11920 • . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE. 1835 . APPRAISER OF MERCH.ANDISE. SOUTH CAROLINA. Morris Sabath, of Chicago, Ill., to be appraiser of merchandise Malcolm J. Stanley, Hampton. in customs election district No. 39, with headquarters at Chicago, Thomas B. Madden, Columbia. to fill an existing vacancy. Arthur P. Horton, Heath Springs. RECEIVER OF PuBLIC MONEYS. Gabriel B. Ingraham, Hemingway. William R. Moore, Lancaster. Frank B. Kinyon, of Idaho, to be receiver of public moneys at James H. Sullivan, Laurens. Boise, Idaho, his present term expiring February 6, 1920. (Re­ William J. Hughes, Loris. appointment.) Andrew J. Bowers, jr., Ne"berry. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. Iris Perry, Ridgeland. E. F. Aydlett, of Elizabeth City, N. C., to be United States Lillie B. Smoak, St. Matthews. attorney, eastern district of North Carolina, vice Thomas D. Ben Hal'per, Seneca. Warren, appointed by court. Nellie S. Moore, Simpsonville. UNITED STATEs MARsHAL. George I. Hutchinson, Summerville. 0. J. Lyon, of Greenville, S. C., to be United States marshal, William S. Bite, Batesburg. western district of South Carolina. .A. reappointment, his term expiring January 18, 1920. PROMOTIONS IN THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The following-named officer of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in the Department of Commerce to be hydro­ WEn~TESDAY,' Janua'l'Y 21, lfmO. graphic and geodetic engineer (by promotion from junior hydro­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. graphic and geodetic engineer) : The Ohap.laln, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the Ernest Werner Eickleberg, of New York, vice 0. W. S:wainson, following prayer : promoted. The following-named officer of the United States Coast and Our Father in heaven, when the world moves smoothly, the Geodetic Survey in the Department of Commerce to be junior sun shines brightly, the winds blow softly, business is prospering, hydrographic and geodetic engineer (by promotion from deck friends are many and hop~s run high, it is comparatively easy officer) : to be a Christian. Albert Mathis Weber, of the District of Columbia. vice R. R. But when adversities come thick and fast, the home is in· Moore, ·promoted. · vaded by death and our ~oYed ones are borne away, the heaYens seem overcast with dark and lowering clouds, friends deceive PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY. us and hope seems despairing, then it is that the loving arms INFANTRY. of a true and faithful God are aboUt us-to uphold, sustain and To be COl()lfl..6l. guide us. Then it is that we need the strong·a.rm of faith, the Lieut. Col. Lutz Wahl, Infantry, from January 6, 1920. eternal hope of the soul, and a love which fails us not. Increase om· faith, hope, and love in Thee, 0 God our Father, To be lieutenant colonels. and we will praise and magnify Thy holy name. In Jesus Maj. Edward T. Hartmann, Infantry (Quartermaster Corps), Christ our Lord. .Amen. from January 6, 1920. Maj. Frederick B. Shaw, Infantry, from January 6, 1920. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. To be majors. LEAVE TO PBINT. Capt. Frederic G. Kellond, Infantry (General Staff), from Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I ask un~nimous consent to print January 6, 1920. in the REcoRD a speech made before the Illinois Manufacturers' Cnpt. Herbert L. Evans, Infantry (Quartermaster Corps), .A.ssocia~on in Chicago on the 9th day of January by the gen­ fTom January 6, 1920. tlema.n from Iowa [Mr. GooD] on the subject of a · national Cnpt. Harry D. 1\litchell, Infantry, from January 6, 1920. budget. To be captains. The SPEAKER. The gentleman asks unanimous consent to First Lieut. :Mark W. Cla.rk, Infantry, from November 7, 1919. print in the REcoRD a speech made by the gentleman from Iowa First Lieut. DavidS. numbough, Infantry, frem November 10, [Mr. Goon] before the illinois Manufacturers' .Association on the subject of a national budget. Is there objection? 1910. First Lieut. Francis J. Heraty, Infantry, from November 11, 1\fr. GARNER. Reserving the right to object, I should like to ask whether that was a political speech or an economic speech. 1919. First Lieut. Donovan Swanton, Infantry, from November l1, ~Mr. CANNON. .An economic speech, as I understand it. Mr. GARNER. Then I have no objection. 1919. First Lieut. Francis A. Macon, jr., Infantry, from 11.\>'Vember The SPEAKER. Is there objection? 12, 1919. There was no objection. First Lieut. Laurence B. Keiser, Infantry, from November 12, CALENDAR WEDNESDAY. 1919. The SPEAKER. This is Calendar Wednesday. The Clerk First Lieut. Horner C. Brown, Infantry, from November 13, will c..:1ll the committees. 1919. Th~ Committee ..on Patents was called. First Lieut. Clare H. Armstrong, Infantry, from November 18, TRADE-MARKS AND COMMERCIAL NillES. 1910. Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Committee on Patents I call up the bill (H. R. 9023) to give effect to certain CONFIRMATIONS. provisions of the convention for the protection of trade-marks Ehtectrti'lie nominations con{~.rtned by the Senate January 21, 1920. :and commercinl names, made and signed in the city of Buenos Aires, in the Argentine Republic, August 20, 1910, and for other ASSISTANT TREASUltER OF THE UNITED STATES. purposes. Guy F. Allen to be .Assistant Treasurer of the United States. The SPEAKER. The gentleman calls up a bill which is on REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE. the Union Calendar. Under the rule the House resolves itself Thomas J. O'Keefe to be register of the land office at Alliance, into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and the gentleman from 1\lichiga.n [Mr. CRAMTON] will take Nebr. the chair. RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MoNEYs. .Accordingly the House resolved itself into the Committee of John C. 1\lorrow to be receiver of -public moneys at Alliance, the Whole House on the state of the Union for the consideration Nebr. · of H. R. 9023, with Mr. CRA:M:ToN in the chair. PosTMASTERS. The CH.Am:MAN. The Clerk will report the bilL CONNECTICUT. The Clerk read as follows: Albert E. Wellman, Torrington. Be it enacted, etc., That the Commissioner of Patents shall keep a register of all marks communicated to him by the international bureaus NEVADA. provided for by the convention for the protection of trade-marks and commercial names, made and signed in the city ·of Buenos Aires, in the Heward C. Mulcahy, Sparks. Argentine Republic, August 20, 1910, in connection with which the fee Harry H. Mayer, Elko. of $50 gold for the international registration established by article 2 .1836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE . J ANU.ABY 21~} of that convention has been patd, which register shall show a facsimile • I of the mark; the name and residence of the registrant; the number, Mr. NOLAN. That is correct. date, and place of the first registration of the mark, including the date Mr. LITTLE. Why this frantic haste to enact this bill int~ on which application for such registration was filed and the term of law? Why not wait another 10 ·years? . such registration, a list of goods to which the mark is applied as shown by the registration in the country of origin, and such other data as may Mr. NOLAN. If the gentleman will give me an opportunity1 be useful concerning the mark. to explain the bill, he will become acquainted with the facts. SEc. 2. That whenever any person shall deem himself injured by the Mr. LITTLE. That is just what I want to get. inclusion of a trade-mark on this register, he may at any time apply to the Commissioner of Patents to cancel the registration thereof. The Mr. NOLAN. If the gentleman will give me time to explain commissioner shall refer such application to the examiner. in ch3;rge the measure, there will not be any necessity for his questions. of interferences, who is empowered to hear and determine this questiOn, Mr. LITTLE. What is the hurry about this? We have waited and who shall give notice thereof to the registrant. If it appear after a hearing before the examiner that the registrant was not entitled to only 10 years already! the exclusive use of the mark at or since the date of his application for Mr. NOLAN. Only in the last few years have the northern registration thereof, or that the mark is not used by the registrants section of the South American Republics ratified the convention, or has been abandoned, and the examiner shall so decide, the commis­ sioner shall cancel the registration. Appeal may be taken to the com­ They have now ratified it, and so has the Republic of Cuba·. missioner in person from the decision of the examiner in charge of At the present time there is established at Habana a bureau interferences. for the registration of trade-marks and commercial names. This SEc. 3. That any person who shall willfully and with intent to de­ ceive affix, apply, or annex, or use in connection with any article or gives an opportunity to American manufacturers and those in­ articles of merchandise, or any container or containers of the same, terested in the protection of trade-marks and commercial names a false designation of origin, including words or other symbols, tending to go to the Patent Office or file with the Commissioner of Pat­ to falsely identify the origin of the merchandise, and shall then cause such merchandise to enter into interstate or foreign commerce, and any ents a registration, and for the sum of $50 American trade­ person who shall knowingly transport such merchandise or· cause or marks, trade names, and commercial names are given protection procure the same to be transported in interstate or foreign commerce or in all of the Central and South American ~epubllcs and in the commerce with Indian tribes, or shall knowingly deliver the same to any carrier to be so transported, shall be liable to an action at law for dam­ Republic of Cuba.
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