Kunuku Shimaruku, P.O. Box 407, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, Phone 790-6518, 786-6125, email: [email protected] Since 1994 Photo: Wilna Groenenboom Awards. The award winners were Table of Contents selected by a survey of the maga- EDITORIAL: C. Salisbury photo zine’s readers. Continental flies twice weekly to Bonaire. Save the Reef This Week’s Stories Now Editorial: Save the Reef Now 2 X Internet police are coming to Off to School in Holland 3 the Antilles. Telecom-Minister onaire’s re- Maurice Adriaens (FOL) has or- Tour Guide Class 4 B sorts have SOS Campaign to Save Reefs 6 dered the Bureau Telecommuni- been given an op- cation and Post (BTP) to establish BNMP deLeon Reef Alert portunity to return Letter 7 an institution to supervise and Bonaire Animal Shelter control the internet in the Antilles. some of the benefits they get from hav- 25 years ago 9 The establishment of an internet Caribbean Little League police for the Antilles is the result ing the Caribbean’s best coral reefs on their doorstep and benefit their own inter- Championships 10 of two international conferences Parrot Watch: Fledging Report 11 ests as well. On August 1, Ramon de Leon, the respected Man- he analysis of the results of on internet communication tech- Jong Bonaire Cuts Fees 12 T the University of Texas’ nology that took place in Curaçao ager of the Bonaire National Marine Park, sent a message ex- Letters: AA Cutba ck 13 seismological inquiry into possi- last week. According to Adri- pressing his concern for the viability of Bonaire's reefs to Bon- Keep Bonaire Green 13 ble presence of oil and natural aens, apart from the innumerable aire’s resorts and tourism associations (see page 7). It is based on Bonaire’s Latinos Celebrate 15 gas in the Antillean waters are developments that internet has to undisputable scientific and anecdotal evidence that there are too STCB 15th Turtle Tagged 18 positive, indicated Prime Minister offer, there are also several nega- many nutrients ("plant food") in the coastal waters of Bonaire for Pro Kids World Class Emily de Jongh-Elhage during her tive developments, among others coral to continue to thrive. The nutrients, for the most part, come Windsurfing 18 weekly press conference last spam (unsolicited advertisement from human waste (feces) discharging from hotels, apartments week. This reopens the possibil- sent by email) and spyware and homes near the shoreline. De Leon states that none provide Weekly Features ity of offshore drilling in Antil- (computer programs that gather adequate treatment of their wastewater to remove the nutrients. lean territorial waters. information about a user). Flotsam & Jetsam 2 As a result Bonaire’s coral reef is diminishing and de Leon fears Profiles– Ruud & Ruth Snelder 5 The premier didn’t want to go that avalanche effect will hasten its demise. Bubbles/Did You Know (mating into details on the results of the X State Secretary of Kingdom Ironically, the commercial success of Bonaire’s tourism is re- fish) 6 analysis. She said that before she Relations Ank Bijleveld- sponsible for turning a sustainable method of waste disposal into Bonairean Voices (Government 4) 8 brings the results into the open, Schouten has offered a package a threatening one. The Reporter suggests resorts “pay back” Sudoku 8 she wants to discuss the informa- of draft laws regulating the nature and the Marine Park for the recreational opportuni- Sudoku answer 9 tion with Parliament. transition of the BES islands Pet of the Week (Poppy) 10 (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) ties they have been getting for free by helping to heal the reef. Island View (Homosexual X This December Delta Airlines into The Netherlands for review It is to their own self-interest to preserve the asset that provides Marriage) 12 will begin flying to Bonaire by the Dutch Council of Minis- the motivation for many of their guests to visit the island. Ulti- Picture Yourself (Missouri from NY every Saturday: DL ters. mately it will improve their “bottom line”-profitability. Wedding) 12 Reporter Masthead 13 553 departs New York-JFK at The State Secretary also wants The shorefront resorts and property owners can begin im- mediately by eliminating their discharge of wastewater into Tide Table 13 10:35 am arriving in Bonaire at to present the laws to the gen- Dining, Shopping Guides 14 4:25 pm. Returning DL 554 eral public. She has invited sug- the ground and the sea and taking additional steps: use only Classifieds 16 leaves Bonaire at 5:15 pm, arriv- gestions for improvements to the phosphate free detergents, eliminate water-loving landscaping What’s Happening 17 ing in New York-JFK at 9:05 pm. rules. The basic package of legis- and practice even better water conservation. At first they must Sky Park (Perseid Meteors) 19 Delta concurrently announced