RAFIQ KHANANI MBBS, Ph.D. 1477 Mississauga Valley Blvd. Apt # 209 Mississauga, ON. L5A 3Y4 Home: (647)772-7201 Cell: (416)648-7057 – [email protected] SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATION Teaching and Research clinical and applied health sciences. Demonstrated track record of establishment from conception to completion and successful implementation of services delivery and research projects in Canada and Pakistan. Conducted two rounds of Second Generation Surveillance of HIV/AIDS for Canadian International Development Agency. Served as Executive Director at SAFSS, AIPSO and CASSA in Toronto. Served Dow University of Health Sciences as Professor & Director, Diagnostic Reference and Research Labs, Radiology, & Institute of Pharmaceutical and Environmental Research, Laboratories were Accredited on ISO 15189 & 17025 & 9001 Standards and Six Sigma (∑) QC implemented. More than 70 Publications in International and National journals having Impact factor of over 120 and 550 citations. EDUCATION Name and Location of Academic Degree / Diploma / Certificate Institute/ Country Dow Medical College, M.B.B.S Medicine Karachi, Pakistan Basic Medical Sciences Institute, Jinnah Postgraduate Jinnah Post M.Phil. Microbiology Graduate Medical Centre, Pakistan University of Karachi, Microbiology Ph.D Pakistan Clinical Research College of Pathologists FC Path Microbiology TRAININGS Institute of Public Health Research- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Vanderbilt Institute of Global Health DUHS Animal Handling for Biomedical Researchers Towards a Standard Curriculum for Blood Bank Laboratory Technologist and NBTP Technicians National Institutes of Clinical Research Certified Professional Health, USA Indonesia TBCAP Tools for Culture and DST of Tuberculosis GFATM Management Organization and Sustainability Tool (MOST) Bahria University Clinical Trials-GCP, GMP and GLP in Pakistan PIMS Infection Control-Implementation of WHO Hand Hygiene Guidelines HEC Entrepreneurship: An Emerging Discipline University of Karachi Recent Advances in Microbiology NACP Taking Forward ARV Treatment Program in Pakistan PIMS WHO Hand Hygiene Guidelines-Workshop Jinnah University US-Pakistan International Workshop ”Molecular Biology A Tool for the Future” Rafiq Khanani Page 1 Qualitative Research Methods and Evaluation by the University of Alabama at AITRP, UAB Birmingham School of Public Health, Fogarty International Center DUHS Molecular Biology Conventional & Real Time PCR DUHS Molecular Biology, DNA Extraction & Isolation Workshop on Integrated Biological & Behavioral Islamabad Surveillance by Canada Pakistan HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project and NACP Islamabad National Workshop on Mapping Techniques for HIV/AIDS Risk Groups Karachi Infection Control Issues in Developing World, IDSP Toronto Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Toronto Care of small animals in Laboratory research First National Workshop/certificate course on Immunology, Immunodiagnosis and University of Karachi Flowcytometry University of Karachi Workshop on Viral Diagnostics, Department of Microbiology NIH WHO/NIH Workshop on Quality Assurance in Laboratory Medicine CPSP Update course for teachers of Pathology USC (USA) PCR in Laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of patients with HIV/AIDS CPSP Up-date course on virology JPMC Immunodiagnosis of Cancers AFIP Microbiology at District Headquarter Hospitals NIH/WHO Laboratory diagnosis of AIDS CPSP Statistics for Medical Profession AKUH ELISA and Western Blot for Lab Diagnosis AIDS Education Commission ECFMG for FMG ( USA) PUBLICATIONS Thesis: PhD: Prevalence and Phylogenetic Analysis of HIV in Certain High Risk Groups of Karachi- Pakistan (2010) M.Phil: Seroepidemiology and Surveillance of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan (1987) Citation indices Citations to my articles All Since 2009 Citations 559 337 h-index 12 11 i10-index 16 11 http://scholar.google.com.pk/citations?user=oZgKvJ0AAAAJ&hl=en PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS MA Qureshi, MS Qureshi, MR Khanani, Health and research in Pakistan. The Lancet - 12 October 2013 Vol. 382, Issue 9900, pp 1245 AS Ansari, MR Khanani, SH Abidi, F Shah, A Shahid, SH Ali: Patterns of HIV infection among native and refugee Afghans. AIDS 2011, 25 (11), 1427-1430 Rafiq Khanani Page 2 Syed H. Abidi, Aniqa Shahid, Laila Lakhani, Muhammad R. Khanani, Peter Ojwang, Nancy Okinda, Reena Harania, Farhat Abbas, Sarah Rowland-Jones, Syed Ali. Population-specific evolution of HIV Gag epitopes in genetically diverged patients, Infect Genet Evol. 2013 Jun;16:78-86 Muhammad A. Raees1, Syed H. Abidi, Wajid Ali, Muhammad R. Khanani, Syed Ali. HIV among women and children in Pakistan. Trends in Microbiology - Volume 21, Issue 5, p213–214, May 2013 N Hossain, FH Kanani, S Ramzan, R Kausar, S Ayaz, R Khanani, L Pal Obstetric and neonatal outcomes of maternal vitamin D supplementation: Results of an open label randomized controlled trial of antenatal vitamin D supplementation in Pakistani women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2014 Mar 19:jc20133491. [Epub ahead of print] N Hossain, N Khan, N Shah, T Shah, S Butt, R Khanani. Spot urine protein–creatinine ratio and 24-h urine protein excretion: Diagnostic accuracy in women with pre-eclampsia Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health. Volume 4, Issue 1 , Pages 87-90, January 2014 Ambreen Khokhar, Samina Noorali, Muhammad Sheraz, Kuha Mahalingham, Donald G. Pace, Mohammad R. Khanani and Omar Bagasra. Computational analysis to predict functional role of hsa-miR-3065-3p as an antiviral therapeutic agent for treatment of triple infections: HCV, HIV-1, and HBV. Libyan J Med 2012, 7: 19774 Afshan Sumera , Sulaiman Ahmed, SM Adnan Ali, Rafiq Khanani , Evaluation of NESTROFT as a marker of differentiation between β- Thalassemia Trait & Iron Deficiency Anemia. