10.1515/sggw-2016-0024 Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Land Reclamation No 48 (4), 2016: 313–328 (Ann. Warsaw Univ. Life Sci. – SGGW, Land Reclam. 48 (4), 2016) The method of determining surface water erosion infl uence on agricultural valorization of soils with usage of geoprocessing techniques and spatial information systems BARBARA PRUS, TOMASZ SALATA, KRZYSZTOF GAWROŃSKI Department of Spatial Management and Landscape Architecture, University of Agriculture in Kraków Abstract: The method of determining surface wa- Geoprocessing techniques used for the analyses ter erosion infl uence on agricultural valorization of environmental elements of farming production of soils with usage of geoprocessing techniques space were applied in the paper. The analysis of and spatial information systems. The aim of the spatial distribution of researched phenomena was paper is to propose methodical solutions concern- elaborated in Quantum GIS programme. ing synthetic agricultural analysis of production space which consists in combined (synthetic) Key words: soil agricultural quality and usability, – in spatial and statistical contexts – analysis and multi-criteria spatial analysis, erosive factors, evaluation of quality and farming utility of soils in environmental aspect of planning of rural space, connection with soils erosive risk level. The paper soil protection categories, erosive risk degrees, is aimed at presentation of methodology useful in high degree of soil protection and erosion factor such type of analyses as well as demonstration (HDSP.E factor) to what extent the areas of farming production space being subject to restrictive protection are INTRODUCTION exposed to destructive effect of surface water ero- sion. Own factor (HDSP.E) was suggested, which Farming production space areas in south- is a high degree synthesis of soil protection in connection with degrees of surface water erosion eastern Poland according to Baran- risk. The proposed methodology was used for de- -Zgłobicka (2012) “are characterised by tailed spatial analyses performed for Tomice – the an extensive land use mosaic”. The au- Małopolska rural commune (case study). The area thor explains the reason of such situation model elaborated for the proposed methodology’s purpose faced with soils mechanical composition by claiming that “the lack of ownership’s allowed to make a model of surface water erosion changes during the twentieth century has in five-grade scale. Synthetic evaluation (product led to the preservation of family-based, of spatial objects on numerous thematic layers) of extensive agriculture, characterised by quality and farming utility of soils and also zones of surface water erosion risk allowed to assign very high land fragmentation with mo- spatial distribution of HDSP.E factor (abbrevia- saic crops”. Herzog (1998) defines such tion of high degree of soil protection combined historically determined lands’ structure with erosion). The analyses enabled to determine proportional contribution of the most valuable “as a traditional agro forestry system”. resources of farming production space that are Land surface shape which is one of the subject to soil erosion negative phenomenon. main factors that influence erosion phe- 314 B. Prus, T. Salata, K. Gawroński nomena and also determines both the gathers factors that change in the course way of land’s usage and cultivation dif- of time. So, due to land usage modifi- ficulties is also not without significance cations, degrees of soil erosion risks (Cebecauer and Hofierka 2008, Korele- also change (Bakker et al. 2005, Prus ski 2008, Morgan 2009). and Salata 2013, Prus and Salata 2014). The research showed that Małopolska On one side, decrease of farm produc- is the region which is characterized in tion and connected with it set-aside phe- Poland by the highest percentage of are- nomenon of lands (Majchrowska 2013) as at risk of surface water erosion (Józe- which in turn are automatically covered faciuk and Józefaciuk 1987, Wawer 2007, by arborous and shrubby vegetation can Drzewiecki et al. 2014). But on the other be observed (Poławski 2009), whereas hand, it can be noticed that “a diverse on the other hand, we observe acreage land use mosaic is one of the most effi- consolidation which causes elimination cient methods of preventing soil erosion” of balks, woodlots and mid-field shrubs (Boardman and Poesen 2006). However, (Pašakarnis and Maliene 2010). the fact that “since Poland’s accession Problems of proper management of to the European Union in 2004, local environment resources should be taken agriculture has received considerable into consideration already at the stage of financial assistance enabling significant spatial planning in communes (Staniak changes in land use structure, including 