[ESSEX. J sEE 382 [POST OFFICE SEED MERCHANT8-continued. BmsierJ.B.l4 Marine parade,~outhend Goodchild Tbos. Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Brooks William, Mistley, Manningrree SHOPKEEPERS. Hicks Frederick & Henry, High stre~t, Chamberlain J. G. Wivenhoe,Colche$ter Adams Mrs. Eliza, Rainham Chelmsford, & at Spriugfield Cl1aney John, Basin, Heybrid~e, 1\laldon Agar F.Odessard. Forest gate, W.Hame Hieks Charles, High street, Maldon Chissell Charles, l\1istley, Manning·tree Ainger James, Mistley, Manning-tree lsaac Thos. & Co. ];'ullbridge, Mal don Cole William, Wi venhoe, Colchester Aldous William, Broadway, Barking e King William, The Gravel, Coggeshall Dargen John, Golden bill, Military road, AlPxander Charles, Gold hanger, .Mal don Su~rar John B. 64 High st. Colc!Jester Colchester Alien Eley, Tucker si. Canning town e Marsh Robt. Lit. Canfield, Chelmsford Day Daniel, High street, Brightlingsea Allen Jas. Rathbone st. Canning town ll Money Henry, 120 High st. Colchester Day Wil!iam A. Sidney st.Brightling:.ea Alien Mrs. Marv, Hythe hill, Colchestr Payze Richard & Son, LPytonstone e Death George, Wivenhoe, Colchester Alien Mrs. Sarah, Shalford, Brain tree Rutt StPphen Abbott Notcutt, Full- Denton William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Alien Wm. Leaden RoothinJ!', Chelrnsfrd bridge, Maldon Durrell David, 'Vivenhoe, Colchester Alliston Edwin, Tiptreeheath, Kelvedon Rcott Charles, New street, ChelmRford Eavery Daniel, Heybridge, Maldon Allum Mrs. E. Paul st. West Ham e Rmith Jas. John, High st. Brentwood FranC'is Robert, Brightliugsea Allum Georg-e, Starr street, Barking Tlmrg-ood & Co. Harlow. See advert Goodwin James, New st. Brightlingsea road, Canning town e ·r~·lt"r James, Chipping Ongar Goodwin SI. Wm. Wivenhoe, Cnlche>ltt r Amey C. Bradford st.Bocking,Braintree Unwin George, Stambourne, Halstead Goodwin Thomas, Wivenhoe,Colche~ter Amey Mrs. Sarah, Baythorn end, Bird- Wentworth Henry William, Harlow Harvey Ahraham, Wivenhoe, C'olcht>str brook, Halstead WiJ..,on Thomas Carrington, MarksTey, Harvey t3tephen, Wivenhoe, Colchester Amey 'Villiam, Tidings hill, Halstead Colchester Hewett Hollert & Co. (steam), Fisher Am os J oseph, Pitt street, Canning twn B street, Barking e Andrews Thos. Black N otley, Braintree SEEDSMEN. Howard John, Wivenhoe, Col('hf>ster Archer Geo. Ca<;t]e st. Saffron Walden See Nursery §;'Seedsmen. J ones William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Argent Thos. N azing, W altham Cross Mackrill Jarnes, 71 Church st. Harwich Aries George, Matching, Harlow SERVANTS' REGISTRY Madder William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Armes John, Cobbold road, Wanstead e OFFICES. Martin Jas.jun. Hythe hill, Colchester Armstrong Mrs. Nancy, Epping Bridge Mrs. Eliza, Ballingdon, Sudbu.ry Mills & Beckwith, Hythe qy. Colchestr Arthur Mrs. Mary, ChadwellStreet Brill Hy. Church