University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1982 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 10-29-1982 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 50, 10/ 29/1982 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1982 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 50, 10/29/1982." 87, 50 (1982). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1982/132 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1982 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -~n~J6- .:;; ;g; 'I d-;q '(1;1 ,3~v0 NEW MEXICO (~-f~ _______.____,_D__ a_i ly Lqb o Vol. 87 No.SO Friday, October 29, 1982 Methadone, Valium weans drug addicts Kent Kullby patients that may suffer from severe depression, he said. Somewhere in Albuquerque a "A lot of the drugs that are popu­ drug processing and distributing op­ lar on the street are not used in medi­ eration is being run behind the Vene­ cine anymore because of the abuse tian blinds of an inconspicuous store of them by the public,'' Brauns­ front. chweiger explained. The drugs being processed would The Drug Enforcement Adminis­ be worth millions of dollars if sold tration classifies drugs like metha­ on the streets. done, valium and barbiturates as Although the drugs are made for Schedule Two. Any agency or addicts, they are administered legal­ laboratory using these drugs is re­ ly through the UNM Mental Health/ quired to meet federal regulatio.ns Retardation Center's Drug Abuse for securing the drugs so they aren't Treatment 'Division. stolen or misused. The Center runs a pharmacy One regulation requires the laboratory to process drugs used by laboratory to store the drugs in a drug abuse clinics to wean addicts large walk-in vault. Inside the big from harder drugs. Methadone, vault smaller vaults guard other valium and barbiturates are among drugs. the drugs handled by the laboratory. Ultra-sonic alarms keep watch Chief Pharmacist Andrew over the laboratory and vaults and Braunschweiger directs the labora­ can be triggered by any movement. tory in its clandestine operations. He Other alarms arc connected to the estimates the lab processes daily ab­ doors and ceilings. METHADONE, 11 drug used to tre11t recovering addicts, is processed at tiJe UNM Mental out 2,500 doses, 40 milligrams To keep track of the drug distribu­ Health/Retardation Center's Drug Abuse Treatment Division pharmacy -laboratory. each, of methadone. tions, the Center keeps records of "We're serving about 500 to 600 how much raw drug material the patients at the various clinics," laboratory receives and how much it Braunschweiger said. distributes, Braunsehweiger said. Amendment passed 13-12 requiring The clinics use the drugs to help The two should always be equal, he addicts with the painful and some­ added. times life-threatening process of "We screen our interns and English profs to teach fresh courses withdrawing from heroin or alcohol, pharmacists extensively. We've Alison Lacy following objections from faculty semester. he said. • never had a problem with drug con­ members. Dr. Hamlin Hill, English depart­ The laboratory also handles a trol yet," he said. explaining that a After considerable discussion, the Several faculty members pointed ment chairman, said the mandatory number of psycho-tropic drugs used number offederal and state agencies English department faculty passed out that if a faculty member regular­ class will "more than likely" be audit the laboratory. as anti-depressants on mental health _ 13-12 an amended recommendation ly teaches an upper-level writing taught in fall semesters, when many calling for all full-time faculty to course he could end up teaching students take freshman English teach at least one freshman English three writing classes in one courses. Productivity up, jobs down course a year. The amendment, passed in a de­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Reflect­ ployment, u noting thatthe improve­ partmental meeting Wednesday. ing declines in the number of em­ ments, representing output per hour, stipulates that faculty members must Editor says paper ployees and hours of work, produc­ were caused by declining employ­ to teach one freshman English tivity rates increased in all sectors of ment and hours of work coupled course annually unless they arc the nation's economy during lhe with a modest increase in output in teaching one other writing course .to change style, tone third quarter of 1982, the Labor De­ most sectorS. each semester. The recommenda­ partment reported Thursday. In the business sector, the tion does not include courses can­ Dennis Pohlman selected as ''outstanding staffer'' of broadest measure, productivity a<rv­ celed because of low enrollment. A record level was achieved in the the Daily Lobo in Spring of 1982. anced at a 4 percent annual rate, The amendment