Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_1_pretoc Final Proof page i 28.6.2005 11:18am A Companion to American Fiction 1865–1914 Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_1_pretoc Final Proof page ii 28.6.2005 11:18am Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture This series offers comprehensive, newly written surveys of key periods and movements, and certain major authors, in English literary culture and history. Extensive volumes provide new perspectives and positions on contexts and on canonical and postcanonical texts, orientating the beginning student in new fields of study and providing the experienced undergraduate and new graduate with current and new directions, as pioneered and developed by leading scholars in the field. 1 A Companion to Romanticism Edited by Duncan Wu 2 A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture Edited by Herbert F. Tucker 3 A Companion to Shakespeare Edited by David Scott Kastan 4 A Companion to the Gothic Edited by David Punter 5 A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare Edited by Dympna Callaghan 6 A Companion to Chaucer Edited by Peter Brown 7 A Companion to Literature from Milton to Blake Edited by David Womersley 8 A Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture Edited by Michael Hattaway 9 A Companion to Milton Edited by Thomas N. Corns 10 A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry Edited by Neil Roberts 11 A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature and Culture Edited by Phillip Pulsiano and Elaine Treharne 12 A Companion to Restoration Drama Edited by Susan J. Owen 13 A Companion to Early Modern Women’s Writing Edited by Anita Pacheco 14 A Companion to Renaissance Drama Edited by Arthur F. Kinney 15 A Companion to Victorian Poetry Edited by Richard Cronin, Alison Chapman, and Antony H. Harrison 16 A Companion to the Victorian Novel Edited by Patrick Brantlinger and William B. Thesing 17–20 A Companion to Shakespeare’s Works: Volumes I–IV Edited by Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard 21 A Companion to the Regional Literatures of America Edited by Charles L. Crow 22 A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism Edited by Walter Jost and Wendy Olmsted 23 A Companion to the Literature and Culture of the American South Edited by Richard Gray and Owen Robinson 24 A Companion to American Fiction 1780–1865 Edited by Shirley Samuels 25 A Companion to American Fiction 1865–1914 Edited by Robert Paul Lamb and G. R. Thompson 26 A Companion to Digital Humanities Edited by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth 27 A Companion to Romance Edited by Corinne Saunders 28 A Companion to the British and Irish Novel 1945–2000 Edited by Brian W. Shaffer 29 A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Drama Edited by David Krasner 30 A Companion to the Eighteenth-Century English Novel Edited by Paula R. Backscheider and Culture and Catherine Ingrassia 31 A Companion to Old Norse–Icelandic Literature and Culture Edited by Rory McTurk 32 A Companion to Tragedy Edited by Rebecca Bushnell 33 A Companion to Narrative Theory Edited by James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz 34 A Companion to Science Fiction Edited by David Seed Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_1_pretoc Final Proof page iii 28.6.2005 11:18am AMERICAN F ICTION 1865−1914 EDITED BY ROBERT PAUL LAMB AND G. R. THOMPSON Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_1_pretoc Final Proof page iv 28.6.2005 11:18am ß 2005 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd except for editorial material and organization ß 2005 by Robert Paul Lamb and G. R. Thompson BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148–5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia The right of Robert Paul Lamb and G. R. Thompson to be identified as the Authors of the Editorial Material in this Work, including captions and accompanying text for the illustrations, has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2005 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 2005 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A companion to American fiction, 1865–1914 / edited by Robert Paul Lamb and G.R. Thompson. p. cm.