== =-- ------- UNIVERSITY OF MCGILL COLLEGE, ~ MONTREAL, 1861·62. ------~~ BENEFACTO:RS ~: OF THE oo'nihcf.sity of Ilc~iU O{;Dllege, I THE HONORABLE JAMES The Honorable John Molson, ~ McGILL, by his Idst Will and Thomas Molson, Esq., ..... £6,000. Testament, under date 81h January, William Molson. Esq .. 1811, bequeathed the Estate of for the foundation and mainten­ Burnside. situated near the City of ance of the Chair of English Lan­ Montreal, and containing lorty­ guage and Literature. seven Acres of Land, with the John Gordon Mackenzie, Esq., ... .£500. Manor House and Buildings there­ Ira Goul,l, Esq., .................. 600. on erected, and also tbe Bum of tell John Frothingham, Esq., .......... 500. thouaand pounds in money, unto John Torrance, Baq., ............. 600. 1\ The Royal Institution for the James B. Greenshields, Esq., ..... 300. Advancement ,·f Learning," con­ William Husby Lambe, Esq., ..... 300. stituted by Act of Parliament ill l:Iir George SimpROI1, Knight, ..... .. 260. the Forty-First y_ear of the reign Henry Thomas, Esq., ...........••. 250. of his Majesty, King George the Johll Redpath, Esq., ......•.•..... 250. Third, to creet nnd establish an James McDougall, Esq., •.....•..... 260. Universitr or College for the pur­ James MitChell, Esq., ............•• 260. po.cs of education, nnd the ad­ James Torrance, Esq., •.•••. , ..... 250. "ancemcnt oflenrnlllg in the Pruv­ Honomblc James Ferrier, ..•.••••.. 260. ince of Lower Canada, with " John Smith, Esq., .............. ~ .. 250. cOlOpelent number of Professor. Harrison Stephen~ Esq., ' .•••.••. 200. 'I and Teache r8 to render ~uch Es­ Henry Chapman, .t<Eq., ........•••.. 150. lablishment effeclual and beneficial Mr. Chapman also founded a Gold {or the purpo,.s intended, requir­ Medal to be given annually f(,r ing that one of the Colleges to be the greatest general proficiency ill comprised in the said University, th" :(raduating cl~ss in Arts. should be named and ;Jerpetuallv John James Day, EEq.,............ 160. be know 0 and distinguished by the Honorable Peter McGill,........... 1(iO. appellallon of ;. McGill College." Thomas Brown Anderson, Esq.,... 150. Peter Redpath, Esq........... .. ... 160. Tbe value of the above menlion­ Thomas M. Taylor, Esq.,.......... 160. ed property was estimated at the Josepn MacKay, EE'l.,' ............ 160. date of the bequest 111 ............. £30.000. Augustus N. Heward, Esq.,....... 151l. DOllald Lorn MacDougall, Esq., .• . 160. At a meeting called by a number of Honorable John R08e,...... •..•..• 160. the influential citizens of Montreal. Charles Alexander, Esq............ 160. and heir! at the l\Ierchollls' Ex: :vIose. B. David, Esq.,............. 160. change: 6th December, 1856, for 'Villinm Carter, Esq.,..... ........• 150. t~e purpose of taking into con_ Thomas Paton, E@(!.".. .. ....... 160. Sideration the financial condition William 'Vorkman, Esq....... .. ... 150. of the Univer.itr of McGill College, Hon. Alexander Galt, .... , ., .. " 150. -The following Resolution was T. adopted :- Luther H. Hollon, E!q.,............ 150. Henry Lyman, Esq., ...... , .. "... 150. " That all effort ought to be made lor David Torrance, !:sq... .......... ... 160. increaSing the Endowment of Mc­ Edwin Atwater, Eb'l:,............. 160. Gill College in Euch a manner as The~dore Hart, Esq."............. 150. to extend its usefulness, and to William Forsyth Grant, Esq.,.. 