Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1970-1979 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 5-1970 The aG zette May 1970 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette May 1970" (1970). LU Gazette, 1970-1979. Book 1. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1970-1979 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME 31 NUMBER 11 LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA MAY, 1970 Graduates Listed Graduation candidates, bv their hometowns, are as follows: OKLAHOMA CITY-Ula Atkins, BA Social Science; Lafayette Broiles, Associate degree, Electronics; Joyce Galloway, BS Bus- iness Education; Michael Harris, BA History; Frederick Jack­ son, BS Physical Education; Barbara Johnson, BS Elementary Education Jessie Jones, BS E.E.; Jimmy Lee, BS Physical Education; Alverzine Miles, BS E.F.; Vera Randle, BS E.E.; Doretha Satchell, BS E.E.; LaFranz Shawnee, BS Bus. Ad.; Kenneth Spearks, B6 Math; Linda Pendley, BA Sociology. Joyce Tease, BA Art, Sandra Terrill, BS E.E.; Oscar Tho- mas, BS P. E.; Gloria Thompson, BS PE; Keith Thompson, BS E.E.; Burton White, BS PE; Frances Abrams, BS E.E.; Melvin Bibbs, BS PE; tominic Burnett, BS E.E.; Freida Cud- joe, BS B. E.; Jonathan Curtis; BA Art; Barbara Dennis, BS Home Economics; Lauren Hill, BS E.E.; Melba Holt, BA So­ cial Science; Carolyn House, BS Math; Samuel Houston, BA S. S.; Eugteie Hyeche, BS Art. Linda Jackson, BS Bus. Ad.; Johnnie Johnson, BS PE; Deb­ orah Nunley, Math; Barbara Saulters, BS Bookkeeping & Cleri­ cal; LaFranz Shawnee, BA Bus. Ad.; Danny Steward, BS Bkkpg 6 Clerical; Pat Westbrook, BA History; Rafael White, BS H.E.; Dr. James Fanner (left), Assistant Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, and President Jerome Lane, BS Bus. Ad,; Sandra Jones, BS E.E.; Linda Wil­ William E. Sims are pictured following the University's Commencement Exercises. A record- breaking number of more than 1,800 attended the exerpises and witnessed the awardiig of degrees liamson, BA English. to 207 candidates (the largest graduating class in the history of the institution). LANGSTON-Leslie Austin, BS PE; Lillie" Hughey, BA So- clology; Janis Hale Harbert, BA History; Roger Holmes BS Chemistry; Muriel Sims, BA History; ' Tl’LSA-Robert Baker, BS PE; Almeta Buggs, BS E.E.; Rosie S u m m e r Olden, BS PE; Robbie Roberts, BS Bus. Ed.; Joyce Roland, BS E.E.; Wyvonne Sells, ife E.E.; June Shanks, BS E.E.; Gwend­ Llftnstructors Enrollment Up olyn Tatum, BA Music; Joyce Warrior, BA Social Science; Linda Dowdy, BS. BUS. ED.; Arvella Dumas, BS PE; Law. rence Henderson, BA History; Brenda Jones, BS Home Econo­ Eye Workshops Langston University has set a mics; Mildred Jones,~BS E.E.; Melvin Lowe, BS PE; Bdrnice record for hummer enrollment, according to Advergus James, Moore, BA Sociology,Mfcrald Nelson, BS Math.; Mar/onette LANGSTON-Three Langston University faculty members will director of admissions and Rec­ Gibson, BS E.E. v participate in two-month workshops to be held on the campus of ords. James reported 440 stu­ Robbie Roberts, BS Office Management; Gloria Strassner, Knoxville College in Oak Ridge, Terthessee. dents enrolled for the summer BS E.E.; Royal Taliaferro, BA S.S.; Ava Taylor, BS Biology; session, a nine percent increase Mildred Thomas, BS E.E.; Margaret Tucker, RS Bus. Ed.; The teculty members includex>pr. Walter L. Jones, Ban of Academic Affairs; Willis Brown, associate professor of social over last summer. Lottie Tyree, BS Home Ec.; Leonard White, BS Industrial Arts; The summer session ends July Carol Waited, BS E.E.; Clarence Woodford, BA History. science; and Mrs. Willis Brown, instructor of mathematics. 24 and Commencement Exercises HASKELL-Verlene Williams, BA Art; Detriah Harrison, BS, Mote ttanl75 faculty members and administrators of the nation’s will be held Thursday, July 23, E.E. colleges and universities with jfredominantly black enrollments in the Hargrove Music Hall. OKMULGEE-Clarence Williams, BS Agriculture Economics; are expected to attend the workshops which are designed to en- Bernard Wilson, BS PE; Deborah Hdmmon, BS E.E,; Margaret enhance the academic growth of these institutions. Herndon, BS E.E.; Linda Colbert, BS E.E.; Anna Smith^BS The participants,^representing 72 black institutions in 19 states E.E.; Jackie Williams, BS E.E.; Linda Parker, BS Chemistry; and the District of Columbia, will be enrolled in two four-week b u l l e t i n Anna Glenn, BA English. sessions for faculty (tembers and twc one-week sessions for FT. GIBSON-Calvin Wytch, BA History,’ Marie Brown, BS PE; administrators begiimiigJune 8 and ending July 24. The Langston