r<rr — i .earn*--------— ------, ■ "■............. — ' - . I 2 ■ I 'V ,'* f r v * '■ .'if V i ;/ ’ /*. If • f i >AOB EIGHT THE HANFORD HERALD. HANFORD FLORIDA MONDAY OCT. 81, 1019 n ft* — — SaleM Tax Market Director s c o n 's SCRAP BC ' I ’■» i y r. j. s c o n Ford DiscloEes ■MUM'S IUIUTI0 B County’s Farmers •y Alley tCeallaeeg Press Page ‘Blames Strikes — -\ A Rise In Assets Can Rent Machine will make their report* by thr« I P o m ’ pi£\/drt LAK 20th of the month after collection:' w.V ! For Shaky Selling Of $123,507,000 To Burn Weeds Th* tax law has b#«n challenged MI e T i M * *j P w »t > A In court. An Injunction against • JACKSONVILLE, Oct. 31- DETROIT, Oct. SI—(A>)—The HAlMT -D D T ON ink A district owned ditch bank collection of it Is asked In We*t (Sprcinl)-— “While (he strike* may Ford Motor Co. .had total assets Palm Baach. State officials expect II >veed burner is available for rental not have yel reached the national W I R E IS «f 11,149,240,000 nt the end of HALLERWEEN iV o OCAIN’ to farmers in Seminole County, the Injunction tn be denied today. I04H, They are going ahead with plana ejnergenty Hate, they are interfer­ 1 M Y I S I B L E I.es Jacobsen, planning technician, The figure, ihacliiaed today, H i l l w h ’i r t i 5 A u**istlng In the Seminole Soil to collect- thu- tax starting fiTues­ ing with the liability of our mar- with the filing of the company’s Conservation District, announced day. ktti on practically all commodiliei. M ^ K E D HI annual report with the Massachu­ H A l N T s r a j n i t / today. I’alm Beach Circuit Judge Jos. report! coming into this office indi­ setts state tax commissioner In Th* ditch bank weed burner, h* eph S. White will hear the case at lloxton. compares with assets of 3:30 P. M. (KST) on motion filed cate!." laid William L . Wilson. Dir­ stated, does an excellent Job con­ Iv­ 11,026,733,000 at th# end of 1947. trolling vegetation along ditch by L. S. (iauldin, twteran attorn*-* ector of Slate Market! in hit week­ /• '* * f/f^A The statement Hated cash, ae- • / V i i SILKIL bank* and in the ditch bottom* ami owner of the Alhambra Apart­ ly maikrt rrview. 4 ' /• 4 ' I > mints and notes receivable, se­ when the ditthee are dry. Th* ment-Hotel, who charge* th* sales WHITE AfALL *• 'Manager J. W. Lamb of the em Hies and patent rights at 9427,- burners generate an intense heat tax on transient rentals, vlolatas i f is t h e o n l v h.»7,i:0O compared with 9402,106,- Dade City Market italei he fecli . '/M which scurchas the weeds, and Florida’s constitutional ban on In­ fOWL IN THE WORLD ooO at the end of 1047: real estate, leuves an oil deposit on tha vega come tax. 0ie egg market it particularly af­ WITH BLACK SKIN - mai-hlnery, equipment, tools, furni tntion. Scorching of th* plants, The sales tax law, passed by fected and Manager Sandy Ander- itures and fixture# at 9430.670,- coupled with the remaining oil the special session of the Legisla­ , ton of the Sanford Market, through »(HI compared with 93M,183,000; depuslt* la sufficient to kill most ture te!last ........................ month, Is due to go Into inventories at 9233,080,000 com­ effect tomorrow. 4hich iiiqvci fteili fruit! and vege- type* of vegetation encountered. pared with 9231,634,000. Prepaid Fomier* and grower* who wish to (iauldin sold he has received of­ tahlei. layi hit market ii feeling r S C R A ^ J , expense* and dafarred charges the type Job performed by the fer* of assistance from property the effect. With luch condition! were listed at 97,093,000 compared burner may contact R. F. Cooper, owners’ associations In St. Peters, (lilting, perhapi it ii fortunate that with 96,911,000. F. T. Meriwether or Kd Cameron burg and Miami. He contends h t j y f f / , . , ■ .. MEN, (he cropci this Iraion ii a little later Under current liabilities Ford on whose properties dltrhas were only incoma Is from tho hotel and r a n k e r . reported 9209,102,000 at the end that the 3 per cent levy Is a tax than naira I on moil of the markrli. V 0 -jf- N y burned laat weak. /fH AH <rfE of last year compared with 9260,- on his Incoma. < "Condition# on tha market* gen­ Kd Davis, local land clearing and 202.000; reserves 923,064,000 com- lw w t*[ 1\*. He asked that the tax be de­ teelly show