand) shall be rounded off to nearest thousand only for the purpose of price offer. 4.4 Price offer in any other form, viz as a % (per cent), in slabs etc shall not be considered as responsive and the corresponding Bid will be treated as rejected. 4.5 Price offer shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes and duties, if any, except GST. The GST as may be applicable shall be paid extra. 4.6 Price offer quoted by the bidder shall remain firm during the bidder's performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. 4.7 The section of price schedule at Part-2 under Section-2 of this Bid where intended Bank has not quoted their price offer against any Zone, shall not be left blank but to be crossed out. 5.0 Evaluation and Selection Criteria 5.1 The Technical Bid (Part-1 of Bid) i.e. the first inner sealed cover marked "Bid for empanelment of Cash Pick up & Deposit Services - PART-1" shall be opened on the due date and time as mentioned at Sl No-1 under this Bid document and in the presence of Bank‟s representative. The Banks may choose to depute their authorized representative, not more than two persons from each Bank, to be present in the opening. 5.2 The Technical Bid (Part-1 of Bid) which found not in conformity with the required manner and details as mentioned elsewhere in this Bid document would be treated as non-responsive and rejected outright. 5.3 Subsequently, examination of required documents and evaluation of eligibility criteria shall be done as set forth in this Bid document for short listing of the Bank qualified in the technical bid. 5.4 The Price Offer (Part-2 of Bid) i.e. the second inner sealed cover marked "Bid for empanelment of Cash Pick up & Deposit Services - PART-2" of only the shortlisted Banks found qualified in the technical bid (Part-1) shall be opened in presence of participating Bank‟s representative on any subsequent pre-intimated date.
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