"''''", '. :1 . ~ Men, in Service JJ~•. to K.,p, . in Touch With Home. ' - ..,, ..'. The NEWS 'Can. Follow Them Anywher •. Call TUxedo 2-6900 ','. " , , "DEAD~"N ES Ilarry Pratt, oj Farms tb. " Encount'ers, -. Leads Ticket ~ \VEEK AJ Comp;t~~ "1 th. Snag' in Attempt For Council ,c;,o,u. Point. NeW$ ,--- Paul W. Rowe 'EleCted New Thursday, April,3 Mayor; 'Sa~age and Mc.: SENATOR ESTES KEFAUV- To Save Its Pier Kni9ht,. Incumbents, ER receives brushoff from StatE!' Reelected Democrat politicians as he played Steer Sheeting Purchased Proves Too light to Handle Job: political role in Detroit, shaking hands with elevator operators Washin9t,on Withholds Permission to An estiniated., 1,200 voterS and hotel bellboys. Proceed With Project turned out Monday, April, r~ '" '" . ------ to elect a mayor and ' three SIX HOURS before the strike Trouble is' being experienced by the City of. Grosse councilmen to. the Gr()sse deadline for 18,000 telephone Pointe, Farms in its ~ttempts to' get its pier repaired and the Pointe', Woods, administra'ijv.. workers in Michigan and 23,000 boat 'mooririgharbor in shape for the approaching season. body, There were 4tOOO bat: others in Ohio and northern Cali- Right now it' appea!$' that there may not be any mooring lots printed and, distributed'~ fornia, A. T. Jones, international facil,iti~s fol' re~id~nt boat owners t~is year. the six precincts in the eity. vice-president of the Communi- Plans to repair the deteriorat-\~>---------------l There are a total of 6,89Q reg- cations Workers of America, CIO, ing pier, at "the municipal 'beach istered''voters'in the ci~., " aMounced a postponement as M' -at L ' settlement seen near. park hilVe, been scheduled for , al ' ,eaves · Booths were set, up in the ,Mii~ .. '" " many months. For a number of , , nicipal building, Parcells' School~ - SUSPEND all but emergency years the city has found it Ii"eces- S D Chat the corners of Mack ~,avenue sary to patch up the oid wooden and K-enmore, 'and Mack' and and defense telegraph messages ,0 :0 as structure and replace rotting tim- • Broadstone. Two were located ii!. as 31,OOC Western Union,'workers bers and pl~nldng each "season. the Mason School. throughout the country strike for A program aImed at maJung the And Clothl-ng . , pay raise. structure a permanent one, was Rowe Elected Mayor '" '" '" approved by council last year. Elected to the office of mayor CIO PRESIDENT Philip Mur- Government Control, Some 'of Art,'cles Stolen From was Pau1 W. Rowe. Runmng. un- ray demanded that the steel in- Materials needed were under Dolph May Resider:tce Re- opposed. he received a t-otal of dustry grant wage, increase and government control and it is nec- cove'red by Park Police 1,078 votes. ' other benefits to the 700,000 mem- Ministers of the, various churches which will participate in the-...anmial services to be held Tr.iday afternoon in: essary: .to get' permission to use . Harry C. Pratt, of 19282 Ray- bers' of the CIO United Steel- the Woods Theater, are shown completing plans. Pictured, from left to .right are: N," M. PRITCijARD, RedeeIn~r:. such materials even if they can mond, led the list of fiye candi. workers as recommended by the Methodist; HUGH WHITE, Grosse Pointe Metho~ist; S. SCHEIFELE,-Gr~ce Evangelical United ,Brethren;" ,be procur~d. The plan adopted G~osse .Pointe Park police dates for the three' open seats 'on Wage Stabilization Board. Strike C. LLOYD LOUIS O. MING, Bethany Chris.tian; ,G. H. KELLERMANN, JR., Immanuel Evangelical UnJted ~rethren;' PAUL, called for, enclosing the' entire receIved a report of larceny the city council Pratt, a we~;. set for April 9 unless industry pier in steel sheeting to be tied from the Dolph E. May resi- knovm practicing attorney,. i"!~ accepts the WSB findings. STUDEBAKER, First Church of the Brethren;,ANDI:tEW_F. RAUTH, Grosse Pointe WbodsPresbyterian,'and' seated, '" • * .. is ROBERT P. BECK, chairman, of Grace Evangelical and Reformed." , . together by whalhs ~nd tie rods. ' dence at 1333: Balfour, April cei~ed' a total'of 821 votes., .Ber- (~. Then concre,te was_to be poured 7. A $1,000 diamond, ring, sev- bert N. Savage and, Waid H: Mc- ATTORNEY GENERAL J. ,-- , , over,the t.op, making a solid, per- eral articles of clo~hing. and Knight were re-electedto the Howard McGrath fires Newbold manent pIer, c about $15 in c'ash disappeared council. Savage received 76. Morris, 'who he had appointed as Plan Joint The ,city was able. to find the from the house at the SaIne votes, and M~Knight rec'eived investigator of corruption in the Wood\sParents Renew Fight BU'rglar Pays n.::cessary st~el, sheet10g and ob- time