Clark Tells Reason For Suspensions t1PA MAN DA I LY College President Robert D. dent from planning an unnecessary Clark yesterday explained t h e registration." reasoning behind the suspension of Dr. Clark also said he hoped the two Dow protestors and suggested judiciary would reconvene soon, "in II SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE a need for a change in the struc- the light of the public interest that ture of the ASB Judiciary. has developed in this case." In a prepared statement, Dr. Dr. Clark said he is "hopeful Clark said, "I decided in the inter- that this incident may lead to a Vol. 55 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1968 No. 71 ests of equity to increase one pen- general re-examination of present alty. Every attempt was made to guidelines for our student judiciary reconvene the judiciary to recon- that may lead to improvements sider my one reservation. agreeable to all." "It should be noted that I ac- The students identified Monday Student Admits Action cepted all judiciary judgments of by the Daily as those suspended innocence or guilt." he said. "Uni- were sophomore political science lateral action was the only course major Richard Kaufman and fresh- In ROTC Disturbance open to me in protecting the stu- man English major Tom Fink. Fink was found guilty by the Judiciary of throwing a chair At a reconvention Wednesday of He did not admit to being guilty through the door of the adminis- the Ad Hoc board formed to hear of misconduct. Packet Turn-in tration building, and Kaufman was charges against students partici- Fellow students, since suspended convicted of hurling a burning flag pating in the Oct. 3 ROTC demon- because of participation in the in- through the same door during the stration, Roger Lette, Junior phil- cident were Ira Meltzer, Nick Deadline Monday Nov. 20 Dow demonstration. osophy major, admitted his in- Kopke, and Jim Hurst. A fourth Students are reminded that According to Associate Justice volvement. student was placed on informal registration packets may be turned Grady Robertson the judiciary had The special hearing was called probation. Lette believed he should In and fees paid today until 5 p.m. recommended suspension for Fink Lette requested trial. He also be tried, so he turned him- because at Morris Dailey Auditorium. hut sought only probation for the time of self into Bums during the week was not charged at Monday is the deadline for Kaufman. preceding Christmas break. the ROTC occurrence, but later packet turn-in, and they will be Robertson discussed only judici- The only evidence presented at notified Stanley Benz, dean of stu- accepted at Morris Dailey until ary recommendations and did not the hearing was Lette's statement dents, and Hobert Burns, aca- 8 p.m. name the students suspended, as and his answeis to questions the demic vice-president, by letter.. By Tuesday, 21,955 students had earlier reported by the Daily. board asked him. Lettes statement before the registered at StIS. Total enrollment Associate Justice Lewis Soliske board essentially said the same is expected to reach 22,500 due to defended Dr. Clark's suspension thing as the letters. Lette admits late registration, according to John edict for both students. "It is his to climbing the fence surrounding Lee Tells Council Simmons, assistant public relations responsibility to use his authority the P.E. field where the ROTC director. Last spring semester to override us when necessary," drill was being held and carrying 21.451 were registered at SJS, he said. The judiciary is an ad- a sign reading "Cadets Today LB) Overrode visory board. It merely airs the Killers Tomorrow." facts and makes recommenda- When the incident was reported tions." in Spartan Daily, a picture show- Hershey Directive SJS Grad Part Commenting on Dr. Clark's at- ing someone carrying such a sign tempt to reconvene the judiciary, accompanied the story, but the in- Student Council Wednesday met Soliskey said the group cannot re- diivdual was not identified. with silence an "informational Of VISTA Group convene unless all of the members According to Dr. Theodore Nor- item" from ASB President Vic present during the original hear- ton, professor of political science Lee, suggesting that the body has Ph,to by Wrty, N1cFolis ings can attend. and chairman of the board, at the the power to revise its position on Denouncing War hearing Lette merely stated what campus recruiting by the Armed THE BARON Lord of his realm, master of all the other color-wise, breed-wise and per- Jim Bailey, former SJS student happened on the day in question. Forces. he surveys, the doggie here is just one of the sonality-wise. Although the dogs often prove is among a group of VISTA