NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Syllabus Department of Islamic Studies One Year Master’s Course Effective from the Session: 2013-2014 National University Subject: Islamic Studies Syllabus for One-Year Master’s Course Effective from the Session: 2013-2014 Paper Code Paper Title Credits 311801 Study of al Tafsir 4 311803 Study of al-Hadith 4 311805 Study of al-Hadith 4 311807 Da’wah in the Holy Quran and Sunnah 4 311809 Evolution and Philosophy of Religion and 4 Comparative Religion 311811 Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran and Hadith 4 311813 History of Islam (Umayyad and Abbasid Period) 4 311814 Term Paper 2 311816 Viva-Voce 2 Total = 32 Detailed Syllabus Paper Code: 311801 ------ Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120 hrs. Paper Title: Study of al-Tafsir Books Prescribed: 1. Al-Zamakshari : Al-Kashshaf: (Surah al Fatiha and Surah al-Baqarah upto the end of 72 verses.) Books Recommended: 1. Alusi : Tafsir Ruhulmaani. 2. Mufti Muhammad Shafi : Tafsir Marif al-Quran. 3. Al-Baidawi : Anwar al-Tanzil-wa-Asrar-al Tawil 4. Qazi Thanaullah Panipothi : Tafsir-i-Mazhari Paper Code: 311803 ------ Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120 hrs. Paper Title: Study of al-Hadith Books Prescribed: a) Al-Bukhari : Al Jami al Sahih: Bab-al-Wahyi and Kitab al Maghazi b) Muslim : Al-Sahih: Kitab al-Iman and Kitab al-Hajj. Books Recommended: 1. Ibn Hajr al Askalani : Fath–al–Bari 2. Badruddin al Ayni : Umdat al-Qari 3. Nawawi : Sharh Muslim 4. Shibbir ahmad Uthmani : Fath al-Mulhim Paper Code: 311805 ------ Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120hrs. Paper Title: Study of al-Hadith Books Prescribed: a) Abu Dawud : Sunan: Kitab al-Sawm and Kitab al-Zakat b) Tahawi : Sharh Maani al-Athar: Kitab al-Buyu (omitting chapters on al-Araya and Bai ard Makkah, Thaman al-Kalb and Istiqrad al hayawan), Kitab al-Hiba- wa-al-Sadaqah. Books Recommended: 1. Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri : Baz-al-Majhud 2. Yusuf Kandehlavi : Awnul – Mabud 3. Zafor Ahmad Uthmani : I’laussunan Paper Code: 311807 ----- Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120hrs. Paper Title: Da’wah in the Holy Quran and Sunnah This paper will cover the following topics: Study of the verses of the Holy Quran described in different Surahs and Sayings of the Prophet (sm) quoted in various Hadith books along with Sihah al-Sittah related to Dawah; Quranic Tradition in Islamic Dawah, Name of the Prophets described in the Holy Quran and Hadith and their process of Dawah, Islamic rules for preaching Dawah to the opponents, Challenges of Dawah and its solution in the Quran and Hadith, Process of Dawah in the life of Mohammad (sm) and his companions (Sahaba). Islam and contemporary challenges regarding Dawah; Non- Mulim Missionary activities in Muslim countries and Islamic Dawah, the Nature of Dawah in Bangladesh. Books Recommended: 1. The Holy Quran 2. Ibn Kathir, Tafsirul Quranil Azim 3. Allamah Shawkani, Fathul Qadir 4. Imam Fakhruddin Razi, Mafatihul Gaib 5. Imam Baidawi, Anwarul Tanjil 6. Mahmud Alusi, Ruhul Ma’ani 7. Imam al-Bukhari, Al-Sahih 8. Imam Muslim, Al-Sahih 9. Imam al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 10. Abu Duad, Al-Sunan 11. Imam al-Nasayi, Al-Sunan 12. Imam Ibn Majah, Al-Sunan 13. Muhammad Ali, al-Sabuni, Al-Nabuwah wal Ambiya 14. Muhammad Qutb, Islam the Misunderstood