New Zealand’s EnergyScape™ EnergyScape™ Basis Review June 2009 Section 2 Renewable Resources © All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or copied in any form without the permission of the client. Such permission is to be given only in accordance with the terms of the client's contract with NIWA. This copyright extends to all forms of copying and any storage of material in any kind of information retrieval system. EnergyScape™ Basis Review 41 Market Place Authors Auckland Central 1010 +64 9 375 2050 +64 9 375 2051 Rilke de Vos, NIWA www.niwa.co.nz Stefan Fortuin, NIWA Sylvia Nichol, NIWA Peter Franz, NIWA Dennis Jamieson, NIWA Murray Smith, NIWA 68 Gracefield Road Lower Hutt Craig Stevens, NIWA +64 4 570 3700 +64 4 570 3701 www.crl.co.nz Prepared for Foundation for Research, Science & Technology (FRST) Project: NZES091- New Zealand’s EnergyScape 1 Fairway Drive, Avalon, Lower Hutt +64 4 570 1444 Document number: +64 4 570 4600 www.gns.cri.nz AKL-2009-034 (2) Publisher: Section 1 Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park 49 Sala Street, Rotorua NIWA, Auckland +64 7 343 5899 End-use +64 7 348 0952 June 2009 www.scionresearch.com Reviewed: Approved: 69 Gracefield Road Lower Hutt +64 4 931 3000 +64 4 566 6004 www.irl.cri.nz Georgina Griffiths Ken Becker Senior Climate Scientist Regional Manager - Auckland © All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or copied in any form without the permission of the client. Such permission is to be given only in accordance with the terms of the client's contract with NIWA. This copyright extends to all forms of copying and any storage of material in any kind of information retrieval system. TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary v 2. Renewable resources 3 2.1 Solar resources 7 2.1.1 General introduction 7 2.1.2 Introduction to the resource 12 2.1.3 Resource uncertainty 18 2.1.4 Barriers and limitations 19 2.1.5 Introduction to conversion technologies 21 2.1.6 Asset characterisation 31 2.1.7 Research status 33 2.1.8 Summary 35 2.2 Wind resources 37 2.2.1 General introduction 37 2.2.2 Introduction to the resource 41 2.2.3 Resource uncertainty 44 2.2.4 Barriers and limitations 44 2.2.5 Introduction to conversion technologies 48 2.2.6 Asset characterisation 53 2.2.7 Research status 54 2.2.8 Summary 54 2.3 Hydro resources 56 2.3.1 General introduction 56 2.3.2 Introduction to the resource 58 2.3.3 Resource uncertainty 61 2.3.4 Barriers and limitations 61 2.3.5 Introduction to conversion technologies 65 2.3.6 Asset characterisation 66 2.3.7 Research status 68 2.3.8 Summary 69 2.4 Marine (Wave) resources 71 2.4.1 General introduction 71 2.4.2 Introduction to the resource 74 2.4.3 Resource uncertainty 81 2.4.4 Barriers and limitations 83 2.4.5 Introduction to conversion technologies 86 2.4.6 Asset characterisation 90 2.4.7 Research status 91 2.4.8 Summary 94 2.5 Marine (Tidal) resources 96 2.5.1 General introduction 96 2.5.2 Introduction to the resource 98 2.5.3 Resource uncertainty 103 2.5.4 Barriers and limitations 106 2.5.5 Introduction to conversion technologies 111 2.5.6 Asset characterisation 113 2.5.7 Future research 118 2.5.8 Summary 120 References 122 Appendix A – List of marine (tidal) technologies 127 Glossary of common terms 130 SUMMARY The EnergyScape project is a collaborative research initiative that seeks to develop tools that can support energy policy development by considering the impact of integrated solutions for the long- term time horizon, at a regional level on a broad range of social parameters. To achieve this aim, the project has developed a series of linked tools (the EnergyScape framework) which can unify economic data, energy data, system assumptions and facilitate improved understanding of the complexities and dependencies of: resource depletion, energy substitution, transmission costs, conversion efficiencies, locality effects, scale, demand controls, environmental impact (on land, water and the atmosphere) and risk. The linkages between some of the key deliverables of the project are illustrated below: New Zealand’s En e rgySc a pe EnergyScape Project Overview Mapping of 'prima ry' energy pa thways E n d- us e op t i o ns S our ce E xamples P re paratio n Pr imary distr ib ution P rimary co nversion P rimary co nversion su pport S econdar y distribut io n T ertiary appliance Export Non-e nergy Low gr ade h eat High gr ade he at Electrical Mob ility Macha nical W indows, Insulation, Pass