good growing rnmll- WOMEH •saw*. improved nastura contractor, is pared with 920,247,000; capital at*4 II. • fm ■iparatlng the weadhurner for tha clared unconstitutional and void tlOflA HIM |»l«I■ JM'4*tM o f good hti * oF'T& E -tuck at 917,208,000 unchanged and that Comptroller Clarence M. seats, wit Ii the exception of the ilistrlrt. Kd points out that the < U A R iC S from the previous year, and sur- cost of burning the ditches scales (lay be enjoined from enforcing Florid* ''City Market. Thu pte­ pin* at 9909,769,000 compared1 the law against him or trying to rion* optimistic report of that WEAR. upward* or downwards from with 9732.019,000 at the end of j.ri().0fl per mile. The siie uf th* impose any of the act’s penalties liHiiket limy tinvc awakened the 1917. Truman May Not on him. enmity of it* evil genii a* aeven VEILS, tx m «r * i i ; , j j u , . ditch, amount and types of vege- to elgtn lin-liea of rain fell the EVLK (Jo To Veep b Wedding lution und ranknt-** of growth •arly pNit of laat week with coi'- y \M a < i s < h l determine* the amount charged. WtflM tlmied dully raiiia alnce. All id B l c c i s r f V O LC A N O Man Kill! Wife WA8HINQTON, Oct. 31-</P> - In uny event the weedhurner cleans ArmiHtic Day tile (ilmii' land was diowned out <Me V IH 1 H L W O R L D The White House *uld IimIuv It 1* ditches much cheaper and more ra­ and moat of the scM'bvd* suffer- EAT. „ I I . s i Ii m S rrn r>s, oa*I unlikely that President Truman pidly than hy the use uf hand la­ Kxstlesea rtmm Page Oae) td damage. H»mo"pMV UHd toin*- Pmitlg Wood!. "1 ve had ‘!te im- will attend tha wedding of Vice bor. Fanner* who with to have participate In lha Bamlnol* Coun­ to*e may teach the market early i / b y m pulir for weeks." President Rurkely und Mrs. Caile- their ditches cleaned may con­ ty Armistice Day calibration an4 paiad* un Nov. 11. hut thin M'l-lmck will run the nee o t s t f t r * MAUNA L O A ih Officers lit Toledo, notified by ton H. Hailey at Hi. I.ouis. flict I.es Jacobsen or Kd Davla in ton tlx I., eight wt+tts late, flow Th# parade will form at 10:00 N O .A F K !C A ‘ HAWAII. authorities here, rushed to the big, While press Heeretury Charles Hanford so that they may lie In­ ever. It la nut tun llt f 't d ‘replant i ------------ - i ambling Harding home. They (I. Ro.» would lint go beyond thut cluded in .xchedtilet of operation. A. M. and will mova at 10:30 o’clock from in front of the and given N Ineak fem ora may be­ Uf« IHA A*"* iNMft lynAfrit. few k found Mrs. Mildred Harding. 4d, statement, Mr, Truman lias an­ A few cooperators In Seminole gin market lug produce by the mid­ •lead in the bedroom. Nearby was other importnut engagement on district are planning to try sweet Tourist Canter, Fast First Street end Sanford Avsnu*. dle or laat uf January. her mot In r, Mra. Maud* Thompson, the dayiy ofor the.... wedding---------------- Nov.-- 18. blue lupin*-------------- for fall- ............ and spring. "Pecan uiirtlona are to begin rritlrally Injured. He Is to lie u guest that night gracing for th* cattle. Kd Camrr- A prominent speaker has been StettiniilH Dies ■sleeted to deliver a public adA on two of the markets on Nov­ Mrs. Thompson died at 6 A. M.. at a stale dinner to be given by mi, Ceresoll Brothers, Ceurg* Her- ember tat. Theae aalaa will la- In a Toledo hospital. dress at tha Band Hhall at 11 w <r*sHa*M r»M rase itaet i the Hlinh of Iran, who will lie den, Dr. C. W. Baker and F. T. A. M. Following th* addrasa a un the Htarko State Farmer'» fie, insii Y When Hauling arrived ut Crouse visiting Washington then. Meriwether are making prepara Market, mid llmdfay State Farm- pillule Woods, ail elite Detroit firh dinner, at nominal charge, The former Cabinet member's Rush suid that Mr. Hurklev t"le- thins for planting this legume. will ti* served at tha American bra' Mmket llmiifay. secretary »aid number* of the sohiiib, he aroused Mis. Koliert On lund not previously ferti­ "Tha Palmetto Market advises phoned the President Hulurday Legion Hut. house-hold found Hti'ttliilu* Uluim- I lioodhand, his dauglitor by till evening to tell him of the wedding lised, they plan to harrow In good eoiidltloiia there with the ; lii it marriage.
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