I M i t o m n m jPanrligHter g p^nino ijfrrald TUESDAY. 0£3TONlfR "it 1«80 Check Your Chest—-Make Sure You Are in Good Health 1 ■ Rev. Quentin Nelapn, ’ mltoionary •t. Bamadatto’a Mothsra Ctrela has often been sought ia RookyiDe A bout T ow n to the Congo, Africa, will bring w4U .mdiit tomorrow avanlng at L ocal C ouple Preaches op 04!t. 28 A. As Meeting by many persons who were inter­ a firat-hand maaeaga on the work eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. ested hi Joining AJt. Liut year of-the Covenant church in tha dark Viola Michalak, 63 derard atreet. he spent part of^ his vacation Average Dally NgtPrsasPrsss Run The Weather IlM Navajo 4katiiic d a b will .continant, and ahow a colored, hoM ita vraakly mwtlnr tomorrow Wed 25 Years Here Saturday studying characters, types and be- Fee Mm Weah Badlag fe’erecaal of 0. 8. Waathar Banaa Bound film, entitled *'Ood’a Handi­ Pfc. Daniel F. VeriUi, Jr., eon of haviortams on the Bowery in New Oetolwr 14, 1956 •venlac at algbt o'clock to Um work in the Congo," at tha Coven­ Mr. and Mre. Daniel Verilh of 113 York City. He is an artist in pen GDRTnEltS Today: Fair aad warm; hlgh- lodgo at Cantor Springa ^ k . A ant-Congregational church on Princeton etreet, haa been trana- 777 M am Vt M an«hv«ter Conn. 7-J 44t wall known akator wilt giva a talk a f and ink drawings and made a eat temperatare near Itt'toalghL Spruce atreet thia evening. Miaa ferred to the signal corps of the Honor Guests Cele­ Indications Point to large number of sketches, many of 10^055 on agura akating. Alt preaent Oreta Nelaon, eoprano aoloiat of 48rd pivlaion at Camp Pickett aa which have been shown to public geaerally fair; loweet near 56. mambato ara utgad to attond, and bration Held at the Large Attendance at WEDNESDAY a af Mm Audit (. tha choir, .will aing. Mr. Nelaon a photographer. A graduate of gatherihga where he spoke or to 1 a< CbaalaMaaa nmradayi Moatly chmdy. naw mambara will ba walcomad. was chairman of the Congo Mjia* Rauahon Institute* of Photography, V. F. W. Home Hollister Street School A.A. meetings in Manchester. Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm aionary Council. Thia ia Miaaionary he did buaineea here as Dan's Some of these eketches will be in­ M ORNING Miaa Nancy Jana Crockatt. Emphaala vtoek at the local church, Photo Service until the guard was cluded in a book Rev. Musser ex­ djuightar of Mr. and Mra. WiUUun Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Brown Local members of the Manches­ and additional meetinga will be federalized, pects to be printed soon in the fu­ VALUES VOL. LXX, NO. l i IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Crockatt of 30 ralrfield atreet. haa held on Friday and Saturday eve­ of 101 Walker street, whose silver ter Group of Alcoholics Anony­ ture, deUHing his story of his ex­ baan alactod aacratary of her claaa nings. Ali intaiMted will be wel­ Mr. and Mrs. Bernia Wooten of wedding anniversary fell on Oc­ mous expect the coming Open periences on the Bowery In 1949. 9:00 To 12:00 at FnuikUn County Public Hoapl- come. New Orleans, La., announce the tober 15, were honored with a party Meeting to be held In Hollister The leader of the Open Meeting Ul, Oraanfleld, Masa. Miaa Crock* arrival of a daughter. Shelley Ann, school auditorium next Saturday will be a Manchester man who att waa graduated with the claaa Saturday evening at the V, F. W. haa bton connected with the local Mr. and Mra. C. Elmore Wj^tkina on September 23. Mra. Wooten la Hmne, Mancheater Green, which night, October 21, will attract a Homemakers Center of 1950 from Manchaater High of South Main atreet entertained the former Elizabeth B. Shelton of larger attendance than ever before A-A. group since its early days. achool and antarad training in was attended by about seventy since invitations have been mailed There will be two men speakers, Mr. and Mra. Charles Berry of 36 Strant street. relatives and frienda from Water- Reg. 1.19-1.49 Septambar. Longmeadow, Mass., during -their out to the 46 groups In Connecti­ both from Connecticut, and one bury, Hartford, East Hartford, woman A.A. from Springfield, ----- ^ stay in town. Mra, Berry gave At a short meeting last night of cut and to many groups in Mas­ 42 and 50 in. Tha marriaga of Miaa Marion Bloomfield, Broad Brook and thia sachusetts. Mass., who will tell her story. South Korean Enter P an illustrated lecture on seasonal the commutes for the military yongyang Francea Childa. daughter of Mr. town. Unknown to the honor Following the meeting an Open flower