Religion 15. Syed Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam 16. Alhajj Ahmadur Rahman, Islam a Glorious Teaching 17. Rahman, Dawah Activities Throughout the World 18. M. A. Sattar Ph.D., Islam 19. Abd al-Karim Zaidan, Usul al-Da’wah 20. Dr. Ahmad Gulush, Al-Da’wah al-Islamiyya 21. Dr. Muhi al-Din al-Alusi, Minhaj al-Da’wah 22. A. Z. M. Shamsul Alam, The Message of Tableege and Da’wah 23. Maulana Abdullah Ibn Syed Jalalabadi, Holy Prophet’s Mission to Contemporary Rulers 24. Avjøvgv Avjevbx Avj-LvIjx, Bmjv‡gi `vIqv‡Zi ü`qMÖvnx c×wZ 25. mvwq¨` Aveyj nvmvb Avjx bv`ex, Zvix‡L `vIqvZ-Iqv AvhxgZ (1-4 LÐ) 26. Av. mv. gynv¤§` Igi Avjx (Aby.), msMÖvgx mvaK‡`i BwZnvm (1-4 LÐ) 27. mvwq¨` Aveyj nvmvb Avjx bv`ex, nhiZ gvIjvbv gynv¤§` AvIi DbKx `xbx `vIqvZ 28. W. Avãyi ingvb AvbIqvix, Bmjvgx `vÕIhvn: ¯^iƒc I cÖ‡qvM, wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgkb, XvKv, 2009 29. W. Avãyi ingvb AvbIqvix, Bmjvgx `vIqv‡Zi c×wZ I AvaywbK †cÖ¶vcU 30. W. Avãyi ingvb AvbIqvix, c~e©eZx© ivm~jM‡Yi `vIqvZ 31. W. †gvt Aveyj Kvjvg cvUIqvix, im~j (m.) Gi `vIqv‡Zi c×wZ I gva¨g Paper Code: 311809 ------ Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120 hrs. Paper Title: Evolution and Philosophy of Religion and Comparative Religion Evolution and Philosophy of Religion i) Special reference will be given to Taboo, Totem, Mana, Magic, Animism etc. Primitive religions: Their Origin, Development and Common features. ii) Motive forces of the principal world religion. iii) Proof for the existence of Allah, Conception of Oneness of Allah, belief in Allah iv) The role of religion in human life, civilization ad culture; the value of religion; religion and human motivation, religion and pragmatism. v) Metaphysical problems of world religion: Analysis of the concept of religion, the place of faith, the problems of the justification of religious belief. vi) The soul and its immortality; its place in religion; arguments for and against immortality of the soul. Books Recommended: 1. The Holy Quran, 16:67; 16:25; 30:32; 11:118; 109:6; 22:17; 5:72; 2:40-96; 29:7; 32:23-25; 40:53-54; 20:80-82; 2:62; 11; 113; 120; 135; 140; 5:14; 18; 51; 69; 82; 9:30; 3:19; 61:9; 48:28 2. Encyclopaedia of Religion 3. Shahrastani, Kitab al Milal wa-al-Nihal 4. Edward Fareud, The Evolution of Religion, Vol. 1 5. Gail Kennedy, The Evolution of Religion 6. Reville, Orgin and Growth of Religion 7. Father Schmidt, The Origin and Growth of Religion 8. Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo. Comparative Religion (Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism) The purpose of this part is to enable students understand the nature, scope, development and methods of the study of comparative Religion. The Course also envisages the study of the different major religious thoughts with special emphasis on the following: Basic features of world religions; comparative study of the nature of the Supreme Being, the world, man, basic moral teachings; soteriology, Eschatology; meaning and significance of religious symbols and major festivals; family ethics, and inter religious dialogue. a) Comparative Religion and Theology: Introduction, origin, development and contribution of Muslim theologians, Islam and traditional religions of the world. b) The doctrine of creatorship, prayer, apostles, sacred books, schematic beliefs, learning of religion, festivals, racism, different ceremonies, rebirth, resurrection