October 20, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2143 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO AMERICORPS TRIBUTE TO HANK SMETAK TRIBUTE TO ROBERT H. ROSENTHAL HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN HON. MARTIN FROST OF CALIFORNIA OF TEXAS HON. DAN MILLER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF FLORIDA Wednesday, October 20, 1999 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I would Wednesday, October 20, 1999 like to pay tribute to over 100,000 individuals Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, today, who have served the American community tribute to Hank Smetak. Mr. Smetak worked I respectfully pay tribute to a good friend and through their participation in Americorps. As 50 years in the defense industry, helping keep a wonderful constituent, Mr. Robert H. Rosen- this program completes its fifth year, I would America free, during times of war and peace. thal. He is an accomplished builder, humani- like to recognize some of the outstanding work Mr. Smetak's career in the aerospace de- tarian, and long time friend and leader of the that Americorps members have been doing in fense industry has spanned over five decades, American Jewish Committee. On February 10, the Los Angeles area. through conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and the 2000, the American Jewish Committee's West Working with Building Up Los Angeles, over Persian Gulf, and outlasting a Cold War that Coast Florida Chapter will honor Mr. Rosen- 100 Americorps participants a year serve had an impact on almost every part of the thal with its 2000 Institute of Human Relations thousands of young people from kindergarten world. Award. through high school at 29 sites including pub- Mr. Smetak started his career at Vogt, now Bob is a generous philanthropist, stalwart lic schools, churches and community centers. Lockheed Martin, from 1949 to 59, from 1959 advocate of Israel, and a champion of dis- Corps members tutor and mentor children dur- through 1968 he was employed by Rohr In- advantaged children. For two decades, the ing the school year and deliver academic sup- dustries. Then he returned to Lockheed serv- American Jewish Committee has been a focus port services when school is out; provide ing from 1968 to the present. From Rohr to of Bob's wide-ranging efforts in public affairs, health education and organize teen pregnancy LTV to Loral to Lockheed Martin, Mr. Smetak serving in a variety of positions, including and domestic violence prevention programs; has been a constant through many changes, President of the West Coast Florida Chapter and encourage residents to have pride in their and he had helped make North Texas home for three years. communities through neighborhood clean-up to the cutting edge of America's defense in- Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Bob and beautification projects and public art dustry. founded the R.H. Roberts Construction Com- projects. Building Up Los Angeles serves East Mr. Smetak, thank you for 50 years of loy- Los Angeles, Central City South, Hollywood, pany in 1952, serving as CEO and President alty to North Texas' defense industry. For 50 until his retirement in 1980. Throughout the Northeast Los Angeles, Pico Union, years, your work has contributed to defending Koreatown, the San Fernando Valley, years, his company won awards for architec- America's freedom and our values, and has tural excellence and he earned a reputation Pocoima, South Central, and Watts. helped make us the world's only Superpower. Over 100 individuals with the Southern Cali- for promoting engaged corporate citizenship. With his extraordinary talent for leadership fornia Environmental Resources Management f AmeriCorps Program have been working to and his great magnanimity, Bob has furthered protect our environment by distributing over TRIBUTE TO DEBORAH A. SLOAN the cause of all humanity. It is indeed a pleas- 30,000 water-conserving devices, such as low- ure for the American Jewish Committee to ap- flow showerheads, to residents in the Comp- plaud the civic concern and social vision of ton area and other communities in the greater HON. HEATHER WILSON Robert H. Rosenthal, and, I honor him today metropolitan basin. The program, which is ad- OF NEW MEXICO as a friend and leader, and praise his con- ministered by the Executive Partnership for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributions on behalf of the 13th Congressional Environmental Resources Training (ExPERT), Wednesday, October 20, 1999 District of Florida. will mean a savings of over 4 billion gallons of f water per year over the next ten years. Mrs. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I wish to bring In Bellflower, California, approximately 65 to your attention an honor bestowed upon POTOMAC HERITAGE NATIONAL Americorps tutors work with Project REACH Deborah A. Sloan, a teacher at Zia Elemen- SCENIC TRAIL (Reading Excellence Achieved with Commu- tary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ms. nity Help) and Project APPLE (After School Sloan was selected as a participant in the Ful- HON. STENY H. HOYER Program Promoting Learning and Enrichment), bright Memorial Fund Teacher Program. OF MARYLAND which provide academic support and enrich- Ms. Sloan, was selected from a national IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment for 1300 students in grades K±8, with pool of more than 2,700 applicants for this Wednesday, October 20, 1999 emphasis on grades three and four. This year, honor. As a member of the Navajo/Hopi Tribe additional opportunities to serve through and a distinguished teacher she is an out- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to mark the Project REACH and Project APPLE included a standing representative of the rich, diverse occasion of the Third Annual Caucus for the series of literacy programs designed to pro- culture in New Mexico. Ms. Sloan joined 200 Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail to be mote parent involvement; helping to organize educators from throughout the United States held October 22 at Oxon Hill Manor, in my the Special Olympics; assisting with a Com- to travel Japan. They visited primary and sec- District. munity Immunization Project; planning activi- ondary schools, colleges, businesses and cul- Since Congress designated the Potomac ties for children in the performing arts; pro- tural sights to learn about effective educational River corridor as a National Scenic Trail in viding nutrition education; and developing ini- tools and techniques. As a representative of legislation enacted in 1983, grassroots organi- tiatives that help children gain teamwork and New Mexico schools she shared her knowl- zations have joined forces with federal, state leadership skills. edge and insight regarding education with and local government agencies to identify new Through their work, Americorps members people from throughout the United States and opportunities to provide for public enjoyment are helping to improve neighborhoods and Japan. Her participation is a tribute to her of a trail that follows ``Our Nation's River.'' schools, develop communities, and protect the dedication and commitment to the children of Protection of our riverÐwhich is part of the environment. I am pleased to have this oppor- Zia Elementary and the future of our commu- Chesapeake Bay watershedÐand its historic tunity to commend and thank those individuals nity. sites and natural areas must be a top priority who have served through the Americorps pro- Please join me in thanking Deborah A. for our region in the years ahead. gram and made such valuable contributions in Sloan for contributions she is making to Albu- The National Park Service requires sufficient the Los Angeles area. querque, New Mexico. tools to help facilitate public involvement with · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 12<OCT>99 06:04 Oct 21, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20OC8.000 pfrm04 PsN: E20PT1 E2144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 20, 1999 this National Scenic Trail, which is why I sup- awaited his expertise. In a short time, his pa- While Reverend Booker's religious and spir- port full funding of this effort under the Serv- tients graduated from wheel chairs to crutch- itual obligations to his growing congregation ice's budget. es, to full ambulation; for many, a return to full have always been paramount, as a community I congratulate the community of grassroots employment and to all, an improved quality of leader, he has shared his faith and free time supporters of the Potomac Heritage Trail in- life. as Founder and First Moderator of the Gulf cluding the Potomac Heritage Partnership, Dr. Bertken considered the needs of the Coast Baptist Association, past President of Prince George's County government, the whole person, displaying genuine concern. He Central State Convention of Texas, and past Accokeek Foundation and many other local is dedicated not to just lessen pain but to Chairman of the Christian Education Board of groups and individuals. They are leading the eliminate it and prevent disability. Dr. Bertken the National Baptist Convention of America. regional effort to encourage conservation, his- is a strong patient advocate, seeking access Mr. Speaker, throughout his 31 years as toric preservation and sustainable commerce to the most recent approved medications and Pastor at Greater St. Matthew, Reverend along the Potomac River corridor. They de- treatments for his patients. Booker's intelligence, enthusiasm, and integ- serve our full support for their efforts. With his enthusiasm and positive attitude, rity has served his congregations well. He f he empowers patients under his care to take brings tireless energy and compassion to each an active participation in their treatment plan of his endeavors, whether it's as a Pastor, SALUTING PATIENT through education and self-management.
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