Show” will be BOIiiY-Peggy Williams, BS E.E.; Marian Mixon, BA English; The theme of the workshop Is “ Higher Education’s Respona aired on Sunday, July 1970 Mary Swindall, BA H.E.; Bennie Williams, BS E.E.; Ethel Parker, to Ue Needs of Society in the 70's.” 9 at 1 p.m. on Channel 5-KOCO. BS E.E.; Vera Roseburr, BS PE; Altheda Randall, BS E.E., life program is being preanted jointly by Knoxville College (Related picture and story on Milton RoSeburr, BS PE; Oliver .Walker, BA Social Science; and Oak Ridge Associated Universities, with support from the page five). TATUMS-Wanda Williams: BS B.E.; Beverly Russell, BS UjS. Atomic Energy Commission and the Office of Education, B.E. U S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. - r MIDWEST CITY-Warren Collins, BS E.E. ARCADIA-Loretta Johnson, BS E.E. TOM-Rosie Jones, BS Home E& SAWYER-Willo Hampton, BS E.E. « TULLAHASSEE-Nadine Hitchye, BS Bus. Ed. LU Professor ToTarticipate In Art Seminar SPENCER-Selma Abner, BA English; winard Brown, BS Bkkp h Cler; Sammye Wandick, BS E.E.; Marva Nero, BS Bus. Ed.; Al- The program is made pos­ ice Glover. BS E.E.; .Peggy Jones. BA English, LANGSTON—Wallace Owens, M.TA. from Oeutral State Art Professor at Langston sible under Public Law 87-256, (Edmond); M. FA.de- the Mutual Educational and Cul­ the Institute Allende, CUSHING-Melvoo Brov . E.E.; Nadine McKinney, BA bo- University, has been officially notified of his selectjpn to par­ tural Exchange Act of 1961 (Ful- clology; Maryl Marylne Glas? BS Bus. Ad.; Betty Rowe, BS bright-Hays Act). Notification of E.E. ticipate in the educational ex­ of Congress from the change program of the Depart­ Owens' selection came from the home states of selectees are ad­ GUTHRIE-L»qp Braggs, BS Biology; Berkley Griffin, BS E.E., ment Of State. Owens was select­ Office of European Prog rams and vised of selections in view of Mary Harding, BS H.E.; Carole-Hider *,BS H.E.; Linda Marsh, ed by the Board of Foreign Sch­ Bureau of Educational and Cul­ their interest in the interutiorcl BA Sociology; Gloria Mooq, BS H.E7; Marilyn Sullivan, BA olarships to receive the grant tural Affairs, Guy E. Coriden, educational and cultural ex­ Sociology; Delorls Porter, BS Bkkpg & Cler.; Cadelia Ruck- which will enable him to parti­ Director. change program and the general er, BS E.E,; Mertis Coleman, BS E.E.; Linda Bal Galbreath, cipate in a Seminar for American Owens received his undergrad­ responsibility-of Congress in re­ BS PE Lola King, BA S.S. / Teachers of Art, Rome, Italy. uate training at Langston Univer- gard to it. PAGE 2—THE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY GAZETTE, MAY, 197C THE GREAT MOMENT FOR LANGSTON UNIVERSITY SENIORS Dr.Sims COMMENCMENT EXERCISES—MAY 24, 1970 To Attend (Continued From Pagtfl ) Institute K. ADA—lo Ann Clark, BA History Connell, BS Biology. The American Council on Ed. PHILADELPHIA, Pa.-A rlene Boulden, BSE .E .jJilm a Conner, ucation has announced the Selec­ SEMINOLE-Acquanita Cudjoe, BS E.E.; Cedric Cudjoe, BS BS E.E. tion of Langston University's B.E.; *<1 HATTIESBURG, M iss.-George Deflrick, BS PE. President, Dr. William E. Sims, IDABEL^foyce Dillahunty, BS Bus. Ed; to participate in the 1970 Pres­ STI LLWfiTER-David Ealy^RS PE. idents Institute. BRISTOW-Nickie Cooper, BS E.E,; Barbara Mayes, BS Bus. DUNC/N-James Green, BA Sociology. The Institute, sponsored yearly Ed. * SANDfSPRINGS-Clyde Driver, BS Math. for college and university admin­ BIXBY-Dorothy Goff, BS PE . istrators, will convene tfkis year MUSffooEE-Charlene Harper, BS E.E.; Henry Milam, BS at Cornell University's Statler Biology; Joyce Wardlow, BS E.E.; Babyt^Vee Brown, BS E.E.; BEGGS-Barbara Grayson, ES PE; Howard Williams, BS E.E.; Inn in Ithaca, New York, June Sarah Scott, BS PE. Gwendolyn Webb, BS Homo Ec. Annie Hughes, BS E.E. 21-26. ALTUS-Leroy Hawkins, BS Bus. Ad. PORTER-Margaret Hickman, BS Bus. Ed.; Trujm Truman Fellows hip assistance wa s BOSWELL-Carl Hunter, BS Ag. Ec. Marshall, BS PE. , awarded President Sims upon his MULDROW—MiIdred Hyman, BS E.E. acceptance of the invitation to ARDMORE-Elva Hornbeak, BA Eng.; Carolstyne Henry, BA ~ CLAREMORE-Leonard Johnson, Jr., BS Ind. Arts attend the Institute. English. SPRINGER-Lorenc Johnson, BA Soc<S£T BROKEN BOW-Mary Hill, f e E.E. SPIRO-William Minner, BA Soc. SHAWNEE-Harry Sypert, BA His. CASTLE-Ronald Wallace. BS Bus. Ed. DEPEW-Portia Cawady, B.S. E.E. MORRIS-AlbeFfa Collins, ES E.E.; Norma Collins, BS Math. KINGFISHBR-iGussie Drain, BS BrE. LAWTON-Wyman Loveless, BS E.E.; Ijrry M cGoo, US P i\; Farmer Urges Probe Charles West, BS PE.
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