2009, Gawroński et al. 2016). The Act of land consolidation” (Baran-Zgłobicka et spatial planning and development puts al. 2010, Zgłobicki 2012) can be danger- special emphasis on waters management ous. The arable lands previously used and protection of agricultural and forest in the form of lands mosaic and now lands. Even the legal definition of spatial concentrated in bigger acreages without order (the Spatial Planning Act 2003) balks and mid-field woodlots are more describing that it is such a space shape exposed to the surface water erosion which creates harmonious unity, says phenomenon (Van Dijk 2007). Fedorow- that it should consider habitat condi- icz-Jackowski (1998) classifies erosive tionings and demands. Habitat demands factors into two following categories: should be understood as environmental (A) factors relatively stable: erosivity dangers of natural and anthropogenic of the climate, the erodibility of the soil, origin. They constitute physiologi- topography (slope length and slope an- cal barriers of spatial character which gle); (B) factors susceptible to change: should be taken into account at the stage man’s activities (land cover and land of preparing conditionings and devel- use, including conservation practices). opment approaches of the commune’s The factors that belong to category A spatial development as well as the lo- rarely change. However, category B cal plan of spatial development and The method of determining surface water erosion infl uence... 315 also during planning distributions in thetic) – in spatial and statistical terms the process of space development. The – analysis and evaluation of quality Spatial Planning Act (2003) imposes and agricultural usability in connection an obligation to consider conditionings with soils erosive risk level. The paper that result in particular from the state is aimed at presentation of methodology of environment and farming production useful in analyses of that type as well as space while writing up planning condi- showing to which extent areas of farm- tionings elaborations. On the other side, ing production space that are subject to environment and its resources protection restrictive protection are exposed to sur- rules and also trends and rules of farm- face water erosion effect. Geoprocess- ing production space shaping should be ing techniques and spatial information taken into consideration. That is why system Quantum GIS were used in the two research matters raised in the paper paper. The authors also proposed their – both soil quality and usability in the own factor (HDSP.E) which makes high area of farming production space and degree synthesis of soil protection in also erosive risk – have to be noticed connection with risk degrees of surface and respected at the stage of local plan- water erosion. Proposed methodology ning. Drzewiecki (2014) preparing the was used to detailed spatial analyses map of urgency grades of erosion con- performed for Tomice – the Małopolska trol procedures for Małopolska province rural commune (the case study). communes also presents such require- ment. However, there are known cases MATERIAL AND METHODS of conflicts between various require- The surveys were carried out in the area ments of the local community, the repre- of Tomice – the Małopolska rural com- sentatives of which are self-government mune (41.5 km2) located in Wadowice authorities that concern area usage func- county. It includes six evidence premises: tions and environment protection de- Lgota, Radocza, Tomice, Witanowice, mands (Stachowski 2008). This conflict Woźniki and Zygodowice. From the increases in a particular way when the mentioned issues perspective, it is worth area is subject to strong suburban pres- to point out that this commune is situ- sure which especially affects communes ated within the limits of the Carpathian (locations) in the immediate vicinity of Foothills. The Skawa river flows through the cities (Dylewski 2006, Poniży 2008, its grounds dividing the commune into Mrozik et al. 2012). two parts. The eastern part (right-bank) The aim of the paper is to propose includes the western frontiers of the methodical solutions that concern syn- Wieliczka Foothills which covers the thetic analysis of farming production Draboża Plateau. Even and wide hills cut space which consists in combined (syn- with narrow and deep valleys’ network 316 B. Prus, T. Salata, K. Gawroński (Lgota, Witanowice, Woźniki and Zygo- state was constituted with data exposed dowice places) are characteristic for this in lands and buildings evidence for area. The left-bank western part, which 2013. Farming production space result- includes two premises: Tomice and Ra- ed from selection of arable lands from docza, is located in the
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