The University-wide U.S. POSTAGE Newspaper PAID Bronx, N.Y. Established 1918 Pormit No. 7608 NON-PROFIT ORS. Vol. 53 — No. 43 Fordhom University. Bronx. N.Y., 10458 233 Friday, November 12, 1971 Faculty vote do wn collective bargaining unit; parties question validity of votes in final tally 226-20AM I OA7^ decisioJ_.^!_S_.n defeat_! C_ •s unionizatio• • •• n bi••d• u B» :. La• w Schoo4» • l• by John Holl the election will not be reversed." the Fordham AAUP chapter, Faculty, librarians and ancil- The administration challenged claimed, "The results are not accepts agent linry support professionals re- 18 votes, the AAUP nine and the conclusive, only the final action Law School faculty, accept- jected the collective bargaining NLRB one. of the board will inform us of ing what the rest of the faculty representation of I he Fordham Executive Vice President Jo- who actually won." rejected, voted yesterday over- chapter of the American Associ- seph Oimmarosano stated that Cammarosano, meanwhile, said, whelmingly in favor of a distinct ation of University Professors by 1G of the administration's chal- "The margin is sufficient to re- bargaining agent in their Nation- a volo of 226 to 207 yesterday. lenges are on the grounds that ject the local AAUP as bargain- al Labor Relations Board super- Thi1 election, held under the faculty who are scheduled to ing agent." vised election. supervision of the National Labor leave the University this June In his release, Reiss praised Although the election results Relations Board, took place at "should have no voice in some- the faculty for providing "their were no surprise, the status of thi? Rose Hill and downtown thing they'll not have a part in." colleagues in higher education the unit is presently unclear due with a fine example of commit- cimpLises. A decision on the contested to the vote of the rest of the ballots will be made by the NLRB ment to academic ideals" in vot- University faculty rejecting their Mary Taylor, regional NLRB ing down the AAUP. their bargaining unit proposal. official, stressed that the results office in Washington, and those Andrew Myers, Faculty Senate Professor Joseph Crowley, who were "by no means official" cit- votes determined valid will be added to the final count. president and organizer of the organized the union drive at the iiv,' 28 challenged ballots. non-union faculty group, said he Law School, said before the an- The contested ballots have not Almost 95 per cent of those was "sorry that the margin did D.A. M.'iglll nouncement of the results yes- Iwpn counted and Taylor said eligible voted, with 25 not vot- not provide a clear-cut victory" CAMMAROSANO: "The margin terday, that the law faculty pe- she hud "no idea when they will ing at Rose Hill and five refrain- and expressed "a profound hope IK sufficient to reject the local titioned simply "to insure that we he settled," adding, "The board ing at the downtown campus. that the board will settle this AAUP us bargaining agent." are not to be included in an over- likes to handle these matters as The ballots from Rose Hill matter with the greatest possible all faculty union." quickly as possible." were taken to the downtown dispatch." Joseph Perillo, another faculty Academic Affairs Vice Presi- campus by NLRB officials where Reiss asserted that the victory member, noted that "in the event dent Paul Reiss issued a state- tallies from both campuses were gave the administration "a man- that the rest of the University ment asserting "upon our analy- intermingled and counted to- date by the faculty to continue votes no-union, and our faculty sis of the challenged ballots we gether. to work with them in a spirit of vote for a union, we would not can conclude that the results of Nicholas Falcone, chairman of collegiality on the many prob- attempt to act as a union." lems which face Fordham and all The Law School, which is the of higher education." only unit of the University to or- With the beginning of Pres- No word has come down, The vice president further ganize independently, won the ident Nixon's Phase H eco- however, on whether or not stressed that the administration right to be excluded from the larger bargaining unit on the nomic plan only days awuy, this figure will apply to Uni- and faculty "must address our- grounds that its needs and prob- questions Jiave been raised as versity professors. selves to the full implementation to Hie efrect the now financial lems were distinct from those of University Executive Vice of the new University statutes, move will have on the Ford- other faculty members. President Joseph Cammaro- to any remaining deficiencies in liiiin salary scales. "We could not let our pro- sano has expressed