■■■■■■■I ■no if**' — ■** * The Clinton Republican. 54th Tear—No. 15. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1,1909, Whole No. 2771. VARIOUS TOPICS. N MRS. WILL GREEN ARIE BINKHORST \ ARTHUR MORSE. COMING TO ST JOHNSKPresident of Lake View Irrigation Lost Thumb and Finger Whils Leading HOIWIMIIR*; St. Johns bank statements appear in Taken III Saturday and Died 8unday THEHLUMEM this issue. Morning. Company. a Colt. * * * S. Th« Michigan United Railway has To Cclcrate Next Monday, Was Great Success and Much Gave Address to Seniors Last The community were shocked to The Cody Enterprise, founded by A most distressing accident happen ­ recently invested $50,000 in new hear of the death of Mrs. Will Green July 5th. Enjoyed. Thursday Evening. motors and cars. The closed cars are Buffalo Bill, published at Cody, Wyo., ed near Eagle last week when Arthur at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. recently gave a full account of the Morse, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, being equipped with the new 40-horse Thomas H. Green in this city Sunday power motors. commencement of work on the Ham- had his thumb literally jerked out by morning. Mrs. ^reen had recently re­ MUSIC AND GAMES mitt ditch, for the Irrigation of 8,000 the roots. He was leading a horse 102 GRADUATES A FAREWELL CHAPEL covered from typhoid fever and was "Nik Word received from Mr. and Mrs. R. or 9,000 acres of land near Cody. The and a jerk on the small rope caused as well as usual until about 2 o'clock property was turned over to Mr. Bink- the injury. C. Davies says they uave rented a Address, Fireworks — Everything to Held at High School Room Friday Saturday afternoou, when she was tak­ horst a short time ago, who represent ­ Mr. Morse was driving in a buggy Were Present Besides a Number of cottage for a year at Winchelsea, en suddenly ill with convulsions, men ­ Sussex county, England, Mr. Davies Make the Celebration One, ed himself and associates In Michigan and leading by means of a rope, a Friends—Good Toasts Morning —A Large Attendance ingitis causing her death early Sun ­ and Edwin F. Rice of Pittsfield, Mas­ young colt, belonging to James Fish. old home. They will make frequent ex ­ day morning. Long to be Rerffcmbered. Were Given. of Pupils and Friends. cursions from there. sachusetts. The project promises to He had the cord twisted around his Sarah May Holden was born In the make a lot of money for the owners thumb and finger and as he drovq past township of Victor, May 17, 1873. On i As the result of the vicious attack Lots of people are coming to Saint and bring a large atea under cultiva­ Dow Pennington ’s a dog belonging to January 19th, 1891, she was married to tion. Commenting upon Mr. Blnk- Mr. Pennington arose suddenly from One of the most enjoyable social af­ The graduating exercises of the sen - (Of a bull, from behind, James Dela­ William Green and resided on his Johns next Monday to celebrate the fairs held In many a year was the al­ ney, who lives on a farm northwest of Fourth. A detailed list of sports, horst, the enterprise says; wihere he had* been lying in the road ior class were held in the Methodist farm In Victor township until last “Mr. Blnkhorst has come to Cody at and frightened the hosse hitched to the umni meeting held In the Congrega ­ church last Thursday evening. A large Owosso, lies with his neck broken and spring when they came to St. Johns games, etc., was published last week. tional church last Friday evening. in a serious condition. There will be plenty of music, a the desire of all financially interested buggy. The colt stood still, but the number were present. The church was to Hve with his mother. and has accepted the management of other horse jumped and quick as a There were 162 graduates that answer ­ decorated with the class colors, bluql Mrs. Green was a woman dearly lov ­ good ball game between Maple Rap ­ ed to roll call, about one-third of the and a beautiful ’09 pen- ^Nineteen were voted for membership ids and the Lansing Wheelbarrow the proposition. He has made himself flash Mr. Morse's thumb came out at and white, ed by all, was a Christian, being a a citizen of Cody and is here with his the first Joint. The third finger of the number enrolled. It was the best rep ­ nant was hung back of the class which In the Congregational church last week prominent worker In the M. E. church teams, the Brunswick Comedy Quar­ resentation that the meeting has had fifteen of whom united with the church family residing at the Kearn'a house. same hand was taken off at the joint was seated