ive sol ar Buildi ng L De ce mb er 2008 Thermal mass Photovoltaic (S PV) Standalone Electricity [Thin film, Organic, S ilicon] Local or Off-Grid Switchgear Electricity network / Grid Hi g h temperature thermal (SHT) [Solar tower; Solar concentrating Steam generator Electricity network / Grid boiler] Hydratic System Industr ial heat plant LH Lo w t e m p er at u r e t h er m a l ( S L T ) Sol ar therm al Lo w temp (eg. Water) heaters [P late; Evacuated tube; L storage tank Industrial pre-heat Solar Thermosyphon; pumped] Thermovoltaics (STV) Standalone Electricity [Stirling generator] Local or Off-Grid P h o t o- ox i da t i o n ( S P O) Clean & compress National H2 network [Photo bioreactor] Local H2 network On s h or e w in d t ur bi n e s Electricity network / Grid (WO N) Offshore wind turbines (WOF) Electricity network / Grid Standalone Electricity Local wind turbines (WLT) Local or Off-Grid Wi nd Mechanical wind drive (WMD) Mechanical device [W ind dam, irrigation channel, TM (e.g. Pump, Compressed air) M a is e gr in d i ng ] Storage hydro Storage (pumped hydro) (pumped C ommercial and large scale hydro (HLS) Electricity network / Grid Storage hydro Storage [Run of riv er; Modulated r un of (pumped hydro) (pumped river; Tunelled hydro] Distributed and community scale Standalone Electricity hydro (HSS) Local or Off-Grid Hydro [Mini & micro hydro] Switchgear Electricity network / Grid Commercial scale tidal Barrage (MTB) Electricity network / Grid Tidal current Flapper (MTF) Turbine (MTT) Co m m erc i a l s c ale wa ve Point absorber (MWA) Wave Electricity network / Grid Osciallating Column (MWO) Pel armis (M WP) Marine C ommercial scale ocean thermal Standalone Electricity Thermal (MO T) Local or Off-Grid P urpose grown woody biomass Trucking Timber Paper (export) XN [Whole forests (FWF) ; Short r otation forestry (SRF)] Pul p & Paper pl ant Paper (ex port) XN Harvest / C hip / Dry Industrial / Domestic Combustion (e.g. direct heat, steam LH raising, wood drying) R e g i on a l ga s if i c a tion N a t i on a l ga s g r id Electricity network / Grid CWDPYRCRUDE Pyrolysis C rude oil distribution CWDENZ CW DETH Biological transformation Di sti l lat i o n Oxygenate distribution E C og e n ( i nc l u di n g dr y i ng ) Electricity network / Grid Local heat network Low grade heat applications L E l ec t r i ci t y ge n e r a tion Electricity network / Grid Trucking Waste & Non-energy D istributed woody biomass [Harvest residue (BPG2); Industrial / Domestic Wood processing residue Combustion (e.g. direct heat, steam LH (FRW) ; raising, wood drying) Sawdust processing residue (FR S); Greenwaste (MGW); Residential L Construction / Demolition Co m bus t i on W aste (MCW); Biosolids from sewage treatment (MBW) M u ni p a l s o li d wa s te - Electricity network / Grid Bi osol i ds (M SW); O ther C ogen (including drying) Was te e.g. P aper (MOP) ; D airy manure (AMD) - Industrial / Domestic HE Concentrated; Pruning heat plant Residies (HPR); P rocessing Pulp Residues (HPP)] Re s ide n t ial CHP Electricity network / Grid R esidential heat plant Local heat network L Chip, dry & pellet R oad transport Low grade heat applications L Municipal Solid Waste Landfill burial & cover Landfill gas recovery Gas turbine / ICE Electricity network / Grid Biomass High Temp. Flash M S W g a si f i ca t i o n Gas turbine / ICE Electricity network / Grid MSW bio-fermentation Oxygenate distribution E Demand by fuel Avfuel Biodiesel Continuity Scenario Political Scenario Alt ernative Scenario 800 800 Biogas 70,000 700 Black Liquour 700 CNG 60,000 600 600 Coal Lignite 50,000 Coal Sub New Zealand’s 500 500 New Zealand’s Bituminous EnergySc a p e EnergyScape Coal Uns pec ified 40,000 400 400 Crude Oil Various Diesel 30,000 300 300 Electricity 200 200 20,000 Export Light Fuels Exported Crude 100 EnergyScape Asset Review EnergyScape Project Overview 100 10,000 Oil Fertilizer De c emb er 2008 0 Fuel Oil 0 0 De c emb er 2008 Energy Asset Geothermal 2000 2005 2015 2030 2050 2000 2005 2015 2030 2050 2000 2005 2015 2030 2050 Geothermal LT Year Year Year Gth lLT Database LEAP model Loc al gen eration / Solar: 0. 23 PJ 0.23 PJ d ist ribution Electricty W ind : 2. 22 PJ 2.22 PJ ge nera tio n Residential: 64 PJ Marine: 0.0001 PJ Commercial: 57 PJ Elect ric ty Hydro: 84.5 PJ gene ration 3.86 PJ 46.5 PJ 26.2 PJ Elect ric ty Geothermal: 81 PJ 65.4 PJ 6 PJ gene ration Nationa l grid 5.
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