an lation comprises the “Law on store and then truck away the wastewater, then perhaps install Stars Have it (Astrology) 19 introductory Internet fare of $239. Public Entities BES islands compact wastewater treatment plants. Off-the-shelf units are This will be Delta’s second (WolBES)," the “Introductory How to contact us available. The earliest date for the operation of Bonaire’s shore- Letters to the Editor: weekly Bonaire flight. Law” and the “Law on Financial front municipal sewage system is 2011. That is too late. [email protected] Relations BES islands,” as well as Government can help by requesting the EU funding agencies Story tip or idea: X Delta Air Lines reported a an amendment of the Electoral to complete sewage system’s inland tertiary wastewater treatment [email protected] $137 million profit, excluding Law. Print and Online plant as soon as possible to treat the trucked-in waste. Govern- Advertising: special charges for the second Once the recommendations have ment can provide tax incentives for the resorts to install storage [email protected] quarter of 2008, despite unprece- been submitted, the package of Archives: tanks and treatment plants. The TCB believes “it is important to dented fuel prices that increased legislation will be forwarded to Bonairenews.com, then click encourage the private sector to start working on improve- on “Go to Archives” costs by more than $1 billion. the Dutch Legislature (Second The Publisher: ments soon/now, in line with what will be required as part of [email protected] Including special charges of $1.2 Chamber). Once approved, the billion, Delta’s reported net loss draft laws will be made public the new legislation/system…instead of waiting for the new system to be installed.” G.D. The Bonaire Reporter, for the June 2008 quarter was $1 and will be published along with P. O. Box 407, Bonaire, billion. the suggestions. However, the Neth. Antilles. Ministry of Internal Affairs and X The Antilles Court of First The Court in Willemstad added Phone 790-8988 Phone 790-6518 X Continental Airlines Inc. has Kingdom Relations said it would Instance ruled on August 1 that that all marriages entered into in Available on-line at: been named the best domestic not be able to respond to individ- gay and lesbian couples have the Kingdom of the Netherlands www.bonairereporter.com airline, best airline for customer ual reactions. Suggestions can be the same rights and obligations had identical legal weight and Published every two weeks service and best airline for flights submitted on www.minbzk.nl/ in the Netherlands Antilles and must be treated equally. The case Next edition printing on August 20, to Mexico Executive Travel internetconsultatie until Octo- Aruba as they have in the Neth- was presented to court by a 2008. Magazine’s 2008 Leading Edge ber . erlands. (Continued on page 4) Unique Gifts for you and yours… Books and magazines for a breezy afternoon MAKE YOUR BODY read… chocolates and candies for the sweetest YOUR BUSINESS Fit & Healthy is a program completely under the guidance of a professional. Ex- of teeth… toys for tots of all ages... ercising in a responsible way is guaranteed. The 75-minute program is adequate for all and especially all ages (even 60+). Lose weight, maintain a healthy weight or work on an optimum physical condition. If you are experiencing health problems, like back- and knee pain, Fit & Health is right for you. Special attention to a correct VALERIE’S AIRPORT SHOPS posture. What makes Fit & Healthy different from aerobic sessions is that there isn’t any dance choreography, but you get the same weight loss result as from aerobics. Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 8:00am till 9:15 Cost only NAƒ 75/ month Airport Shopping,.... "Localized" N OPE **** BRING THIS AD FOR A FREE TRIAL CLASS **** TE! Phone 717-5324/ LA Fax 717-5610 Top Health Fitness Center at the Kaya Nikiboko Nord (towards More- 4- Less) in the “La Hacienda” building— 796-3109 or 786-8908 Page 2 Bonaire Reporter August 8-22, 2008 mixture of joy and sad- A ness took over the de- parture lounge at Flamingo air- port last week as scores of par- ents, friends and relatives said their goodbyes to 20 students leaving Bonaire to pursue ad- vanced education or university studies across the Netherlands. The crowd expressed their emo- tions with hugs, kisses tears and joking. It was inspirational. Wilna Groenenboom/G.D. Departing students and chaperones Photos: Wilna Groenenboom Aleixandra Mendoza-Rojas (above at right) was the sole student heading for a univer- sity. She completed two addi- tional years of high school (VWO) in Curaçao to qualify. She is joined at the airport by (from left to right) her cousin, mother and brother. Bonaire Reporter August 8-22, 2008 Page 3 Flotsam and Jetsam..
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