st. north, Colchester Moy Thomas, Hythe quay & Head Arthy James, Little Bentley,Colchestet Gale Mrs. Martha,2 Crouch st.ColchPstr street, Colchester; & at most of the Ashard lsaac, Stambourne, Halstead Gowers Mrs. M. A. Market hill, Maldon Railway stations in the district; & at Atkins George, Gt. Holland, Colchester Hntley Mrs. Esther, Rayne road, Bock- Peterborou~h& Yarmouth. See advt Aylett Mrs. L. Marsh st. Walthamstow 8 ing, Brain tree Murrell William, Wivenhot>, Colchester Aylett Richard, Spring rd.Brightlingsea :MercerT.C.New London rd. Chelmsford Patmore Philip, Creeksea, Maldon Aylett Thomas, Takeley, Chelmsford Scurr Mrs. A. Upton lane, W e"'t Ham e Pattrick J. & tion, Dovercourt, Harwch Bacon Misses L.&.A.Marks Tey ,Colchstr 'Venden Mrs.J.8 St.John's st.Colchester Penny .lames, Wivenhoe, Colchester Bacon Fredk. Gt. Canfield, Chdmsford Pitt R.Rowhedge, Ea.Donylnd.Colchstr Bacon J a meR, Blightlingsea SEWING MACHINE MANFRS. Pratt Jolm,jun. Wivenhoe, Colchester Bacon William, Great Hallingbury, Asten Brothers1 17 & 18 Short Wyre Price Frederick, Wivenhoe, Colchester Bishop's Stortford street & Chapel street, Colchester Raven Mrs. Ernma, West st. Han.. ich Bailey .Mrs. E. Fryerning, Ingatestone Britanuia Sewing Machine Ce. Richmond Jobnson, 50 West street, Bail'"Y John, Great Ht'nny, Sudbury Colchester Harwich Bailey N. Arkesden, Hi~hop's :-;tort ford Gooday Geo. 0. Stansted Mountfitchet Richmond Luke, New road, Dovercourt, Bailey R.Wall end,EastHam,Barkiu~ e Jay John (agPnt), Grays Thurrock Harwich Baines B. Duton hill, Great Easton- Wray Mrs. 1\'Iartha Ellen, Springfield Richmond Peter, Burnham, Maldon Dunmow road, Chelmsford Rix Robert, Basin, Hey bridg-e, M aJ,Jon Baker George, Rayleigh Sadd John & Sons, adjoining Great BakerJ.Warley rd.Gt.Warley,Brentwd SHEEP DRESSERS. Eastern Railway, Maldon Baker Miss Mary, East Ham e Alrxander John, Goldhanger, Maldon Sanders E. & Son, Osloorne st. Colchestr Bald win Thos. West Thurrock,Romford Jar\is Edward, Hatfield, Chelmsford Shead William, Wivenhoe, Colchester B<ill Mrs. Jemima, Long-hton Smee James, Wantz road, Mahlon Ban)ard George, Tolle~bury, Kelvedon SHIP & SHIPPING AGENTS. Smee Mrs. Lucv, "Vantz road, Maldon Banyard John, Tollet.bury, Kelvedon See Agents-Ship~ Shipping. Vaux John, Ro~·al Na1·al yard, King's Barher ~rs. Elizabet~ Ann, North Quay street, Harwich 'VoolwJCh road, Canmnq- town e SHIP BROKERS. Watts John, 39 Church st. Harwich Bard J. Gt. CheE~terford, Saffron Wnlden See Brokers-Ship. Worraker Thomas, Silver street Barker Mrs. Elizabeth, Sewurdstou~: street, \faltham Abbey SHIP BUILDERS. SHIPSMITHS. Barker Mrs. Mary, Horncburch See also Iron Ship Builders. Churchyard George, Leigh Barltrop Mrs. Jane, Broxted,Chelmsfrd John Hnrvey Yacht §f Ship Building Crick Hen. Victoria (London) docks e Barnard James, Borl'bam, Cllt'lmst\ml Co. Limited (John Harvey,manager), Husk J ames, Wivenhoe, Colchester Baruard Mrs.M.A.Canewdon,Chelmsf• d Wivenhoe, Colchester Webber E<lward, 39 West st. Harwich Barnes Charles, Magdalen st.Colchesttr Rose Charles, Burnham, Maldon Harnes 'l'bos. Hurst grn. Brightlingsea Vaux John Roval Naval vard Kincr's SHIPWRIGHTS. Barnes W?