150. place it for the future upon an in­ J. R. Chamberlain, Esq.,........... 150. dependent and permanent fOOling." Robert Champi>ell, Esq.,........... 160. Alfred Savage, Esq.,.. .. .. 160. 'Vhereupon, in pursuance of the James Ferrier, Esq., Jr.,.......... 160. above Resolution, the following William Stephen. Esq.,. ........... 160. DOl!lltionswere enrolled for Special N. 8. Whitney, Esq....... ........ 16tl. or General objects connected wilh William Dow, Esq.,......... .•.... 160. the Univen:ity,-the Royal Insli- William Watson Eeq.,............ 150. tution Jl"raDting Scholarships in Edward & Alicia Major,..... ....... 160. perpetuity according to tbe value Honorable Charles Dewey Day,.... 60. : of the Donationll. John R. Esdaile, Esq., •••• , • •••• • • . 6O.il ' "The William Molson Hall," being the West wing orthe McGill College Buildin"s ~ in the coarse of erection, through the mnnificent donation of the fonnder whose na;;'~ It beare. is-.,.~ _ ~ CALENDAR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MQGILL COLLEGE, M 0 N T REA L. Founded by Bequest of the Hon. James McGill, in 1811; Erected into a University by Royal Charter ill 1821; and Re·organised by an Amended Charier in 1852. MONTREAL: PRINTED BY J. c. BECKET, 38 GREAT SAINT JA~IES STREET. 1861. ACADEMICAL YEAR.-1861-62. 1861. September 2-Autumn Term of High School commences. " "-Session of Normal and Model Schools commences. " 6-Session of Faculty of Arts commences. " "-Matriculation Examinations in Faculty of Arts. " "-Supplemental Examinations in Faculty of Arts. " 24-School Examinations of the University. October 7-Session of Faculty of Law commences. " 23-Quarterly Meeting of Corporation. November 4-Session of Faculty of Medicine commences. " 16-Winter Term of High School commences. December 20-Normal and Model Schools close for Christmas vaca­ tion. " 22-College Classes close for Christmas vacation. 1862. January 4-Classes re-commence after Christmas vacation. " "-Class Examinations in Arts. " 22-Quarterly Meeting of Corporation. February I-Spring Term of High School commences. April 10-Sessional and B. A. Examinations in Arts commence. " 16-Summer Term of High School commences. " 23-Quarterly Meeting of Corporation. May I-Classes in Arts, Medicine and Law close for Bltmmer vacation. " 2-Annual Meeting of Convocation. July I-Summer Term of High School ends, and classes close for Bummer vacation. " I-Normal and Model Schools close for Summer vacation. " 23-Quarterly Meeting of Corporation. UNIVERSITY OF MCGILL COLLEGE. VISITOR: Hig Excellency The Right Hon. SIR EDMUND WALKER HEAD, Bart., I\I.A., Governor General of British North AmericR, &c. CORPORATION. GOVERNORS: The Hon. CHARLES DEWEY DAY, LL. D., President. The Hon. J.UIES FERRIER, 1\1. L. C. THOMAS BROWN ANDERSON, Esq. DAVID DAVIDSON, Esq. BENJAMIN HOLMES, Esq. ANDREW ROBERTSON, M. A. CHRISTOPHER DUNKIN, M. A., M. P. P. WILLIAM MOLSON, Esq. ALEXANDER MORRIS, M. A. PRINCIPAL: JOHN WILLIAM DAWSON, LL. D., F. G. S. FELLOWS: REV. CANON LUCH, D. C. L., LL. D., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. HBNRY ASPINWALL HOWE, M. A. Rector of the High School. J. J. C. ABBOTT, B. C. L., Dean of the Faculty of Law. BnowN CHAMBERLIN, M. A., B. C. L. WALTER JONES, M. D. W. B. LAMBE, B.C.L. SIR WILLIAM E. LOGAN, LL. D., F. R. S., F. G. S. GEORGE W. CAMPBELL, M. A., M. D. