BUDD.L13U /J //-LU.LJ3U L)I'lD:i..,!'lU UD/ZZ/.L/ +yU /\UIIDU f LEGISLATIVE RFWREl#E BUltEAy AMENDMENTS TO SENATE BILL NO. 651 Sponsor: le:k/gill.&+ Printer ' $ No. 737 I Amend Bill., page 2, Zine 8, by seri.ki.ng out ''$6,122,145,00].'' 2 and Inserting 3 $6, 130, 145, 001 4 Amend Bill, page 2, line 15, by std.king out ''$212,250,000'' 5 and i.nserti-ng 6 $212 , 750, 000 7 Amend Bill, page 2, line 21, by striking out ''$].,880,172.000'' 8 and inserting 9 $2, 103, 590, 000 [O Amend Bi.].], page 2, ]ine 27, by strike.ng out ''$5,922.685,000'' 11 and inserting 12 $6, 167, 635, 000 13 AmendBill, page3, 1i-ne9. by striking out ''$64,802,000"and 14 inserting 15 $67, 302, 000 ].6 Amend Bi]]., page 3. line 15, by striking out ''$19.035,000'' 17 and i.nserting 18 $22, 335, 000 19 AmendBil]., page3, line 28. by striking out "$5,558,000"and 20 i.nserting 21 $13, 368 , 000 22 AmendBill., page 36, by inserting between].i.nes ll and 12 23 (Y) Utility serve.ce separation and 24 utility service connection work, 25 i.ncluding electrical, steam, water. 2017/90DMS/SB0651AO1 358 - 1 - l sewer, fiber optic and natural gas + 2 enabling the sale or developmentof 3 Commonwea].th-opined properties 4 Proj ect A].location 3. 000, 000 5 (Z) Work necessary to effectuate the 6 closure and sale of the DGS Annex 7 Project Allocation 5, 000, 000 8 AmendBi.]]., page85, by inserts,ngbetween ].i.nes 28 and 29 9 (B) Ho].ogle P'lamrnography Macho.ne 10 Proj ect A].locate.on 500 , Q00 AmendBill, page 89, by inserting betvieenlines 12 and 13 12 (D) infrastructure and mass transit 13 connection improvements,construction. 14 acquisition. abatement or hazardous mated.a].sand other costs related to 16 an economic devil-opment project in the 17 Chateau and Manchester neighborhoods 18 of Pi.ttsburgh !9 Proj ect: AI location 20, 000, 000 20 AmendBi.]], page 90, by ]nserti.ng betvieen].i.nes 22 and 23 21 (C) Acqulsi.Lion, construction. 22 infrastructure and other related costs 23 for a multimoda!transit center and 24 parka.ng garage in downtovn Oxford 25 Pro:l ect: Allocation 5, 000, 000 26 AmendBill, page 91, by inserts.ng bet\./eenlines 23 and 24 27 ( ].4 . 1 } Philadelphia County 28 (A) Acquisition, construction, 29 infrastructure and equipment re].aced 30 to the multiphase, mixed-used,urban 31 transit-oriented iqorth Station 32 Di.strict project i.n l~lorth Philadelphi.a 33 Proj ect A].location 50, 000, 000 34 AmendBi].I, page 91, line 29, by striking ouEall of sai.d 35 I i.ne and inserting 36 Proj ect A]].ocation 200, 000, 000 37 Amend Bil]., page 100, ]ines 27 through 30; page 101, 1i.nes ]. 38 through 5, by std,king out all of said lines on said pages 39 AmendBi].], page 101, line ],2. by striking out a].I of said 4 0 ].ine and inserts.ng 2017 /90 D>lS/SB0 651AO135 8 \ .