I- THIS WEEK COVERING TOWNifHPS OF HCMJHDEL. MADISON 14 Pages MARLBORO, MATAWAN' AND One Section A BOROUGH Utiutmr Member 93r<! \ tAR — 46th WEEK National Editorial MATAWAN, N- J., THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 New Jersey Prets A««ocUttaa Single Copy Ten Cent* Levitt Scored By Road Moves Scored Shoplifting At Fire Company "Wets Down" New Fire Truck I Mayor Moves In One More Room j New Jersey'* Highway Agtu- Marlboro Tovrushlp Soart) ol c!«s received a going o v c'r Education met with John Mac- • Planning Hoard yesterday lt>t impending road CliffwoodA&P ^ On Water Hearing William, Metuchen, its architect, projects. on a revision of the int?riot Rtj«<t Final The N. S. Highway Authority Man Jailed, Woman Phillips Critic Of plans for the new wing on Cen- was seat a resolution by the Laurence Harbor Co. tral School, for wMcii bonding Strathmor* Maps Monmoutb County Board of Free- Suspended Sentence was approved by the voters last winter. ' holders calling (or the keeping ! Attempt to bar testimony by The awleyrnoon between the Two shoplifters who had visifd 1 The amount of office space was Msta<v«n Township Planning Board open of the Telegraph Hill eo- 27 supermarkets on their way from ' i Mayor .John Phillip,'; jr.. Madison tiancv-exit toad. Its closing has | Township, before the Slate Public cut down, for a new room 23 fct, and Levitt and Sons, Inc.. appar- Central Long Island lo Mauwari 3 inches by 23 feet, 1 Inch. Tfc» ently ended last night. The board been set for May M. Joseph C. Township were apprehended aL tho Utilities Commission at the hear- Irwin, director ot the board of in;; on the rate schedule of the 10 other rooms in the plan k*» received and returned without ac- A&P supermarket 'I ue&dav and 31 feet, % inches by 25 feet, 1 In -It. , tion tiriarmapa far. eight sections freeholders, accused the High- air<)ii;ncd by Patrolman James C. Laurence Harbor Water Co. in way Authority of acting unfairly. 1 ] Newark Tuesday failed. The hear- Mr. MacWHiiani pointed out tha of LsvUt'1 1300-hoine Stwthmore- Hoy ,' township police, t!:«i ni«hi new room cimld be used far a at-Meta'wan development. ing was called at the request of While the action cf the High- before Township Magistrate Har- smaller sized class, if the en- way Authority was being cen- old Shenniin. j the Madison Township Committee Instead, the board demanded that and by petition, of 200 of Ilie !"0U rollment emergency grows mort sured by the freeholders, the plan 1 Levitt submit revised preliminary The defendants weie GiorRi timers in tin; area served by the pressing. maps for each wctioa of the devel- of the State Highway Department Ti'harkovsky and Mary l.ou llum- water company. The rate changes The vote on accepting the ro. opment embodying «l| changes, for a $l,««Ot«M overpass at Six phicy. both ol l&hp, I.I Chief were grun'.od Mar. 15 without a vision of the plans was four "ye;!" agreements and recommendations Corners in Keyport was being T. Lidgur Wilkinson, township po- hearing on the contention that It and two abstaining of the sin nude by the planning board as? blasted 'by Mayor Charles E. lice, reported that polite weie call- did not involve an increase in members present. Lester Bond, the maps had been submitted dur- Applegaie, of thai borough, and ed by the store management after i.lies, only certain specii.l situa- Leo Scully, Mrs. Kate Jackson ing the past year. 25 Keyport citizens. The Key- the pair allegedly had been ap- tions," according lo a PUC of- and Board President Harry prehended in the act of "lifting" Joseph Stenger, board chairman, port mayor winted two jug' f'tial. Holmes approved. John Nar- 20 phonograph records. Chief Wil- said he would go. over every item handles put In ;© eliminate tho zotyich. abstained because be 1M> kinson said inspection or the auto 1'homas F. Boylan, suporinten- "with a magnifying glass" and leftbaod turns off the highway lieved the board might run into the two were u.sing disclosed anoth- of the water company, claim- charged that the Levitt firm ha:l toward Malawyn westbound and trouble altering the plans 0' a er 20 nicords there plus clothing ed there was no general increase, disregarded ordinances regulating Keyport easlbound. building for which bonding hail they could not account for, i only in non-metcred service to ef- development of the planned com- been approved on a specifiej Tcharkpvsky was given a sus- | feet a more reasonable scale wl;h layout. T. George Saathoif also munity. "He hat made a shambles | what occurs with metered service. pended sentence on 5100 fine plui passed his vote. Mr. MacWilliam of our ordinances," Mr- Stenger He