-l~er, Bir~broo~, Halstead 0 ' · . h • ' • Barnes Wtlham Brwhtlmgsea Q uay stret't, Harw1c Dowson & Worth, V1c.(London) docks e Barr & Son Da~euh:m Romford Wenlock William, Brightlingsea l>rake James, Tol_lesbury, Kel.vedon BarrettD.F~restst.Fore~tgt.We.Ham e SHIP CARPENTER. Frost .Jarman, Mlst!ey, l\hnmn~tree Barrett Samuel, Thaxted, Chelmsford J_~yce George D. Mtstley, Mannrng'tree Bartlett James, Wickford, Chelrnsfortl Fenn Fenn, Mistley, Manningtree K.1rby Samuel, The _!Iythe, Mal don Bather Mrs. Sarah, High st. Halstead SHIP CHANDLERS. Lester H. E. & Co. V Ic. (London) docks e Bay field Charles, Manor rd. Barking 8 Lester Henry, Morton house,. Custom BaxterFredk.Church st. nth.We.Hame Erown John, Magdalen st. Colchester Hou~:~e terrace, North WoolwiCh road, ~ dl Ch· 1 li b 'd M ld Doidge James Samuel 3 Lawrence ter. c · t 1 ea e. ar es, ey ri ge, a o~ . ' . anmng own e Beall\'hss Emma, ~larket pl. Romford North Woolwtch rd. Cannm~ town e Lewis Zachariah Tollesbury Kelvedon u 1 EH' h B · 1 t w 1 h Abb Ham William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Parsons & Cann 'Bath side Harwich e~ es . tg n• ge s • a t am •'Y Lan"'man A. Victoria (London) docks e p J h 3'1 W t t t H · 1 Brarman 1\lr~. 1\'larY: Ann, Church ,... arsons o n, es s ree ' arwtc l street, Bockmg-, Bramtree t d Ptggs C. Water s1de, Brtghthngsea Read Mrs Ellt'n Burnham, Maldon B t W'll'18111 p fl R fi P(·~gsM rs.S.A. Water side, Bri~htlingsea W oodcraft Willi~m, Hey bridge, Maldon Beaukm?tnl M~ • ur ahee &' lomborll . F J h I 1 h t C(' Wl 1 ISSCS 11 ann sa e <t, P nee ras. o n, w·1ven tOf', co c cs er w yatt Thomas Cl · · h'll W'th 1 1 Sarldler & Pattison, Sidney street, ~lppm~ ' 1\ID Brig-htlingsea SHIRT MAKERS. Bedford l\lrs. M. A. Hall st.Chelmsford . .._, c y· t · (L Beech 0. South Shoehury, Southend Sh1p utores ompany, lC orla on- Green & Co. lll HiO'h street Colchestr.· B t J h E t f~ don) docks e ,., ' 1 ee on o n, as ~am e 1'1 dl J M' M • t & at Ipswich, Norwich ~Yarmouth Belcher Charles Chandos road New •,pentAey\n &amr·yesW, teist 1~yl' B ~~ptll~g ree Hall Henry, 40 Windmill lane, New town, Stratford e ' fen . ,. :1. a r SHe, rt.,.,II mgsea town Stratford e B ll G w· ·kfl d Ch 1 fi d 'Wiggins k Rihll, Vietoria(Lond.)docks e Nichols~n & Sons High st Chelmsford Hell1'beorgeR, tl the or t' n e ~sort ' • e os. a 1 one s . '- annmr;r own 8 SHIP OWNERS. SHOE MAKERS. Belsham Chas. Little Totham, Witham Elyth Isaac, Wi venhoe, Colchester BelshamJ .jun.TolleshuntMagua, W it111n l3oddng George, Burnham, Maldora See Boot ~ Shoe Mal.er1. Bennell ~h·::~.E.St.John's grn.Colchcster .
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