..-and Fanwood Independent VOL 4 NO. 45 SCOTCH FLAINS-FANWQOD, N,J. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1863 A COPY Committee Will Debate Dwelling Issue See Story Page 2 IRISH SWEEPSTAKES WINNER — Little Hherri Ver= kouillc, 3KJ holds draft, for 4 0 pounds ($112.00) drawn on the National Band Ltd. of Dublin. Bherri won con- solation priKO of the Irish Sweepstakes with tiekot hor grandfrithor, Mr. Walter Rtvst of Klixaboth, bought for hrher, , ShorShorrri and siHtur jodyy (riGht)wil() l sharo the svln- nings, whichhh wilill bo usedd fofrr tnoir eduoation, Tho j are tho daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robort VorkouillG of 2233 Jersey Avenuo, Scotch Plains. Said Mrs. Ver- kouillo; ' 'They would rather have a nickol fora p!u:k of Bum". (Stuff photo) .1 It »*» - Till- MKICHHT, 1-A'TTkST NICWSPAPI-R IN Scared iJLA]NS-l-ANVV(X)l/S HISTORY! AT TESIIMONIAL niNN: R - Heotah I-'l.un itj^n hip Cumnnltt t nwui t.iurp Johnston urt i nL-i I urn t i ' i iv"i ''I" mi i * IA iu.S wi th gi It c e i li fii i*i I it tniioiu.il Hunt r hold il Cld It 1 ilclbt rK •:< ->t mi i»t Mcmd i> % (Hi \niJ, May JO Al <> htiwn lu n ,m Mr t)i im P ivu - and Gui 't hpi ik( i John I1 IUI ,i n # • • u * * u * 0, cold) _ ..Jlllil )':i!i»()ii<I lllllr|li'llili'lll Apartment Decision * CO-PUBLISHER EDITOR JERRY FI 5CHTROM * CO-PUBLISHER - ADVERTISINa. ...... .CARL ANDERSON * ART DIRECTOR SANFORD ROBINS Postponed By Committee * SALES MANAGEF; . SCOTT ROSS * * 2« Construction "will not a SALES REPRESENTATIVE GARY FALKIN The long-awaited decision on paterson stated that this figure SOCIAL EDITOR ELAINE STORNELL I proposed garden apartments- was "extremely conservative and impair property values", 3 Recreation facilities are < SPORTS EDITOR JERRY JAFFE one of the hottest political issues represents the lowest possible B a HIGH SCHOOL CORRESPONDENT . JEAN CROSS in last November'sSeotehPlains net gain to the Township after adequate to serve added popula- m a FA 2-5266 Township Committee election— all projected services have been tion in this area, p was postponed once again at the paid," In reply to a question as 4, Construction will place no as ESTABLISHED JULY 23,1958 H regular meeting of the Township to the comparatively small strain on Township PoliceForce, c/f Published every Thursday Committee Tuesday evening,May amount of ratables gained from 5, Lake Avenue (proposed cite) U a at E. 2nd. & Park Avenue, Scotch Plains,N.J. 21. the $1 Million plus structure, can handle estimated traffic in- BY Acting Chairman George John- Committeeman Checchio stated creases. SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLISHING COMPANY ston told the Committee and that if this proves to be the total Restrictions were: Subscriptions by mail postpaid. One year $3.00 payable in advance. others present that "no decision gain frotn these garden apart- 1, Paved parking areas to equal J Single copies at tun cents, "Second class postage paid at Sc otch on this issue will be reached at ments, the Committee would one and one half cars per Plains, N.J.' ' this meeting because of the ab- "look long and hard" at permit- dwelling, X sence of two Committeemen," ting their construction. 2, There will be no basement u Committeemen Laeombe and apartments. H In a lengthly resolution sent O Peterson did not attend, 3, Applicants will provide U to the Township Committee by w A spirited discussion was held the Board of Adjectment, the superintendent and "sufficient Contract Signed For which lasted almost on hour with Board stated reasons why it felt maintenance employees" to residents both for and against maintain property, the appiication should be the apartments stating "their approved. Those restrictions 4* All front yard setbacks shall arguments. Points brought out under which approval was re- be not less than 50 feet; side- Parish House Addition during the hearing were as fol- commended were also stated, yard setbacks net less than 30'. On Tuesday, May 14th, at its Church School holds 2 fuU lows: Reasons for the approval find- feet; rear yard setbacks not less regular meeting, the Vestry and sessions of church school one Conservative estimates pre- ing were,- than 50 feet, Rector of All Saints' Episcopal at 9:30 and the other at 11-00, dict a minimum of $7600 net re- 1, There is a requirement for 5» Sidewalks having a minimum Church, 559 Purl; Avo,, Scotch It is hoped that this situation venue to the Township from the a project of this type in the width of 4 feet shall be provided can be eliminated when the new 148 unit garden apartment plan Township to house young married along all public roads and along Plains, signed a contract in the in question Committeeman amount of $94, .100.00 lor the building is completed. couples, elder couples whose all internal