volun- Lee said Draft Director Lewis many similar animals continually roaming the an amusing pastime for students, the canines SJS Gets New teers who sent an open letter to B. Hershey's directive that student campus, each one just a little different from themselves are faced with serious problems. President Johnson denouncing the demonstrators be reclassified and war on poverty and calling for an Semi-Weekly Paper Vasiliev Resigns drafted has been overridden by a immediate end to the Vietnam war. letter from the White House, stat- Calling itself "Hieronymous," The letter called the war on ing the Selective Service would not the new official publication of the As ASB Chief poverty "a pacification campaign Experimental College received $100 be used punitively. Canine Corps Cornering Campus to keep the poor quiet," and asked Last semester council resolved for operational expenses from stu- Johnson to take the over $70 bil- dent council Wednesday. to halt military recruitment on lion spent in Vietnam and use it Of Election Board campus until Hershey rescinds his According to Bruce Anderson, to "free America of poverty and editor, "The publication will be Igor Vasiliev, junior directive. business racism," and "free the poor of given free to SJS students. A semi- major, has resigned as chairman of Lee presented a copy of Higher With Camp-in on College Lawn needless suffering." weekly news magazine, it will fea- the ASB Election Board. Education and National Affairs a 10-foot high apart- All those who signed the letter ture interpretive, satire and in- Vasiliev stated, in a letter read Digest, carrying both the text of By DAN EHRLICH Can you' imagine dictate that a small room or face termination for speaking out depth stories." to Student Council Wednesday af- the executive office's letter and a Spartan Daily Staff Writer statue of a "mangy mut" standing ment house is no place to raise Building in- on political issues. The sentiment News editor Bob Kenney claims, ternoon by ASB President Vic Lee, letter from the "Ivy League" col- Can SJS he going to the dogs? in front of the Art and maintain any medium- to the present Spartan large of the 140 volunteers who signed "The name of the tabloid maga- "I am resigning from the post of lege student presidents, stating Walking on and around campus stead of -size dog. the letter is, "we must speak out zine was taken from a Dutch Election Board Chairman due to they consider Hershey's order statue? Laugh it off it could But students try it anyway, and daily, a person might think so by . if we are to truly serve the painter Hieronymous Bosh, whose two reasons. First, I am taking 18 overridden. happen if the dog population of when the fun and novelty wears the number of canine individuals people of our communities." style influenced other 15th cen- units with three extra in research. Lee said he too considers the the college goes unchecked. off, when the animal is grown tury painters." Kenney noted that Second, I am working as a substi- order now void, and said local that seem to be having a per- Some dogs, like some students, and its needs are compounded, it Bosh was "quite a rebel and was tute teacher. draft boards were sent the letter petual field day in Spartaville. are old favorites on campus and may be taken care of in a lax suspected of "There is a lack of my time to by the White House. Roaming around individually, never seem to leave after years of manner. Lee Goes to L.A. belonging to a heret- ical sect." be able to devote enough time to The executive secretary of like Rin Tin Tin, or in packs, like attendance. However, others ap- END RESULT Hieronymous, this responsible position." Draft Board Locals 60-62 said no a chapter from Jack London's parently transients or visiting expected to circu- The end result, we then may late Monday, Feb. 26, replaces Council accepted the resignation, such letter had been received by "Call of the Wild," dogs on cam- firedogs, just stop over for a re- To Plan for Meet last see on campus, or possibly in a semester's but did ask Lee to check, when the group. Sources in the Selective pus have become so numerous and freshing visit and a look at what Experimental College gutter, where one of these poor Vic Lee, ASB president and newspaper, making further appointments, Service's state office say no familiar that they could possibly higher education can offer them. Jabberwock. unfortunates was pushed after it executive vice president of the whether the appointees plan to executive communications on the become a trademark for this school The ranks of this new student had been killed by a car. California State Colleges Student serve their full term.
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