-1.- , - V , .V V- J <:::^yW .no \ - - r THE PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST I i i '1 i i j I I T / Fill mi — Mater mea THE PASSION OF 0;UR LORD JESUS CHRIST ACCORDING TO THE REVELATIONS OF BLESSED ANNA CATHERINE EMMERICH PRECEDED BY A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF THIS GREAT SERVANT OF GOD TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY A PRIEST OF THE ORDER OF SAINT BENEDICT With Ecclesiastical Approbation Printed and Published by the BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF PERPETUAL ADORATION CLYDE, MO. Nihil Obstat FROWINUS Abbas Neo-Angelo Montanus Imprimatur ^ MARITIUS Episcopus San&i Josephi Copyright, 1914, by Benedidtine Convent, Clyde, Mo. M -6 I9i4 TO MARY THE MOTHER OF SORROWS this translation of the Dolorous Passion of her Beloved Son is offered in loving devotion This tribute of love we lay at thy feet, O Virgin of virgins, O Mary most sweet. (Little Office of the Immaculate Conception.) Is there one who would not weep, Whelmed in miseries so deep, Christ's dear Mother to behold ? Can the human heart rehrain From partaking in her pain, In that Mother's pain untold ? {Stahat Mater.) TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. ''The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ accord- ing to the Revelations of Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich" is a book that may justly be called a world's book. It is destined for all Christian peo- ple, and deserves to be translated into every language. With a clearness that fills the soul with over- whelming emotion, the magnitude and intensity of the sufferings of Jesus Christ and the compassion of His Blessed Mother are placed before our eyes. No human heart can be so hardened as not to be deeply moved to compassion in reading this book and meditating on its contents. These revelations of the Passion of Christ were made to a saintly person, who received the impressions of the five holy wounds in her own body, who suffered inex- pressibly with Christ, to such a degree, indeed, that when Our Lord showed her His agony, He placed His hand compassionately on her breast and said : ''No one has yet seen all this, and terror would cleave thy heart asunder, did I not hold it together." Translator's Preface. In translating this book into English, we have adhered closely to the oldest text of the German original, and have eliminated everything that might not be interesting to the reader, or that might have an annojring effect. We wish to remsu'k, that private revelations, according to the decrees of Pope Urban VIII. in the years 1634 and 1641, in so far as the Church has not decided upon them, claim only human credence. Go forth, then, devout and holy book, go forth into the Catholic world. Enter into Christian homes and effect untold good for the salvation of many. Praised be Jesus Christ! Feast of the Sacred Heart, 1913. Clyde, Mo. Benedictine Father. 8 CONTENTS. PAGE Translator's Preface ..... 7 Introduction . 11 Short Sketch of the Wonderful Life of Anna Catherine Emmerich ...... 15 THE PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST The Chalice Used at the Lait Supper . 57 The Lait Supper ...... 61 The Washing of the Feet . 68 In^itution of the Blessed Sacrsunent ... 72 Private In^trudtions and Consecration ... 77 Jesus in the Garden of Olives .... 82 Our Lord Made Captive .... 128 Jesus before Annas . 154 Jesus before Caiphas . • . 161 Jesus in the Dungeon . 185 The Morning Trial . 139 Jesus is Led to Pilate . 196 Jesus before Pilate ..... 200 Jesus before Herod . 212 From Herod to Pilate . 216 The Scourging . 221 The Crown of Thorns ..... 232 Ecce Homo! Behold the Man .... 235 Contents. PAGE Jesus Condemned to Death .... 240 Jesus Carries His Cross to Calvary . 246 Jesus on Mount Calvary . 261 Jesus on the Cross . 276 Death of Jesus ...... 294 The Descent from the Cross .... 306 Our Lord's Burial . 317 Another Good Friday Scene . 319 The Day before the Resurredlion . 322 Our Lord's Resurredlion .... 333 THE FOUR PASSION GOSPELS Gospel According to St. Matthew . 339 Gospel According to St. Mark . 352 Gospel According to St. Luke . 362 Gospel According to St. John .... 