roadwayso Adequate erection of a long-awaited parish families have grown, and to lighting shall be provided for house addition. house those persons who service these sidewalks, The building "ill include two Letters To The Editor commerce and Industry in the 6, Landscape plans must be floors of class roams, one at area on a more or less tran- approved by the Board of Ad- sient basis. justment, basement level and one at ground Gentlemen: Scotch Plains. level, The ground level floor Nobody asked me, but "I like It is our hope that the archi- will also include a room for the Times" too, like other people. tect's plans for the Technical Women's Guild meetings and a I hope I do not detect a trend -- Institute proposed for the site First Med Student Under new room for tie church office. to more, much more, advertising will either encompass or by-pass When the full hrarior construc- and away from those nice long the pre-Revolutionary home- tion is finally ca npleted, includ- stories, such as the history of stead. Not only can the historical Scholarship Graduates ing partitions w:.rtin some of the Scotch Plains, etc. heritage of the home bs pre- larger areas, there will be 11 Do you mind one suggestion? served for the people of Scotch On May 20, 1963, Theodore Kubista of 1560 Cooper Road, Scotch classrooms. Very often by the time we get Plains, and all people, but for plains, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a The building exterior will be to read the paper, perhaps Fri- the student. He will find that Doctor of Medicine degree. Watching with great pride was William of brick of si.cli color as to day night or Saturday, some the traditions of the past go hand M, Garbe of Scotch Plains, the man, who in some measure, was harmoniza with tf e stone of the events that were announced are in hand with science and can responsible for this moment. church. all over. It is too late, we can't receive inspiration and advance In 1955 Mri Garbe began awarding a $500,00 per year, four year It is expected t tics ground break- take advantage of them. In other his knowledge by studying in scholarship to a graduate of the Scotch Plalns-FanwoQd High School, ing wiu take place in about three words, the notices get In the the presence of this memory of The candidate was selected on the basis of character, academic weeks, with thr building to be paper too late, Sometimes also the past. performance, extra-curricular activities and need,The*irst scholar- substantially completed about the time is vague, like "Friday" It is our Club's firm belief ship awarded was to Theodore Kubista, Nov. 15th., The contractor for without saying which Friday, what that by preserving and honoring Mr, Garbe can well be proud of today's Dr. Theojiore Kubista. the building is Milne and Mar- the varied beginnings of our coun- tort, inc., the architect, Mr, But I like it anyway, try we strengthen the grass roots Julian w. Couzins of Westfield, W, R, Augur of our democracy. We appeal to Safety Committee To Push The Chairman of the Build- 96 Madison Avenue you, our County governing ing Committee, Mr,Henry Hoff- Fanwood, New Jersey agency, to see that this heritage mann, of 219 Pat arson Rd», Fan- is not uprooted. Action For Lower Speed* wood has for the past four years Sincerely, worked closely v> 1th the commit- Gentlemen I A well attended meeting of the Ave,, Scotch Plalns,,for the pur- We of the Scotch Plains Junior SCOTCH PLAINS JUNIOR Hetfield Ave, Public Safety Com- pose of deciding whatrsteps should tee and the Vestry in raising Woman's Club heartily support WOMAN'S CLUB the necessary ft nds for the new mittee was held Sunday afternoon, he taken for the furtherance of a rhfi tireservation of the Lee Mrs. Michael Tierney, May 19, 1953, at the horns of petition heretofore'presented to building, Tne addition is so Homestead on Raritan road. President, Joseph Hillman, 1109 Hetfield the Township Committee of arranged so thi t a third story can he added at a future date Scotch Plains on May 7,1963 to if the need arises. Members reduce the present excessive of the present B\aiding Commit- speed limit on HajCfleld Ave. of tee are, Mr, Hsnry Hoffmann, 35 mph to its former 25 mph. chairman; Mr. F'ichard Lea, Churchwarden; 'ir.CarlGracc'.- In view of the fati that Brook- iy church wardori; Mr. Philip side Park's only entrances are Cobb, Treasure] of Building located on Hetfielt, Ave,, and that Funds; Mr, Hen-y Broch, As- this park will be the scene of sistant Treasurer of Building Little League Ball Games and Funds; Mrs, Caj 1 Gracely, Sec- many civic and organization retary, Mr- Warrsn Jensen Mru outings and picnics, the Com- William Schubert, Mr8 Henry mittee felt that immediate action Wilson and Mr, Harry Hughes.
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