in the choir loft. near her former home for a number tette will give two preformances on an below the nail. for some time. The high school chorus sang a num ­ Sunday, the other four being unable to elevated atage on Clinton avenue, Hon. He has during the past five years been of years .and leaves a host of relatives district manager for the Northwestern The injured man drove on to Mr. It was indeed a pleasure to meet so ber of beautiful selections under the be present on that day. They will be and friends to mourn her sudden death. A. J, Tuttle of LanBlng will make a many whom one had not seen for so received later. speech. A number of contests for Mutual IJfe Insurance Co., of Milwau­ Fish ’s as quickly as possible and Dr. direction of Miss Ruth Hume, who has Besides the husband she leaves her kee and comes highly recommended Paine was hustled from Grand Ledge. long, some perhaps since the night of had charge of music In the sch parents, four brothers and two sisters. cash prizes will take place. The whole their graduation. Many are scattered According to the Lansing papers the performance will wind up with elab ­ from his company and various banks It was necessary to take a still further for the past two years. The numbeXX The funeral services were held at at his home town of Battle Creek, amputation of the finger to facilitate from coast to coast and although they nicely rendered and showed general fund of the state will be ex ­ the home of Mrs. Thos. H. Green Tues­ orate fireworks in the. evening. The were unable to be present, they were in hausted In a few days and the state Michigan, and Chicago as a shrewd, healing and Mr. Morse is getting on much practice and interest taken day afternoon. Rev. James B. Pinckard committees have worked faithfully to thoroughly reliable and honorable busi ­ nicely. many times In our thoughts during the the musical work. will be without funds to pay employers officiating. The order of Eastern Star get up an entertaining and sane cele­ evening as we exchanged greetings and or running expenses until the tax is ness man. His plan, as outlined to the Hon. Washington Gardner of Albion. attended in a body. Those who were bration, and The Republican believes Enterprise, is to b« one of conserva ­ recalled our high school days. Michigan, delivered the commence ­ received next January. The state present from away were: Mr. and this will be the best celebration, all CLINTON CO. NORMAL One favorite was present whose vis­ may borrow $250,000 but that would tism and carefulness. Every business ment address. His subject was, "Does Mrs. A. W. Holden and daughter; Mr. things considered, ever held In Saint move he makes will be carefully plan ­ it had been looked forward to with it Pay to Have an Education? ” He ill­ last only a very short time. and Mrs. George Holden and daughter; Johns. The decorations will be an es­ great anticipation and it was indeed ned in advance to carry the proposi ­ Commr. Townsend Outlines Plans for ustrated this in numerous ways, giv­ Mr. and Mrs. Ezra I^attimer and pecially pleasing feature. tions a successful conclusion." a pleasure to again meet Prof. D. B. ing a good practical talk, inciting each EMINENT CATHOLICS daughter, Grace, and son, Ed.; Mr. and The Woodmen degree team of Lan ­ Next Year's Work. Yntema. who for 16 years reigned at to good thoughts, worthy deeds and^v. Mrs. Stephen Price and children,, and sing will give a drill. This Is a crack the head of St. Johns schools. Profes­ Ed. Eiserman. all of Victor; Charles \ noble purposes. drill team, and the4r performance will THE CHURCHES. sor Yntema has been In poor health The class was presented to the Have Inaugurated War to Exterminate Holden and wife of Toledo; Frank be worth seeing. W Will all of those who are planning for some time and for this fact his Holden and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred school board by Supt. E. D. Palmer the Saloon. Free Methodist. to enter the County Normal this fall name was not upon the alumni pro ­ and Attorney J. M. Hoxle. in behalf DeLapp and Mr, and Mrs. Milton kindly send me their names and post- gram, but all were much pleased to of the board', presented the diplomas. Raugh of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Fred EUREKA CELEBRATION The usual services will be held Sun ­ office addresses as soon as possible? hear his kindly words In response to After the exercises a reception was The Chicago Tribune the first of the Green and children of Ovid; also El- day and also through the week.
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