CASS C ITY C HRONICLE VOLUME 28, NUMB.ER 3. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1933. ' EIGHT PAGES. • - ,,~ - ~ ......... u or .ten years ago~and even then j The election will take place next the taxpayers protested. Tuesday. Ther~ is one thing that the tax- IFAGH[I S' IALAIIIEII- Messrs. Jaeger, Nash and Thack- payers can make up their minds to cry, representing the Jaeger Motor YES, TIlE ADS CI]IITAIII "/ 1111 , VlLLAIIE ilAISEII right now, taxes in Michigan will I Car Co., of Ferndale, spoke to not be decreased in proportio,n i~ members o.f the l{otary C',iub Tues- pROFO, o o their incomes. If the taxes are not day in an endeavor to interest the iii A88 iT'f collected from real estate, they are community ,to subscribe for $10,000 a LE aF..AD Tili8 going to come from somewhere Average Is $58 in Tuscola in stock for an automobile assemb- ling plant in Cass City. Coil else. Rural Schools; Highest Is Oil cloth at 14c a yard, work ris and Betty Agar. A recitation springs, no shackle bolts, and few The Alex Henry Grocery is offer- It is estimated that the beer bill shoes at $1.00, ladies' rubbers at Budget of 1933 Will Be $25(}1 by Frances Koepfgen introduced $120 a Month. greasing" places were mentioned ing corn~at 7 cents a can and a ought to bring in two and a half 39c and 1.adios' hose at 39c are just further variety the program. among the features of the new fancy No. 2 can of grapefruit at Less than Last Year's in million dollars, but this is only an four of the 26 items priced in Folk- Light refreshments were served by automobile. The car is constructed 10 cents. There are several other estimate and no one has the Of the 138 rural school districts ert's "Real Bargains" announce- Expenditures. the reception committee at the of standard parts, has a wheelbase items at special prices in tl~is slightest thing upon which to base in Tuscola county, officers of 103 ment this week. week's display. close of 'the meeting. these figures. But anyway officials of 113 inches and is in the Ford schools have informed B. H. Mc- Special tractor gasoline at a For a limited time, Bigelow's The last regular meeting of the think it ought to be that, therefore and Chevrolet price class. One of Comb, county school commissioner, Hardware is offering $2.75 house The duties of Village Treasurer club year will be held Monday af- they make an estimate that it will the cars was on exhibition here price extremely low is announced that they have° engaged teachers paint at $2.00 per gallon. This ~- A. N. BigeIow wilI be light °and ternbon, May 8, at the home of Tuesday. by the Cass City Oil and Gas Co., be that amount. for the coming year. In 37 of these superior quality paint is guaran- ¥illage Assessor H. L. Hunt will Mrs. Stanley Heron. Annual re- Senator Francis Kulp, one of the Dr. I. D. McCoy, S. Champion who invite farmers to bring in districts, new instructors have been teed to give satisfactory service be without salary and Without work ports will be given at this time, as outstanding newer members of the and W. L. Mann were named~as a drums and have them filled. The engaged while in 66 schools the for at least five years. in that office again this year as will also the reports of delegates legislature who came into office in committee to present the proposi- company will deliver when request- teachers will be the same as at "Actual health depends upon the result of the action taken by attending the district convention the Democratic landslide last fall, tion to the community. ed .to do so. present. good eyesight," says A. H. Hig- members of the village council on at Port Huron. Following the re- is bitterly opposed to the high Arrangements have been made Three cans of good quality toma- Of the 103 schools that have en- gins, optometrist. Monday. night when they voted that ports a potluck supper will be en- tax placed upon beer. Senator for a meeting- in the assembly toes for 25 cents and extra quality gaged teachers for 1933-34, 85 dis- Two merchants are offering jig- there be no village taxes and no joyed. Kulp, a prominent Battle Creek room at the high school this (Fri- peas at: the same price are but tricts have announced the salaries saw puzzles free this %veek. assessment roll for the year 1933. Members of the club and their lawyer who probably knows as day) evening at eight o'clock to dis- two of 13 items at attractive prices they will pay. These will aggre- Keep sweet and clean with 5 The council took .similar action a friends have been invited to attend taxation and cuss this project. All interested are in the Mo D. Hartt