Vol. XCIII, No. 21 Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. October 24, 1-969 Kaldron Editors Appointed, Resign by Roger Klotz last of the applications, and by tatted to set- if he could help The status of this year's KAL- that evening decidea whicn peo- produce a yea2")ook and it was DRON is in extreme doubt, with ple he felt were best qualified. found that he is taking four every succeeding day lessening Bielowicz called Patricia courses this term and thus is the chances that a yearbook will Cavender and Diane Osele and "not able to work on the staff." be produced. John Burke, who asked them if they would co-edit By Thursday afternoon the was to be editor, is no longer the yearbook, with the help of new editors had found that it working on the yearbook because Carol Kiefer as layout editor. would be virtually "impossible" his ICIS proposal for work on the Though none of the girls had to get a sufficient number of KALDRON was rejectedby Dean applied to be Editor, they ac- qualified and experienced photo.. of Instruction Jonathan Helm- cepted these positions and began graphers. In addition, there had reich. working Wednesday. been no work done on the year- With the knowledge that Burke On Wednesday evening, the book so far. It was decided that was no longer able to work on new editors looked over the ap- a quality yearbook could not be the KALDRON, ASG put out ap- plications for staff and noted the ready by June, 1970, or even by plications for editorial and staff lack of photagraphers. Many the fall of next year. positions. Approximately 55 who had previously expressed With these facts in mind, all people applied for staff posi- interest in KALDRON photo- the girls decided to resign. tions, but no one applied for graphy work were contacted and Diane Osele stated that she, the position of Editor. Last it was found that they couldn't "would rather not produce a Tuesday afternoon, ASG Presi- take pictures because of heavy yearbook than produce a poor dent Paul Bielowicz obtained the course loads. Burke was con- yearbook and be held respon- sible for it." Thus the editors lasted a total of a day and a Clarke Scheduled to Speak half before they made the de- by Drew Williams his writings are available in cision to resign. Arthur C. Clarke, inventor oi thirty languages. His latest book Whether the KALDRON will be the communications satellite (1968) is the Book-of-the-Month put out this year is questionable. and co-author of the book and Club selection, "The Promise of ASG Treasurer Bob Ernst who screenplay "2001: A .Space Space." He is now writing the controls the $8975 allocated to Odyssey", will speak in Ford preface and epilogue to the as- the KALDRON has stated that he Chapel on Wednesday, October tronauts' own book about the feels that the yearbook should be 29 at 8:15 p.m. Apollo mission. produced, no matter what the Mr. Clarke has been awarded Mr. Clarke's books include: quality may be. However, it ap- the Franklin Institute's Gold ' ,Islands in the Sky," "Prelude pears that no one is both suf- Medal (1963) , the $2,800 to Space." "The Sands of ficiently capable and interested UNESCO Kalinga Prize (1962), Mars," "Childhood's End," enough to start work on the two Aviation/Space Writers "Reach for Tomorrow," "The KALDRON and take a chance on Association awards (1965) and Other Side of Tomorrow" and being held responsible for an in- shared with Stanley Kubrick the "The Deep Range" in fiction, ferior product. Oscar nomination for the In non-fiction, his works in- As Bob Ernst said, "By deny- screenplay of "2001: A Space clude: "The Explanation of ing Burke ICIS credit, Dean Odyssey." Space, " "The Making of a Helmreich has injured both The New Yorker has called Moon" and "Voices from the Burke and the entire campus." Mr. Clarke "a master of science Sky." fiction." He is the author of Arthur C. Clarke's articles IS PAUL DEAD ? some 40 books, with both fiction have been published widely, ap- and non-fiction works to his pearing in such periodicals as credit. Ten million copies of his Holiday, Playboy, Look and the See page 4. various books have been printed; New York Times Magazine. page 2 ALT,EGHENY COLLE'...;t?, CAMPUS ebITORW\L A Question of Priorities An attempt has been made to choose a new KAUDRON staff. The action was an unfortunate move of despar - tion. Many seniors want something to show their grandchildren, a moment° of the "good on days of 1970". But how good the "good old dais" will C, -.hran Hall Ext. 293 be remains to be seen, In a recent editor'al the CAMPUS pointed out that John Burke's resignation as KALDRI)11 Editor because Edit o r Lea Ziakind of credit denial signified the first protest against a lone anti- quated policy - that of denying