the May's 20~year-old 693, Woman '1_ Fourth administration. tamed permISSIon from the gov-. ,. .e '" .. * Service On To Get Their Child'ren, Into St. A.mbrose errirnent to buy it and use it for mal~, Bernace Reeves" left Wilhelmini Boersma; 32" of MICHIGAN SENATE voted the pier. The steel was delivered her Job. 20020 Holiday road, ran fourth In uni!nimously to adopt the Trucks Good Friday' in December. Detective Sergeant S tan ley the elections to'the council, re:' bill that excludes the Communist School in Pointe, District' ChltTch Visit' One Side at a Time Enders was assigned to the case ceiving 649 votes., William' C. Party from State election ballots. In the absence of government and arrested the girl at her ~ome; Hancock, 1446 Holly.wood: nett~d Expected to reach Governor Wil~ permissio~, to. buy the necessary 5104 Brush st;eet, DetrOlt. A 608. 'Miss Boersma: ~"a:n at~omey Iiams for signature early next tie-'rods ,CU?-dwhalers to complete search resulted ~ t~e re(;over~ o~ and M~.,¥~coc~,~ In the l~ur- week. * ~.,•. ~tM';~i.c)b,..]t~\v,upropos'ed that ..oIie; som~, of the ,artl.~~s .o~ cl?thmg.' ance l?us,me~s.,,'" ... ~. '., " ,0" sfa~'onlie:',pfer be,'enclosed-in the Sub s e g u e n t'myestlgatlon r~- Mr. Rowe, who ,will,]J~worn ,Friday, April .. ste'eI"sneeting; the'secon!t'-side to vealed that the rmg had be~n in as mayor April rt;':Stated'''-'thllt, 'TRUCE NEGOTIATORS in be~:.similarly enclosed, when the pawned for $31, and that the gIrl the elections proved satisfactory. K.orea indicated that they were St: tie::rods"'t:ould be obtained_., . had, bou,ght a watch}or $15. He said, ,"I am natur,ally'pl~as~d' progressing toward a three~way First' plans called for enclosing ,BernelCe was arraIgned before with: the results. The Council will compromise that would clear the 1'502,0 :ijampton, was ..visited the inside, of the pier first, but Judge C. Joseph Belanger, Wed- be' a very fine' group ,to,. work way for an armistiCe. by a 'burglar sometime' after the high water de~onstrated that nesday, April 9', for' felonious with;" He is preparing,8 formal '" '" '" 8, p. lp., April 7. Entrance was this' was not practical. Water theft. statement to be mal:'!eat the cer~- BELIEVED EISENHOWER gained by forcing the center would rush under the pier from ,------ monies next Monday. preparing his letter of resigna- door to the building, and" three the outside and expend its force May 1 Deadlin,e Few Write-in' Votes tion as Allied S~preme Com- contribution' boxes were jim;. up~az:ds against the pl~nking. It was estimated' ,that there mander. Also planning return to the United States. shortly after mied. : . " ' " ThIS IS what happened In the For Dog Licenses were "not more than fifty'"write':' May 15 to campaign for the Re- A,lthough the thief was unsuc- storm of three wee~s, ago, when in votes cast diIring the I3-hoUr publican Presidential nomina- cessful at emptying 'the bOxes, much .of the pla~kmg was torn bal+oting. The.polls opened: at 7 loose. Dog license renewals in Grosse o'clock l'n the morning. and closed tion. property damage was done, to the , Plans, Revised Pointe Farms are due by May 1, , • * .. boxes themselves and their en- , . I't has been.'announc"',d by Clerk at 8 p.m. Complete're.turns were INTERNATIONAL EX E C U- casemen ts; Plans 'were then revised to cov- Furton. No dog will -,;.be licensed 10 by 10:30 p.m. th at same day. 'fIVE BOARD of CIO Communi- Grosse Pointe Park police re- er the outside of the pier first, to The period of heavjest voting was cations Workers and' union presi- ceived a ,report from Michigan keep. the water from pounding which has not been vaccinated between the hours of 6 and 8' in State police that they were hold- underneath the planking, within the current calendar year. the evening. - dent, Joseph A. Beirne make fin"a) plans for the strike. of 56,000 ing an AWOL soldier' from an A contract had been let to the ' Licenses are obtainable at the Pass Two, Amendments Army bas'e in North Caroliria who Lee; Merrill Co. to drive the city cletk's office in the Munici~ _' telephone workers throughout shee'tI'ng, and an attem'pt to start pal Building between the hours Along' with the election of ad,:, the nation scheduled to begin had' been, implicated in .a series " f ff' th'1' of robberies of -Catholic churches the work was made last week. of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p,m. Mon- mInlstra Ive 0 Icers, e Cl lZens April 7. .. as he travelled north. He was That's, ~hen the trouble devel- day through Friday, and until of tne Woods voted on and t ' h " oped.
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