&. Ji-p/ .fui.. \+=..L\JJ.. i'.i.L t- t..,a. .L £' J..Q, i..q= AmendBi.]], page ].07, line 1, by strike.ng out all or said ].ine and i.nserting ( i. ]i. ) Scranton Trans].oad AmendBi.]], page ].13, line 8, by strike.ng out a]]. of said line and i-nserting Project Allocation 2 , 500, 000 AmendBi.]], page127, by inserting betvieen].hes ].6 and 17 9 I i. 1 1 Baldwin Borough 10 (A) Infrastructure improvements and 11 constructs.on for Academy/DBA Commune.ty 12 Special.ist Corp . Facie. i.ty 13 Proj ect A]. ].oration 4 , 000, OQO 14 AmendBill, page 137, by inserting between]ines ]O and ]]. IS Construction, i.nfrastructure 16 improvements and other re].cited costs 17 for the Pi.ttsburgh Ball-et Theatre 18 Campusexpansion proj ect 19 Project Allocation 6, 000, 000 20 (zz) Acquisition, infrastructure 21 improvementsand other re].cited costs 22 for a mori.le mammographyuni.t for 23 Uni.varsity of Pittsburgh [']ed]ca] 24 Center 25 Proj ect A]. locate.on 500, 000 26 AmendBi[!, page 139. by inserting beta/een].hes 3 and 4 27 (x . 2 } f4onroevi].le Borough 28 IA) Construction, infrastructure 29 improvements and other related costs 30 for the Pittsburgh Supercomputi.ng 31 Center 32 Proj ect A]].scat: ion I , ooo , ooo 33 AmendBi]]., page 140, by inserting betweenlines 23 and 24 34 (H) Infrastructure and masstransit 35 connection i-mprovements,construction, 36 acquisition, abatement of hazardous 37 materials and other re].acedcosts for 38 an economic deve].opment project i.n the 39 Chateau and Manchester nei.ghborhoods 40 of Pittsburgh 41 Proj ect AJ-].scat ion 20, 000, 000 42 Infrastructure and streetscape 2 0 17 / 90 DMS/SB0 651A01358 3 .L .Lx;Ji'u-/VQ \.i.saito r ai./al..t;lite;lll. ails. \.ii...I.lc:.L 2 re].ated costs for a health care- 3 re[ated economicdeve].opment project 4 i.n the City of Carbondale 5 E'roj ect Allocation I, ooo,ooo 6 AmendBill, page204, by i.nserti.ngbetween ].hes 3 and 4 7 ln} Construction, infrastructure B i.mprovements, acquisiti.on, abatement 9 and other related costs for a hote]. proj ect in [4oosic 11 Proj ect A].location 5, 000, 000 12 AmendBill, page 204, by inserting beta/eenlines 14 and 15 13 IC) Construction, i.nfrastructure 14 improvements, acqui.sltion. IS renovations, abatementand other 16 re].cited costs for an economy.c 17 developmentproject on Davis Street 18 Proj ect A]].oration 5, 000, 000 19 Amend Bill, page 216. 1i.ne 21, by seri.king out all of sai.d 20 I i.ne and i.nserting 21 Proj ect: A] ].oration 750 , 000 22 AmendBi.].I, page219, line 4, by seri.king out a]]. of said 23 ].ine and inserts.ng 24 Proj ect A].location 2 , 500, 000 25 AmendBi.ll, page 223, by inserting beta/eenlines 2 and 3 26 Proj ect A]].oration 9, 000, 000 27 AmendBill., page 223, by i.nserti.ngbetween ].hes 4 and 5 28 Project Allocation 500, 000 29 AmendBill, page224, 1i.ne6, by i.nserti.ng after "project" 30 of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Industrial E'und 31 AmendBi-].], page 224. Zine ]]., by inserts.ng after ''project" 32 of the Greater Wi].kes-Barre ]ndustria]. E'und 33 AmendBill, page 228, by inserting between].i.nes ].3 and 14 34 IBn) Construction, acquisition. 35 infrastructure. renovation, 36 redevelopment and other related costs 37 fot Wilkes Uni.versity projects 38 Proj ect A]].ocati.on lO, ooo, ooo 2 017 / 90DMS/SB0 65 IAO 13 5 8 5 l AmendBi.ll, page229, line 17. by inserting after "Project '' 2 of the Greater t-7i].kes-Barre Industrial E'und 3 AmendBi].]