![1953-01-22, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, Januar y, . i -----------------------------------------Bo AUTOMOBILES FOr^—T AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE WANTED TO BUY AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE CI SSSIFIED AnVEKTISINO BY 1951 AUSTIN 4-door, leather upholst­ BABY bed and chest, in blonde or PHONE — 15c MINIMUM. CASH ery, snow tires, over 40 miles to white, reasonable. Wickliffe 3-1896. WITH ADVERTISEMENT — 60c every gallon gas, like new, must see RALPH STEWART r . DIO MINIMVM. MIST BE IN OUR to appreciate, will take older foreign VETERAN will bu-? paper, rags, cotton, OFFICE BEFORE NOON WED­ car in trade, price $1275, by owner. scrap iron, all metals, furnaces, used NESDAY. M. Shingledecker, Reeve rd., Will­ sinks, bathtubs, toilets; prompt pick­ up service. ER. 1-1068. ONE OWNER uenum^>» oughby. 1941 STUDEBAKER club coupe, very ■e i good, $300. GL. 1-0010. 1949 CUSTOM 8 Ford Tudor, royal WILL pay highest prices for salvage, TRADE - INS blue, excellent condition. RE. 1-7361. papers, rags, steel. Iron, casts, cop­ 46 JEEP, 4-wheel drive, new Meyer per and furnaces; prompt pick-up electric lift snow plow. KE, 1-3382, 1947 CROSLEY, hydraulic brakes, heat- service anywhere FA. 1-5223. 1946 Buick Super Reduction 1941 BUICK sedan, best offer. l er, good tires, low mileage $195. YE. G ! 8 OR 10 inch table saw, snap-on me- 1-0795 after 6 p. m. 2-2206. chanics tool chest, complete; oil fur- Sedanette; AhKQC radio, heater ... ^vvv 1952 Rambler Station Wagon naro, overhead fan forced water i^USEDCAR 1952 Rambler custom hardtop heater, tarpaulin, 14x20 or larger. 1952 Rambler custom convertib J.1 Box 64. Madison, Ohio. GOOD BUYS ON COMMERCE MOTORS HIGHEST prices paid: we buy. sell or 75 1952 Ramblers, all models, c trade, used furniture, appliances, 1947 Buick DESOTO - PLYMOUTH never driven, never titled, »»} (FORD) anvthlng at all. Eastlake Trading Spec. Sedan; (CRAC guarantee. Low down payment 4 post. 35705 Vine at. Willoughby TRADE-INS 13608 ST. CLAIR AT HAYDEN 2-5600. Open 9 to 7. radio, heater ... 1952 DeSoto "Firedome** 1952 Rambler station wagon . MU. 1-4000 WHEEL OF FORTUNE MU. 1-4000 1950 Rambler custom convertible 1948 Buick Sedan 4 Door with Power 1951 Rambler custom convertible Steering. Official's Roadmaster: £QQE 1951 Statesman 2-door 1951 1951 PIANO Car ..SAVE $600! 1951 Ambassador sedan. Ford Ford Studio or Spinet radio, heater ... Vvvv Hydramatic ............................81585 51595 Ford or Will Pay $150 Cash 1951 Plymouth Belvidere, 1850 Ambassador 2-dooc, Hydramatic ..................81195 Station radio and heater $1545 $1595 KE. 1-4903 1949 Buick Roadmaster 1950 Statesman 2-door $995 Wagon; Green, Sed., Dynaflow. QI'IQK 1947 Ambassador sedan ........... $495 -adlo, heater 1951 Plymouth 4 Doors, idio. heater OLDER used furniture wanted; cash radio, heater . V ■ ■ ** d 1949 "600” 2-door $695 fordomatic paid for dressers, chests, mattresses, 3 to choose from . $1395 1948 Ambassador sedan $595 1951 1951 studio couches, beds, chain, etc. FA. Ford 2 Dr. Ford 1946 Ambasador dub coupe ,'....$295' 1-6769. 1950 Buick Special 1950 DeSoto Custom Selection in Cleveland — $1295 51395 HIGHEST prices paid for junk can. Club Coupe/ $1495 Every Car Inspected and Approved! Sed., Dynaflow, ft AE Green, Green, Call MU. 1-3730. 