Publication Ban Interdiction de publication Court File No.: 35823 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA (ON APPEAL FROM THE YUKON COURT OF APPEAL) BETWEEN: COMMISSION SCOLAIRE FRANCOPHONE DU YUKON, DISTRICT SCOLAIRE NO. 23 Appellant and: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF YUKON TERRITORY Respondent and: THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR SASKATCHEWAN, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF QUEBEC, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, THE COMMISSIONER OF OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF CANADA, CONSEIL SCOLAIRE FRANCOPHONE DE LA COLOMBIE­ BRITANNIQUE, FEDERATION DES PARENTS FRANCOPHONES DE LA COLOMBIE­ BRITANNIQUE, FEDERATION DES PARENTS FRANCOPHONES DE L' ALBERTA, FEDERATION NATIONALE DES CONSEILS SCOLAIRES FRANCOPHONES, FEDERATION NATIONALE DES COMMUNAUTES FRANCOPHONES ET ACADIENNE DUCANADA Interveners FACTUM OF THE INTERVENOR ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR SASKATCHEWAN Filed pursuant to Rules 37 and 42 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada Attorney General for Saskatchewan Intervener Ottawa Agent Alan F. Jacobson and Barbara C. Mysko D. Lynne Watt Constitutional Law Branch Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice 160 Elgin Street, Suite 2600 and Attorney General Ottawa, ON KIP 1C3 8th floor, 1874 Scarth Street Telephone- (613) 786-8695 Regina, SK S4P 4B3 Fax - (613) 788-3509 Telephone - (306) 787-1087 lynne.watt(a{gowlings.com Fax - (306) 787-9111 [email protected] Publication Ban Interdiction de publication Commission Scolaire Francophone du Yukon, District Scolaire no. 23 Appellant Ottawa Agent Roger J.F. Lepage, Francis Poulin and Justin Dubois Romain Baudemont Juristes Power Law Miller Thomson LLP I30 Albert Street, Suite II 03 2I 03 - II th A venue, Suite 600 Ottawa, ON KIP 504 Regina, SK S4P 3Z8 Telephone- (6I3) 702-5566 Telephone (306) 347-8300 Fax - (613) 702-5566 Fax (306) 347-8350 [email protected] [email protected] Attorney General of Yukon Territory Respondent Maxime Faille and Fran~ois Baril Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP I60 Elgin Street, Suite 2600 Ottawa, ON KIP IC3 Telephone - (6I3) 233-I78I Fax - (6I3) 563-9869 [email protected] Attorney General of the Northwest Territories Intervener Guy Regimbald Gowlings Lafleur Henderson LLP I60 Elgin Street, Suite 2600 Ottawa, ON KIP IC3 Telephone - (613) 233-I78I Fax - (6I3) 563-9869 [email protected] -2- Publication Ban Interdiction de publication Attorney General of Quebec Intervener Pierre Landry Noel & Associes 111 rue Champlain Gatineau, QC J8X 3R1 Telephone - (819) 771-73 93 Fax- (819) 771-5397 p.landry(a),noelassocies.com Attorney General of British Columbia Intervener Ottawa Agent Karrie Wolfe and Leah Greathead Robert E. Houston, Q.C. Attorney General of British Columbia Burke-Robertson 1001 Douglas Street, 6th floor 441 MacLaren Street, Suite 200 P.O. Box 9280, Station Prov. Govt. Ottawa, ON K2P 2H3 Victoria, BC V8W 9J7 Telephone- (613) 236-9665 Telephone- (250) 356-6185 Fax - (613) 235-4430 Fax- (250) 356-9154 [email protected] [email protected] Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada Intervener Pascale Giguere and Mathew Croitoru Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada 30 Victoria Street, 6th floor Gatineau, QC K 1A OT8 Telephone- (819) 420-4869 Fax - (819) 420-4864 pascale.giguere(a),ocol-clo.gc.ca -3- Publication Ban Interdiction de publication Conseil Scolaire Francophone de Ia Colombie-Britannique and Federation des Parents Francophones de Ia Colombie­ Britannique Ottawa Agent Intervenors Elie Ducharme Maxine Vincelette and David P. Taylor Juristes Power Law Juristes Power I30 Albert Street, Suite 1103 1199 Hastings Street West, Suite 90I Ottawa, ON KIP 5G4 Vancouver, BC V6E 3T5 Telephone- (613) 702-5563 Telephone- (604) 365-0340 Fax - (613) 702-5561 Fax - (888) 404-2227 [email protected] mvi ncelette@juristespower. ca Federation des Parents Francophones de I' Alberta Ottawa Agent Intervener Justin Dubois Nicolas M. Rouleau Juristes Power 720 Brock Street 139 Albert Street, Suite Il03 Toronto, ON M6H 3P2 Ottawa, ON KIP 5G4 Telephone- ( 4I6) 885-136I Telephone - (613) 702-5560 Fax - (888) 850-I306 Fax - (613) 702-5560 [email protected] [email protected] Federation Nationale des Conseils Scolaires Francophones & Federation des Communautes Francophones et Acadienne du Canada Ottawa Agent Interveners Justin Dubois Mark C. Power Juristes Power Juristes Power 139 Albert Street, Suite II 03 II99 Hastings Street West, Suite 90I Ottawa, ON KIP 5G4 Vancouver, BC V6E 3T5 Telephone- (613) 702-5560 Telephone (604) 265-0340 Fax- (613) 702-5560 Fax: (604) 265-0340 [email protected] [email protected] -4- Publication Ban Interdiction de publication TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Part I: Overview and Facts A. Overview 1 B. Facts 2 Part II: Point in Issue 2 A. The Constitutional Questions 2 B. Position of the Intervener 3 Part III: Argument 3 A. Scope ofthe Constitutional Question 3 B. Relevant General Principles 4 i. A Purposive and Generous Interpretation of Section 23 4 C. The Saskatchewan Context 