—(Blackwell companions to literature and culture ; 35) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-0064-9 (hard cover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-0064-8 (hard cover : alk. paper) 1. American fiction—19th century—History and criticism—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. American fiction—20th century—History and criticism—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Lamb, Robert Paul, 1951–II. Thompson, Gary Richard, 1937–III. Series. PS377.C665 2005 813’.409—dc22 2004029758 A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. Set in 11/13 pt Garamond 3 by SPI Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall Picture research by Helen Nash The publisher’s policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards. For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: www.blackwellpublishing.com Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_1_pretoc Final Proof page v 28.6.2005 11:18am In loving memory of David Lamb and Lena Siegel Lamb and Raleigh Harmon Fosbrink and Virginia Thompson Fosbrink Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_2_toc Final Proof page vii 28.6.2005 11:22am Contents List of Illustrations x Notes on Contributors xi Acknowledgments xvii Editors’ Introduction 1 Robert Paul Lamb and G. R. Thompson PART I Historical Traditions and Genres 13 1 The Practice and Promotion of American Literary Realism 15 Nancy Glazener 2 Excitement and Consciousness in the Romance Tradition 35 William J. Scheick 3 The Sentimental and Domestic Traditions, 1865–1900 53 Gregg Camfield 4 Morality, Modernity, and ‘‘Malarial Restlessness’’: American Realism in its Anglo-European Contexts 77 Winfried Fluck 5 American Literary Naturalism 96 Christophe Den Tandt 6 American Regionalism: Local Color, National Literature, Global Circuits 119 June Howard Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_2_toc Final Proof page viii 28.6.2005 11:22am viii Contents 7 Women Authors and the Roots of American Modernism 140 Linda Wagner-Martin 8 The Short Story and the Short-Story Sequence, 1865–1914 149 J. Gerald Kennedy PART II Contexts and Themes 175 9 Ecological Narrative and Nature Writing 177 S. K. Robisch 10 ‘‘The Frontier Story’’: The Violence of Literary History 201 Christine Bold 11 Native American Narratives: Resistance and Survivance 222 Gerald Vizenor 12 Representing the Civil War and Reconstruction: From Uncle Tom to Uncle Remus 240 Kathleen Diffley 13 Engendering the Canon: Women’s Narratives, 1865–1914 260 Grace Farrell 14 Confronting the Crisis: African American Narratives 279 Dickson D. Bruce, Jr. 15 Fiction’s Many Cities 296 Sidney H. Bremer 16 Mapping the Culture of Abundance: Literary Narratives and Consumer Culture 318 Sarah Way Sherman 17 Secrets of the Master’s Deed Box: Narrative and Class 340 Christopher P. Wilson 18 Ethnic Realism 356 Robert M. Dowling 19 Darwin, Science, and Narrative 377 Bert Bender 20 Writing in the ‘‘Vulgar Tongue’’: Law and American Narrative 395 William E. Moddelmog Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_2_toc Final Proof page ix 28.6.2005 11:22am Contents ix 21 Planning Utopia 411 Thomas Peyser 22 American Children’s Narrative as Social Criticism, 1865–1914 428 Gwen Athene Tarbox PART III Major Authors 449 23 An Idea of Order at Concord: Soul and Society in the Mind of Louisa May Alcott 451 John Matteson 24 America Can Break Your Heart: On the Significance of Mark Twain 468 Robert Paul Lamb 25 William Dean Howells and the Bourgeois Quotidian: Affection, Skepticism, Disillusion 499 Michael Anesko 26 Henry James in a New Century 518 John Carlos Rowe 27 Toward a Modernist Aesthetic: The Literary Legacy of Edith Wharton 536 Candace Waid and Clare Colquitt 28 Sensations of Style: The Literary Realism of Stephen Crane 557 William E. Cain 29 Theodore Dreiser and the Force of the Personal 572 Clare Virginia Eby Index 587 Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_3_posttoc Final Proof page x 28.6.2005 11:24am Illustrations 5.1 The textile workers’ strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts 106 6.1 Internal improvements 126 10.1 Chinese workers building the Central Pacific Railroad 209 10.2 The revolution in agriculture 214 11.1 Chief Tatanka Iyotanka of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux 232 12.1 A new kind of bondage 255 15.1 Jewish immigrants on Hester Street in New York City 302 16.1 The noonday shopping crowd on State Street in Chicago 334 18.1 ‘‘Yearning to be free’’ 368 24.1 ‘‘Huck and Jim in their final years’’ 489 25.1 The Dean of American letters 510 27.1 Edith Wharton and the new woman author 550 All captions and accompanying text are by the editors. Lamb / Companion to American Fiction 1405100648_3_posttoc Final Proof page xi 28.6.2005 11:24am Notes on Contributors Michael Anesko teaches English and American literature at Pennsylvania State University. His books include ‘‘Friction with the Market’’: Henry James and the Profession of Authorship (1986) and Letters, Fictions, Lives: Henry James and William Dean Howells (1997). Bert Bender is Professor of English at Arizona State University.
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