includes creative New Mexico Daily Lobo Editor She is president of the UNM business sector. greater than at any time since a 5.6 writing courses as well as expository Treasury Secretary Donald Regan Kelly Gibbs said Thursday she in­ chapter of the Society of Profession­ percent gain in the first quarter of writing courses. said the report "adds reinforcement tends to make the Daily Lobo a qual­ al Journalists-Sigma Delta Chi, and 1981. The recommendation was origi­ to the foundation we already have ity newspaper that will inform the won third place honors in that orga· The business sector index, based nally made by the English depart­ set for sustainable,long-term econo­ students of UNM. nization's regional competition ear­ on 1977 conditions, reached 101.3, ment Policy and Personnel Com­ mic recovery." Gibbs, 22, succeeded Marcy lier this year for an investigative re­ the highest posted since data collec­ mittee. McKinley as editor in accordance port on the disappearance of several But the Bureau of Labor Statistics tion began in 1947. The previous Professor Hugh Witemeyer, a with Student Publications Board ballot boxes in the fall ASUNM said, "The gains in productivity re­ peak was 101 in the third quarter of member of the Policy and Personnel bylaws, which state that in the event election. flected declines in hours and em- 1981. Committee, added the amendment an editor cannot fulfill his or her Gibbs is currently interning with duties, the person receiving the the Albuquerque bureau of the second-most vote total in the editor Associated Press. selection will be named editor for the duration of the year-long term. McKinley, 28, resigned late Wednesday in a Jetter sent to Pub­ lications Board Chairman Robert • Uwrence. The ·Jetter stated, '"Mt: · Lawrence: This is to il1fonn you of my resignation, effective im~ mediately." She did not comment further. McKinley had been under fire by a coalition of student groups for allowing publication of what they termed a "racist" editorial pub­ lished in the Oct. 13 Daily Lobo. Formal proceedings to consider charges of misconduct and neglect of duty brought by that coalition were dropped Wednesday. The coalition had warned they would file additional charges if McKinley KELLY GIBBS would not resign. Lawrence informed Gibbs Readers oi the Daily Lobo can Wednesday of McKinley's resigna· expect to sec some changes in the tion. She accepted the post without style and tone of the newspaper, reservation. Gibbs said. She added that recent Gibbs is a senior journalism major events were unfdrtunate, but tnay Joe from Corona. She worked for the result in changes in the structure of Daily Lobo for more than three years the Publications Board and in the A CHASE that lelt thrH cars dam11ged 11nd one person with minor injuries ended Thursday holding positions including manag- qualifications needed to apply for afternoon at San R11l11el 11nd V11u11r S.E. Five police units were involved in the high speed ing C!ditor, night editor and Rectea- the position of editor- changes chase that lasted about fO minutes. tion 101 managing editor. She was sorely needed, sht! said. ' . ; ., • ·' ... ' ~· " ·1 i . ~ • Pa~c 2. New Mexico Daily Lobo, October 29, 1982 Page 3, New Mexico Daily Lobo, October 29, 1982 Wire Report by United Press International ,umc Fridny morning. de Ia Madrid, who becomes presi­ National News Surveys conducted after the 1980 .lnt~.rn atj o_o_g.L~~_w~ Reagan announced on Oct. 15 dent Dec. I. elections showed Ronald Reagan that the United States would guaran­ In a joint news conference after won far Jess support from women Airport reopens tee shipment of a maximum 23 mil· the visit with de Ia Madrid, Kissin­ than from men. Subsequent polls lion tons of U.S. wheat and corn ger and Rockefeller played down Jobless claims continue to reflect a growing differ­ TEL AVIV, Israel~- Israel's Ben­ purchased before the end of Novem­ any political or offici&! overtones to ence between the sexes on such mat· Ourion r!irpm1 reopened Thursday at ber and shipped by May 30, !983. their meetings. still rising ters as social issues and nuclear a cost to government prestige but The decision has drawn fire from Kissinger, however. predicted the weapons, giving rise to the term with the hope that El AI, Israel's America's West European allies, nation's human and natural re­ WASHINGTON- A record "gender gap." once-profitable national airline, who resent Washington's attempt to sources would aid in reestablishing 4,662,000 workers claimed unem­ But whether that gap will emerge could be salvaged. force them to abandon lucrative its economic wellbeing, ployment checks during the week clearly in an election th<1t is less a Negotiations on saving the state­ sales to the Soviet pipeline while the ''I am confident ..
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