and the hereafter. i) Moral and socio-economic significance of religions. ii) Origin and development of religion. iii) Major religions of the world: pre-historic and historical iv) The religious conditions of the world before the advent of Islam v) Islam as a religion with special reference to its sources and five foundations. vi) Judaism and its holy books with special reference to the Towrah vii) Christianity, Jesus Christ, The gospels, New Testament viii) Hinduism and its scriptures ix) Gautam Buddha and his teaching five Skandhas, Nirvana Books Recommended: 1. Ibn Hazam : Kitab al-Fasal fi-al-Milal wa al-Nihal 2. Al-Shahrastani : Al Milal wa al-Nihal 3. Shah Wali Allah : Jujjat Allah al-Baliqhah 4. Mohammad Ali : The Religion of Islam 5. Prof. Syed Mozaffaruddin : A comparative study of Islam and other religion 6. Dr. H. Habibullah : Introduction of Islam 7. Ulfat Aziz : A comparative Study of Christianity and Islam 8. Shilachar Shastri : Buddha Dharma Darshan 9. Shilachar Shastri : Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics: Islam Judism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity 10. Dr. Ahmad Shalabi : Muqaranatul Adyan: Al-Yahudiya 11. Dr. Ahmad Shalabi : Muqaranatul Adyan: Al-Mashiyya 12. Dr. Ahmad Shalabi : Muqaranatul Adyan: Al-Adyanul Hend al Qubra 13. Dr. Ahmad Shalabi : Muqaranatul Adyan: Al-Islam 14. Muhammad Abu Juhra : Al-Diyanatul Qadiman 15. Geoffrey, Parrinder : Comparative Religion, 2nd ed, London, 1977 16. Azizun Nahar Islam : The Nature of Self, Suffering and Salvation: with special reference to Buddhism and Islam, Allahabad, 1987 17. Haridas Bhattacharyya : Foundation of Living Faith: An Introduction to Comparative Religions, Calcutta, 1939 18. R.S. Srivastava : Comparative Religion, New Delhi, 1974 19. Eric, J. Sharpe : Comparative Religion: A History, 2nd ed., La Salle, 1986 20. E.O. James : Comparative Religion: An Introductory and Historical Study, London, 1961 21. gvhnvi DÏxb wmÏxKx : Bmjvg I Ab¨vb¨ ag©, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, evsjv‡`k, XvKv| Paper Code: 311811 ----- Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120 hrs. Paper Title: Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran and Hadith Analysis of some Quranic verses and Hadiths related to scientific pursuits, such as (i) The Earth, (ii) The creation of Man, (iii) The Solar system: The Comet, the Sun, the Moom, the Gravity, the Galaxy, the Planets and Stars, (iv) Physics, (v) Biology, (vi) Agriculture, (vii) Botany, (viii) Zoology, (ix) Chemistry, (x) Agronomy, (xi) Meteorology (xii) Geography, (xiii) Mathematics, (xiv) Astronomy, (xv) Astrology etc. Book Prescribed: 1. Group of Writers : Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran, Dhaka, Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, 1990 2. Sihah Sittah and other books of Hadith (Hadiths related to Science) Books Recommended: 1. Allamah Muhammad al-Sabuni : Safwatut Tafasir 2. Ibn Kathir : Tafsirul Quranil Azim 3. Allamah Shawkani : Fathul Qadir 4. Imam Fakhruddin Razi : Mafatihul Gaib 5. Imam Bukhari : Al-Sahih 6. Imam Muslim : Al-Sahih 7. Imam Tirmidhi : Al-Jami 8. Abu Daud : Al-Sunan 9. Imam Nasayi : Al-Sunan 10. Imam Ibn Majah : Al-Sunan 11. Ibn Hajar Asqualani : Fathul Bari 12. Allamah Badruddin A’aini : Umdatul Qari 13. Anwar Shah Kashmiri : Fayzul Bari 14.
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