- E 3 3 ? -J aifna> Vicar-G eneral fr» « o a i - r v ' H ospital ized r » er ^ O t/v V « y t L Monsignor A. J. Miller, P.A.. Vlcar General of the diocese; and pastör of St. Francis Xav- C w ler'8 Church. Pueblo, remain« in St. Mary-Corwin Hospital fol- lowlng surgery. The Operation REGISTE DW! is doscribed as a complete suc- ccss. although Monsignor Miller THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF is expccted to remain in the (Name Registered ln the U.S. Patent Office) hospital for at least a few days We asked tbe Biahop, longer. VOL. XV. No. 31. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, I960 j,ow that Calholics have a church open house BISHOP BUSWELL TO OFFICIATE MARCH 3 ,7 nr Iheir neighbors, what re we supposed to do when ,ur friends invite us to sim- lar affairs In their hurches?" M em orial Mass Slated This is what the Biahop lad to say: “The unity to which the atholic Church is dedi- ated iS not provocative or sdu'ive. H is not the mind For Bishop W illging f tt,e Church to have the Vtv remain totally aloof A Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem will be cele- rein people who are not brated on Thursday, March 3. the first anniversary of atholics: nor to establish the death of the Most Rev. Joseph C. Willging, first [shetto into which Catholic op of the Diocese of Pueblo. First Session Set Iroplc should remain iso- The memorial Mass will be cclcbratcd by Bishop Charles A. Busweil, who suggested the observance in | “|| i> underalood by honor of the late Ordinary of ICalholie* and P rotr»- the diocese. Feb. 8 for Teacher nlikr ihat Calhoüm Iniav not pn rtiripatr «c- E m ergency Evening Rite for Loity ■tivrb in non-Cathnlic re- Bishop Busweil said that hc Course in R eligion Tjj,iou. *errice». Tili* pro- was settmß the time for the hibition i» rntirrly In Fund Stands Miss at 7:30 p.m. so .hat moro lay persons could attend the The opening training Session religion presented to them on Strepin« »ilh nur people service in the Cathedral of the in Pueblo for teachers of Junior a raature Icvel, or who feel they mainlaininff frien d ly ne- H rSuo l l n In r f l t n r l l u ia the new Service; phone call to Lincoln 4-2240 alert« störe per- A t $1717 Sacrcd Heart. He said that he Newman Clubs and H ig h nced a brush-up on the finer »oriiitinn* with thn*e » f l/ r iT t r u p IUI V .n u n iy originated for the! sonal that the donor is on the way. When a wanted to urge the laity to Schools of Religion hns been points of their faith. Jnlher faith s »£ partiei- SL Vincent de Paul Store, Pueblo, by Store driver pulls into the loading tone in front of The emergency aid fund for reccive Communion at the postponed to Monday. Feb. Secondly, the class will be ip.iline in «oeial» *|xm- Manager Bernard MeNertncy. who bclievcs itithe störe, one of the «taff is out to colloct*the Immaculate Heart of Mary Par­ Mass. Priests and religious of The announcement was made open to students who are taking reil liy olb er reHjeiotm 1« the first Service of its kind. Tbc Pueblo störe, parccl. Yes, the störe also supplies the paper bh, Pagosa Springs, now Stands the diocese also will be by Sister M. Cläre of the Mis­ the Monday evening classes in 213 W. Third, now offers curb service for donore. bags to be kept in the closet at Home for salvage. •t $1,717.82. The fund was couraged to attend the Re­ sion Helpers of the Sacred the techniques of teaching teen- rmi|». nf laking pari in begun by the Most Rev. Charles ondueletl tour. ihrnuph who prefor to bring their smallcr gifla of used ! Here Mr. McNertney reccives a parcej from Mrs. quiem. Heart. agers. but uscablc clothing and bedding to the störe|L. L. Kastelic of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Par- A. Busweil, Bishop of Pueblo, Protestant ehurehea or The classes in lechniques of Head Start for Autumn rather than «ummoning the störe truck. A ish. Pueblo.