2008! 2018 10-11 of is the G&Co no. since Omkar of interview Holdings 10, of Properties How year! vol. record Sharjah KEF july-auGuSt, Fidu Shurooq of landscape changing exCluSive Director 10tH Chairman raK publishing raK Dahima, tHe Chairman Managing Amit to to in Ghossoub, uninterrupted construction Varma, are with Joseph Kottikollon, and we flow strong flow Babulal Faizal Going estate real jallad: jallad: lifestyle, for Property Property RAKEZ investment investment monthly CEO, premier Group Jallad, Story region’s Ramy Cover ramy Boosting ramy Boosting The Gulf ProPertyProPerty Gulf ProPertyProPerty JulJuly-AuGust y-AuGust 2018 JulJuly-AuGusty-AuGust 2018 Gulf Gulf Gulf ProPertyProPerty Gulf ProPertyProPerty JulJuly-AuGust y-AuGust 2018 July-AuGustJuly-AuGust 2018 shopping Software connected property solutions. with exceptional w with Maximise retail integrated & value Tomorro revenue retail management for understand 971-4-4322679 Drive cloud-based, We commercial management. centre retail + Yardi.com/ae Energised Yardi on Estate Real Runs WE ARE IN THE 10TH YEAR! 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The region’s premier monthly for lifestyle, real estate and construction GulfGulfWe are in thePropertyProperty 10th year 20,000Advertisement COPIES FREE RatesRates Effective from January 2018 till December 2018 Size Dimension Single Insertion Six Insertions 12 Insertions In centimetres Rate [$/AED] Rate [$/AED] Rate [$/AED] Front Gate Fold H: 27.5 X W: 40 8,000/30,000 40,000/150,000 80,000/300,000 Outside Back Cover H: 27.5 X W: 20.5 6,000/22,000 30,000/110,000 60,000/220,000 Inside Front Cover H: 27.5 X W: 20.5 4,000/15,000 20,000/75,000 40,000/150,000 Inside Back Cover H: 27.5 X W: 20.5 4,000/15,000 20,000/75,000 40,000/150,000 Double Spread H: 28.1 X W: 41.6 5,000/18,300 25,000/91,000 50,000/183,000 Full Page H: 27.5 X W: 20.5 3,000/11,000 15,000/55,000 30,000/110,000 Half Page H: 13.5 X W: 20.5 1,500/5,500 7,500/25,000 15,000/55,000 Cover Appearance H: 29.7 X W: 20.5 20,000/75,000 Kindly Note: 1. All pages are of full-colour glossy paper 2. Materials deadlines to be strictly adhered to 4. Rates for annual bookings are subject to availability and negotiation Sponsorship No. Description Rate in US$ Rate in AED 1. Section sponsorship 20,000 75,000 Special Report/Supplement Special Reports and supplements on mega projects, country reports, sectoral reports and to celebrate corporate milestones/anniversaries of major corporations/players To be attached/added to each copies of the main magazine No Description Rate Rate All rates are per issue (Once a year) in US$ in AED 1. A12-page corporate supplement (Insert) 10,000 37,000 2. A20-page supplement (Insert) 15,000 55,000 3. A40-page A-4 book (Detached) 40,000 145,000 Online Sponsorship Gulf Property has a dynamic website that will help advertisers and the real estate developer community to reach a worldwide audience. Description Rate in US$ Rate in AED Section sponsor (Per month) 5,000 18,300 Section sponsor (Per year) 50,000 183,000 The rates are tentative and are subjected to change. Media Facts Size : W: 20.5 cm X H: 27.5 cm For all inquiries, kindly contact: Date of publication : 1st of each month Pan Asian Media MFZ LLC Circulation : 20,000 per month P.O. Box 39865, Dubai, UAE Material deadline : 20th of every month Tel : +9714 2281021 Subscription : Dh250 per year Fax : +9714 2281051 Distribution : Through subscription and retail sales E-mail : [email protected] Availability : Major newspaper and magazine : [email protected] stands, retail outlets, books and station- Website : www.gulfpropertyme.com ary shops, duty free outlets, etc EDITORIAL 40 COVERSTORY CONTENTS INTERVIEW The Godfather of Advertising Reforms to help small talks about his projects 50 MEGAPROJECT Danube launches and sells out businesses survive new megaproject Lawnz 56 KEF and Katerra merges to Latest reforms in removing employee bank create $3.7 bn company 60 guarantee, ease in visa, 100% foreign investment and a 10-year residency could EXECUTIVEOPINION 74 INDIAHOME help investors and companies to bounce Christine Lagarde/IMF 30 back and help the overall economy Misuhiro Furusawa/IMF 31 Tao Zhang/IMF 32 Sailesh Jatania/Gemini 34 Dhiren Gupta/Mortgage 4C 35 