
NOVATION contents INDUSTRIALIZATION INDUSTRIALIZATION INTERNATIONALIZATIONDUSTRIALIZATION INNOVATIONINNOVATIONTERNATIONALIZATION 1、药促会131224.indd 2 2014/1/3 9:33:57 NOVATION contents 中国药促会简介 001 Brief Introduction of SINO-PhIRDA 机构设置 002 INDUSTRIALIZATIONOrganizational Structure of SINO-PhIRDA 桑国卫院士的贺信 003 Congratulatory Letter by Academician Sang Guowei 2012- 2013中国医药工业科研开发促进会工作报告(摘要) 007 SINO-PhIRDA Annual Work Report of 2012-2013 (Abstract) 第九届会员大会第四次会议纪要 014 Summary of 4th Meeting of 9th SINO-PhIRDA Assembly 会领导介绍 017 Instruction of SINO- PhIRDA Leadership 章程 DUSTRIALIZATION 020 INTERNATIONALIZATION Constitution of SINO-PhIRDA 第九届会员单位及其代表 025 Members of SINO- PhIRDA Ninth General Assembly 会员单位简介 027 Brief Introduction of SINO- PhIRDA Members 重要活动 081 Important Events 1.加强协会建设 082 Strengthen SINO- PhIRDA Construction 2.推动医药产业创新发展 087 Promote Innovation and Development of Pharmaceutical Industry 3.促进国际交流与合作 103 Enhance International Exchanges and Collaborations 大事记(2012.7-2013.10) 118 Remarkable Events (2012.7-2013.10) INNOVATIONINNOVATIONTERNATIONALIZATION 1、药促会131224.indd 1 2014/1/3 9:33:57 2013-2014 Association journal Founded in 1988, China Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association (SINO- PhIRDA) is registered as a non-profitorganization by the Ministry of Civil Affair of China at the first national level. At current stage, SINO-PhIRDA has more than 60 members which are three major categories: First, national pharmaceuticalenterprises excelling at medical innovation; Second, universities, colleges and research institutions conducting pharmaceutical research and development;Third, clinical institutions featuring high skills in applicable research on new drugs,especially those undertake “major new drug innovation” technological platform for good clinical practice. SINO-PhIRDA will exert great effort to grow into a social organization featuring “university- industry collaboration”, an organization which centers on research 简 介 and development, persists in innovation to achieve unmet clinical requirements. BRIEF INTRODUCTION Major work of SINO- PhIRDA includes: First, to promote communication and innovative development of our member units 中国医药工业科研开发促进会(简称中国药促会,英文名称为China and even the whole pharmaceutical industry through forums, press- Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association, conferences, summits, etc; Second, to make efforts to establish 英文缩写为SINO-PhIRDA)成立于1988年,是经国家民政部登记注册的 an international exchange platform for our member units through 非营利性全国性一级社会团体组织。 cooperation with foreign embassies and foreign associations such 目前,中国药促会有会长及会员单位60多家,主要由三方面的成员构 as PhRMA to stimulate communication between China and foreign 成:一是,在医药创新方面具有代表性的民族医药企业;二是,从事医药 countries in pharmaceutical field; Third, to improve the website 研发的高等院校和科研院所;三是,在新药临床研究领域具有较高水平、 of SINO-PhIRDA and provide collecting, arranging, revising and 特别是承担“重大新药创制”科技重大专项新药临床评价研究(GCP)技 consulting service of pharmaceutical information, which includes 术平台的临床医疗机构。中国药促会将努力建设成为以研发为核心,以创 the following internal e-magazines such as the bimonthly journal 新为宗旨,以临床需求为导向,“产学研用”紧密结合的促进医药科研开 Scientific and Technological Development Information on Pharmacy, 发的社会团体。 