EDERAL REGSTER \ 1934 ^ VOLUME 10 NUMBER 160 ' i/A/ITEO ^ Washington, Saturday, August 11, 1945 Regulations the following exception to the exemption CONTENTS provided for in paragraph (a) of this » REGULATIONS AND NOTICES order: TITLE 26—INTERNAL REVENUE (68) All employers In the Automotive Re­ Agriculture D epartment. See also pair Industry in Harris County, Texas. (Ap­ Marketing Services Office and Chapter I—Bureau of Internal Revenue proved August 6, 1945). Rural Electrification Admin­ Subchapter A—Income and Excess Profits Taxes istration. Pase (E.O. 9250, Oct. 2, 1942, 7 F.R. 7871; as [T. D. 5468] McLemore Livestock Commis­ amended ijy E.O. 9381, Sept. 25, 1943, 8 sion Market, Alex., La., no­ Part 19—Income Tax U nder the Internal F.R. 13083, E.O. 9328, Apr. 8, 1943, 8 F.R. tice as to posted stockyard. 9965 R evenue Code 4681; Act of Oct. 2, 1942, C. 578, 56 Stat. Salaries and wages of agricul­ 765, Pub. Law 729, 77th Cong.) Part 29—Income T ax; T axable Y ears tural labor: heodore heel Beginning After D ecember 31,1941 T W. K , Texas USDA Wage Board, Executive Director. delegation of authority— 9965 DEFINITION OF ASSOCIATION [F' R. Doc. 45-14757; Filed, Aug. 9, 1945; Washington_______________ 9947 Section 19.3797-2 of Regulations 103 4:23 p. m.] Alien P roperty Custodian: <26 CFR, 1940 Supp., Part 19), and Cost and expenses incurred in § 29.3797-2 of Regulations 111 (26 CFR, certain court actions: . Cum. Supp., Part 29) are each amended Chapter IX—Agriculture Department California_________________ 9969 as follows; (Agricultural Labor) Illinois____________________ 9967 (A) By striking from the fourth sen­ Massachusetts__________— 9971 tence of each such section the following : [Supp. 64] Vesting orders: “an ‘investment’ trust (whether of the Part 1111—Salaries and Wages of Agri­ Beyer, Caroline, et al________ 9972 fixed or the management type) cultural Labor in the S tate of Wash­ Gyoergy, Desider----------------- 9973 (B) By inserting after the fourth sen­ ington Hansa-Muehle, G. m. b. H__ 9974 tence of each such section the following: Kikillus, Herman___________ 9973 w o r k e r s e n g a g e d i n p i c k i n g a n d s w a m p ­ Locatelli, Romualdo___ _____ 9972 An “investment” trust of the type com­ i n g PEACHES AND PEARS IN YAKIMA AND Shokai, Sakuma, Ltd_______ 9972 monly known as a management trust is BENTON COUNTIES, WASH. an association, and a trust of the type Civil Aeronautics B oard: commonly known as a fixed investment § 1111.15 Workers engaged in picking Eastern Airlines et al; Florida trust is an association if there is power and swamping peaches and pears in Yak­ case; hearing____________ 9966 under the trust agreement to vary the ima and Benton Counties, Washington. F ederal Communications Commis­ investment of the certificate holders. Pursuant to § 4001.7 of the regulations sion: See Commissioner v. North American of the Economic Stabilization Director Broadcast applications, policy Bond Trust, 122 F. (2d) 545, cert, denied relating to salaries and wages issued Au­ and procedure for han­ 314 U. S. 701. gust 28, 1943, as amended (8 F.R. 11960, dling ___________________ 9963 12139, 16702, 9 F.R. 6035, 14547, 10 F.R. Hearings: (Sec. 62 of the Internal Revenue Code 9478, 9628) and to the regulations of the Clear channel broadcasting in (53 Stat. 32; 26 U.S.C., 62) ) War Food Administrator issued March standard broadcasting [seal] Joseph D. Nunan, Jr., 23, 1945 (10 F.R. 3177) entitled “Specific band_______________ _ 9967 Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Wage Ceiling Regulations” and based R. C. A. Communications, upon a certification of the Washington Approved: August 9, 1945. Inc., et al_-*___________ 9966 USDA Wage Board that a majority of F ederal P ower Commission: J oseph J. O’Connell, Jr., the producers of peaches, and a majority Iroquois Gas Corp., application. 9967 Acting Secretary of the Treasury. of the producers of pears grown in the F ederal Trade Commission : [P. R. Doc. 45-14780; Filed, Aug. 10, 1945; area affected participating in hearings General Milk Co., Inc., et al.; 11:36 a. m.] conducted for such purpose have re­ hearing . ______________ 9967 quested the intervention of the Secretary F ish and W ildlife S ervice: of Agriculture and based upon relevant Arrowwood National Wildlife facts submitted by the Washington Refuge, N. Dak.; fishing TITLE 29—LABOR USDA Wage Board and obtained from Chapter VI—National War Labor Board other sources, it is hereby determined regulations______________ 9964 that: F isheries Coordinator: P art 803—General Orders (a) Areas, crops and classes of workers. Production of fishery commod­ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INDUSTRY, HARRIS Persons engaged in picking and swamp­ ities or products; coordi­ COUNTY, TEX. ing peaches and pears In Yakima and nated pilchard production The National War Labor Board, under Benton Counties, State of Washington, plan____________________ 9964 paragraph (d) of § 803.4, has approved (Continued on p. 9949) (Continued on p. 9948) 9947 9948 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, August 11, 1945 ? CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of Price Administration: Page Securities and Exchange Commis­ FEDERALÄREGISTER Adjustments and pricing orders: sion—Continued. ■V,1834 American Excel-Distil Filter Hearings, etc.