he sweeping reforms announced by the UAE fed- eral government including granting 100 percent FOCALPOINT foreign ownership to foreign investors, a 10-year Recent reforms to help UAE residency to investors, professionals in addition to economy to grow 36 the removal of the Dh3,000 bank guarantee replac- ing it with a Dh60 health insurance will go a long way in COVERSTORY supporting the struggling small companies to recover from RAKEZ boosts investment into theT current economic situation. Ras Al Khaimah 40 In Dubai, the trade licensing authorities are waiving fines INVESTMENT and reducing fees while allowing companies to pay for the Shurooq boosts Sharjah GDP trade license renewals in 12 monthly installments. Abu 50 INTERVIEW with Dh7.6 bn investment 64 Dhabi Government is injecting Dh50 billion to stimulate the Fidu gets Dh380m Chinese economy. investment in to Dubai 70 How it helps the real estate market – is to be seen. How- INDIAHOME ever, the resurgence of oil price is comforting. Although it Omkar current project portfolio pushes up the gasoline price and thus contributes to infla- exceeds $6 billion 74 tion, but the higher oil price means higher government rev- enues that will be invested in infrastructure and housing. REGULARFEATURES Realty Bytes 10 The good news is that property prices are at rock-bottom Spotlight 78 and developers are going the extra mile to help property buyers. There is a growing number of ready-to-move-in GULF PROPERTY LICENCE homes in Dubai and the buyers could choose homes ac- The region’s premier Licenced by RAK Media City, cording to their budget. monthly for lifestyle, real authorised by the National estate, construction and Media Council. Gulf Property is building materials Most developers are luckily focussing on the affordable a publication of Pan Asian homes and they are getting snapped up by the property Media MFZ-LLC buyers and investors. The latest project launch, Lawnz, by EDITORIAL Danube is a case in point that witnessed the sell out of 76 EDITOR EDITORIAL AND percent of the Phase I in three days. T. Akhtar [email protected] COMMERCIAL ADDRESS It offers studios from Dh290,000, one-bedroom apart- Pan Asian Media MFZ-LLC STAFF WRITER P.O. Box No.: 39865. ment from Dh499,000 and two-bedroom apartment for Dubai, UAE Dh699,000! The success of Danube’s latest project proves Shayaree Islam [email protected] Tel : (9714) 2281021 that there is no shortage of buyers for the right properties Fax : (9714) 2281051 at the right location at the right price and that comes with EDITORIAL COORDINATOR E-mail the right payment plan. Zeba Malik [email protected] [email protected] Web www.gulfpropertyme.com – T. Akhtar PUBLISHER T. Akhtar CIRCULATION Pan Asian Media MFZ LLC 20,000 copies Gulf Property 09 REALTYBYTES he health of the UAE’s non-oil private sector improved at the fastest rate in four months in May, ac- cording to Emirates NBD UAEUAE non-oilnon-oil growthgrowth UAE Purchasing Managers’ TIndex (PMI) – a composite indicator designed to give an accurate overview of operat- 4-monthin4-month early-2012,” it said. high:high:the headlinePMIPMI index shows ing conditions in the non-oil Reflecting sharp growth in strength in activity, profit mar- private sector economy. client demand, new project gins remain under pressure.” The headline seasonally wins and developments sur- On the price front, firms re- adjusted Emirates NBD UAE rounding Expo 2020, positive ported a reduced level of PMI rose to 56.5 in May, from sentiment in the non-oil pri- input cost inflation in May. 55.1 in April. The figure was vate sector reached its high- Softer staff cost and pur- indicative of a sharp im- est for at least six years. 56.5 chase price inflation con- provement in business con- Reflecting a strong level of tributed to only a modest ditions across the non-oil business confidence along- UAE increase in operating costs. private sector, and one that side rising output require- Promotional activity was re- was above the long-run aver- ments, firms hired additional Purchasing ported in the most recent sur- age. The PMI has registered staff at the fastest pace in vey, as reflected by a solid in growth territory continu- four months.
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