EXTRA! WARFARE IS BEGUN EXTRA! « on to pic cemetery KATTLE'S RIDGE TheDAVIMPSONIAN Uegun FOR A BETTER DAVIDSON Vol.IX. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON,N. C. APRIL 28, 1922. NO. 30. Reorganization oi Blues RedForces Make Strate- Undercover ofDarkness gicDefenceofHillNo.792 Blue Annies Advance ThoughShot Stubborn Resistance Is Offered to to Pieces, Say Advices From theOffenders theFront. as Red LineHolds. BY J. CAESAR WELLINGTON (Special to The D.vid.oni.n). I(Copyrighted (The Davidtonian't Special Correspond- by the International War Correspondence ent with the Blue Foreelin the field). Service.) (Special Red Reporter.) Blue Headquarters— Somewhere on M>, — the Golf Course, April iojj. As night The organization of Hill 711.' in it- de- falls the tired remnants of the First fmce of our forces was undoubtedly the Blue Army are engaged in organizing most perfectly worked arrangement the many metres of newly occupied ter- of guns and men with which Blue troop* rain. Fearfully shot to pieces, due to the have had to contend. The details of incompctency of the officers and their this plan of defence are'here given only own rashness, the broken ranks are by special permission of l-idd Marshal wielding pick and shovel in a desperate Kill*. It is felt that information eon- attempt to entrench against the expect- cerning the wonderful way our- officers ed counter attack. Reinforcements are are conducting the war should be given on the way but will they reach the sore- the Davidson public. ly bcleaguecl First in time? That is the The defense of the hill consisted of question lips higher on the of all of the three combat troops placed at intervals officers. in the edge of the South Slope Woods, spirit With most excellent the Blue a machine gun covering each flank, a waves moved to the attack. The fearful numberof Stokes Mortars located within gaps by guns caused the Red machine the woods, and a series of reserve posi- were quickly filled and the thin Blue tions to whicU,.it might be possible to lines moved forward as if 011 parade. tall back in case of strategic necessity. men SCENEOF TERRIBLEENCOUNTER Indeed the very eagerness of the Reference to the map of the war zone many — they , was the cause of casualties along this front shows at once the ex- needlessly exposed and MEN AND EVENTS IN BEHIND THE LINES themselves time cellence of this choice of positions, for again. square THEDAY'SFIGHTING Analysis of Yesterday's WITH A RED REPORTER But to accounts it must Ihe eoiiibat troops, which were com- lie recounted that no small part of the pletely camouflaged and securely pro- (Special Correspondence to The David- Red and Blue Contest (By Special Reporter to The Davidson- b!anfe for the severe losses must be tected from rifle lire. Brigadier General placed incompetent Ionian.) ian). on the heads of of- Two Armies Clash inHoyt's Valley. Moore commandedthe right Hank com- ficers and the failure of the Blue com- 'Heavy bat troops. Brigadier The Leader of the Blue Left. Casualties Is the Report. The Hoyt Valley Red Line. General Tufts the munication system. Men were pushed left and Brigadier General Story the death, Brigadier General Mcllwaine, who lighting along forward to what was certain men BY A. SIMONDS REP1NGTON. The the llovt Valley center. Without a doubt the last 01' were left in expose/! positions when commanded the Blue left in yesterday's — Section continues to be the most severe (Note The daily articles by A. these had the most difficult task for hand, assault on Cemetery Ridge, is in many yet place shelter was near at there was «n- Simomls Repington, the distinguished which has taken on the Da- they were ordered to act as outposts on tirely too much hurry— considering the respects a man of contrasting charac- vidson-Grey Kami front. Hill 71)2 was Patagollian military critic, are published Hill jrgs, due south of the Red positions, inadequacy teristics. To the casual observer he yesterday the object by of the communications. — in The Davidsonian by special arrange- of attack the and had to retire under lire to their As well as can be learned the purpose looks the scholarly soldier impeccable lUlue forces advancing from Concord along ment with The International War Cor- location the reverse slope of Foot- of the day's fighting was drive the spectacles surmount the aquiline nose; Kii.ul. The Blues outnumbered the Reds to respondenceService, Inc. They are not hill Crest. strong position perfectly fitted puttees grace his nether one; Reds from their on Cem- protected by three lo the latter took this oc- Brigadier directing extremities; quiet, unassuming. But fully copyright). General