September 13, 2019 In This Issue ESSEESSENGERNGER M Serving the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky since 1926 Cooley photos 2 Catholic Soup podcast 2 Pastor installations St. Thomas and Holy Cross parishes 3 Driving Home the Faith One-year anniversary 3 Safety protocols and training 3 Omission correction 7 Blessing 60 years of marriage 7 Annual Curia planning meeting 7 Distinguished alumnus Vincentian Father Jacob Varghese, pastor, Father Mario Tizziani Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, California, cel- ebrated, Sept. 8, a centennial anniversary 7 Knights of Columbus Mass for the Catholic Order of Foresters St. Peter’s Court 1492. The celebration golf outing continued after Mass with a reception and awards presentation. Catholic Order of 11 Schools participate in Foresters promotes friendship, unity and Magnified Giving true Christian charity among members. 11 ‘The Marriage Journey,’ Sept. 21 Catholic OrderofForesters Court1492 celebrates 100 yearsofdoing God’s workatCalifornia parish David Cooley Parish, Chicago, May 1883. At that time, impoverished immigrants Associate Editor journeyed to the United States seeking a better life. When families Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, California, celebrated, Sept. 9, a mile- lost the head of their household and source of income, friends and Moving? Wrong address? stone for the local chapter (or court) of the Catholic Order of neighbors typically collected money to assist survivors financially. Call the circulation desk, Foresters (C.O.F.). Vincentian Father Jacob Varghese, pastor, cele- From that foundation C.O.F. grew. It is a Catholic life insurance soci- (859) 392-1570 brated an anniversary Mass commemorating 100 years of service ety helping members achieve financial security while supporting provided to the parish by C.O.F. St. Peter’s Court 1492. A reception, the Catholic community through fraternal outreach. The name awards presentation and lunch followed Mass in the school gymna- “Catholic Order of Foresters” refers to the call for members to care Bishop’s Schedule . .3 sium. for the Catholic community. As a forester cares for the forests and Commentary . .4 The mission of Catholic Order of Foresters is to promote friend- animals, they strive to meet the needs of their brothers and sisters People and Events . .8 ship, unity and true Christian charity among members. It is a in need. national organization that traces its roots back to Holy Family Saint Snippet . .9 (Continued on page 13) Classifieds . .12 Entertainment . .14 Shopper’s Guide . .14 YoungAdult Ministry kicks-off its second season Keener photos News Briefs . .15 This year’s first candle- light Mass hosted by the Catechesis and Missed an edition? Current and back Formation Office’s Young issues of the Messenger are available Adult Ministry was held online at covdio.org/messenger. Friday, Sept. 6, at Divine Mercy Parish, Bellevue. Father Martin Pitstick, pastor, celebrated the Mass, Deacon David Profitt assisted and was the homilist. Father Michael Norton, voca- tions promoter, heard con- Up next in Young Adult Ministry fessions before and after “The Power of Sacred Music,” Monday, Sept. 16, 7 p.m. at the Mass. About 80 young Mother of God Church, Covington. A free concert (open to all, not adults attended. just young adults) to experience the transcendent music of one of Following the Mass all history’s most influential female composers — Hildegard of Bingen were invited to the court- — all while taking in the architecture of one of Kentucky’s most magnificent churches. yard for an evening social. The Young Adult “Life’s Greatest Questions: A Discussion,” Wednesday, Sept. 25, Ministry — now in its sec- 7:15 p.m., McCrystal Hall, St. Catherine Church, Ft. Thomas. Does God exist? Do we really have souls? Is there any ultimate meaning to life? ond year — hosts the can- Join young adults (18–35) interested in respectfully but earnestly dlelight Mass on the first discussing life’s greatest questions — all under the guidance of a Thursday of each month. local amateur philosopher and theologian. For more information “Young Adult Candlelight Mass — with Young Adult Sacred about the candlelight Polyphony Choir,” Friday, Oct. 4, 7 p.m. (confessions begin at 6:30 Mass and other events for p.m.), Divine Mercy Parish, Bellevue. Join young adults (18 – 35) from young adults visit cov- across the diocese to experience Mass like never before. The dio.org/catechesis-forma- Diocesan Young Adult Choir will provide sacred polyphony music. tion. A social will follow with free food and drinks. 