![OFF]CE of the CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, TELANGANA South'h' Block, Secretariat, Hyderabad](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
"General Election, 2019"/ "Bv e-mail/Post" "IMMEDIATE" OFF]CE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, TELANGANA South'H' Block, Secretariat, Hyderabad. Memo. No.2380/Elecs. D/201 9-2. Dated:23-03-2019 Sub:- General Elections to House of the People, (Lok Sabha), 2019 - Election Symbols (Reservation & Allotment) Order, 1968 - ECI Notification specifying the names of recognized National and State Parties, Registered-unrecognised parties and list of free symbols - Reg. Ref:- 1. ECI Notification No. 56i2019/PPS-|ll, Dt. 15.3.2019. 2. This office Memo. No.2380/Elecs.D/2019, Dt.19.3.2019 The attention of all the Collectors & District Election Officers and Commissioner, 't"tcited, GHMC & D.E.O., Hyderabad are invited to the references cited. ln the reference the ECI has notified the Election Symbols of Recognised National and State Parties, registered-u nrecog nised parties andihe list of free syhbots. ln the references 2nd cited, the same has been communicated to all the Dist. Election Officers & Returning Officers 2. As per the Election Commission of lndia Notification dt.15.3.20'19 in the reference cited, following are the recognized National and State Parties in Telangana State and the symbols reserved for them. RECOGNISED NATIONAL PARTIES SYMBOL RESERVED I All lndia Trinamool Congress Flowers & Grass 2 Bahuian Samaj Party Elephant J. Bharativa Janata Party Lotus 4. Communist Party of lndia Ears of Corn and Sickle 5 Communist Party of lndia (Marxist) Hammer. Sickle and Star 6 lndian National Congress Hand 7 Nationalist Congress Party Clock RECOGNISED STATE PARTIES: 1 All lndia Majlis-E-lttehadul Muslimeen Kite 2 Telangana Rashtra Samithi Car J Telugu Desam Bicycle 4 Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party Ceiling Fan P.T.O. -.2.- The Telugu Translation of the List of Free Symbols are enclosed herewith. The District Election Officers are also informed that the ECI has allotted common symbols under para 10B of Election Symbols (Reservation & Allotment) Order, 1968 to certain Registered and unrecognised political parties for General Elections to House of the People, (Lok Sabha), 2019 Elections and same have been communicated to all Dist. Election Officers & R.Os from time to time and also available on CEO's website i.e., www.ceotelanqana. nic. in All the District Election Officers are, therefore, requested to communicate the above Notification of ECI to all the Returning Officers /Asst. Returning Officers and other election authorities concerned immediately. The Returning Officers are specifically instructed to follow the above Notification dt. 1 5.3.2019 issued by the ECI for the purpose of allotment of symbols etc.,. The above Notification is also available on the websites of the ECI's / CEO's i.e., www.eci.nic.in / www.ceotelanoana.nic.in (.) DR. RAJAT