THE GRACE OF SOPHIA: THE RETRIEVAL OF 'WISDOM' AS A RESOURCE FOR KOREAN NORTH AMERICAN WOMEN'S CHRISTOLOGY BY Gnce Ji-Sun Kim A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Theology of the University of St. Michael's ColIege and the Department of Theology of the Toronto School of Theology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philoso~hvin Theolorn awarded by the University of St. Michael's College Toronto 200 1 O Gme JiSun Kim Nationai Library Bibiimthèque nationale 191 OfCamda du Canada The author has pteda non- L'auteur a accordé une Licence non exclusive licence aiiowing the exclusive permettant a la National LI- of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distriiute or seil reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfichdfilm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts hmit Ni la thèse ni des erctraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced vrithout the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. The Grace of Sophia: The Retrieval of "Wisdom" as a Resource for Korean North American Women's Ctiris tology Doctor of Phiiosoptiy in TheoIogy, 200 1 Grace Ji-Sun Kim Theobgy Department, University of St. Michaei's Coiiege Korean North American women are tom between two cultures, Korean and North American, as they try to ernbrace both cultures and live by them both. A key to such a tension between two cultures is to maintain a biculturai existence by selecting appropriate elements of both cultural worlds. An understanding of Jesus which wiI1 reIease them of their pain, sorrow and han will have to be retrieved from both worids. 1propose that Wisdom is a concept or image which cm be denved from both worlds for Korean North American women have inherited Wisdom frorn their Asian roots, especidly through Buddhism. This Wisdom is cdied prajna. which is in some ways similar to the Wisdom found in Christianity cailed Sophia. Sophia christology wiII be proposed, then, as one that cm contnbute to the theologicai Iiberation of Korean North American women and release their han and heal them. Sophia Christ, who is manifested in many ways, can be depicted within the categories of Asian religion and culnire. Wisdom is a profound concept that crosses al1 buridaries. Hencefonh, in this thesis, I shall argue that in view of Korean North American women's marginaiization and the inadequacies of traditionai christology, biblicai Sophia, understood in conjunction with Buddhist prajna, offers a liberative dimension co developing a christology for Korean North American Christian women. Jesus Sophia offers pce- unconditional Iove, acceptance, self-worth, dignity and iii For my mother Han Wha Ja A thesis is never written alone, but in conjunction with many hiends and teachers dong the way. I would Iike to thank the professors at Knox College, and especiaIIy the advanced degree director, Dr. Iain Nicoi for his kindness, insights and encouragement. 1 would Like to express my sincere gratitudes to my two thesis directors, Dr. Harold Wells, and Dr. Eilen Leonard. Dr. Leonard has taught me what it means to be patient and thorough as a thesis cannot be 'rushed' Dr. WeUs kept asking me what my plan was after giving birth to rny son. 1 was so overwhelmed with king a mother that 1 forgot that 1 had a thesis to write. His persistence aIIowed me to finish in a timeIy fashion. 1am grateful to both my directors for their excellent suggestions, guidance, knowledge and encouragement which becarne more powerful than the temptation to procrastinate or to give it al1 up. Without their help, this project wou1d never have gotten off the ground or completed, Dr. David Kwang-sun Suh has ken a wonderful extemai consultant who shared his wedth of knowIedge on Korean cdture and society, and chdlenged and corrected me in many ways. 1 dso want to thank the PANAAWTM faculty advisors, Doctors Rita Nakashima Brock. Jung Ha Kim, Kwok Fui Lm,Nantawan Lewis, Greer Anne Wenh-in Ng, Seung-Ai Yang, Gde A. Yee and Chung Hyun Kyung for their support and insistence that indeed 'my project was important.' Furthemore, 1 want to express my gratitude to the journais Koinonia and JAAT for publishing sections of my thesis and to Dr. Sang Hyun Lee for compiiing a book which included a section of rny thesis. Friends and famiiy have been important during my tirne of writing. 1 would Iike to thank Sharon Song for her good humour. kindness, and understanding. Those long distance phone caiis were costly but kept me sane during my time of resezurh and writing. 1 cannot forget my fnend Esther Shin and her concem for my personal weii- king and Wendy Mao who aiways had a party for me to go to when needed. To my sister Karen and brother-in-law Bruce who frequently opened up their home so that Theodore and 1 could go over to rest, play and eat some good Korean food. 1 must thank my father-in-law for his kind and encouraging words during the had, dark times of writing. 1 am grateful for my parents' continuous support, love, and concern. Without my mother's constant help in looking after Theodore, this thesis would never have been finished. Above ail, 1 must express my gratitude to my husband Perry, who has been not only a "technical advisor" throughout the time of my writing but an indispensable constant support. Lastly I say 'thank you' to my dear son Theodore. who came into the world as an 'interruption'. but a precious and beloved one; and to the 'little one' whose identity is yet unknown, but who accornpanied me in this task. a specid word of welcorne. THE GRACE OF SOPHIA: THE RETRIEVAL OF 'WISDOM' AS A RESOURCE FOR KOREAN NORTH AMERICAN WOMEN'S CHRISTOLOGY Abstract ........................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ............................................................................. iv Table of Contents .............................................................................. vi Introduction ..................................................................................... 1 a) Status Quaestionis ........................................................... 2 b) Thesis Statement ........................................................... -13 C) Methods. Procedures and Limitations of the Thesis ................... 14 Chapter 1: Theological Method ........................................................... 16 a) ContextExperience .........................................................19 b) Scripture as Basic Source ................................................ 25 C) Multifaith Considerations ................................................. 30 1) Multifaith Hermeneutics .......................................... 30 2) hculturation ....................................................... 36 3) Syncretism ......................................................... 42 d) Praxis ......................................................................... 50 Chapter 2: The Context of Korean North American Women .........................53 Part A: Religio-CulturalMistoricd Context: Korea .............................. 54 a) Shamanism .................................................................. 55 b) Buddhism ................................................................... 56 C) Confucianism ......................................................... 59 1) Origin and Its Beginnings in Korea ............................. -59 2) Confucian Thought and Moral Code ............................. 62 3) Marriage ............................................................ 65 4) Their Identity: No Name ........................................ 70 d) Hun ........................................................................... 72 e) Hun-Pu-Ri ..................................................................... 77 Part B: Cmmigntion Context ........................................................... 79 a) A Brief History of Immigntion ............................................. 79 b) Picture Brides: The First Wave ........................................... .81 C) Women's Roies Today: The Third Wave ................................ 85 1) The Role of the Immigrant Church ...............................88 2) Women in thechurch ........................................... 90 3) Women's Identity and Marginalization ......................... 92 d) Han and the Need for New TheoIogy ..................................... a7 vii Chapter 3: Toward a Multifaith Interpretation of Wisdom ......................... 102 Part A: W isdom Figures in Asia ...................................................... 103 a) Prajna: Wisdom in Buddhism .......................................... -103 b) Kuan-yin .................................................................. 114 C) Wisdom within Confucianism .......................................... 121 Part B: Origins of Sophia ............................................................. 124 a) Isis as adapted by Jewish Wnters ....................................... -125 b) Sumrnary .................................................................... 128 Chapter B: Biblical Sophia ..................................................................130 Part A: Sophia in the Old Testament and Apocryphal
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