373 10 INTRODUCTION The Value of Meditating on the Passion of Jesus Christ. OF all forms of Catholic devotion the devotion to the Passion of Our Lord and Savior is the mo^ ancient, the mo^ venerable, the mo^ universal. Jesus Himself has written the remembrance of His Pcission deep into the hearts of His faithful. What else is Holy Mass but the unbloody renewal of His Psission ? What else Holy Communion but a memo- rial of His Passion ? And when, in order to atone for our chilling coldness tow^ards the Sacrament of Love, for our forgetfulness and ingratitude towards Our Lord's redeeming Death — when for this purpose fervent souls burn with love for the Heart of Jesus, what else do they do than sink their memories and affe<$lions into the depths of our Savior's Passion ? How deep, think you, were the wounds of Jesus chiseled into the Heart of Mary? From His death to her own, so it was revealed to many favored souls. His entire Passion was reenacted in her every week. Twas the Dolorous Mother who firit pradticed the Way of the Cross. The Apo^les, too, lived and breathed in the my^ery of the Passion and Death of their Ma^er. Think of St Andrew, who hung two days upon his 11 ! : Introdudlion. beloved cross, or of St. Peter, who in humble love for his Lord was crucified head downwards. To realize how Wrongly Holy Mother Church desires her children to think over and over again upon the Passion of Jesus, we need but glance at the many fea^s she has in^ituted in honor of this mys- tery. How overpowering are the ceremonies of Holy Week, particularly the Lamentations ! How beautiful and touching the fea^ of the Finding and the Exal- tation of the Cross No wonder, then, that the saints of all ages have been unable to tear themselves away from the Cross. Out of thousands of te^imonies to be found in their writings, let us here consider a few brief passages Saint Bonaventure : "Let him who desires to at- tain union with God keep the eyes of his soul ever fixed on Him who hangs dying on the Cross. 'Tis from those wounds of the Savior that man draws power to suffer, not with patience merely but with joy." "Nothing so promotes our salvation as daily to contemplate the excessive pain endured by the God- Man for love of us. The marks on His body wound even the hardeit hearts and inflame even the mo^ zealous souls." "If thou, O man, would^ climb from one virtue to another, if thou would^ lead a perfect life, then contemplate daily on the Passion of Chri^. Nothing else can drive the soul so powerfully to holiness. By frequent experience I have learned that when we devoutly think of the Passion of our Lord all devils are terrified and put to flight." 12 Value of Meditating on the Passion of ChriSl. St Alphonsus of Liguori : "A soul that believes in the Passion of Jesus Chri^ and frequently thinks thereon, will find it impossible to go on offending her Savior. Rather, she will have to begin to love Him, yea, she will even, in the holy sense of the word, have to become foolish for love, in beholding a God become foolish for love of her." "Meditation is the blessed hearth where burns the precious fire of divine love. Daily consider and contemplate the Passion of Chri^, and when thy heart begins in turn to burn with love, then pray and med- itate ^ill more." "Souls that are tortured by the devil and trem- bling for their eternal salvation will feel great conso- lation in withdrawing their eyes from the outward world and fixing them on the Cross where Jesus hangs bleeding from every wound. The sight of the cruci- fied One drives from our soul all desires for the goods of this world. Down from the Cross where Jesus hangs on high there floats a heavenly atmosphere that makes us forget all that is earthly, that inflames us with a holy desire to love nothing but Jesus alone, who in love laid down His life for us." "Oh how devoutly and readily will he obey the voice of God who frequently remembers how much Jesus Chri^ has done for love of us ! How continu- !" ously and decisively will he advance in virtue St Augu§line : "Nothing is more salutary than daily to recall how much the God-Man has done for us." "Brethren, let us look upon our crucified Jesus in order to be healed of our sins." 13 Introdudtion. "As often as I am attacked I seek refuge in the wounds of Jesus, I fly into the heart of the mercies of my Lord. Chri^ died for me — this is my sweet con- solation when suffering weighs mo^ heavy. All my hope re^ on the death of Chri^." "A single tear shed in memory of the Passion of Chriit outbaleinces a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or a year's iaiSt on bread and water." St Bernard: "Nothing is better suited to heal the wounds of conscience, to purify and perfedt the soul, than continued contemplation of the wounds of Chri^." "Contemplation of Our Lord's sufferings is what I ilyle wisdom; in them I find the riches of salvation and the fulness of merit; from them I dip the draughts, now of salutary bitterness, now of sweete^ conso- lation." Following of Chri§l : "Do^ thou wish to learn the love of Jesus, to cleanse thy soul from all its spots and adorn it with all virtues, to win a glorious vidtory from the enemies of thy salvation, to enjoy sweet consolation in the mid^ of suffering and pain, to make great progress in prayer, to obtain final perse- verance, to die a blessed death and reign forever in Heaven — then contemplate diligently the Passion and Death of Our Divine Redeemer." 14 A Sketch of the Wonderful Life of the Augustinian Nun Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich.
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