—Continued. Page Corp. (Corr.)__________ 9979 Plymouth County Electric Co., Arno Electric Mfg. Co. and New England Gas Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, (Corr.) _______________ 9975 and Electric Assn______ 9985 and days following legal holiday«, by the Barnes-Mclntosh (Corr.)___ 9980 Union Producing Co_______ 9985 Division of the Federal Register, the National Castellano & Cabrera Cigar S urplus P roperty B oard: Archives; pursuant to the authority contained Factory_______________ 9977 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Trucks, allocation for disposal 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., East Birmingham Bronze to farmers and farmers’ co­ ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Foundry Co___________ 9979 operatives: Administrative Committee, approved by the G. E. M. Cigar Co________ 9980 Alabama____ _____________ 9985 President. Distribution is made only by the General Cigar Co__________ 9978 California_________________ 9986 Superintendent of Documents, Government Globe Knitting Works et al_ 9979 Colorado____ _____ 9986 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.. Lake Aluminum Foundry___ 9980 Virginia___________________ 9985 The regulatory material appearing herein is Lufrin, Silvio, Cigar Factory. 9977 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Washington_______________ 9986 which is. published, under 50 titles, pursuant Luxner Coal Co. et al. (Corr.) _ 9979 War P roduction B oard: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Nellie Cigar Factory.______ 9976 Controlled materials plan; car­ amended June 19, 1937. Mitzell, Murray F__________ 9977 bon and silicon electrical The F ederal Register will be furnished by Noblitt-Sparks Industries Inc. 9975 steel sheet and strip, forty- mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Ortiz, Pedro Berrios________ 9978 five day inventory (CMP per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Pease, C. F„ Co____________ 9976 Reg. 2, Dir. 24)_________ 9955 vance. The charge for individual copies Perez, C.-M. Marquez______ 9976 (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Suspension orders, etc.: size of the issue. Remit check or money Apparel and house furnishings Banner Bed Co_____________ 9955 order, made payable to the Superintendent (MPR 580, Am. 5T_____ _ 9962 Cianchette, Joseph R_______ 9955 of Documents, directly to the Government Bedsprings, new coil and flat (2d M. K. M. Knitting M i l l s . 9986 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Rev. MPR 213, Am. 2)____ 9959 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Defense rental areas; hotels and CODIFICATION GUIDE tion of material appearing in the F ederal rooming houses (incl. Am. A numerical list of the parts of the Code Register. 1-47)----------------------------- 9955 of Federal Regulations amended or added by Drugs, packaged (MPR 392, Am. documents published in this issue. Docu­ 7)_____ 9961 ments carried in the Cumulative Supplement NOTICE by uncodified tabulation only are not in­ Furs and peltries, raw, dressed, cluded within the purview of this list. / 1944 Supplement dressed and dyed (MPR 541, Am. 5)_______________ 9960 T itle 7— Agriculture: Book 1 of the 1944 Supplement to Livestock slaughter and meat Subtitle A—Office of the Secre­ the Code of Federal Regulations, distribution (Control Order tary: Page 1, Am. 15)---------- 9961 Part 1—Administrative regu­ containing Titles T-10, including Malt beverages (RMPR 259, lations 1_______________ 9965 Presidential documents in full text, Am. 6)--------------------------- 9962 Chapter I—Office of Marketing is now available from the Superin­ Outerwear garments (RMPR Services (Standards, In­ tendent of Documents, Government 330, Am. 2)______________ 9960 spections, Marketing Prac­ Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. Priorities system operation; in­ tices) : A limited sales stock of the Cu­ eligible slaughterers receiv­ Part 201—Federal Seed Act ing extra-compensation regulations (2 docu­ mulative Supplement and the 1943 payments for relief, appli­ ments)_________ __ 9949, 9950 Supplement is still available as cations with respect to such Title 26—Internal R evenue: previously announced." payments (PR 15)_________ 9957 Chapter I—Bureau of Internal Regional administrators to con­ Revenue: solidate district offices, Part 19—Income tax under CONTENTS—Continued delegation of authority the Internal Revenue (Gen. Order 6 6 ).___ 9975 Code_________________ 9947 I nternal R evenue B ureau: .Page Regional and district office or­ Part 29—Income tax; taxable Income tax under the Internal ders: years beginning after De­ Revenue Code, taxable Community ceiling prices, list cember 31, 1941._______ 9947 years beginning after De­ of orders filed (3 docu­ Title 29—Labor: cember 31, 1941; miscel­ ments)___ ________ 9980, 9983 Chapter VI — National War laneous amendments Solid fuels, Baltimore Md., Labor Board: _____ 9947 Part 803—General orders___ 9947 Marketing S ervices Office: area (Corr.)___________ 9983 Federal Seed Act regulations; Rope and twine (SR 14E, Am.
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