Daily Pharmaceutical Information Brief, Weekly International 中国药促会的工作内容主要包括:一是,通过举办各种论坛、发布 Pharmaceutical Development Tendency and Research Information 会、大型会议等促进会员单位乃至整个医药产业互相交流、创新发展;二 Brief; Fourth, to conduct pharmaceutical policy research, propose 是,通过与美国药品研发和制造商协会(PhRMA)等国外协会和外国驻 valuable suggestions on healthcare reform and the development 华使馆合作,共同寻求推动中外医药产业领域的合作交流,为会员单位搭 of pharmaceutical industry , with the help from the National Health 建国际交流平台;三是,为会员单位提供医药信息搜集、整理、评价、咨 and Family Planning Commission(of the people’s Republic of 询的服务,包括编辑双月刊刊物《医药科研开发信息》和每日《医药信息 China) Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Information 简报》、每周《国际医药产业发展动态与研发信息简报》、《行业热点评 Technology, CFDA and other concerned government departments. 析》等内部电子刊物以及建设中国药促会官方网站等内容;四是,开展医 Focusing on the principle of “innovation,industrialization,int 药政策研究工作,在卫生计生委、商务部、工信部、国家食品药品监督管 ernationalization”, SINO-PhIRDA will strengthen self-discipline, 理总局等有关政府部门和医药科研学术机构和企业的支持下,为医改事业 promote technological progress for and enhance healthy 和医药产业发展建言献策。 development of our national pharmaceutical industry, making 中国药促会将围绕 “创新、产业化、国际化”的宗旨,加强行业自 constant contributions to the greater economic development of our 律,推动我国医药行业的技术进步,促进我国医药产业健康发展,为加快 country and public health. 我国经济社会发展、保障人民群众健康不断做出贡献! 01 中国医药工业科研开发促进会 China Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association 1、药促会131224.indd 1 2014/1/3 9:33:58 2013-2014 Association journal 机构设置 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF ASSOCIATION 会员大会 The Member's Assembly 会长会议 President Board Meeting Development Research Centre Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry 医药产业发展研究中心 秘书处 Secretariat (Human Resource Dept) Administrative Office 办公室 Accounting Dept 财务部 Ressarch Dept 研究部 Information Dept 信息部 Cooperation Dept International 国际部 (人力资源部) 中国医药工业科研开发促进会 China Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association 02 1、药促会131224.indd 2 2014/1/3 9:33:58 2013-2014 Association journal 致中国医药工业科研开发促进会 第九届会员大会第四次会议的贺信 不断提升会员的服务质量。这是十分值得肯定的! 同时,中国药促会为维护行业的利益,不断 为医药产业健康发展发出声音。先后针对广东省药 品交易规则征求意见稿和上海市医保药品试行“带 量采购”实施方案征求意见稿提出修改建议,得到 了业界的广泛关注和积极响应,已经产生了一定的 影响作用。 党的十八大明确提出“实施创新驱动发展 战略”和“加快建设国家创新体系,着力构建以 企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术 十一届全国人大常委会副委员长 创新体系”。增强新药创制能力被列为医药工业 中国工程院院士 “十二五”规划中的首要任务。在前不久举行的第 中国药促会荣誉会长 九次中共中央政治局集体学习会,专门以实施创新 桑国卫 驱动发展战略为主题,习近平总书记在会上提出了 如何加强创新发展的5个方面的任务。十二五期间 是我国医药创新发展的重要时期,是落实十八大精 各位代表: 神的开局之时。在新的一年里,希望中国药促会乘 在中国医药工业科研开发促进会第九届会员 着国家鼓励创新的东风,继续围绕“创新、产业 大会第四次会议召开之际,我向大会表示热烈的祝 化、国际化”的宗旨,顺应形势,真正成为中国民 贺!由于国家安排我于本月15至23日率团访问巴 族医药产业创新企业的代表性团体。 西,无法到会与大家见面,衷心希望大家能够谅 我也衷心希望中国药促会的各个会员单位认 解。 真贯彻落实十八大创新驱动发展战略,加强创新, 中国药促会九届三次会员大会以来,秉承 加强自律,积极参与中国药促会的各项工作,为改 “创新、产业化、国际化”宗旨,坚持民主决策, 善我国医药创新市场环境与促进我国医药创新发 实行科学规范管理,得到了会员单位和医药界的肯 展、提高人民的健康保障水平做出应有的贡献! 定。我和大家都感到很欣慰。 祝会员大会取得圆满成功! 在过去的一年里,中国药促会围绕“创新药 物的审批政策研究”和“创新药物的市场环境建 桑国卫 设”两大工作重点,配合政府有关部门开展专项研 二O一三年十月十七日 究工作,研究领域涉及“重大新药创制”知识产 权保护、创新药物审批机制、仿制药一致性评价 政策、医保用药管理、基本药物法律制度等多个方 面。通过开展课题探究、专题研讨会、地方调研等 方式,为完善和构建我国医药政策环境体系作出了 不懈的努力。同时还加强国际交流活动和提高信息 服务水平,探索更多渠道、采用更多样化的方式, 03 中国医药工业科研开发促进会 China Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association 1、药促会131224.indd 3 2014/1/3 9:34:00 2013-2014 Association journal 致“2013国际医药创新大会”的贺信 十一届全国人大常委会副委员长、中国工程院院士 中国药促会荣誉会长 桑国卫 参加“2013国际医药创新大会”的各位 的战略支撑,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位 环节提供政府、企业、专家交流互动的机会,而 嘉宾: 置”,“把全社会智慧和力量凝聚到创新发展上 且还设立了药物研发技术分论坛和商业桥,让参 在由中国国际商会、中国医药工业科研开 来”。