2 September 13, 2019 Messenger Catholic Soup podcast provides spiritual food, comforttopeople David Cooley “It’s catchy,” Deacon Profitt said. “Soup can be meaty, keep doing this for as long as we can.” Associate Editor spicy or simple but it’s comfort food. We want to give peo- Msgr. Cleves and Deacon Profitt said that their topics There is a new podcast broadcasting out of St. Anne ple comfort; as Msgr. Cleves said, feed them.” come from anywhere and everywhere and that they trust Retreat Center, Melbourne, that has been feeding people In addition to the Catholic Soup podcast, Msgr. Cleves the Holy Spirit to guide them. with theological insights and warming them up to the offers a series of Catholic talks on Mondays at the retreat “It might be something that happened in the news or truth, goodness and beauty of the Catholic Church. Msgr. center called Catholic Café, as well as a philosophy class on something in one of our lives,” said Msgr. Cleves. William Cleves, pastor, Holy Spirit “I’m usually inspired by something Cooley photo Parish, Newport, and Deacon David Msgr. Cleves says — it might be some- Profitt, director, St. Anne Retreat thing that he mentions in a homily or it Center, have just wrapped up their might be something that came from 24th episode of “Catholic Soup.” They casual conversation,” said Deacon have many followers and are heard all Profitt. “A number of times inspiration over the country. came from something he said at The idea came from Deacon Catholic Café that get my wheels turn- Profitt, who said he always wanted to ing. From there, once we begin talking do a podcast but didn’t want to do one the Spirit takes over and we just go alone. wherever it leads us.” “I am a firm believer in expanding Deacon Profitt said that he hopes lis- the way in which we evangelize,” said teners discover or re-discover the beau- Deacon Profitt. “When Msgr. Cleves ty of the Catholic faith and how much was open to doing the podcast, I felt peace and joy it can bring into their like it was the perfect combination. lives. We feel like this is a great avenue to “I think we overcomplicate the faith reach more people.” sometimes; we make it inaccessible for When Deacon Profitt and Msgr. people — we get distracted in the thick Cleves sit down together on a Monday of thin things,” Deacon Profitt said. and hit the record button they don’t “We want people to understand that know what they are going to say. This the truth, goodness and beauty of our is something that they both say keeps Catholic faith is there, we just have to it fun and authentic. get to it.” “Dave and I have known each “I think in terms of planting seeds,” other for a while and I think we are said Msgr. Cleves. “St. Paul says that kindred spirits. I think this was a wonderful thing about how he planted meeting of the minds,” said Msgr. Msgr. William Cleves and Deacon Dave Profitt discuss all things Catholic for their weekly podcast, a seed, Apollos watered it, and some- Cleves. “I’m the kind of guy that if “Catholic Soup,” which broadcasts from St. Anne Retreat Center, Melbourne. body else is going to reap. We are plant- you put me in front of a class of peo- ing seeds out there. Those seeds will ple I just get energized. I wanted to get involved with the the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. grow under the guidance of the Spirit.” retreat center out here because I saw the potential. It has “Dave and I got together and brainstormed what we The two hosts are hoping to expand the podcast in the been my experience that Catholic people have a genuine could do. I would love to get to the point where we see some- future to include featured guests. hunger that is deep and lasting for understanding the faith thing happening here morning, afternoon and night,” said Anyone interested in listening to Catholic Soup can visit as adults.” Msgr. Cleves. “I think we work well together, we under- the St. Anne Retreat Center website, www.stanneretreatcen- And that hunger that Msgr. Cleves refers to is where the stand each other and we have got this passion for seeing ter.org, or find it on most podcast platforms. podcast gets its name. the Good News spread as much as possible. We are going to Keener photos Two priests begin first pastorate Bishop Roger Foys installed pastors at two parishes the weekend of Sept. 7– 8. Father Raymond Enzweiler was installed pastor at St. Thomas Parish, Ft. Thomas and Father Michael Hennigen was installed pastor at Holy Cross Parish, Latonia. It is the first pastorate for both priests. During the Rite of Installation, a procession to the sacramental stations within the church takes place — to the baptismal font, confessional, ambo, presidential chair and tabernacle. These are all important and vital places within the church, places where God’s people receive the sacraments, the Word of God is pro- claimed and where Jesus Christ resides in the Eucharist. The procession is a reminder of the role that the parish priest plays in bringing God’s grace and mercy to the people.(above left) After being presented with the keys to the church — an act representing handing on the care of the parish and its parishioners to the new pastor — Father Enzweiler leads parishioners in praying the Profession of Faith.
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