Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Hawk's Herald Student Publications 2-23-2012 Hawks' Herald -- February 23, 2012 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.rwu.edu/hawk_herald Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Hawks' Herald -- February 23, 2012" (2012). Hawk's Herald. 173. https://docs.rwu.edu/hawk_herald/173 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hawk's Herald by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. F E BR U ARY 23, 2012 YES 0.~.!~_:'\ NO ~c-Of..F 'lIJJ(t ~ ~(lv...~ trw..t :¾ THE HAWKS' HERALD T /, e s t II rl t' 11 l 11 t' ll' c p ,1 p t r of R o g e r \\" 1 / I 1 ,1 m s U 11 ; 11 t rs ; r _)! ' 1 ' 11 ' 1 ' \\ ,, ,, h.n\ k ... hl·rald cum I t, 1 I Know For whom the bridge tolls thyself: Travel across Online the Mount survey Hope Bridge rewards may soon be students tolled ALISON ROCHFORD IHera~ Reporter This month, the srudems of Roger Williams University have KEVIN TUBUSH IHerald Reporter an opportunity to not only hdp tailor futurc programs for the Though it has been publicly University, but also to win one toying with the idea for months, of 50 "phenomenal" prizes, ac­ the Rhode Island Turnpike and cording to Donna Darmody, Bridge Authority (RITBA) has Director of Health Education. at last gorrcn serious about re­ Students only need to complete instituting tolls on che Mount a voluntary 20-minutc online Hope Bridge. RITBA's board survey. of directors voted on Feb. 8 to On Feb. 22, the University raise toll rates for the Newport sent out a survey sponsored by Pell Bridge and to reinsracc mils the Alcohol and Drug PrcYCn­ for the Mounc Hope Bridge. tion Commfrtce and the Sub­ The proposed toll for the seance Abuse Commince co Mounc Hope Bridge is $1 for 2,000 randomly selectell stu­ drivers with a Rhode Island dents via e-mail. £-ZPass, and $5 for anyone "The American College Health using another state's E-ZPass, Association (ACHA) takes care of char random selection," Dar­ ~~:~~ ~~c=:~ THE mody said. The Moum Hope Bridge had The names of the selected sru­ a tollbooth as recently as 1998. dent participams will not be Yer, sinct: the removal of rhc 10II tied ro their results, resulting booth on the bridge, RITBA in anonymous dara;. the ACHA has been left to pay for the rc- will only see their demographic information. b::t~~~~c~~~s c:1i~~;:J~~!~ According 10 Darmody, rhe only one bridge's coils. ACHA randomly assigns the "When you calk about increas­ 0 ing the tolls on the Pell Bridge b:~~ri~~f th: tCn~ an:t:.:; every three years, and that is re­ University ever secs the person quired in order to pay the $258 that number matches. The University "been col­ million in maintenance we need has to provide, we have to have the lecting data on student alcohol See SURVEY, page A2 See TOLL, page A2 Ref urbishin-g the president's cabinet vers iry's Media Relations, Mar­ would increase the school'~ op­ divisions, according to Farish. organi1.ation som e: from the IEN WHITMORE INews Editor lhe study was conducted dur­ ~tandpoint of good solid analy­ keting, Web Services, Com­ erating efficiency, Farish said. munications, and Civic and "' It was really designed with ing the pr~ identiJ.1 sea rch pro­ sis, rather than ju.s t a visceral University President Don­ fee ling,''Lfari~h said . "I was very Government Relations depart­ the intention of allowing ID to cess, which ultimately resulted ald Farish has overseen recent ments. MGT found that the benchmark how ic w:1s we had in Farish's ap~inonent, with happy they had done that, be­ changes to the administrative the intention of providing the Cl~ it made: it a lot easier fo r University's grouping of these structured our no.n-instruc1ion­ departments was "rather disor­ organization of Roger \V.