arrangement last evening The meeting which is open to and Mra. Joaeph Childa of Hart­ whist to be held Friday evening at gueata, arrangements for the cele­ the public with no admission House session will be enjoyed at ford, to Damaae E. Chaveiar, will at the October meeting of the St. Bridget's church final details bration were made by their daugh- the PathSnders Club on Norman TAFFETAS Manchester Garden Club. Mr. charge, will be called to order at take place Saturday, October 21, were arranged. Chairman Mildred tera, Mrs. John Wyae, Mra. Nor­ 8:30 p. m. and besides the A.A. street. Arrangements are being AND at nine o’clock in St. Pater’a Watkins and Mr. Berry were stu­ Beaupre wishes to atresa that ma Wilson and Judy Brown, speakers, the arrangement com­ made to provide all who attend the church, Hartford. A dinner at one dents in Tufla-jfollege at the same playing will begin promptly at Mr. Brown presented to his wife Miss ARoe Harrison mittee has also secured a stellar affair a true sample of A.A. hospi- time. 8:1.5, Mra. Paul Adams haa aollclt- SLIPPER o’clock will follow at tha Southern a wedding band In yellow gold set attraction in the guest speaker. tallty embellished with refresh­ Truman Says U. S. Big Blow Rips Fhrida Capture Airfield and Plantation. Miaa. Childa la a ed a number of door prizes to be with diamonds, to match a ring he Miss Alice Harrison, Boston, Rev. Forrest Musser, pastor of the ments and entertainment. I A joint meeting of the Manchea- granddaughter of John Zelinaki of given away. Refraahmenta are In gave her last Christmas, together Maasachuaetts, director of youth Union Congregational church of 62 North atreet. i ter Itallan-Amerlcan Society and the capable hands of Mra John with twenty-five beautiful roses Rockville. SATINS ita auxiliary will be held tomorrow Cratty and Mrs. Lila Brown. Miaa end a corsage of yellow pompons. activities of The Universalist Is Also An Artist i Dead, Scores Hurt, o ^ # i night at eight o’clock to plan the Madeline Smith reports that The couple received numerous Church of America, will preach in Rev. Musser has been extremely W ill Fight Russians societies' activities for the winter tickets are going well and will be gIfU In silver, and from their the West Hartford Universalist interested In the problem of al­ season. Refreshments will be en­ available at the door Friday eve­ daughters s complete coffee service coholic addiction and rehabilita­ TAMPAX Put Loss at $5,000,000 otorm into Capital diurch of the Redeemer on Sun­ joyed after the meeting. All ning. with um, tray, sugar and creamer, tion. He haa been a speaker at in 3 absorb«ncy sizM 2 1 *00 members are invited to attend. together with twenty-five silver day, October 28 at 11:00 a. m. many of the Friday night meetings If They Ask for It Memorial Lodge, No. 38. Knights dollars. The trio served a delicious Miss Harrison, who formerly made in Manchester ' since the local In many attractive UHCful col­ Miami, Fla.. Oct. 18. i;P) —A . Two hundred were homeless In GARTHE of Pythias, will meet tomorrow buffet style luncheon and saw to It her home in Mahehester, Connect­ group waa founded, and his advice, on . Ideal for llningi, drape*, hurricane sweeping upon Florida's , West Hollywood, 126 houses were 111 Mam $f. MafwKrffgr, CovtA. t*]44t evening at 8 o’clock In Caatle hall, that every one present had a most on problems concerning alcohol bedHpreadx. All first quality. citrus belt today left a trail of In- I severely damaged and 25 were dry Oolway street. icut, Is a graduate of Boston Uni­ Over Taedong River enjoyable time. Tells Cheering Audience juries, one death and property i mollshod. Noonday Lunchoon Mr. Brown and the former Miss versity where she majored in the 9:00 To 12:00 Quaker City damage estimated at $5,000,000 or j Florida National Guardsmen For Business People The Highland Park P. T. A. will Ernestine M. Tulatro were married fleld of Religious Education. She In San Francisco more tn four south Florida "Gold | were called out to protect proper­ WED. H M. hold open house and a pot-luck also studied philosophy in the Coast" counties. ' ty and prevent looting there and THl'RS., OCT. 19. 11:45 - I :S0 In Wsterbury, October 15, 1925, junior Reg. 1..39 Climax 8 Day March atipper tomorrow evening at 6:30. and lived In East Hartford and Orsduste School of Boston Uni­ America Will Not Tol­ V ice Squad The storm now losing strength at the nearby towns of Davie and All parents are cordially invited to versity.
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