9月30日,国家主席习近平强调,要敏锐 会者了解到临床试验设计、临床数据管理、生物 发促进会、药物信息协会、中国医疗保险研究 把握世界科技创新发展趋势,切实把创新驱动发 仿制药等相关问题的国际前沿动态,并为参会企 会、北京市卫生局、北京市食品药品监督管理局 展战略实施好。他就此还为发展科技创新提出了 业提供了来自加拿大、波兰、丹麦等国家的几十 主办的“2013国际医药创新大会”召开之际, 五方面任务:一是着力推动科技创新与经济社会 个研发项目。会议内容可谓丰富,实用。 我向大会表示热烈的祝贺!我已经为本次大会认 发展紧密结合;二是着力增强自主创新能力;三 促进医药技术创新,加快培育健康可持续 真准备了关于我国创新医药产业发展的报告。但 是着力完善人才发展机制;四是着力营造良好政 发展的医药产业,已经成为全球的共识。2013 是,由于我根据国家安排,本月15至23日率团出 策环境;五是着力扩大科技开放合作。 国际医药创新大会的召开,将极大鼓舞和促进中 访巴西,无法到会,衷心希望大家能够谅解。 医药科技创新能够提升医药产业健康可持 外医药产业界的交流与合作!我衷心地希望与会 本次大会的主题是鼓励医药创新,优化医 续发展的核心竞争力和根本驱动力。我们都很高 的医药界同仁能够都有所得,共同努力,为改 药创新的生态环境。中国政府一直重视医药产业 兴地了解到,这次大会将为医药创新活动提供一 善全球医药创新市场环境与促进全球医药创新发 的创新发展,中国共产党十八大作出了实施创新 个非常好的沟通和合作的平台。大会不仅设立 展、提高人类的健康保障水平做出应有的贡献! 驱动发展战略的重大部署,十八大报告中也明 药物政策专题讨论,从药品审批、医疗保险、定 祝大会取得圆满成功! 确:“科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力 价、招标、知识产权保护等医药创新相关的多个 桑国卫 二O一三年十月十八日 中国医药工业科研开发促进会 China Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association 04 1、药促会131224.indd 4 2014/1/3 9:34:00 2013-2014 Association journal Congratulatory Letter to The Fourth Meeting of 9th SINO-PhIRDA General Assembly Sang Guowei Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Eleventh National People's Congress Honorary Chairman of SINO-PhIRDA, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering October 17,2013 Dear Representatives: conducting research, workshops/ seminars, pharmaceutical industry in China. During the local investigations, etc. Meanwhile, recent meeting of CPC Central Committee, I would like to express my sincere the Association promotes international General-Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed congratulations to the Fourth Meeting of 9th exchange and cooperation, as well as out five tasks to promote the innovation- SINO-PhIRDA General Assembly. According information service standard to constantly driven developments. The Twelfth Five- to the nation’s arrangements, I have to lead improve the quality of member services in Year Plan period is an important time for a delegation to visit Brazil during October 15- more diversified manners and approaches. the innovative development of Chinese 23, and I sincerely thank your understanding This is worthy of recognition. on my absence. pharmaceutical industry and to implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of th At the same time, SINO-PhIRDA Since the Third Meeting of 9 SINO- the Communist Party of China. In next year, continues to make suggestions to promote PhIRDA General Assembly, we are happy I hope SINO-PhIRDA will take advantage the healthy development of pharmaceutical to see that the association focuses on of the encouraging policies for innovation, industry in order to safeguard the interests the goal of “Innovation, Industrialization, continue to focus on the goal of “Innovation, of the industry. The association suggested Internationalization”, adheres to the Industrialization, Internationalization” and changes to “Pharmaceutical Trading principle of democratic decision-making, become the organization representing Rules in Guangdong Province (Draft)” and implements scientific and standardized China’s domestic innovative “Implementation Plan for Drug Purchase management, which received good pharmaceutical
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