Bitzer the etery Ridge, just north of Hoyt's Val- he is ension to stage a most strategic with- gun begin whis- machine operations managed to ley. Whether that purpose was ac- see him when the bullets t/> drawal from their six hundred yard po- place guns — eyes quake, Jn a review of yesterday's lighting be- these in such positions that complished or not cannot be accurately tle his shine, his knees his sition in front of Hill Jga, orders; forces, we both of them commanded Hanking .determined as yet— the Red lines were hearts-beat, tersely he snaps out tween the Ueil anil Blue need only to Hoyt's Morale of Red Troops. fire on the enemy ami both of them penetrated, his forces and positions were it is then that the tire implanted deep Hive our attention the Valley Along' was When the bugler sounded the were enabled to execute Vffrazing lire heavily shelled, but to what extent? It clown in his bosom from a long line of front. no other sector assem- any activity. A very, bly on Thursday afternoon not a man extensive areas of the sloty- in front will be another hours before the an- fighting Scotch ancestors leaps forth. there considerable ov.er 24 perusal of Company A, Army the Reds, was of the Defended Hill. Colonel Weeks swer is known. Rumors have it that he So it is that his men idolized him and cursory nf the official communi- of Mac," que missing; every face wa* eager and every operated the right Hank with most is retreating to the northeast. began to call him "Uncle soon reveals the fact that there was no ; damaging results to our vastly outnum- The First Blue Army Corps, under Ma- corrupted into "Nundc," by which so- decided advantage for either side at the eye sparkled for these veteran troops knew that they were again to see action bering enemy. joi General Phillips was the only corps,;briquet he is now known throughout the (Continued on page 2) in front line trenches. Regimental headquarters engaged in the fight. "B" Brigade, un- service. the were located 1 ill a ravine yards .,1 iier Brigadier General Lowry. held the A ■ Major General Richards gave a few several north Pitiful Tale. Woods-edge ami from Blue right ; "C" Brigade, under that fiery Survivors of the assault waves of "D" < " words of encouragement to his men, aI this centrally WE SEE FROM THURSDAY'S few short orders and whole body of located point Major-General Richards little Scotchman, General Mcllwaine. Brigade tell a most pitiful story. Again " BATTLE— " the held the left; the old reliable "D." un- someone blundered— and the lives of " " troops commenced the march to take directed the defense as a whole. their places along the Davidson-Grey der the redoubtable Miller, was held in brave men were to pay. The assault " ByMaj.T. C. Hearn. * (Continued on page 6) rcsevve. waves had just passed over the crest " ♥ Farm front. Here as defenders of Hill hospitals, just Hoyt's " * 71V they knew they were to meet the! The wounded in the the in- south of Creek when they That patrols are for war- I. not * shell and gas of opposing Blues, but not (Continued on page 6) were held up by a murderous machine " ring only but also for delaying the NEWS FROM HEADQUARTERS a man showed a sign of fear. Communique. ijun and rifle fire from the enemy posted " enemy. * Official Blue Safety " * If the folks back home could see the i Somewhere on the Golf Course. rn the nether bank was near 3. That you cannot be closer than hand, behind that they had " " way these noble lads risk their all to April 26, iujj— Blue forces moved at the crest joyards when" shot at with a blank. just passed over, they " * hold that "thin Red line" against the tcr- forward yesterday along the entire THE WILDCAT SCREAMS yet were held on That newly trained troops will — 3. rilTic onslaught of the Hun-like Blues,I Hoyt's Valley front. After the forward slope to suffer and to die. " charge you with bayonets if you do * driv- " — " no one would doubt that success must ing the enemy before them for Someone had blundered. not retreat on maneuver. " * Bttend their sacrifice of blood and life many metres a halt was made to InReserve. 4. That one should not deploy * itself. organize the newly occupied ter- Yesterday was certainly a trying day " facing east when the enemy is to the 1for Miller and his boys of "D." Held in " north. * rain. " RICHARDS IS DISTINGUISHED... I Mcl'I.AIN,Chief-ol-Statf. reserve until the last minute and then That one should not emerge ♥ I 5. Communique. only a short brush with the enemy. " from dense woods in section columns. * As a result of the military genius ex- Official Red " " j With the Red forces in the field.
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