., page231, ].ine 24, by inserting after ''project '' 4 oi the Greater blilkes-Barre iridustria} Fund 5 AmendBi].I, page233. line 8. by inserting after ''project '' 6 of the Greater VJi].kes-Barre industrial. Fund 7 AmendBi.ll, page234. line 4. by inserting after "project" 8 of the Greater Wilkes-Barre ]ndustria]. Fund 9 AmendBi[[, page 252, by inserting between].hes 23 and 24 10 (E]) Costs associated leith the 11 corlstruction of a colTmercia]. or 12 industrial deve].opmentalong 13 Freemansburg Avenue 14 Proj ect Allocation 5, 000, 000 15 Amend Bill, page 256, line 24. by striking out ''Venter" and 16 i. n s e rt i n g 17 Conte.r 18 AmendBill, page 256, lines 27 through 30; page257, 1i.ne I, 19 by striking out a]]. of said ].hes on sai.d pagesana inserting 20 (AA) Construction, infrastructure. 21 acquisition, abatement. renovations 22 and other related costs for 23 developmentof a public market in the 24 City of Bethlehem 25 Project A].location 5, 000, 000 26 AmendBill, page 261, by inserting betvieenlines 27 and 28 27 (vi.ii . 1 } West Easton Borough 28 (A) Acquisition, i.nfrastructure 29 improvements, abatementsand other 30 costs for the developmentof a drug 31 treatment center in the Boroughof 32 Wes t Easton 33 Project A].location 3. 000, 0C)0 34 amendBi].]., page 26S, li.ne 23. by striking out all of said 3S line and inserting 36 Project A].].ocation 20, 000, 000 37 P.mendBi.]]., page 268, line 17, by striking out all of sai.d 2 0 27 /90 DMS/SBQ 65 IA0 1 3 5 8 6 l line and i.nserting 2 Project Allocation 7, 000, 000 3 AmendBill, page279, by inserting between].hes 29 and 30 4 (AAA.R) Constructs.on, infrastructure 5 improvementsand other related costs 6 for the Pennsylvania Ba].]et Phase ]ll 7 expansion proj ect 8 Proj ect A] ].ocation 14 , 000, 000 9 (BBBB) Acquisi.ti.on. construction, LO i.nfrastructure and equipment to 11 redevelop 10 schoolyards in North 12 Philade ].phi a 13 Pro:j ect Allocation 2 , 500, 000 14 (CCCC) Construction, renovation. 15 infrastructure i.mprovement and 16 equipmentrelated to the expansionand 17 modernization of the Zi.tReE's Candy 18 E'actors in North Phi.].adelphia 19 Project Allocation 5, 000, 000 20 (DDDD) Acquisiti.on, construction, 21 infrastructure and equipmentrelated 22 to the mu].tiphase, mixed-used,urban 23 transit-ori.ented bJorthStation 24 District project i.n North Phi].adelphia 25 Project Allocation 50 , 000, 000 26 (IEEE) Acquisi.tian, construction, 27 abatementand other related costs for 28 the revita]izati.on of Wood].and Avenue 29 Proj ect Allocate.on 4 , 700, 000 30 (E'FTF) Constructs.on, infrastructure 31 i-mprovements, equipment and other 32 related costs for the expanse.onof 33 Cristo Rey Hi.gh School 34 Proj ect Allocate.on 4, 000, 000 35 (GGGG) Acqui.si.tian, construction, 36 infrastructure improvementsand other 37 related costs for the renovation, 38 rehabi.].ration or preservation of 39 history.cal sites i.n lqorth Central 40 Pennsylvania 41 Project Allocation 500.
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