KUMAR, CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & E.O. PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To All the Collectors & District Election Officers (w.es.) The Commissioner, GHMC & D.E.O., Hyderabad. (w.es.) Copy to: All the Returning Officers of Parliamentary Constituencies (w.es.) through the DEOs concerned. The Dist. Collector, Hyderabad & R.O. for 9-Hyderabad P.C. (w.es.) The Joint Collector, Hyderabad & R.O. for 8-Secunderabad P.C. (w.es.) The S,L.A. to place in CEO's website (w.es.) // FORWARDED: BY ORDER // SE N OFFICER €rD- 1 r$9oo &roa6 tP5ar, e$ oaEar &Qo aao 6)oau oo3 dcrouotl :cdl6 ol,.or eatdl&6crl: 1 oqio qn66 6oodn6 eo@5 ${5er' tt$ 6il.1) 2 airuas 66p€Ja6c, 3 ar.6tdr ?96s. i.g 56rero 4 qD6656ur5ofD&5 5o3,965o 5 rya66 56ua5otu ie5 16rqi31 tug,8a66o,6$gto 6 qFo6 ar.6c$ so@S ip6o 7 eaSaraaseo65iaS 66cfF6o o0&geD: 1 o6 aoSop oa5-o-aQrra$ 6:rP$5 rp0il0lo 2 AoorFfa@66a)4 5.6) 3. ae)).1)d,6o ?oBeu 4 cdD6?e6 gr$5 eefr sao@S Jr5 $oo6frs5 6s6ott€{r.ora!t@ 1 ,roD6 so&466 a. 6o6 aDtc 2. 66ra I es5 3 ob6 10. an55o$5 oe, srocs$ acomcf," 4 "o rero(I [3dE 11 e$gs lelase$to$l $r$56 Jond'e,rJ o'i'FJ srod$ toL: ]'oJ 12. {p&er a$5 5 d6as6 13. der: 6 aD6a, 14 2rOri 7 rt6de.r) 15. p36reo6o$ 2 16. pmSgel6o 45 gaaro .S5Al a) 17. ecR>aeD 46. 60l1)e)g, $ocuDeEl 18. ap5So66 47 5o{ps55 19. $oele'5 SF66 Adr-i)e$ f)66 4fJ. 5o(ps0r66FE 20. $4. 49 A)oiro 21. &6 g5 22 &a 50. (u66D 23 8E 0$65 51. 1grgdy 52. SOn & &$6) 24. aeDgeD 53. s6o6 $cdl6 25. €Sda, 5e6D 26 eI 54 55 6a66o0 27. ar305 28 d5 56. 6fionoao 29. eo$sdbE 57 a6o 54. dEad 30. Sot@ 59. dErrso6S 31 ssF 6(). 32. dort)€at! a)$ (s.5arossr1 66ar&S 6od6o 33 ee$(eAn6) 61. r3D ootteD 34 sa"O5:65O 62. 63 a6)s64od6,D 35. Sec0{b 64 966) 36. btu6aBd:o dsaEtd.o5d6) 37 6:el6r 65. 3a a66o (a&)d)@oD) 66. bo6So 67 g5ar6 39. .ria8 65oE g5zn6<rem6o 40. ie56$or 6a 69 41. l566od ird &oaS 70. 6aA) 42. ial, 6td.ro 71. 6ua$61Souo6ir5; 43. 9q' 72. rr@dJ) 44 s5b) 3 73. ro"B&5 r oo. 6?Bo 74. rr5$ boo66 101 6d$ anslo 75. rFsSe t02. 8e)6 76 8e&sg r03. or"d 77 ooo lo4. oo'5 znsro 78 rpar ra(u r 05. rb@€36){b6a$oa 79. gaaFO65 r06 oBa6 ao. gs.rg t07 a)S) 81. 6€a)66sd) roa D8o a2 6541C0 aro6 t()9. 40))650)6 a3. xtrQ,aarc 110. BEE 84 dS<eroglqSE 5roc6:: aerorr."r" lo$xf 111. 6F6)6oAda :cxs' e,P) o.*)or 5ro.5.l, to1,6 r'o5 1i"oo'o#) 112 5@a)) 45. b6i65 113. &go0u 46. &aosa66 Soatrer> 47. &6{5 114. 11 5. do{rof,ptbdrEol aa. ooE rrd 116. ;rr.E., a9 rD56ES 117 b5 a5 90. -rreEo5!o r18 660 36pex$6p86 E)Er. &€ 91. a{56.5 eE lodD6 &.e)E) t 19. 316>- &060 92 ag 5g.r"tdttdE si:cs$ acroaE ' fu$!,.5fis'er5) o'F)oJ Srod! to!6 sd 120 AOoeD ?Fg)o (J'o@od) 121. &006+an66 93. 666sd$ 122. 3ro6J5oo 94. dd6 123. 5os5D,6e5o 95 e6or:la 124. ar$er:6o{1 96. 3aS bo5 125 na5 oe!5 97. So6sacr$ 126 oo6D 94. dBaoo t27. tce6{)o60 99 tns5eFB 128. &(>oo6S86 4 t29. eir560Q$ 5F66 680 t57 i)i) oo r 30. irBo ieo6o r 58. *6naao t31 50o6 r59 irre)) t32 Q{5 $s36 t 60. 6o5^ r33 aooo6o&5 161 Gact!e) 134 deE t62 ers'5Se t 35. ogade$ r63 b6oa t 36. 6o660 164 6a oarr6 137. 6a66tef t65 drar" arg tdar$l r3a 65?S5 r 66. dago t 39. 