1969-COLLEGE FOOTBALL CENTENN’S IAL THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION VOLUME 6 ’ NUMBER 1 College Football . “An American Tradition” . 1869- 1969 JANUARY, 1969 FootballCentennial Plans To Be Unveiledat NCAAConvention The initial major presentation of to the team or to the captains at the NCAA’s plans and projects for halftime, or to the team after the 1969’s College Football Centennial game. awaits those attending the Associa- Included in the ceremonies, in tion’s 63rd Convention in Los An- addition to the presentation, would geles Jan. 6-8. bc Centennial music and formations Displays there will illustrate sev- by the band, special card stunts eral items the NCAA plans to pre- where done, special scripts for cov- sent to its member institutions, and ering radio and television announc- other programs in which the col- leges and universities will be asked ers, a special cover on the game to play the major role. program and a Centennial story in The presentations, which will it, introduction of the institution’s move on to the American Football Centennial Queeu candidate, intro- Coaches’ Association Convention at duction of reprrscntativcs of past the Biltmore Hotel Jan. 7-9, result teams and other related activities. from over a year of work by NCAA and allied groups. Additional Certificates Available (Thr structure and rrlatioriships Insti!c2:lons \;vit;l ~IIOI’C lilarl 44 of tllese groups are detailed in the squad members may purchase addi- accompanying story on page 13.) tional certificates as required. Key Project Secondly, an offici;tl symbol Instrumental among all projects (shown at left) has been created for planned is the purchase by the use on college publications of all NCAA of 44 Centennial certificates types, and on letterhead, envelopes, -with a medallion mounted on postage meters and other printed each-for presentation to varsity matter. players at NCAA member colleges It has been distributed to all during the centennial year. member institutions and other in- Each institution will be asked to terested parties. Additional copies build a Centennial Day around pre- arc available from the NCSS. sentation of the certificates to the members of its football team dur- Third Coutribution ing appropriate ceremonies at a Shown above is the official College Football Centennial symbol. All those interested in college footboll ore asked to use it in every possible manner throughout 1969 to A third NCAA contribution will home game in October. Suggestions gain exposure for the Centennial celebration. Elements of the official symbol will be the purchase of Centennial de- include presentation of the certifi- be used for decorative purposes on other items, such OS helmet decals, rtodium cates by the president or chancellor flogs and bumper stickers. Continued on puge 13 63rd NCAA CONVENTION SET IN LOS ANGELES FreshmanEligibility TopsItems of Entertainment Stars,- --“whizzer ” White, To Be Feted at Jan. 7flonors Luncheon legislation FacingVoting Delegates Supreme Court Justice Byron R. distinguished record as athlete, White will receive the NCAA’s scholar, leader and jurist. The 1938 With 41 items of legislation and ferences and most of its associated highest honor, 17 luminaries of the graduate of the University of Colo- administration to consider, a long groups will have met. field of the performing arts will be rado joins Dwight D. Eisenhower list of committee meetings to at- Highlighting the social calendar recognized and selected 1968 Post- and Lcverett Saltonstall as Teddy tend and several attractive social are the Monday night reception for graduate Scholarship winners will winners. events awaiting them, the delegates delegates and the Tuesday noon be present at the Association’s The 17 entertainers will receive the to the NCAA’s 63rd Convention will Honors Luncheon (see accompany- fourth annual Honors Lunchcon NCAA’s Commemorative Plaques, find Los Angeles a busy city Jan. ing story), both in the Pacific Ball- Jan. 7. attesting their success in their se- 6-8. room of the Statler Hilton Hotel, the A highlight of the 63rd NCAA lected professions since winning in- Actually, while those are the “of- Convention Headquarters. Convention, the Honors Luncheon, tercollegiate letters as undergratl- ficial” Convention dates, many will While the NCAA meets in the will be in the Pacific Ballroom of uates. Included are star performers travel to Los Angeles earlier than Statler Hilton, the American Foot- the Statler Hilton Hotel, Conven- of motion pictures and television, Jan. 5, for a long list of meetings ball Coaches Association members tion headquarters. noted singers and several of the in- will be held prior to the opening will gather in the nearby Biltmore. Curt Gowdy, NBC sportscaster dustry’s top producers. session on Monday. The College Athletic Business Man- who will do the TV play-by-play The performers are Johnny Mack The NCAA Baseball Rules Com- agers Association convention will be for the