6 1. Relevant Provincial Legislation 6 11. Ongoing Litigation 6 D. The Interpretative Process 8 1. The Character and the Larger Objects of the Charter and the 8 Historical Origins of the Right a. Control over Provincial Funding Priorities and 8 Institutional Mechanisms b. Protecting Against the Assimilation of the Minority Language 10 Community 11. The Language Chosen to Articulate the Specific Right 12 a. The Numbers Warrant Threshold and Management 13 and Control iii. The Meaning and Purpose ofthe Other Specific Rights and Freedoms 14 with which it is Associated within the Text ofthe Charter + Publication Ban Interdiction de publication Page E. The Principle ofFederalism 15 F. Conclusion 17 Part IV: Costs 17 Part V: Nature of Order Sought 18 Part VI: Table of Authorities 19 Part VII: Statutes, Regulations and Rules 21 -ii- Publication Ban Interdiction de publication PART I OVERVIEW AND FACTS A. Overview 1. The Attorney General for Saskatchewan ("Saskatchewan") advocates for an interpretation of section 23 that is consistent with both its text and its purpose. As confirmed in Solski (Tutor of) v Quebec (Attorney General), R v Nguyen, and Gosselin (Tutor of) v Quebec (Attorney General/, an interpretation of management and control that unduly expands the potential beneficiaries under section 23 risks undermining the very objective of the right. While the right must be placed in its proper linguistic, philosophic and historical contexts, the goal of redress for past wrongs should not recast the right beyond its intended purpose. 2. Saskatchewan submits that there is no ambiguity in the three categories of rights holders. Nor can management and control be extended so as to allow for open-ended admissions policies which fall outside the scope of the right. To breathe life into the expressed purpose of the provision does not mean to expand the scope beyond that which is explicitly and specifically delineated. 3. Two factors militate against an overly expansive approach to the rights holders' management and control. First, provinces must retain a measure of control over provincial funding priorities and institutional mechanisms in the delivery of education across the province. A provincial government's jurisdiction over education should not be curtailed beyond what is necessary to implement the requirements of the Charter. Saskatchewan submits that the specificity of the categories under section 23 is confirmation of the limits inherent in the obligation. Second, the primary purpose of section 23 is to protect the minority language community from assimilation and to maintain the integrity of the very language that is at risk. The well-established categories of rights holders allow the courts to ensure that this purpose is upheld. 1Solski (Tutor of) v Quebec (Attorney General), [2005] 1 SCR 201,2005 SCC 14 [Solski] [Appellant's Book of Authorities ("ABA") Vo12 Tab 32]; R v Nguyen, [2009] 3 SCR 208,2009 SCC 25 [Nguyen] [Respondent's Book of Authorities ("RBA") Vol3 Tab 36; and Gosselin (Tutor of) v Quebec (A ttorney General, [2005] 1 SCR 238, 2005 SCC 15 [Gosselin] [RBA Vol2 Tab 21]. Publication Ban Interdiction de publication 2 4. Saskatchewan submits that an extension of the right to management and control over student admissions does not find support in the case law. In light of this Court's Quebec jurisprudence, Saskatchewan urges the Court not to adopt a finding which would allow for an asymmetrical application of section 23. It should not be the case that rights holders and their boards are constitutionally entitled to exercise management of school admissions in some jurisdictions, and not in others. B. Facts 5. Saskatchewan intervenes in this appeal pursuant to Rule 61(4) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada and a Notice of Intention to Intervene filed with the Registrar dated September 9, 2014. 6. Saskatchewan accepts the facts as set out in the Respondent's Factum, the Attorney General ofYukon. PART II POINTS IN ISSUE A. The Constitutional Questions 7. The Constitutional Questions set out in the Order of the Chief Justice2 read as follows: 1. Do sections 2, 5 and 9 of the French Language Instruction Regulation, YOIC 1996/099, infringe section 23 ofthe Canadian Charter ofRights and Freedoms? 2. If so, is the infringement a reasonable limit prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society under section 1 of the Canadian Charter ofRights and Freedoms? 2 Order ofMcLachlin C.J., dated August 21, 2014; Appellant's Factum, Appendix B. Publication Ban Interdiction de publication 3 B. Position of the Intervener 8. Saskatchewan submits that the answers to the Constitutional Questions are "no" and "yes" respectively. 9. In its submissions, Saskatchewan will focus on the first Constitutional Question. PART III ARGUMENT A. Scope of the Constitutional Question 10. The first Constitutional Question goes to the constitutionality of specific sections of the French Language Instruction Regulation, YOIC 1996/099 (the "Yukon Regulation"). The Constitutional Question raises the issue of the proper exercise of governmental authority.
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