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. JOHN THORBURN, M. A., Principal of St. Francis College. The Governors of the College are the members of the "Royal Institution for the advancement of Learning," and are nominated by His Excellency the Governor General, under the Act 41st Geo. 3, chapter 17. SECRETARY, REGISTRAR, AND BURSAR, WILLIAM CRAIG HAYNES, B.A. Office, Burnside Hall. Office Hours, 10 to 2. Residence, Centre Building III/Gill Oollege. 4 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. ARRANGED IN TIlE ORDER OF STATUTORY PRECEDENCE. Residence. JOHS WILLIAM DAWSON, LL. D., F. G. S.-Principal, and ~ East Wing, M'GiIl Professor of Natural History. 5 College. REV. CANON LEACH, D.C.L., LL. D.-Vice-Principal, Dean 1 of the Faculty of Arts, Professor of Logic and Moral J 7, University Philosophy, and Molson Professor of English Litera- Avenue. ture. HEXRY ASPINWALL HOWE, 1\1. A.-Rector of the High ~ 1 Princl! of Wales School and Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Terrace Natural Philosophy. J. J. C. AnBoTT, B. C. L.-Dean of the Faculty of Law ~ 505, St. Catherine and Professor of Commercial Law. 5 Street. (~&URGE W. CAMPBELL, ~1. A., M. D.-Dean of the Faculty ~ 63, Great St. of ~Icdicine and Professor of Surgery. 5 James Street. AnOHIDALD HALL, M. D.-Professor of Midwifery and ~ 18, Radegonde Diseases of Women and Children. 5 Street. WILLIAM FRASER, ~1. D.-Professor of the Institutes of ~ 12, Little St. ~Iedicine. 5 James Street. { 31, Great St. WILLIAM SUHERLAND, ~1. D.-Professor of Chemistry. 5 James Street. WILLIAM E. SCOTT, 1\1. D.-Professor of Anatomy. -9, Bonaventure St. WILLIAM WRIGHT, M. D.-Professor of Materia Medica ~ I, Great St. James. and Pharmacy. 5 Street. ROBERT P. IIOWARD, 1\1. D.-Professor of the Theory and ~ 11,BonaventureSt. Practice of Medicine. 5 REV. A. DESOLA, LL.D.-Professor of Hebrew and Orien- ~ I, Pres de Ville tal Literature. 5 Place. .~ -~ :,' HON. WILLIAM BADGLEY, D.C.L.-Professor of Public and~. McGill College Criminal Law. S Avenue. FREDERICK W. TORRANCE, ~J. A., B. C. L.-Professor oq 59, Little St. Civil Law. 5 James Street. P. R. LAFRENAYE, B. C. L.-Professor of Jurisprudence ~ Upper St. Urbain and Legal Bibliography. 5 Street. R. G. LAFLAIDIE, B. C. L.-Professor of Customary Law ~ ], Cornwall and Law of Real Estate. 5 Terrace. CHARLES SMALLWOOD, M. D., LL. D.-Professor of Me-l St. Martin's, Isle teorology. 5 Jesus. CHARLES F. A. MARKGRAF.-Professor of German Lan-l ~!~~h~~~~a~rt!~~: guage and Literature. ~ Toll Gate. D. C. M'CALLTTM, M. D.-Professor of Clinical Medicine ~ . and Medical Jurisprudence. 5 152, CraIg Street. MARK J. HAMILTON, C. E.-Professor of Road and Rail-l . way Engineering. 5 148, CraIg Street. ALEXANDER JOHNSON, M. A.-Professor of Mathematics l Centre Building and Natural Philosophy. 5 M'Gill College,' REV. ~EORGE CORNISH, B. A.-Professor of CI~sical ~ East Wing, McGill LIterature. 5 College. 5 JONATHAN BARBER, M. R.C.S.L.-Professor of Oratory. {39, Little St. 5 James Street. PIERRE J. DAREY, M. A.-Professor of French Language l 25, Belmont and Literature. 5 Street. ROBERT CRAlK, ~I. D.-Professor of Clinical Surgery. -123, Crnig Street. T. A. GIBSON, M. A.-Classical and Senior English Master l 172 Sherbrooke of High School. 5 ' Street. DAYID RODGER, M. A.-Mathematical Master of High l 407, St. Catherine School. 5 Street. HORACE NELSON, M. D.-Demonstrator of AnatoPlY and l 27, Little Saint Curator of Medical :'Iluseum.
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