17366 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 3, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FINANCIAL ffiRESPONSIBILITY An enormous a.mount of this money will People in Fannin County know and GRANDCHILDRENS' LEGACY be pumped Into federal programs allegedly love "Big Mutt," because of his individual in support of a number of worthy causes. The truth is only an 1nfln1teslmal amount and unpublicized personal efforts to help HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. of that money will ever reach the people it's his fellow man. He has a unique talent of supposed to help. being able to make every human being OF vmGINIA The vast majority wlll be tied up in the feel worthy and important. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ever-growing bureaucratic structure and the Young children tag along behind him Monday, June 3, 1974 red tape that goes with it, with the taxpayer as if he were the Pied Piper of Hamlin. carrying the crushing burden of waste in He makes them feel like adults. The older Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ government. folks cluster around him like a magnet, dent, Congressman SAM STEIGER of. Ari­ We cannot continue to pay our bills with because he makes them feel the freedom zona wrote an interesting and enlight­ "print.Ing press money" and we certainly can­ of children. ening article which appeared in the Ari­ not raise taxes the only other alternative to get out of the "federal waste maze." Even in the 83d year of this law offi­ zona Weekly Gazette on April 16, 1974. The President apparently has relinquished cer's life, his telephone often rings at Congressman STEIGER correctly de­ all visible effort to hold the line on federal all hours of the day and night: A neigh­ scribed the financial status of the Gov­ spending and social experimentation. bor with a problem, a youngster in trou­ ernment as "precarious" and warned I, for one, wm try with more determina­ ble, a criminal that wants a fair shake, a that sooner or later the Government will tion than ever to advooate fl.seal integrity, panhandler that wants a handout-all have to learn that you cannot spend which means less taxes, less spending, con­ tinual reduction of the size of government, calls are answered. what you do not have. Mutt Milford's greatest contribution to I commend Congressman STEIGER for a balanced budget, and paying your own way. Otherwise, the governmental financial folly mankind probably consists of his sense his article. I note that he quotes with ·of today wlll be a national debt carried by of humor. He is a top-notch practical approval Senator BARRY GOLDWATER of our grandchildren. jokester, usually using himself as the Arizona on the subject of the Federal butt of the joke. His reflected philosophy budget, and I want to add that Senator has always been: "You can't cry if you PAUL FANNIN, also of Arizona and my are laughing." colleague on the Senate Finance Com­ THE MAGNIFICENT MUTI' My colleague, DALE MILFORD, relates to mittee, also has long opposed irrespon­ me a private joke that has been running sible Federal spending. between him and his uncle for over 20 These representatives of the State of HON. RAY ROBERTS years. Each Christmas, DALE would mail Arizona are rendering splendid service OF TEXAS his uncle Mutt a greeting card simply in the effort to bring Federal spending IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES addressed to: "The Ugliest Man in under control. Texas." Ladonia, Tex. Big Mutt always I ask unanimous consent that the text Monday, June 3, 1974 got his card. of Congressman STEIGER's article, "Fi­ Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. Speaker, this past nancial Irresponsibility Grandchildren's Recently, Congressman MILFORD at­ week, I received a copy of the Ladonia tended a meeting in Moscow, Russia. Legacy,'' be printed in the Extensions News. Featured prominently, was an ar­ While there, DALE mailed a card to his of Remarks. ticle written by David Clark about "A Uncle addressed to: "The Ugliest Man in There being no objection, the article Fixture in Ladonia." This particular fix­ the World,'' Ladonia, Tex. On the back was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ture is a man by the name of Henry side, the message simply said "Congratu­ as follows: Herman "Mutt" Milford. lations, you are now world famous." Big FINANCIAL I'RRESPONSmILITY GRANDCHILDREN'S Now probably no one in either the LEGACY Mutt got his card. · House of the Senate has ever heard of Mr. Speaker, and my colleagues in the (By Sa.m Steiger) Mutt Milford-with one notable excep­ House and Senate, I am going to have to Yesterday