THE WASHINGTON TIMES VOL.l. 30. 164. WASHINGTON D. C.s WEDNESDAY SIORINTN'G-- , ATJGrTTST 29, 1894. OE CENT. A more magnificent pageanthas rarely been re- 500 mon, with Brig. Gon. S. B. Provost command- GOV. YfAITE ARRESTED. viewed by a Presldont of tho United States. ing The gonernl'a staff consisted of CoL Holmos, TILLMAN HAD THINGS EASY WICKES HAS MDCH TO SAY Lieut. CoL Parsons, Major Wright, Major Vaughn, Colorado's Executive Charged with Open- IN LINE MANY THOUSANDS IX LINE. Capt. Cunningham, and Capt. Kostata. THOUSANDS NEW JEHSEY'b KNiaUTB. ing Some Ono Else's Letter. Ono of tbo Grcntcst Pageants Ever Seen on Tho Brooklyn Drum and Fife Corps was very Denver, Aug 28. A warrant was issued late Pennsylvania Avenue. much in ovidonco during the parado, and tho Senator Butler's Friends Tooh But this afternoon for the arrest of Gov. Davis H. Pullman's Right Hand Man Testifies Waite, on re- Thousands of holmets glittered, thousands of boys who wero perched at a perilous risk on the Little Interest in the Primaries. tho sorious charge of opening and Before the Strike Commission. sabres flashed, and thousands of blue and whito walls of tho now e building, nearly lost taining a letter addressed to Mrs. Likens, for- Military: legs moved In unison as tho Pythlans of the their balnnce, and incidentally, thoir lives, in merly matron at police headquarters. Tho war- Magnificent Spectacle PresentBd on United States fonnod for thoir annual parado craning thoir nocks to hear It after it was fur rant was Issued by United States Commissioner down tho street. It lod the Now Jersey Brigado, yestorday near tho encampment grounds, under Brig. Goorgo H. niusdalo, who also issued warrants for the st which was commanded! by Gon. WILL BE HEARD PROM LATER of Prosidont Donnls Mullins, of the police 0FF0SED TO ANY ARBITRATION KuenUe. the frowning grandout of tho Washington Monu- Rhodos, with tho following staff: Adjt Gon. Uavis, board; Hamilton Armstrong, chief ot police, and Pennsylvania ment. Tho sun shone brightly, a cool breozo was Quartermaster Gen. Hawkiugs, Commissary Kate Dwyer, matron at polico headquarters. air, (Jon. C. G. Davis, A. S. G.; Col. Hnckett, A I. G.; doliclously tampering tho heated aud tho Major The chargo is opening tho mall ana also for bands woro taking advantage of every move to Hitchcock, nnd Peabody. conspiracy Nos 2892 5110, ThoNew Jersey boys wero inline shape, and under Statutes and nil the air with martial strains. Eeturns Eeceived from Nearly All tho Conn-ti- the penalty for which is a fine of not over 110,000 Vice President Wickes Dees Hot Thiai Tho squnds and battailous inarching to nnd tho Potomac mosquitoes havo evidently had or two years' Imprisonment, or both. The com. trotting platoons ovor llttlo effect upon tho men who aro nccustmnod South plaint Voluntary Division of Profits in Prosper-0B- 3 fro, tho cavalry in tho of in Carolina Indicate that the was made by Mrs. Liken, and was investi- field, aides hurriedly galloping in mnd haste, in to tho mastodons thoir native gated by Post-offl- Inspector McMechan. MYRIHDS WITNESSED THE PROEHNT search of soiuo ono who could not be found, tho Stato. Toto Cast at the Demoeratio Primaries Gov. Waite created quite a sensation in the Times Better Than tho Present Sy- brilliant uniforms and nodding pluinos, with Tho Buckoyes, with Brlg.JGen. Potor Wedner commissioners' rooms. Ho was highly Indig- green grass in command, wore aro in particularly good Was light With tho Tillmanites Successful stemNo Eviction List Prepared. tho beautiful background of nnd ovidontly recep- nant, and when Deputy United States District trees, found a sight tbat was fully appreciated shapo, and romemberod that Attorney Rhodes stepped toward him with ex- by tho thousands of citizens who hud gatherod tion and lunch tho day beforo at tho homo of tended hands the Governor met him with a cold about the base of the Monument. their friend and Hopresontntivo. Tom Johnson. stare. Gov. Waito pleaded guilty," claim- The Canton. Ohio, band, which lod tho brigade, "not The cavalry gathered on B street facing west, Aug. ing he bad not opened the letter, but that its Chicago, Aug. 23. In the Investigation of ths President Cleveland Reviewed the Gallant and were iu saluto as the entire Hue wont by, attracted grorl nttention, looking very natty in Charleston, S. C, 2a Returns received contents had been read to him. falling in and bringing up tho rear. blue coats and vhito duck trousers, and at their by the News nnd Courier from nearly all the The hearing of tho case was set for noxt Pullman strike by the national commission to- ' Tho first section of the .Mount Pleasant Drum hoad stalked two giants who had hugo axes Thursday, was suggested