admitted it was estimated the said. Sues To Upset 20 days in the county jail His said that if the State Department companion also was given a sus- average might have the effect of a Dolao, Sto«g»r Critical boost from $25 flat rale to $.10.50 approved tlie change, the board pended fine, assessed costs, ami would be covered. Both Hbrold J. Dolan, a member vearly rate for the user when a given a suspended sentence of 30 A survey to, improve candle- ol the planning board and presi- Garbage Pact ' number of outlets billing replaced days in the county jail. They are power at Morganvl.lle and Mnrl- dent ot the Matawan Regional jnsi- a simple flat rale." Emmons Challenges subject to a detains! that may be Horn SchG^iK al.sn was ordered. Board of Education, and Mr. Sten- filed against them should it be sus- Mr. Boylan listed the results of ger criticized movements to down- Matawan TowmKip pected that the additional records John Moccl, chief engineer, and Louis Aurlumma, I ship Hose and Chemical Co. Wetting down cere- a survey on use to have led the . grade specification* for the plan- and clothing were picked up In chief, inspect the new Ford 750-gallon pumper which j monies weru held at the fire house on Lower Main company to arrive at charges as \\ned Strathrnore community in fa- Earl W. Emmons, (80 Washing- their other stops on the way to has been placed In service by the Matawan Town- i St. Saturday ufttfrncon. follows: First tup $11; kitchen sink Vote Wednesday ^tVOr ol Levitt. ton Ave., Matawan Township, a Matawan Township. $5.50: bath and shoivei $7; toilet Mr. Stenger noted that under garbage contractor, has filed a Accused Of Loitering $1 and lavatory $:i. totaling $30.50. Mr. Boyland termed the "first - -' tlM ' planned - community ordi- Superior Court suit against the Albert Shave. Prospect Ave., Eoaf Biff Passes j f^ Lcf fci'tS On Junior Highs nance, |ot *lz«$ hai beeq downgrml Matawan Township Committee to Two Face Auto lap" tlie company's cost of getting Cliffwood, was sentenced to 10 days A controversial biiat licensing .--, •4 In return for a complete, plan upset the township garbage con- water from its wells to the prop- in the county jail and put 011 pro- law, in preparation for four j r.c Madison Board Irked, ned community Idea and the do- tract awarded effective May 1 to erty. bation one year on a disorderly years, was passed in both houses «-J» Hcari nation, of a 14-classroom elemen- the Maplewood Disposal Co., Death Charges Attorney Objects Charges Foes "Smear" count preferred by Chief Wilkinson. of the State Legislature Monday tary school to eaw the Impact of Maplewood. The defendant was accused of When Mayor Phillips sought lo Grand Union Store and sent to Guv. Richard Hughes Map Of 325 Lots On .speak in answer to Mr. Boylan. Madison Township voter.s will act the anticipated Increased enroll- The suit, which also names tho loitering on the Uiffwood School ment which the development will (or his signature. A State Senate Elias A. Kanier, Perth Amboy, at- Wednesday from 2 p.m to 9 p.m. disposal company as a defendant, grounds. Manager Victim Lake's West Shore bring about. amendment exempts the regis- torney for tiie water company, at 11 polling places on a proposal charges that the specifications of Terry Koigne. Toms River, was tration of boats ol 10 horsepower moved to object. He. asserted the to bond for $2,700,000 and lo expend " The township already has permit- Technical charges of causing Hearing on preliminary approval the contract were "arbitary, cap- given a suspended sentence and or less. mayor had no right to be using 5348,000 from free appropriation, ted Levitt to construct streets with- death by unto have been filed by of the 325-homesites map of Lake ricious and unreasonable" in call- assessed $10 on a check charge en- The bill provides a three-year the meeting to enhance his per- balances for the erection of two in (he development narrower in Middk'town Township Police Lefferts Estates tit ilie June 20 ins the three-year approvals for tered by George O. Downes, M.U- registration fee of $6 to apply sonal and political But 1000-pupil junior high school*. Wit-' Width than wag required under the against John Bakefield, 20, of meeting of the Madison Township dumping grounds when the con- awan The penalty was suspended to livery boat operators as well. the mayor insisted he was a user liani Collinson, board secieUry, planned community ordinance, and when the •defendant made this face 11)9 Main St., Keansburg, and Miss Planning Board was asked by Rob- states that voters uncertain oj tract ran only for eight months.
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