at midnight--the 15th of tion-and most will have never heard of honestly admit that Mutt would have April-when all of us pay or have paid our the city of Ladonia. Income taxes presents as good a time as ever some rough going as a beauty contestant. to reflect on the precarious financial s·tatus The one notable exception would be my However, he will stand tall in any lineup of the federal government, recipient of all colleague, Congressman DALE MILFORD, of first-class Americans and leading those hard-earned dollars. who will proudly point out that H. H. citizens of any community. The federal government has yet to accep·t "Mutt" Milford is his uncle and that While it is true that Henry Herman the simple standard that all of the rest of Ladonia is located 5 miles south of Bug "Mutt" Milford is a "Fixture in La­ us are forced to live by: You simply cannot Tussle--where my colleague was born. donia,'' he is also a pillar in this Nation. spent what you don't have. Mr. Speaker, I know Mutt Milford. I Mr. David Clark's article is as follows: The budget submitted to Congress ls a first learned of him from another Fan­ colossal example of just that: Not only "over­ MU'IT Mn.FORD-A F'IxTURE IN LADONIA spend" as an answer to all ills, but "spend nin County, Tex., resident who used to more than you've got." Compounding the "cuss" and discuss Mutt Mllford. Hts (By David Clark) problem ls the bureaucratic answer: "print name was Sam Rayburn. Herman "Mutt Milford" ls considered by more money." Speaker Rayburn was a close personal many local citizens to be a fixture 1n La­ The 304 billion dollar budget ls not only friend of the Milford clan. His cussin' donia, a blend of the town's pa.st and present. the biggest 1n the history of this country, of "Big Mutt," as he called him, stemmed Mutt, a.s he prefers to be called, 1s quite a but the 30 bllllon dollar Increase over last from affection and admiration-rather contra.st to most men his age. The 83-year-old year reflects the biggest Increase in peace­ than from derision. His discussions re­ constab1e can be seen ma.king his rounds time history. about town, while most of his friends have While I'm certainly appalled at the size of flected the characterizations of an indi­ long since settled down to a daily routine of the figure, I'm even more shocked by some vidual that truly cared about his fellow­ dominoes or "42". of the things the American taxpayers' money man. Often making his rounds without a gun, wm be spent for. David Clark's article about Mutt Mil­ Mutt said that a quick call on his radio can Fortunately for the taxpayer, I'm not ford, which I will enclose for the RECORD, summon help from the Sheriff's Department e.Ione. Rep H. R. Gross (R-Iowa) has said, characterizes the unassuming nature of in Bonham, if serious trouble develops. Mutt, "But even a 10 bfilion dollar deficit means the people of Fannin County. They work who stands about 6'1 ", said that 1n his the nation is doomed to inflation." Sen. hard, they play hard and they offer their younger days he wa.s 6'4" and weighed more Harry Byrd, (Ind-V'a.) says, "I submit that than 200 pounds. federal spending is out of control," and best without bragging or self-glorifica­ Elvin Fisk, a Ladonia resident, said that Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) submits, "I tion. What these people consider to be a Mutt was "the stoutest man I ever saw. He say to you very firmly that as a candidaite "Fixture in Ladonia," can well be a mas­ could whip four or flve men 1n friendly and a senator I cannot live with the budget terpiece in society when viewed in its true wrestling matches on a given Sa.turday nigh~ my president has submitted to Congress." perspective. and I might have been one of them at one June 3, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17367 time or another." Fisk said that Mutt's nick­ has shown only three surpluses. The rest now approaches the $500 b11lion mark-half name came from his great size. of the time, we have had deficits-and a tr11lion dollars. It may be an amorphous Having spent most of his life in Ladonia, the deficits have grown ever larger. sum to taxpayers accustomed to dealing in Mutt has served as constable of Precinct 4 mere dollars and cents, but it is a debt that In Fannin County for 16 years, and claims As the News Leader states, these con­ is owned. It is a sad legacy to bequeath to that this wm be his la.st term in office. Mutt tinued deficits are responsible for a great coming generations, for it wm have to be explained that he was originally appointed to deal of the inflation which erodes the repaid.
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