student organization leaders any Managing kind of cornpusation. Burke's action represents great courage Editor Warren Kaplan and a concern for the nature of education here; we ha'ye and will continue to support him. News Editors If a student cannot get credit under ICIS because the work ho Roger Klotz dedicates himself to happens also to be a service to the College, John Taylor as well as an educational experience for himself, this indicates Features a tremendous flaw in the program. Although the facts may seem Editor Jim Hunemaker redundant, the time required to run any student organization on this campus is, in some cases, much more than it is worth. Sports Editor Dale Radcliffe Despite the fact that a unified stud ,: tit rejection of the credit denial could have improved the ICIS program vastly, and esta- Copy Editor Paul Gleason blished a precedent, ASC President Paul Bielowicz attempted to Production recruit a new group of editors who until Wednesday co:fd be seen Editor Jim Cowden in Brooks trying to scrap,e up a staff. Bielowicz's choices have not accepted their posts, They agree that an el:3ft to star'. the year- Photography Jim Castle book at this late date would be ill-fated. We abhor Bielowicz's actions and question his priorities, What is more :mportant - Business Mgr Kathryn Jason another yearbook that will no docbt achieve mediocrity because Advertising Ken Heckart its staff would have started late and could boast only high school Exchange Barb Irvin experience, or an ICIS program that, in truth, offers an oppor- tunity for truly creative work to'be recognized? Composition Bob Plyler The extreme lack of foresight and callousness with which Bie- Mary Joy Carr lowicz has treated this situation is unfortunate, but understand- Editorial policy Is deterrntned by an eight-member editor- ial toard, with a majority of any flue members required able. We realize that few people may expect to gain from ICIS in for approval of an editorial. Editorial opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the College or the stu- their senior year if they haven't already done so. Nevertheless, dent body, nor are opinions expressed in signed articles and columns necessarily those of the editor or all the mom- this ignores the remainder of the student body, not to mention ben' of the editorial board. generations of students yet to come who would profit greatly by Printed and published by and for the students of Allegheny an improved ICIS program. College, Meadville, P.N. 18331. As the difficulty of a college education increases, so do the de- mands of the college's subsidiaries. This means that if present Member, UNITED STATES STUDENT PRESS ASSOCIATION trends continue, in a few years it will be impossible for a student to devote the time to running any organization without being a- FRENCH JUNIOR YEAR warded some compensatory sanctions. Most of this country's There will be a meeting of colleges and universities have recognized this reality, among all freshmen and sophomores them the institutions with which Allegheny prides herself as be- interested in spending their ing rated. It is our sincere hope that the College will soon recog- Junior Year in France on Mon- nize this inevitability. day, October 27 at 4:15 p.m. The CAMPUS calls upon Paul Bielowicz and all of ASG to with- in room 101 of Murray Hall, hold funds from any attempt at publishing the KALDRON: further- The department will explain re- more, we urge any student asked to participate on this bogus quirements and possibilities for yearbook staff to refuse. The greater good must be served; one study in France, and Gail yearbook is a small price to pay for the increased quality of fu- Bischel, Karen Brooks and Mary ture efforts. Baker will contribute We haVe already proposed equitable solutions to this problem. Caroline students'-eye views of study If ASG continues to ignore them, it will be proof that concern abroad. for student welfare does not lie with our elected leaders. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE CAMPUS ' Page 3 LETTEM TO NOTE; Letters to the Editor should be typed and should not EDITio exceed 250-330 words. All let- ters must be signed; names will be withheld upon request. Open Letters to Freshmen world at large. Obviously, where Mr. Scanlon To the Editor: To the Editor: is concerned, there's only cr. - way We need help! We of the The Freshman Class Council to think about the moratorium, and Freshman Class Council (FCC) (FCC) has begun to move toward the Greeks have committed a feel that there is a great deal communication, understanding great sin by straying from the of potential brewing in the fresh- and positive action.
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