that, be- the role of the faculty within the A faculty pay hike has been cause of II tight schedule fessional needs be decided by a University, and to the improve- University-wide group," Crowley delayed bemuse of the anti- caused liy the unionization is- ment of faculty compensation." Inriiitlonnry moves, und re- sue, the administration has not said. cently Nixon's Pay Board of yet reviewed guidelines mid Cammarosano echoed similar He added that through the bar- Hie Cost of Living Council on- Is at this time unprepared sentiments saying that "the fac- gaining unit the law faculty had nouneed si ceiling of 5.5 per to view its effect on faculty ulty handbook should be fully Jay Carljerry hoped to achieve its "goal to sit rent for pay raises. pay hikes. implemented as soon as possible." FALCONE: "Only the final de- down with the administration and He also expressed an interest in cision of the hoard will inform us discuss the problems and needs '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I a University-wide senate. of who actually won." of the Law School." Ballot patterns reveal faculty differences by Ed Curtin established atmosphere of arts and science, oriented Voting patterns in the decision of the faculty yes- toward pure academics. terday to reject the American Association of University As a result the composition of professors has least Professors as their collective bargaining representative been affected y the influx of Lay faculty during the indicate predominate attitudinal differences between 1960's and exhibits a greater influence from religious— the faculty of both campuses toward the University particularly Jesuits — and individuals from a tradition- and their role within it. al Catholic background. Based on a 17.5 per cent random sample of the Lin- In addition, Nicholas Falcone, the president of the coln Center ballots and pro- local chapter of the AAUP who led the campaign for jected onto the total figures, unionization, appeared more visibly to the Rose Hill the composition of the vote faculty. Union points out that faculty at This fact, stressed by many faculty and compounded analysis the Intown schools favored by a recognizable bitterness toward the administra- unionization by approxi- tion in Falcone's voice and tactics, strongly influenced mately a 96 to 57 margin, many professors to reject the AAUP. To them, the possibility of working within the pre- while at Rose Hill, the faculty defeated the proposal, sent framework of the Faculty Senate with its newly- 111 to 169 (These figures are not official tallies). revised handbook apparently proved to be more ac- The Lincoln Center results can best be attributed to ceptable than the association with what appeared a9 both a pervasive sense of alienation based on little an industrial-type union. communication between that campus and the Fordham The choice of the faculty to work through present administration, and the general professional nature of channels to solve their problems is characteristically the Intown faculty. Fordham. A disproportionate lack of attention is shown the In defeating the certification proposal, they have re- downlown schools by the larger organization uptown, emphasized the University's tendency to shy away from especially in terms of governance and finance. precedent setting action. Also, faculty from the Schools of Education and By voting against the AAUP, on the other hand, Social Service are professsionally oriented by the very the faculty has not endorsed the logic of the admin- nature of their careers as educators and social work- istration. The closeness of the vote attests to this. For ers, and therefore, lean more toward a professional as even the faculty committee that urged a "no" vote union structure. on the proposal stated, "There are few faculty, indeed, I the |in>- Unlike their colleagues at Lincoln Center, however, who do not want to see the position of the faculty im- the faculty at Rose Hill perform in a more traditional, proved at Fordham." Student staffed patrol New fork by dark or day L\nU begins at month's end 1 t ke 1 I JI I \ O A student i'j/iliiiy >.'-"'J)\ty •i.'imir.'iv. j-fc* i' •:•• •.,;;, •_.••/.:- - . _ i 1 ol 4 ! I pMro) v.-i!l begin patrolling th': tabHsh "a lirf. ., e:! .''.•'_•.••.:.• • - •• \J i t Uth SI 1 1 i I Rose Hill f.'ijiri;/j> on -•.•••/. e::ib'-T v.ui kjng ;r;w.--;;-fcJJy v.r.:. -•. ;•.- n th - Td Jl 2;t. the Mor.dav i-!'•••• the Tiisriks- lo i:iy.uie 'jucirty." 8 •ai '•-in t J II 11 It J It I C I 1 nl I t I dd t to l.';:>ve>^ty Ti'-ivj-er Jir-jt.v:.' t I t I d t 11 tl I t J t I •]••::<;•-•• Kenne;, ha:- inloMnec Mr.omous or^Wjiziv..."; .:.-_-..- •.
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