100 other makes and ' factory radio heater, RUGS, carpeting, all sizes; typewritera, radio, heater . V ■ 1950 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan, from private party only. GL. 1-4252. ★ Winterized • Beady to Travel ★ •quipped overdrive radio and heater $1395 models on display. As WANTED, used secretary, maple or low as $5 down on some walnut, not over 40 inches wide. Call 1950 Buick Super Riviera Wickliffe 3-1456. 1949 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan, 1948 Sed., Dynaflow, CM PAE cars, many months to pay. 1947 Dodge'4*4 Door Custom Sedan:Sedan; 1950 Dodge Coronet Club Coupej USED cash register and mediixm or radio, heater . gl vvU radio, heater ... $1295 green finish; radio, heater a light blue finish; radio brc’er; Chrysler small size safe. Wickliffe 3-2228. Visit Our tiial running one Gyromatic; a very clean QI/IQR $895 SHOWER stall. KE. 1-0400. 1949DeSoto Deluxe Club CUSTOMER Satisfaction is our FIRST Two Big Locations owner car W ■ *** low mileage car .......... V ■ Windsor Sed. 11x15 Ri'G in good condition, tall Coupe, heater .. $1295 U. 1-8450. CONCERN NOW as ALWAYS 1948 Kaiser Custom 4 Door Sedan; 1951 Plymouth Savoy 'Station black. 1948 Pontiac Station this car is newly painted gray: the Wagon); light blue finish; radio and 1951 heater BUY WITH CONFIDENCE original owner recently overhauled heater; Whipcord upholstering; Plymouth LOST Wagon $895 the motor completely to th" tune of 12,000 miles; this car Is Cf CtJJK DOG loet. male, black cocker mixed, EAST END 5150; good looks, with ST?AS really clean ................. ▼ ’ vvij 4 short with brown paws, wlute thmit RALPH 1948 Plymouth Special many trouble-free miles 4? ■ $1395 and ahaggy ears, vicinity of Euclid Deluxe 4 Door, new 1949 Plymouth Suburban; brown fin­ ave.. and East' 221st, reward. Call 1950 Dodge 2 Door Sedan: black MANY factory Black, radio, paint $795 ish: good motor, good sc’’ ’ n’^el •quipped MANY after 6 p m.. TV. 1-6862. STEWART finish; radio, heater; compare this heater PEARLS, 3-strand. family keepsake, body; heater and air- QlfIQK OTHER! vicinttv Meredith ave., and Roose­ 1947 Plymouth 4 Door «C*'..A“'°1 . $1095 condition. Special at .. V • OTHERS velt school, liberal reward. IV 1-8972. BUICK Special Deluxe .. $695 NASH 1951 Chevrolet 2 Door Fleetline De­ PARAKEET, yellow, vicinity Hayden DIRECT FACTORY DEALER 1950 Dodge 4 Door Sedan: Meadow­ and Elm, answers to name of INC. brook; liaht blue finish: r~"'~ -rd luxe- light green; this is the car WHEEL OF FORTUNE "Tweetie." Liberal reward. LI. 1-1987. St. Clair at East 125th 1947 Hudson Club Coupe, you have been looking for; a little OPEN EVERY NIGHT heater; this car Is AM OQS* BLACK cocker spaniel with black col­ very clean $695 specially priced at ... O ■ fcwV over 10.000 miles; a bear**'-! -ar SATTSraCTTONf GUARANTEED lar, answers to name of "Smoky"; New - Used Car Showroom inside and out; Q OR vicinity of Canterbury. IV. 1-0763. 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club very clean....................... V • *twil C OR MONEY REFUNDED BLACK male kitten. 