6r.5) SFoE t67 Boi65 140 6pir&dJ6 t6a. 6aa?ss 141. 6a:6 JaoS r69 eloa$ @85 6)oc6l aroS a!) a-, 142. {rAboaa, 47o. 11)@60 (806) 143. 6of)6D 171. apdo5 a(>oao 144. (ugorang6 172 da6o (6oE) 145. sd6 173 rzaB0u r 46. $dDa){15 174. 6e)s.6) 147. &6 t7 5. eSeE 148 arr.0D 176. aJFE StD (rg6 149 177. vaJeras6 666 adD 150 3rse6 l7a. d 151 $gboo6 oa6r 179 94$eo 152. iroS r80 Qs3terold$dE Sroc$) Aeron €." tuS$ 5ho' e,iJ o-Bro, socu! toe i"oD eoo'od) t53 6an BrB at ar 181 OoaS 154. $asgraEol 182 elFsdgS 155. eaia r83 65A$6 r56 J.o66 t84 e* 5 145. EFssFss)966 192. aer6 er5oE 186. 6oAFoE 193. aJra 1f,7. so 'Je 194. 56ap$ 1Aa. a6ip6 195. 6ae.r 1a9. 56o 196. e6g 't90. o615 197. rJel 191. OaSed) 194. 6oa6)ocdD&FA GE TO HOUSE OF PEOPLE 2019 MOST URGENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, TELANGANA South'H' Block, Secretariat, Hyderabad ffi Dated:19.03'2019. sub:- Elections - Election commission of lndia - Updated Notification regarding Political Parties and Symbols - Re-Publication in the Telangana State Gazette, Part-V Extraordinary issue - Regarding' Ref:- From the Election commission of lndia, Notification No.56/2019/PPS-|ll dt.15.03.2019. --:o0o:-- A copy of the Election commission of lndia updated Notification No.56/2019 /pps-lll, OaieA: tS.OS.Z019 regarding Political Parties and Symbols is sent herewith to the commissioner of Printing, stationery and stores Purchase (Printing wing), ielangana State, Hyderabad. lt is requested to re-publish the notification in TELA[IGANA STATL GAZETTE, Part-V Extraordinary immediately and furnish 500 copies of the same after its publication at the earliest' DT. RAJAT KUMAR, CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & E.O. PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Commissioner, Printing Stationery & Stores Purchase (Printing Wing) Department, Telangana, Hyderabad (w.e.)' Copy to: (w e All ihe DistriA Collectors & District Election Officers (except Collector, Hyderabad) ) ine Commissioner, GHMC & District Election Officer' Hyderabad (w e ) All the Returning Officers through the District Election Officers (w e ) The District Collector, Hyderabad & RO Hyderabad (w e ) The Joint Collector, Hyderabad & RO Secunderabad (w e ) Sri SLA Sudhakar (foiplacing a copy of Notification on CEO Website) //FORWARDED: :BY ORDER// s R .@ TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY, PART II, SECTION 3, SUB-SECTION (iii) IMMEDIATELY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001 No.56/2019/PPS-III Dated : 15th March, 2019. 24 Phalguna, 1940 (Saka). NOTIFICATION WHEREAS, the Election Commission of India has decided to update its Notification No. 56/2018/PPS-III, dated 13th April, 2018, as amended from time to time, specifying the names of recognised National and State Parties, registered-unrecognised parties and the list of free symbols, issued in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, and in supersession of its aforesaid notification No.
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