ACTA GEOLOGICA HISPANICA, v. 35 (2000), nº 1-2, p. 165-169 New cantacaderid lace bugs from Dominican amber (Heteroptera: Tingidae , Cantacaderinae) V.B. GOLUB(1) and Y.A. POPOV(2) (1) Voronezh University, Universitetskaya pl., Voronezh, 394693, Russia. (2) Paleontological Institute RAS, Profsoyuznaya str. 123, Moscow 117686, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] AB S T R A CT Ne w fossil tingids, representatives of the small subfam i l y Cantacaderinae (Tingidae) from the Oligocene Dominican amber, are describ- ed and discussed. The fossil species Eocader baby r u s s u s n. sp. belongs to the recent neotropical genus Eo c a d e r of the tribe Phatnomini. Keywo rd s : Heteroptera. Tingidae. Cantacaderinae. Phatnomini. Eocader baby r u s s u s n.sp. Dominican amber. IN T RO D U C T I O N Ne w fossil species of the peculiar cantacaderid lace bugs were preserved in amber from the Dominican Repub- Fossil tingids are quite rare among other known fossil lic. This amber varies in age from Lower Miocene to Mid bugs, especially they are ver y few in Mesozoic heteropte- Oligocene, i.e. 23-30 million years old (Grimaldi, 1995). ran faunas (Pop o v, 1989; Golub and Pop o v, 1998a; Golub We support the conclusion made by Iturralde and MacPhee and Pop o v, 1999). Most fossil lace bugs described and (1996) that the age of Dominican amber in the Dominican mentioned in publications from Cenozoic Dominican and Re p u b lic is most probably of the late Early Miocene - early Baltic ambers mainly belong to the plesiomorphic subfa- Middle Miocene (15 to 20 million years old). The present mi l y Cantacaderinae (especially in the Baltic amber) and paper deals with the first tingid description from Domini- are represented almost exc e p t i o n a l l y by the tribe Phatno- can amber (all amberiferous sites are unfortu n a t e l y un- mini (Golub and Pop o v, 1999). Some of them, e.g. Si n a l - kn o wn) based on 4 specimens (2 males and 2 females) whi l e da baltica (DRAKE), as well as species of the genus Pa- some other undescribed tingids from Dominican amber be- le o c a d e r GOLUB AND POPOV 1998, are quite common. long to the other subfam i l y Tinginae and to the recent Am e - rican genus Ga r gap h i a (Golub and Pop o v, 1999). During the visit of one of the authors (Yu. P .) to the Smithsonian Institution (Washington) and the Am e r i c a n Museum of Natural History (New York) in 1994 and also SY S T E M A TICS due to continuous effo r ts by Dr.W. W eitschat (Hambur g Un i versity) three ver y fine collections of the Dominican Ord e r : He m i p t e r a amber inclusions have been studied and the tingids from Su b o rd e r : He t e r o p t e r a them were sorted for determination and description. In f ra o rd e r : Ci m i c o m o r pha 165 Fam i ly : Tingidae LAPORTE, 1832 with 1-2 finest cells; median carina stretching from pos- Su b f a m i ly : Cantacaderinae STAL, 1873 terior margin of calloused convex area to posterior margi n Tri b e : Phatnomini DRAKE AND DADIS, 1960 of pronotum. Pronotal disc densely punctuate (except cal- loused small area); anterior margin distinctly emargi n a t e , GENUS Eo c a d e r DRAKE AND HAMBLETON 1934 el e vated in form of rudimental vesicula with 1 transver s a l ro w of small cells. Paranotum in anterior part consid- Eocader babyr u s s u s GOLUB AND POPOV n.sp. er a b ly widened, with 3 row of cells (3rd intermediate row Figure 1 represented by a single cell only) narro wing backwar d and with 1 row of rather small cells along most part of Type species: Eocader vergra n d i s DRAKE AN D their length; ext e r nal edges in anterior third emargi n a t e ; HA M B L E T ON 1934; recent species. posterior margin of pronotum almost straight and slightly waved , without triangular projection. Scutellum comple- Type material: Holotype male (submacropterous te l y exp o s e d , trapezoidal form. fo r m); label “Amber: Dominican Republic, Oligo-Mio- cene, specific provenance unknown. Purched in Santo Submacropterous form. Hemelytra surpassing far be- Domingo by D.Grimaldi, AMNH DR-8-383.”; insect wel l yond top of abdomen, sharpl y narro wed at base. Costal pr e s e r ved (Fig. 1.1) and deposited in the American Mu- area rather wide, practically along whole length with 2 seum Natural History, New Yor k . ro ws of moderately