NCAA basketball finals in Brown, David Canary, Art Linklet- mittee kicks off the schedule on in the Statler Hilton, as will the March, will be master of ceremo- ter, Lee Majors, Ozzie Nelson, Tom Jan. 2. and by Jan. 9 a high per- U. S. Track Coaches Association nies. Smothers, Robert Slack, Woody centage of the Association’s com- and CoSIDA. Justice White will receive the Strode and Dennis Weaver. The mittees, many of its allled oon- Ccmtinued on page 13 Theodore Roosevelt Award for his Continued on page 12 . FOOTBHLLFEUDHLISM The preamble to the official playing rules of college football is known as Admittedly, inflation can be blamed and coaches can argue that college “The Football Code.” It is printed by the Football Rules Committee immedi- management should limit grants-in-aid and recruiting costs. Yet, us long as ately in advance of the official playing rules and states quite simply that the rules of the game place a premium on more players, more coaches and “Traditionally, football is the game of the larger traveling squads, it seems reasonable to take first things first. schools and colleges.” And the big spenders who shun economy should keep in mind the sober- The game of intercollegiate football does belong to the colleges. Ulti- ing fact that soccer, America’s fastest-growing sport, fits neatly and inex- mately, it is their viewpoint which governs what the game should be and pensively within the perimeter of the football stadium. what it should strive to accomplish. The viewpoint of each NCAA college, as Setting aside the economic factors, prime attention must be given to the it decides its position on critical intercollegiate issues, reflects the attitudes student who plays the game, the college which conducts the program and the of the administration, the faculty, the students playing the game, the student coaches who hove a responsibility to their successors. body in general, the coaches, former lettermen and other alumni . and the Conclusions Against Free Substitution exchequer! There are numerous valid arguments on both sides in considering these This becomes critically significant as we consider the welfare of o great three areas, but our conclusions against free substitution and its resultant two game-o game which has become a unique and inspiring American tradition platoon planning are these: as it prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversory. Although many of its most 1 The student playing the game-is better for having learned to avid disciples may not sense current circumstances, it appears clear that col- play both offense and defense; he is forced to learn and to do the lege football is on a collision course with college management, A nose-to- things he does not necessarily do well naturally which is part of the nose (noseguard to noseguard?) confrontation is in the offing. important character building, maturing process of the game. From Alonzo Stagg to Fritz Crisler and A. R. Hutchens to Davey Nelson, Whereas most students may play at their specialty under free sub- there have been moving speeches as to the sanctity of the Football Rules Com- stitution, they are somewhat like the golfer who hits the tee shots and mittee and the inviolate nature of its proceedings. Fair enough, if the members’ has someone else do the putting, or the seven-foot basketball player deliberations are truly representative. Yet, who has spoken of the inordinate who stands under the offensive basket to dunk but lets the other four pressures exerted by the American Football Coaches Association (through its go back on defense. big number surveys and special rules committee meetings) to keep the 2. The student’s degree of participation-will not necessarily di- gome “the way we want it.” These efforts throw the rules-making process out minish under a different substitution rule. A football player normally of kilter and disenfranchise many of college football’s “stockholders” will go where he can play which would mean that as some of the ex- whose opinions are not tabulated. Think of how many Americans would feel cess is pared from the swollen squads, athletes will be playing at insti- more secure if Gallup, Roper, Nielsen or Jack Curtice would ask them at least tutions which barely muster sufficient numbers now. one question. 3. lhe college conducting the program-will be benefited by a cost Game Not Exclusively Coaches’ savings which can be utilized in the development and promotion of In short, college football does not belong exclusively to the coaches and other sports. (How does one justify a lo-man football coaching staff, a successful seasons should not develop a ruling aristocracy of winning coaches part-time gymnastics coach and on abandoned track program?) who believe championships and national acclaim give them a godly om- Also, if a college has a program in physical education, designed to niscience as to what should be done with the game.
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