store advertise- much about other gate $4,937.50 a month. The popu- pounds of honey at 33 cents and year ago. a demonstration to be given by legislative problems as man invited to come. Enter by north door ment. any lar 8 bars of P. & G. soap at 19 cents. The 1933 budget will be $2501.63 Mrs. Sara Coolidge, director of the in the legislature, feels that the salary is $50.00 a month, 21 fixed that amount as The Standard Oil Co. announces These prices are taken from many less than the money spent during Detroit Free Press Institute of high tax imposed upon beer is a schools having reduced motor oil prices effective special quotations in the Kroger *the past year which totalled Home Economics, in high direct tax upon the poor man. the rate to be paid. The average, the. immediately, q~here are five-cent Stores ad. $9484.13. The budget items fol- school auditorium at Caro, May 5, "With the one or two exceptions however, is at a higher figure, be: S. S. Forces to a quart reductions on two well- Apparel for the girl graduate low: at two-thirty o'clock. Those de- the liquor control commission was ing a little over $58.00. Mrs. Laura Medcalf, instructor Meet at Fairgrove known brands. and the boy graduate are headlined Telephone .............................. $ 30.00 siring transportation are asked to made up of people who could well "Fuel that's dependable" in- appropriate Fire department ........... ....... 240.00 notify the secretary. afford to pay any price for beer, in the Columbia Corners school, as topics with attrac- The annual convention of the cludes Daniel Boone, Miller Creek Truck upkeep ............ :.... '. ..... 175.00 but beer is the beverage of the district 2, Columbia township, will tive price~ by the Berman Apparel receive the highest salary of rural Tuscola County Council of Religi- and Phoenix coal, says the Farm Store. Council building .................. 200.00 working man, the man who is Produce Co. Water extension supplies.. 200.00 forced to count his pennies. He can teachers as shown by the records ous Education will be held at the Alvin Deneen will have an auc- "Great Oaks from little acorns Water extension labor ...... 150.00 pay five cents a glass for beer, now available. She will receive Presbyterian church in Fairgrov e tion sale of personal property at grow" describes the growth o~ the Street supplies .................... 300.00 but when he pays more than that, $120.00 a month° She is at present on Thursday, May 4, with morning his farm ~ of a mile west of Street labor .......................... 400.00 then he is paying more that he can the teacher in that school. The and afternoon sessions. Michigan Power Co. from small Gagetown, on Wednesday after- units to a large concern. Light and power .................. 1900.00 afford,-and 4 don't like the new lowest salary for next year is $30 The following is the program: noon, May 3. Fairgrounds ........................ !0.00 bill for that very reason," stated a month. Two schools are on this 9:30. Registration. Incidentals .......................... 130.00 Senator I{ulp. But higher taxes on very low mark. i0:00 to I0:15 devotions. Rev. H. NOVESTA HOME FURNISHING Other salaries are listed as fol- I. Voelker of Evangelical Nightwatch .......................... 500.00 Beer Bill Out of Way, Now everything seems to be in the air, GROUP TO REORGANIZE Election board ....................... 15.00 and higher taxes Michigan people lows: One at $35 a month; ten at church, of Cass City. (Door s NEWI;[IF THE C. U. Brow, n .......................... 910.00 Discuss Ways to Get are going to pay. $40; six at $45; twenty-one at $50; closed.) Insurance .............................. 200.00 six at $55; twelve at $60; twelve 10:15 "Facing the Task in The last regular meeting of the More Cash. at $65; two at $70; one at $72.50; Increase." Miss Ione Carton, Noveata Home Furnishing Group Printing .............. .................. 50.00 Many prominent Democrats as three at $75; two at $80; one at Lansing', State Supt. of Chin II[/IIIBYS[IITII}NI; was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Bond and interest ................ 1522.50 well as Republicans are not at all $85;: one at $90;two at $95; one at dren's Division. Goodall Wednesday, April 19. Clerk ...................................... 50,00 By Elton R. Eaton. satisfied with the trend of affairs $100; one at $110. Ii:00. "What Pictures Can Do The review lesson on "Curtains" Lansing, Mich.~Now that the in Lansing. Democrats do not like Happenings Here and There For Us." Rev.
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