large cells, mainly quadrangular-p e n - tagonal form. Subcostal area inclined (this area of right De s c r i p t i o n : Holotype, male. Small, less than 2 mm he m e l ytron of holotype slightly flattened), with 4 rows of long. Body oblong, bare and general colour brown (pro- cells along most length and with 4 transversal veins eleva- ba b ly originally yel l ow - gr ay ) . ting more than other veins. Discoidal area in broadest pla- ce with 4 rows of rounded, irre gular form cells, and with Head long, 1.7 times as long as wide (from clypeus tip 2-3 transversal strongly elevated veins. Sutural area at the to hind margin of eyes) and 1.34 times as long as wide ver y base of hemelytra with one row of cells at the level of (from clypeus top to anterior emarginate margin of prono- anterior angle of discoidal area, slightly broadening and at tum). Surface of head fine punctate. Vert e x between eyes this place with a single cell of 2nd row; further backwar d s and occiput depressed, considerably lower than convex along discoidal area with 1 row of cells and near by apex frons; this depression runs obli q u e l y outside in form of of widened sutural area 5 rows of cells; tips of sutural are- sulcus in front of each eye fusing backwards and Y-l i ke . as (membranae) of both hemelytra almost fully over l a p - Ey es convex, rising above head surface, directed upwar d s ping in repose. Clavus distinctly separated by sutura from and to the side. Head with 5 denticles: unpaired clyp e a l corium, in the broadest place with 4 oblique rows of cells; and paired frontal and jugal ones. All denticles located far exterior row is separated at the level of vein from others. from eyes, especially clypeal and jugal once; clypeal den- Hypocostal plate (lamina) with one row of cells. ticle conical with thick base, almost equal as wide as the base of clypeus, directed obli q u e l y upwards and forwar d s Scent gland openings located by apex of anterior-e x- and covering (overlain from above) almost 2/3 length of terior angle of metapleurit, slightly elevated and broad- cl ypeus; frontal denticles conical with thick base and ened at this place. Rostrum long, surpassing backwar d s smoothed top, directed obli q u e l y forwards, upwards and anterior margin of fifth abdominal sterni t e . to sides; jugal denticles ver y short, rather thin and wea k l y cu r ved , with sharp apex, located lower and in front of cly- Dimensions (in mm): Body length to the tip of hem- peal one, directly above upper edge of bucculae. An t e n - el ytra 1.86, width 0.87; length of pronotum 0.37, width nae long and thin; 1-2 joints ver y short, 2nd joint far from 0.57; length of head from clypeal tip to hind margin of eyes reaching clypeal top; 3rd joint thinnest and longest. An - 0.34, to anterior margin of vesicula (along middle line) te n n i f e r us tubercles ver y small and almost equal in length 0.39, width 0.29; width of vert e x 0.11; ratio of antenno- to 2nd joint. Bucculae anteriorly opened, hardly protru- meres I-IV as 0.05:0.045:0.64:0.16. ding forward beyond apex of clypeus; anterior half with 2 horizontal rows of cells, posterior one has 1 row of cells. Var i ab i l i t y : Judging by the preservation to diffe r e n t de grees of body parts of paratypes (1 male and 2 females) Pronotum 1.54 times as wide as long; pronotal disc cl ypeal denticle may be shorter and overlap one third - co n vex, with 3 longitudinal low carinae lateral ones of one half of the length of clypeus (Fig. 1.2), broadened them wea k l y protruding; median carina in its middle part front parts of paranota can be only with two rows of cells, 166 Figure 1. 1.- Habitus of Eocader babyrussus n. sp.; 2.- Drawing of the holotype, AMNH DR-8-383. at least females can be brachypterous (female paratype) atype with preserved antennae the length of the third and with fusing but not overlapping sutural areas of hemely- fo u r th joints are corre s p o n d i n g l y 0.53 and 0.16 mm; a tra along the whole of their length, and subcostal and dis- si g n i f icant difference in the length of the third joint of an- coidal areas of hemelytra in their broadest part can be tennae in males and females of the same species is a reg- with five rows of cells (at least in females).
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