UNESC® u OURIER 200 YEARS AFTER IT WAS FIRST ABOUSHED 2 SLAVERY a crime withoutpunishment X E z s i U) I INTERVIEW WITH YEHUDAH AMICHAI HERITAGE s THE DANUBE DELTA I O -1 ENVIRONMENT SAVING THE ARAL . * * * * I Ü u We invite readers to send us photographs to be considered for publication in this feature. Your photo should show a painting, a sculpture, piece of architecture or any other subject which seems to be an example of cross-fertilization between cultures. Alternatively, you could send us pictures of two works from different cultural backgrounds in which you see some striking connection or resemblance. Please add a short caption to all photographs. .- w ¿á&* ^p '*' ww.iV.4i »v9( Untitled 1 991 , acrylic on canvas (108x44 cm) by Marie-France Michelin With its blend of realistic and visionary elements, this painting of the Pyrenees in southwestern France draws on the long familiarity of the artist a schoolteacher from Brittany with Oriental art and with Chinese calligraphy in particular. It is, as she says, "a painting where East and West come together". 200 YEARS AFTER IT WAS FIRST ABOLISHED ^^ Contents I OCTOBER 1994 SLAVERY fi a crime without punishment 8 Under the whiplash by Oruno D. Lara Cover: 11 Who was responsible? A slave in the Congo (19th-20th centuries). by Elikia M'Bokolo A slave's story 5 Interview with Yehudah Amichai A continent of fear by M 'Baye Gueye 34 HERITAGE 19 The Black Code The Danube delta by Innocent Futcha 'A place the gods forgot' by Matei Cazacu The long road to abolition 39 GREENWATCH by Nelly Schmidt Saving the Aral: the drama of Central Asia's great lake by France Bequette 1794: The French Convention abolishes slavery by Lluis Sala-Molins 32 UNESCO IN ACTION Forced labour 38 ANNIVERSARY Hermann von Helmholtz by George Thullen Physiologist and physicist by Reinald Schröder The slave route A3 GLOBAL VIEW Interview with Doudou Diène The plight of the world's street children 45 BOOK REVIEW Fact file: to find out more... Federico Mayor: keeping ahead of the future by Edouard J. Maunick 46 ARCHIVES Consultant: Jasmina Sopova The future of culture by Gregorio Marañón 48 LISTENING Strings down the centuries by Isabelle Leymarie 49 REFLECTIONS Elvis the African 33 3/ New Year's Eve in Jukwaa by George Darley-Doran Commentary by Federico Mayor "The Governments of the States parties to this Constitution on behalf of their peoples declare, TH& UNESCO "that since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed . "that a peace based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements of governments would not be a peace which could secure the (COURIER unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the peoples of the world, and that the peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to fail, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind. 4 7th year "For these reasons, the States parties ... are agreed and determined to develop and to increase the means of communication between their peoples Published monthly in 30 and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other's lives. ." languages and in Braille EXTRACT FROM THE PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION Of UNESCO, LONDON, 16 NOVEMBER I94S HL UNESCO t<OURIER 47th YEAR Published monthly in 30 languages and in Braille by Unesco, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 31. rue François Bonvin, 75015 Paris. France. Director: Bahgat Elnadi lonth by month Editor-in-chief: Adel Rifaat Two hundred years ago revolutionary France abolished slavery, but then EDITORIAL STAFF (Paris) Managing Editor: Gillian Whttcomb a few years later, as if frightened by its own audacity, re-established English edition: Roy Malkin French edition: Alain Lévêque, Neda El Khazen Spanish edition: Miguel Labarca, Araceli Ortiz de Urbina it. This brief spark of humanity would have to be re-ignited many Features: Jasmina Sopova Art Unit/Production: Georges Servat Illustrations: Ariane Bailey (Tel. times in Europe and the Americas during the nineteenth century, Documentation: José Banaag ( Liaison with non-Headquarters editions and press: Solange Belin (Tel. and revolts, bloody repression and civil wars (including the War of Secretariat: Annie Brächet (Tel., Administrative Assistant: Theresa Pinck Secession in the United States) would have to be endured before Selection in Braille in English, French, Spanish and Korean: Mouna Chatta ( slavery was at last proscribed on a worldwide basis. But this first vic¬ NON-HEADQUARTERS EDITIONS Russian: Irina Utkina (Moscow) German: Dominique Anderes (Berne) tory for freedom was far from complete. There arose other forms of con¬ Arabic: E;-Said Mahmoud El-Sheniti (Cairo) Italian: Mario Guidotti (Rome) Hindi: Ganga Prasad Vimal (Delhi) tempt for human beings and other forms of exploitation of forced labour: Tamil: M. Mohammed