...... -- ,,. Flagler College Vol. XI No. 10 Parents' Weekend Nea ring By KRISTEN POHLIG Another saving is the cost of the Parents' This year the President's Hour will preceed the· The Thirteenth Annual Parents' Weekend is Weekend package. "This is the first year we've gone danish at 9:30 Saturday morning. The Tang Soo Do quickly approaching, and this year there are a few to ~ registration fee instead of a total payment," ex­ exhibition will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:3Q. changes, the first being its date. plamed Dean White. The fee includes all events in­ Dean White explained the reason for the cancella­ The event was moved from mid-February to the_ cluding the athletics. The two exceptions are on­ tion of this year's golf tournament. "The courses are weekend of March 6-8, in hopes of better weather campus meals, still offered at a college guest rate; and almost all in use due to the fact that this is the busy and a larger turn-out. the drama production, "Dirty Work At The time of the year." · With Spring Break the following week this was Crossroads." However, the February to March change will considered an opportune· time in case students wish­ According to parent evaluations, the most popular allow the members of the Womens' Basketball team ed to catch a ride home with Mom and Dad. Dean events of the weekend are the Parent-Faculty Danish to participate in the weekend's activities for the first White felt this would actually help families save on and Coffee, the Tang Soo Do exhibition, and the time. Their tourmanemts have always been schedul­ traveling expences. drama production. ed the same time as Parents' Weekend in the past. This year there are many students participating in Rec Room Closed the organization and festivities of Parents' Weekend. SGA is in charge of the registration and informa­ tion desk, as well as Saturday night's dance. Vandalism Stri-kes School Remember, a bar will be set up for the dance - NO B.Y.O.B. ' By DONNA CLISBY Damage to the Recreation Room, the Twenty Flagler .students were chosen according to mowing down of the Flagler Field size to model Belk Hudson's spring attire. The WALL fashion show is being organized by Ms. Pat Blair and fences, and dishcmest drying with taped Junior Donna Zanni, and will be held in the college quarters are three of the problems facing dining room at 8: 15 Saturday night. Flagler College this semester. DPtmr,o·r The Recreation Room has been recent­ The Sunday church service is being organized by students Martha Maritato and Beth Ruggles. The ly closed due to extensive damage. Dean "Spirit" will also perform. White said that after many attempts, he group The only problem surrounding Parents' Weekend finally got a company to rent the Col­ this year is the response. So far, only forty in­ lege various electronic games and pinball dividuals have contacted the college, compared to machines including the Space Invaders 150 last year. · game. He had the Rec. Room painted The college administration has been concerned for and brought new equipment. As soon as sometime about the expense of such a weekend, con­ the machines were put in the damage sidering the rising cost of gas and the economy in started. general. Parents' Weekend may be too expensive for People would stab the walls and lamps everyone concerned in the future. with the bu~t end of a pool stick in order "Many other institutions have had to do away to relieve their frustration over losing a with this sort of thing," said Dean White, adding, game. They would bang the ping-pong "Who knows, the thirteenth may be our doom." Continued On Page 3 photo by Mark Nemerousky Inside: Olymp-ics Tomorrow Africa Isn't A ll Jungles-Page 4 response that the Special Olympics has drawn and By W. C. STROBY Baseball Seasons Open-Page 8 she is perhaps most impressed by the quality of the Saturday, February 28 will see the culmination of volunteers who offered their services. weeks -of hard work by both fac;ult_y and students "Special Olympics . couldn't survive without Drama Dept. Up To Dirty Work here at Flagler; when this year's Special Olympics Flagler College," she said, "They (the students) have takes place at St. Augustine High School. -Page 5 done over ~0% of the fund raising and are providing This county-wide event for the mentally retarded practically all of the volunteers needed, both in the will be undergoing its third year under the sponsor­ The staff of the Gargoyle would like to organizing and in