5 months old. 1946 Studebaker 13829 Euclid Ave. LL 1-6300 Coupe; gun gray finish; radio and near St. Christine's school. Tuesday. Champion $395 heater: compare this bea "h 1949 Dodae Club Coupe Coronet; January' 13th. RE. 1-4581. SOLID Giant Used Car Lot liaht blue finish; radio and heater; 2-YEAR-old boxer vicinity of Euclid other cars, same year CQQS Beach and East 156th. Fawn color, 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 and model OOUw air conditioning. Cl 1 QR Also Many Others To Choose From A real beauty at O I 1 wW answers to "Rex.” Reward. 15500 1951 Chevrolet Club Coupe: 'L tone ’53 G’encoe rd TV. 1-2763. VALUES In The Best Used Car Stock We green; radio, heater, Powerqlide; 1951 Plymouth Cambridge Club SPRINGER spaniel, black and white, You won’t believe blind left eye. vicinity Neff Rd. and 1950 BUICK 4-Door Have Ever Had! tow mileage; an PI AQK Coupe; black finish: heater ait con­ La k e S ho re blvd. KE. 1-1976,_____ DYNAFLOW, Open Evenings Till 9 exceptional buy ... 0 • ■ ditioning. A special Cl 9AR STANDARD black female french Radio, Heater $1395 price at .. ................. it’s a low-priced car 1950 Packard (8) 4 Door Deluxe; V • *■***> poodle. Reward IV. 1-0370 Easy Financing Terms — 1949 FORD Custom Up To 24 Months To Pay radio and heater, Ultromatic Drive; TRUCKS 2-Door. Radio, an immaculate car inside and out; FOB SALE - CLOTHING Heater .... $995 OPEN MONDAY. WEDNESDAY CAR SALE light blue finish; 5200 under the 1949 Dodge, Vk ton AND FRIDAY EVENINGS reg Jar market CRQR MAN'S suit and overcoat, size 44: 1848 OLDSMOBILE. $1195 panel, green ..................... white shirts, size 17, sacrifice. KE. LARGE SELECTION Plymouth 1-3493. Radio. CflQR 194? Dodge. 1Vk ton chan. MQC Heater QOUU 1951 Mercury 8 Passenger Sport and cab, red ^*lvV % LENGTH sable dyed muskrat KEITH WEIGLE Coupe; beautiful 3 tone gray and jacket, size 14-16, sacrifice. IV. TRUCK SPECIAL Plymouth - I94S 1947 International, (KB-1), V4 ton 1-3620. blue: you must see this car to 1947 DODGE Special deluxe sedan, panel, green, CSOR LADY'S black Persian paw fur coat, Panel ..._ 5335 MOTORS, Inc. CKQK appreciate the outward and i-■. e size 42, very good condition. GA. factory equipped........ beauty. Our special $13931 8'5 ft. body ©VwJ 1-5571. DE SOTO ■ PLYMOUTH DEALERS 1948 Dodge. 1 ton C/3QR FUR coats, new, selling out. all sizes, We Have a Supply of 20941 Euclid Avenue bakery body Q*twW all kinds: muskiat. mouton lamb, SNOW PLOWS 1950 Nash Ambassador 4 Door gray kidskin, Persian paw; also IVanhoe 1-4500 Chevrolet - 1950 Sedan two-tone blue and 1949 2 Vi ton Chas, and Ca v A. others as low as $50 and up; save middle n an’s profit, private home. for Jeeps. Four-Wheel Drive 2-Dr. deluxe Fleetline, CMOQC radio and heater; 1 1 JI fi Model, 2 speed rear axle; CQQR PO. 1-8400. Save $200 A-l condition throughout . tJOwV Pick-ups and Station Wagons factory equipped........ FUR coat^jnuskrat^$50^00. KE. 1-0638. MOUTON and muskrat fur coats, rea- * sonable. MU. 1-6523. WE NEED Jr Biff Selection AU Maltes and Models Most Kraushaar & Hunt Late Model Olds. - 1950 - "88" One Owner -Ar All Reconditioned Ar Ail Guaran­ HUTCMG2ILES FOR SALE Deluxe hydramatic, * 1 /I/IE £ East Cleveland WILLYS Dealer factory equipped ..
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