SUBSCRIPTION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013 RAJAB 26, 1434 AH www.kuwaittimes.net UN believes Khamenei Islamic banks Tsonga stuns chemical warns no can help fund Federer to weapons concessions infrastructure reach French used in7 Syria to West8 needs21 of Asia Open19 semis MoI vows no respite in Max 43º Min 29º crackdown on illegals High Tide 08:31 & 21:46 MoH defends barring expats from morning treatment Low Tide 02:10 & 15:25 40 PAGES NO: 15830 150 FILS KUWAIT: The Ministry of Interior is committed to crack down hard on lawbreakers, particularly those violating Three arrested residency and labor laws and regulations, a ministry official said yesterday. Anyone who’s been convicted of over highway any civil, criminal or traffic case and has been listed on court documents as an offender and has not abided by political signs a court sentence will be tracked down and be made accountable to the terms of his or her sentence, said By B Izzak Maj Gen Tariq Hamada, director of security at the Capital governorate. KUWAIT: Security men arrested three young men This will be partly done through on the spot moni- yesterday hours after activists believed to be sup- toring of major roads and thoroughfares as well as resi- porters of the opposition hanged huge banners car- dential neighborhoods and marketplaces and any- rying political slogans on top of bridges over some where undocumented unemployed workers hang out, highways. The slogans on the banners called for the he said, noting that a large number of these workers freedom of a number of activists currently in jail have become a security risk in residential areas. As a serving prison terms after they were convicted of result of such monitoring within the nation’s six gover- insulting HH the Amir on Twitter. The slogans also norates, 4,072 expat lawbreakers were arrested, he said, called for abolishing article 25 of the penal code explaining that some of them had absconded from their which stipulates the harsh prison terms on charges places of employment and were mostly domestic ser- of insulting the Amir and undermining his authori- vants, others had violated their residency status, and ties. still others had no identification documents on them at The action came as the opposition continued its the time of being stopped for questioning. campaign ahead of a crucial verdict by the constitu- Some of the expat lawbreakers were brought in on tional court on the controversial amendment to the charges of prostitution, peddling liquor and drugs and electoral law expected on June 16. The court, weapons, he said, while others were charged with pan- whose rulings are final, is expected to either con- handling, vending foodstuff on roadsides without a firm the amendment or declare it as unconstitution- license or working in jobs they were not licensed for, al, which will lead to the dissolution of the National among other charges. Hamada advised all expats to car- Assembly, or alternatively the court may decide that ry their personal identification with them all the time to it is not authorized to rule on the issue. The amend- show at traffic checkpoints or routine police checks ment of the electoral law reduced the number of around town. They should also carry car documentation candidates a voter can pick from four to just one, papers with them as well, he cautioned, stressing that with the opposition boycotting the election as a anyone who flees from a police checkpoint will be result claiming the amendment allowed the gov- arrested when tracked down eventually. ernment to impact the election’s outcome. KUWAIT: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah met at Bayan Palace yesterday a number of He also cautioned against imposters who pass them- Speaking at a diwaniya late Monday night, for- students who were picked as high achievers for the school year 2011-2012. Also attending the meeting was selves off as undercover security and use this guise to mer opposition MP Jamaan Al-Harbash said if the HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The students are children of Kuwaiti mar- rob innocent people of their valuables. He said that the court confirms the amendment, it would amount to tyrs whose meeting with the Amir meant to reward them for their scholastic excellence. Addressing the stu- public should be aware of anyone claiming to be an abolishing the constitution. Harbash said that if the dents, Sheikh Sabah recalled their parents’ sacrifice to the nation and asked them to consecrate their ener- undercover agent who asks for money or for people to court confirms the amendment, boycotting future gies and efforts to serving their country in the same honorable way their parents did. The students marked get out their cars or threatens violence. election becomes a moral and national duty in the occasion by offering the Amir and the Crown Prince two mementos. — KUNA ( See Page 2) Continued on Page 15 order to prevent possible autocratic rule in Kuwait. The former lawmaker wondered how was it possi- ble to have the Assembly dissolved on five occa- Bushehr reactor ‘damaged’ by quakes sions in the past six years. He stressed that the court order to dissolve the opposition-dominated Assembly in June last year was illegal, and warned Continued on Page 15 Iran insists plant is safe, but shuts it down VIENNA: Several countries monitoring Iran’s nuclear program have picked up information that the country’s only power-producing nuclear reactor was damaged by Bollywood starlet one or more of several recent earthquakes, with long cracks appearing in at least one section of the structure, two diplomats said yesterday. Iran is under UN sanc- Jiah Khan kills self tions for refusing to stop nuclear programs that could be used to make weapons, even as it insists it has no MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Jiah Khan such plans. Its Bushehr nuclear plant is not considered a was found dead at her home in proliferation threat. But some nations are concerned Mumbai, police said yesterday. Khan, about how safe it is. Iran has refused to join an interna- 25, was found hanged in her room on tional nuclear safety convention and persistent techni- Monday night by her mother with a cal problems have shut the plant for lengthy periods post mortem to be carried out to estab- since it started up in Sept 2011 after years of construc- lish the cause of death, a Mumbai police tion delays. official said. But a police source said the Reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency death was not being treated as suspi- in February and May said the agency had been cious as it appeared to be suicide informed by the Iranians that the facility was shut although no suicide note was found. He down, without specifying why. Kuwait and other Arab said police had questioned Suraj countries are only a few hundred kilometers away from Pancholi, son of actor couple Aditya Iran’s Bushehr reactor, which is on the Gulf coast, and BUSHEHR, Iran: In this Oct 26, 2010, file photo, a worker rides a bicycle in front Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, to whom are particularly worried about the safety of the Russian- of the reactor building of the Bushehr nuclear power plant just outside this Khan had made her last phone call. built reactor. Saudi Arabia mentioned Bushehr as a safe- southern city. — AP Khan, whose real name was Nafisa ty concern yesterday at a session of the Vienna-based Khan, was born in New York and grew IAEA’s 35-nation board. up in London. Her website said she But Iran insists the plant is technically sound and went to New York to study acting at the built to withstand all but the largest earthquakes Police bust illicit Lee Strasberg’s Institute. Khan made her unscathed. Officials in Tehran reassured the internation- Bollywood debut in 2007 with Ram al community after the quakes struck in April and early parlor rubdowns Continued on Page 15 Jiah Khan May that the facility was undamaged. Continued on Page 15 US to deploy missiles, jets to Jordan AMMAN: The United States will deploy Patriot Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, who is fight- when the United States, Germany and the anti-aircraft missiles and F-16 fighter jets to ing insurgents in a two-year-old civil war that Netherlands deployed Patriots on Syria’s north- Syria’s neighbour Jordan this month, Jordan has killed 80,000 people. ern border in Turkey, a NATO ally. NATO said the said yesterday, drawing swift condemnation The deployment of Patriot missiles is partic- Patriots were sent there as a precaution in case from Moscow which accused the West of send- ularly controversial for Russia, Assad’s main missiles were fired over the border from Syria. ing weapons to fuel Syria’s civil war. Jordan said global ally, which believes the missiles could be Moscow said that decision was a factor in its the planes and missiles will be sent as part of an used by the United States and its allies to decision to go ahead with plans to send its own annual exercise to begin in the last week of impose a no-fly zone over Syria, heralding the anti-aircraft system, the S-300, to Assad’s gov- June. Military sources said the exercises would first direct Western military intervention. “We ernment. The Russian system has not yet been involve armies from at least 18 countries with have more than once stated our opinion on this deployed but Moscow said in recent weeks it more than 15,000 troops.
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