the actual games themselves." .ship of Flagler College, and it is estimated that apologize for the tardiness of the Dr. Farrell explained that those interested in help­ before it is over, more than 250 students and faculty February 13 issue, which outdated the ing out can sign up either as supervisors for par­ members will have participated in one way or stories on Friday the 13th and Valen­ ticular events or as "buggers" who will be assigned another. tine's Day. The delay concerned printing to one particular child for the whole day and will be Project co-ordinator Dr. Frances E. Farrell, an the newspaper and was totally beyond there to offer encouragement and affection. assistant professor of education here at Flagler, has control of the staff. been very_ happy so far with the overwhelming Continued O n Page 3 '"~ - I .· Page 2 The Gargo·yle Editorial THE GARGOYLE An Official News Publication of FLAGLER COLLEGE Vandalism Is Nothing New Saint Augustine, Fl. 32084 the semester thanks to some of our fellow students Vandalism is nothing new to any of us. Vandalism Editorial Staff who thought it was "pretty funny" to break things. ha.\ been around since there were items worth van­ A trip up the elevator on the west side of the dalizing. Even the word vandalism is not new, school provides interesting reading, that is if you Editor- Neil Besougloff dating back to ancient Rome when the city was ran- don't step in the "who knows what it is" on the . sJckeJ by a roaming Germanic tribe known as, ap­ Managiny Editor-Kristen Pohliy floor that someone thought w:is fun'ny 'last Saturday propriately .:nough, the Vandals. News Editor-Roland Schumam1 night. Most of us learn of vandaljsm, either actively or Sports Editor-Brooke S. Huyhes There have been numerous threats to remove the passively, .1s a child, when lied<· Johnny's· new toy Photo Editor-Doreen Pollina tables and chairs on the second floor of che rotunda cruck is mysteriously sm,,shed one day and no one Advisor-Susan Humes due to vandalism, and one day these threats will pro­ knows anvthin~ about how it happened. bably be carried out. V:1ndali~m 1 bit shot in the arm in grammer ~ct . Just last week someone got the back of his car M:hool, l'Spccially in tht· upper grades, where better smashed up while parked in the lot next to the ten­ ideas for new \·,1nd.1lism forms arc exposed to the nis courts-that was real funny too. iifth-grade mind. I used to think things were funny too, but that was In middle .:hool, vandalism hits an :111 rime high. before someone walked the length of my car with a Broken-open lo.:kcrs, graffiti. torn-up bus eats. and set of keys a few years back, or someone hit me in a The opinions expressed in this publication are those of lhe ~ma.,hcd ~chool windows arc .1 d.,ily on:un·ncc. editors and do not necessarily reflect those of the faculty . ad· parking lot, or when l got my hall damage bill last Because of the frequency oi broken windows. the -ninistratlon or the Board of Trustees of f-lagler College. July which left my wallet twenty dollars lighter. new high schoi,1 constructc-d in my home district Everybody thinks it's funny until it happens to was hui'lt for the most pan: wirhour windows; most them. Just ask anyone on campus who owns a car ~tudcnt~ don't sec th.: sun from 7:30 to 3:00, wht·n how many cape det:ks he has had to replace, or how tlwv'rt· fro.:c from their "anti-vandalism" school for many time he has had to unbend his antenna. It's College Adopts · .rn( ;ther ,b\". re,11 funnv. H i,•h . , hool i~ a bi-t better than middle st· hool, or The n~xt time you' re in a "funny" mood .1 le.~,r mirrors ~-;rn be found in ~ome hii;h ·d100I remember how vou felt when omcone did b.11hro()lll,. Hu r :i thlctic equipment is still stolen Lion As Mascot whatever you're doing to you. H armless pranks are lmurh-, .rn J .rnvonl· wh0 put~ Jnyrhing of value in a one thing, but vandalism is another. Show some By DIANE SKOKOWSKI & CHERI CRAMER lod H-~ i, ;1 fo J maturity. Things may be fu nny now, but how many The lion has always been an important part of St. Collc:gc i~ , upro~,·d to be different. All \lt l~C sup­ people will be la ughing the nex t time someone feel posed im m.H urt' va nd.11~ an· back home pumping ga.5 Augustine. The lion symbol can be found on the like hooting ·o me pool but t he rec room is cl osed; .111 d ,tudvin" t"n r their high school c:: qui vakncy ex:.- coat of arms of the city shield, on the St.
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