Mustafa (Madras) Persian: Akbar Zargar (Teheran) Dutch: Claude Montrieux (Antwerp) the colonization of most non-European societies, fascist and Nazi Portuguese: Benedicto Silva (Rio de Janeiro) Urdu: Wali Mohammad Zaki (Islamabad) repression, and Eastern Europe's descent into totalitarianism. Catalan: Joan Carreras i Marti (Barcelona) Malay: Sidin Ahmad Ishak (Kuala Lumpur) Korean: Yi Tong-ok (Seoul) It took another centurymarked by revolutions, military expeditions Swahili: Leonard j. Shuma (Dar-es-Salaam) Slovene: Aleksandra Kornhauser (Ljubljana) Chinese: Shen Guofen (Beijing) and two world warsbefore the colonial system finally ended, insti¬ Bulgarian: Dragomir Petrov (Sofia) Greek: Sophie Costopoulos (Athens) Sinhala Neville Piyariigama (Colombo) tutionalized racism was defeated and the socialist gulag was dissolved. Finnish: Marjatta Oksanen (Helsinki) Basque: Juxto Egaña (Donostia) Thai: Duangtip Surintatip (Bangkok) Does this mean that today at long last respect for human dignity pre¬ Vietnamese: Do Phuong (Hanoi) Pashto: Nazer Mohammad Angar (Kabul) Hausa: Habib Alhassan (Sokoto) vails everywhere? Unfortunately, new inequalities are arising as a result Ukrainian: Volodymyr Vasiliuk (Kiev) Galician: Xabier Senín Fernández (Santiago de Compostela) of physical constraints and threats, because of terror imposed by indi¬ SALES AND PROMOTION Subscriptions: Marie-Thérèse Hardy (Tel., viduals or groups, and the exploitation by some of the weakness of jocelyne Despouy, Jacqueline Louise-Julie, Manichan Ngonekeo, Michel Ravassard, Mohamed Salah El Din Customer service: Ginette Motreff (Tel. others. These inequalities exist where States are unable to prevent Accounts: (Tel. Shipping: (Tel. 45 68.47.50) them and where medieval customs survive; where the law can be SUBSCRIPTIONS. Tel : I year: 21 1 French francs. 2 years: 396 FF. Binder for one year's issues: 72 FF ignored with impunity, and isolation and secrecy permit terrible Developing countries: I year: 132 French francs. 2 years: 21 1. FF. abuses. Payment can be made with any convertible currency to the order of Unesco What is this dark side of man that has always led him to despise, sub¬ Individual anieles and photographs not copyrighted may be reprinted pro¬ viding the credit line reads "Reprinted from the Unísco Courier", plus date of issue, and three voucher copies arc sent to the editor Signed articles reprinted must bear author's name. Non-copyright photos will be supplied jugate and debase his fellows? Why is it that for thousands of years on request. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless accompa¬ nied by an International reply coupon covering postage. Signed articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the inidividuals and in some cases entire peoples have been bought, opinions of UNESCO or those of the editors of the Un£SCO Courier. Photo cap¬ tions and headlines are written by the Unesco Courier staff. The boundaries on maps published in the magazine do not imply official endorsement or sold and treated like beasts? And how is it that such a crime against acceptance by Unesco or the United Nations. The Unesco Couner is produced in microform (microfilm and/or microfiche) by: (I) UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy. 75700 Paris; (2) University Microfilms (Xerox). Ann Arbor. Michigan 48100 USA: (3) N.C.R. Microcard Edition, Indian Head Inc.. humanity has remained unpunished even since the inception of Human I I I West 40th Street, New York. U.SA.; (4) Bell and Howeli Co.. Old Mans¬ field Road. Wooster. Ohio 4469 1 . U.S.A. Rights? IMPRIMÉ AU LUXEMBOURG (Printed m Luxemburg) DEPOT LÉGAL: CI - OCTOBRE 1994 COMMISSION PARITAIRE N 71844 - DIFFUSÉ PAR LES N.M.P.P. There is probably no simple answer to these terrible questions. We Photocomposition, photogravure: Le Courner de I'Unesco Impression: IMPRIMERIE SAINT-PAUL, 2. rue Christophe-Planen L-2988 Luxembourg know, however, that we must never cease asking them. ISSN Û04I-S278 N: I0-I994-OPI-94-530A This issue comprises 52 pages and a 4-page insert between pages 10-11 and 42-43. BAHGAT ELNADI AND ADEL RIFAAT YEHUDAH AMICHAI talks to Edgar Reichmann Yehudah Amichai, one of Israel's most outstanding writers, is mainly known as a poet, although he has also written novels, short stories and radio plays. His poetry, in which Biblical and contemporary allusions are blended, is written in simple colloquial language. In 1982 he was awarded his country's Israel Prize for Literature for his work as a whole. Among his poetry collections published in English are Selected Poems (1986), Great Tranquillity (1983) and Love Poems (1981). What is theplace ofpoetry in people 's against the cruelty of the Spanish Civil very good food, and then go home and lives and can poetry contribute to their War.
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