— (Photo by George Crouter) following the fire . which de Will Start Tradition teaching teen-agers will meet ,i«ll nnattofpiei, or A final group that the Mission stroycd the rectory and hall in for 15 consecutive Mondays at Helpers suggest might take the rn of nltrndinjr *erv- “We all owe a very great debl the mission parish on Monday, 7:15 p.m. in the Catechetical doctrine course consists of Jan. 4. to Bishop Willging for his re» in titeae houaea o f Center, Jefferson and Routt prospective teachers of religion Gifts have been received from self-sacrifice and apostolic or»liip undrr eerlaln Streets, Pueblo. on the grade school lcveL IX friends in the Archdiocese of imintelancea. In indl- 3-Purpose Doctrine Class they take the doctrine course .iilual raue», cheek wilh G ood - W ill S u n d a y Denver and in Oklahoma as from most parts of Southern Bishop Willging Burse A separate 15-wcck session this spring, they will have only .mir pastor. Colorado. Gifts from inside the in Catholic doctrine will have ‘a the grade school teaching tech- “In connection with the Ihreefold purpose. It will be nique class to take when the “We must bc mindful of diocese hnve been recorded anniversary, I would likc to taught by the Rev. Raymond new session opens next autumn. ; words of Pope Pius Xll from donors in Pueblo. Flor- call attention to the burse ence. Ouray. San Lub, Capuiin. Grimes at 7:15 p.m. each As the training course nor- hts Christmas measage of A c c l a i m e d establbhed in .nemory of Wednesday in the Catechetical mally takes 30 wccks and is fl in which he says that S u c c e s s Grand Junction. Mancos, Ala- Bbhop Willging," said the mosa. and Canon City. Center starting Feb. 10. being capsulizcd into 15 weeks, iiong those whom the Wlth at least four parisheafered Heart. 80 persons signcd.who hclpcd shovel snow on Most Rev. Charles A. Bus­ At least four parbhes have The Catholic doctrine dass, the Monday and Wednesday ittrch and her members still pianning GoodWIII Sunday the gueat reglaler and 120 took, Salurday. well. "It is a very fine idea first of all. will be open to evening scssions will run for taken up special collections for to continue tbe Bishop’s e called upon to »erve, a open houses for Jan. 31. the1 the tour. Nearly 100 copie. oi adults who have never had their two hours each. Sf. Froncis' Aftendoncc the fund and organizations and work by training priests to tef place is duc those who program aiready ha« becn de- the booklct The Truth About Seventy persons were record- scribed as a success by Mrs Catholicx were distributed. clubs in the diocese are voting serve in his diocese. The fund (The following letter on the importance of training for ithout bclonging to the ed for the tour in St. Francis portions of their treosuries to Henry Pettil. lay member of the Monsignor Peter F. Mass. pas- now Stands at $1,190, and Confraternity of Christian Doctrine work is tDritten by Bishop Xavier’» Parüih. The Rev. Je­ help the mission parbh rebuild sible bodv of the Catholic national board of tbe Confra- tor, said: "Local ministen co- gifts still are being accepled,” Charles A. Busweil of Pueblo. The Bishop calls special atten­ urch, are very close to us rome Rykowski, assistant pastor. the rectory and hall. he noted. ternity nf Christian Doctrinc. operated in urging their people reported that most persons of tion to the work of the catechetical sisters throughout the rough (atth in God and in Oishop Charles A. Busweil said to attend." Mrs. Pcttit, who In- “ Gifts for the Bishop Jo­ entire diocese and arges Catholics to take the training courses us Christ'." the group were gucsts of other that the program would be con- cludcd the Cathedral in her faiths. "The workers and priests Order of Martha Has seph C. Willging Memorial offered by the sisters, which are to prepare the laity for work • • « Burse may be sent to the tinued and expandcd ln future ilinerary on Jan. 24. noted that were pleased and tb non Cath- m the apostolate. Chancery Office, 1426 Grand Tiwl»> y o « g rl h old over year». a large groqp of Bibic study olle» expressed their apprecis- ( One such course will open in Pueblo in the Catechetical Display of Vestments Avenue, Pueblo." The cburches in Sil verton and club ^members attended the tion for the pro gram," he said. Center, Jefferson and Routt Streets, at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, La Anima« announced detail« open house there. (S«. Francis Xavleris Parbh. “lloltlover" U the nrw*- The parbh distributed copics of Pueblo) Feb. 8. The Wednesday evening doctrine courses, opening Feb. ^rnian'» trrm for ib« of their open houses in separate Crowd in Beimont the paraphlet Twenty Questions 10, offer a brush-up on religion for adults, in addilion to the stört« in this edition of the Th ree sets of vestments to be real." Bbhop Buswell said. f tlirrc '*wn'l quite At Christ the King Church, Most Frequently Asked About donated to the chapel of the “Sometimes people neglect to special training for teachers.) Southern Colorado Register.
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