day. Vice President WIckes took the stand, and, Knights Lily. slung ovnr their shoulders, but lookod peaceful counties in the State indicate a light vote at the and whon it that ball of the Corps, tboso bright and handsomo little fellows Democratic primary be fixed at (5,000, the prisoner sprang from his questioned by Chairman Wright, said that tha in nliito, red and yellow uniforms, whom wo and cheorful withal. elections The chair, pacod the floor in front of the commis- "The Chnttunooga Band," quoted some ono election was to delegates Dem- cost to the company of building the cars under have so often admired, started the procession at organiza- held elect to the sioner, and exclaimed: tho corner of B stroet Seventeenth, and from tho drum head, as that excellent "I am contract at the time of the strike was about aud van of Tennessee Brigade, ocratic State couvontiqn to be hold in Septem- the Governor of this State, and these steadily on their way toward the Avenuo. tion passed, in the tho proceedings are hold to intorf ero with me in tho 51,400,000. $240,000. 's ber, which will nominnte Gov Tho labor would cost about Shortly ufter tbo start was made, and as soon ns Brig. Gen. Alex. Allison commanding. The candidates for administration of my office. I shall not give IN was circling park road, a stnff was composed of Chief of staff, G. N. ernor and othor State officers, and to nominate may The contracts were taken on a. basis of reduc- WASHINGTON WAS HOLIDAY HUMOR the line about tho II. C. Jr.; I. G., ball. You send mo to Jail, but I will not party of mountod gentlemen wero soen gallop- Gutherle; adjutant, Goodman, H., Congroas, of give balL" tion of 20 percent, and thus under the old prices (J. G., H. I Dttlin; Payne: A. C. candidates for members the ing furiously across tho lawn. These turned out White Hall; aid, Finally the commissioner accepted Gov. $340,000. G., Faris: brigado chaplain, Mujor H. R. Howard; county officers. the labor would cost about to bo tho citizens' committee, who headed the Waite's porsonal rocojnizance to appear for Mr. on parado. A. D. C , Ma. D. S. Page. At mnuy places, the conservative voters ab- of $100. Wickes admitted tbat this basis the Brig. Gen. S. Mc- trial In the sum Supreme Lodge Held a Brief Session Important Questions to Be Determined Pythian The committee was composod of Messrs. Conn, Tho Minnesota Brigade. F. stained from voting and probably the Tillman company had reduced Its receipts K2,0GO and th Emmons, Holsloy, Donald commanding, small In numbers, but no Brown, Mitchell, Anderson, one-ha- lf employes' wages $00,00. This.Jthe vice president Sisterhood and Pythian Sisters Seeking Attachment as Auxiliaries Typical Scenes at ondAglblg. bettor looking or bettor marching men woro in vote foil off as compared with the vote THEY LACK CONFIRMATION. tho line. of two years ago. Tho "cut and dried" ticket said, looked hardly fair, but he thought it much, Camp of the Evening Two Officers Disagree CHEERS rOH WASHINGTON SOLDIERS. George Washington Pleasures Eight WAKE WAT FOB W0LVEUINES. was undor the circumstances successful in all All Sorts of Reports aro Prevalent at better than to throw the men entirely out of em- Rifles, con- During the Policeman Clubbed a Spectator After tho drum corps came tho National now Wolvorlnos, Michigan camo tho Tillman counties. In tho four or five Shanghai Rcgardinc ployment. Knights Overcome by the Heat Parade And the for servative counties the regular Domocrats tri- War .Matters. In answer to the chairman, Mr. Wickes said commanded by Capt. George Oystorr tho Fen- Brig. Gen. W. G. Gage command, Shanghai, Aug. 23. It Is reported here Gen. Carnahan Makes the Assignment of Divisions for the Competitive Drills Inspec- noxt, with in umphed. that that the cut In pay had been made to St the de- eibles, Capt, Domor, and the Corcoran Cadets, Iron-to- and tho following staff: Adjutant Goneral n. In tho First Congressional district the contost Japanese transports, escorted by war vessels, pression in business and the low seUlng price of tion and Beviow This Afternoon Brilliant Display to Be Made Daring the Copt. Edwards. The local companies were wns between William Elliott, of are landing troops to the northward of Taku, cars, and not to stop any encroachment on the crowd Quartermaster Genoral Jennings, Inspector Beaufort, D. A. of cheerod to the echo ns they reached tho and J. Sullivan, Charleston. upon proflts that were paid to the stockholders. The Business Men's Parade. congrogated on Sevonteenth street nnd the Goneral Curtis, nnd Aides John Bell, E. E. Full roturns have not been received, but indica- with the intention ot marching Pekin.
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