\Jiams al areas relative to what you newly-chosen candidate with me." University fo llowing recom­ the results of a m,rnagement au­ After discussing the: results of ganized," Farish said. mi ght call 'the norm/ 1he best They advised consolidating all mendations made by MGT of d it, Fari~h said. the survey, Farish and his pre5i­ practices," Farish said. these areas into one large de­ America, Inc. (MGT), , man- "Part ofit wa,; designed to give dentiaJ cabinet made three main MGT conducted the: study partment, headed by a new vice 0 during the previom spring and whoever the new person was o rganizational changes. to evatu- The first cwo changes a.re the president who would repon di atG~c~s t:~r· fall semester,;, interviewing going to be a chance to look at ace the Universiry's leadership some data and 'iJ)', '\'(!di. this result of a recommendadon that members from e.tch of the Uni­ Sec CABINET, page A2 srrucrure and to find different versity's major administr.uive allows us to think about our MGT made regarding the Uni- methods of organh..ation rhat Compromising the classroom campus has fo rced the chairs of BEN WHITMORE News Editor ~ade 10 resurrect what she Sa\\ I .1s an ailing public educ.11ion the School of Eduu.tion to re­ tool rheir syllabi nonerhek~. The results of an ongoing \ys tem in RJ10dc J,;land. And af­ ter 1he ::mi"al or $75 million in "\Vc're under pre~ure because study by the Rhode lsbnd De­ higher cduc.uion and school" partment of Education (RIDE) Race To The Top grants, funds earned from J nation-wide of education h.1ve been cri11- could make i1 harder for Curnrc ci1.i:d fo r not adequatdv pre­ teachers, like those in Roger education initiative created bv Pre.,ident Obama, Ci~t ha, led J paring beginning teachers. and \'Villiams niver'ii ry\ School of ma)'be being ou1 of touch with Education, to earn thei r teach­ ca mpaign to ra i~ e the "tandard~ of both 1t"a1.. her'i .ind school._' 1he current w.ty'., that tc;1cher. ing licenses. ought to be \m.·pJreJ." ~a id Su­ Yet a raised bar bi prcci.,dy the curricula. !bough Gi,t has no direct role san P.l.!,qu,m:: Ii ..1 pro O'ior and goal of Deborah Gi'i1 , Rhode C hair of the ~cond.iry Educ.1 (<;land's Education Secretary. in ~ha ping rhe curriculum of Since her .1\1po in11m.•n1 in July 1he R\'(ll.J School of Educa1ion. Sec TESTI G, page A3 2009, Gist ,.,., been on a cru- the educmon,11 dim.He out.,idc INDEX is mackdown is no joke News ............ .... ::-Al Features..... .. ... 82 Coll in Crowell , star sophomore wresrler. Ed itor's Desk .. .. .. .. A5 Opinions... ...84 looks ro compere at n,Hionah ....... A6 Puzz.les ....... ... .. B6 PAGEA6 Spom Ben Whnmore Olivia Lrons Read onlmc NEWS bwlutmori:-l l 6ie,g. nn,. ed11 olyo,1s.J57@g. n._ 1, t·d11 lwwkslrerald. com A2 SURVEY: Over 50 prizes to be awarded to respondents Continu ed from page Al wd drug u-.e e\'t'rv rwo yea~ ... ment is .. hoying to get at least Darmody said ... It wa<, a survey 800 people, Darmody said. th.11 was done in the classrooms, 50 of the people who partid· and l!rofessors would admin1s- pate in rhc survey will win a 1er n. priu:, accord ing to Darmody. The su rver collected "dara jmt 'Tor every fiftieth person that on alcoho and drugs," Dar­ takes it, they're going to get mody said. RWU ha!. been col­ $25." Darmody said. O,her lecting srudcm information 1his prizes include Commencement way for the pa.s.t ~ix years. lickets for a se nior, a parking In contra.st , Darmody said the pass, tickets for the Spri ng Con­ online 5urvey asks Jbout topics ce n , and a NOOK. ranging from .. weight, preg­ The University will ~e benefits nancy, vaccinations, and mental from the survey by way of more heaJth," and also has "two or than just prizes. According 10 three questions about alcohol Darmody, the information will and drugs." go' ro "the Director of Health, CouRnsY HEIDI B ENEDICT W'hen the survey was admin­ the Director of Counseling, Th, Moum Hop, Br,dg, had a ,ol/booth a, r,unt/y as 1998. Tiu 011,-way fare wa, 30 ams. istered in the clas~ room, .. it (Darmody], and the Division would go ro about 2,500 sru­ denu, and [rhe depa.nme.nt] ~~[U#r~:d~!ai:r-~~~~n~j~~ would get back around 1.000," fairs, who will then be presented TOLL: State legislature Darmody said. with the rcsulu, "'will probably Now that the online survey is P.resem it to the president, and going our to 2,000 randomly (hcJ will make decisions from debating whether to allow selected students, the depart- there," Darmody sa id. tolling of Mount Hope Bridge Continued from page Al discussion abou1 wherher or 10 gc:t ro class. mea l plam work at both 1he not we can collect tolls off of "I don't rhink anybody's rcaUy Commons and Baypoim's din­ the Mount Hopt Bridge," said for i1," said Mary Rooney, Chief ing hall , "Because of 1he lunch­ David Darlington, Chairman of Staff of Student Senate.
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