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, (2012) Vol. 4 No. 8; 1560-66 Khanani MR, Somani M, Rehmani SS, Veras NMC, Salemi M, Ali. SH, The Spread of HIV in Pakistan: Bridging of the Epidemic between ... (2011) PLoS ONE 6(7). Khanani M. R., A. Ansari, S. Khan, S. U. Kazmi, S. Ali. Sero-prevalence of HIV, HCV and HBV infections in Afghan Refugees in Pakistan. American Society for Microbiology 110th General Meeting, San Diego, California. (2010) MA Agha, SA Agha, S Sharafat, R Barakzai, MR Khanani, MA Mirza. API 20c: A reliable and rapid diagnostic tool for Fungal Infections. Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences (2012) 10 (2) Khanani MR, Somani M, Khan S, Naseeb S, Kazmi SU, Ali SH. HCV and HBV co-infection among HIV- positive MSM in Pakistan. J. Infect. American Society for Microbiology 110th General Meeting, San Diego, California. (2010) Kassi M, Afghan AK, Khan IA, Khanani MR, Ali SH. Safe blood transfusion practices in blood banks of Karachi, Pakistan Transfusion Medicine. 2011: 21(1); 57-62. Khan NB, Khan MH, Shaikh MZ, Khanani MR. Effects of Ramadan fasting on glucose levels and serum lipid profile among type 2 diabetic patients. Saudi Med J, 2010: 31(11); 1269-70. Aziz S, Nazli H, Rajpar J, Khanani MR. Vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus in low to middle socio- economic pregnant population of Karachi. HepatolInt (2011) 5: 677-680 Hossain N, Khanani MR, Kanani FH. High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Pakistani mothers and their newborns. Intl J. Gyn&Obs . 2011 112(3) 229-233 Khanani MR, Somani M, Khan S, Naseeb S, Kazmi SU, Ali SH. HCV and HBV co-infection among HIV- positive MSM in Pakistan. J. Infect. Khanani MR, Ansari AS, Khan S, Somani M, Kazmi S, Ali SH. Concentrated epidemics of HIV, HCV, and HBV among Afghan refugees., Cited by 2 J. Infect. 2010: 61(5); 434-7. Hussain M, Khanani MR, Jabeen N, Shoaib SS, Mirza T. Protein homology modeling and structure-function relationship of 2009 swine influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA1): more human than swineBiologia, Bratislava (2010) 65 (2):183-190. Rajabali A, Moin O, Ansari AS, Khanani MR, Ali SH. Communicable disease among displaced Afghans: refuge without shelter. Cited by 6. Nature Reviews Microbiology 7(2009) 609-614. Baqi S, Damani N, Shah SA, Khanani R. Infection Control at a Government Hospital in Pakistan. Int J Infect Control (2009) 5 (1):004.09. Rafiq Khanani Page 3 Khanani MR, Somani M, Khan S, Naseeb S, Ali SH.Prevalence of single, double, and triple infections of HIV, HCV and HBV among the MSM community in Pakistan. Journal of Infection, 2010 61(6):507-9 Tang JW, Khanani MR, Zubairi A, Lam WY, Lai F, Hashmi K, Hussain A, Jamal S, Chan PK. A wide spectrum of dengue IgM and PCR positivity post‐onset of illness found in a large dengue 3 outbreak in Pakistan, Cited by 3, Journal of Medical Virology. (2008) 80:2113–2121. Rajabali A, Khan S, Warraich HJ, Khanani MR, Ali SH. HIV and homosexuality in Pakistan. The Lancet infections.Cited by 12, 2008: 8(8); 511-15. Rai MA. Khanani MR, Warraich HJ, Hayat A, Ali SH. Crimean‐Congo hemorrhagic fever in Pakistan, Cited by 4, Journal of Medical Virology. 2008: 80(6); 1004-6. Khan S. Rai MA. Khanani MR, Khan MN, Ali SH. HIV-1 subtype: A infection in a community of intravenous drug users in Pakistan. Cited by 13 , BMC Infectious Diseases (2006) 6:164g. Khan S, Khan MN, Rai MA, Khanani R, Ali SH. Prevalence of HIV-1subtype A in a high- risk community of Pakistan. International AIDS Conference, Toronto, Canada (2006). [Abstract]. Mohammad A, Rai M, Nausherwan K, Khan S, Khanani R, Ali SH. Pakistan/India open borders... to HIV?, Cited by 3, AIDS, 2006, 20(4):634-5 Luby S, Khanani R, Zia M, Vellani Z, Ali M, Qureshi AH, Khan AJ, Mujeeb SA, Shah SA, Fisher-Hoch S. Evaluation of blood bank practices in Karachi, Pakistan, and the government's response. Cited by 47, Health Policy and Planning (UK) (2000) 15(2): 217-222. Hyder AA, Khan OA, Shah SA, Memon MA, Khanani MR, Ali S. Sub-national response in HIV/AIDS:: a case study in AIDS prevention and control from Sindh province, Pakistan. Cited by 13, Public Health. 1999: 113(1); 39-43. Mujeeb SA, Khatri Y, Khanani M.R. Frequency of parenteral exposure and seroprevalence of HBV, HCV, and HIV among operation room personnel.Cited by 74 , Journal of Hospital Infection, (UK) (1998) 38:(2) 133-137.
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