INDEX Agapitov, N.N., 17, 80; "Materials for the Study of Shamanism in Siberia," (1883), work co-authored by, 44-47. See also Buryat; Khangalov. Aikhenvald, Julii, 20. Altaians, 4, 7, 10, 15-16, 28, 139, 289, 291; shamanism among, 50-56, 58-61, 211-220; Ulgen and Erlik in worldview of, 8, 50-51, 56, 58, 218-220, 246; shamanic seance in honor of Ulgen among, 281-282; attitudes to karmas spirits among, 51-52, 55, 58-59, 245, 247; and tOs ancestral spirits among, 5, 51, 55-56, 60, 159-160, 214-216, 300; fringe healers among, 137, 325-327; acquisition of shamanic power among, 139-142; universe as perceived by, 151-154; shaman drums of, 208-211, 216; use of bow and arrow in shamanism of, 205-207; shaman costumes of, 228; shamans among (1970s- 1980s), 284-285, 325-327; folk stories about shamans among (1990s), 285- 286; female medicine powers among, 290. See also Anokhin; Bitianova; Diakonova; Funk; Revunenkova; Shor; Telengit; Teleut. Anfilov, V., "Christian Shaman" (1902), essay by, 47-50. Anokhin, Andrei, 12-13; 15-16, 208, 282; as scholar and writer, 19, 285; "Shamanism of Siberian Turkic Tribes" (1910), manuscript by, 50-54; Materials on Altaian Shamanism (1924), book by, 54-61; notes on Shor shamanism by, 297-299; "Notes on Shamanic Pantheon of the Teleut" (1911), notes by, 299-300; on the cult of freak spirits, 357. See also Altaians; Funk; Mazhin; Potanin; Regionalism; Teleut; Shor. Anuchin, V. 1., 13; "An Essay on Enisei Ostiak Shamanism" (1914), work by, 61-67. "arctic hysteria," and origin of shamanism, 18, 24, 38f. See also Bogoras; Czaplicka; Krivoshapkin; Kytmanov; Ohlmarks; Rychkov; Worobec. Asian Eskimo. See Yupik. Atkinson, Jane, 31. Avdeev, A. L., 190. Avrorin, V.A., "Picture of the Universe, Migrations of Souls, and Shamans' Journeys Through the Eyes of the Oroch Natives" (1949), article co-authored by, 131-134. See Oroch. Balzer, Marjori Mandelstam, vii, 32, 188. Banzarov, Dorji, 9, 72, 102; "Black Faith or Shamanism Among the Mongols" (1846), work by, 67-70. See also Bichurin; Humboldt; Naturphilosophie. Bartels, Maximilian, 99. Basilov, Vladimir B., "What is Shamanism?" article by, 279-281; on "shamanic illness," 353; on "freak spirits," 357. Baskakov, N. A., Shamanic Mystery Ceremonies of the Mountain Altai (1997), anthology co-authored by, 281-282. 359 360 INDEX Batianova, E.P., "Shamanesses Among the Native Peoples of Siberia" (1994), article by, 282-285; "The Teleut Talk About Their Shamans" (1995), article by, 285-286. See also Mazhin; Teleut. Beliaev-Sergeev, M., "Toward the Definition of the Concept 'Shamanism"' (1908), article by, 70, 72. Beliavskii, Fr., 2; on Khanty and Nentsy shamanism, 5. Bichurin [Iakinf], Nikita, on shamanism as distorted version of Buddhism, 6. Boas, Franz, 9; and (Russian-American) Jesup North Pacific Anthropological Expedition, 17. Boehme, Jakob, 329. Bogoras [Bogoraz], Waldemar [Vladimir] G., 16, 116, 283-284; as participant of Russian-American Jesup North Pacific Anthropological Expedition, 17; on shamanism as form of neurosis, 18, 72-74; on theory of relativity in study of tribal religions, 21; on "family" and "professional" shamanisms, 26-27, 72-73, 117, 282; "Toward Psychology of Shamanism Among the Tribes of Northeastern Asia" (1910), article by, 72-76; "On So-called Shamanic Spiritual Language" (1919), article by, 134-136; ideological assault on shamanism (1932) by, 307. See also Jochelson. Boiko, V. A., 2, 42f. See also Khanty. Borisov, Stefan, "From the Journal of an Altaian Missionary" (1902), notes by, 7 6-77. See also Christianity; Meletii; Verbitskii. Buddhism, 8-9, 67, 69, 103; and shamanism, 184-186, 188, 238, 241, 255, 274, 304,306,323-324,353-354,358. Bulatova, N. Ia., "Shamanic Rite Alga Among the Evenki" (2000), ethnographic notes by, 287-289. See also Evenki. Bunge, Alexander von, 4. Buryat, 15-16, 37f, 72, 91, 97, 162, 170, 208, 255; shamanism among (bibliography), 42; shamanism among (fiction), 24, 274-275; ancient shamanism among, 27; Marxist view of shamanism among, 181-182, 184, 187-189; Christian and Buddhist influences on shamanism of, 184-187; "white" shamanism among, 28; "white" and "black" shamans among, 80-81, 103; shamanic paraphernalia of, 44-45, 139, 145-146, 148, 183,206,225-228, 241; powers and initiation of shamans among, 43, 45-46, 103, 164-165, 168, 195-196. 207, 254; funerals of shamans among, 46-47; spiritual pantheon of, 68-69, 80, 182, 193-194, 252; view of human soul by, 195; shamanic rites among, 82-83, 105, 160-162; shamanic udkha (root) among, 80, 183, 207, 352; spiritual role of smiths among, 83-84; ritual sacrifices by, 193; reveration of deceased shamans among, 155-156; shamanic ranks among, 183; anti­ shamanic folklore among, 248-252. See also Gomboeva; Urbanaeva. Campbell, Joseph, 13. Casanowicz, I. M., 11. Castaneda, Carlos, 29-31,351. See also New Age; Urbanaeva. Chadwick, Nora, 11. INDEX 361 Chekaninskii, 1., "Traces of Shamanic Beliefs in Russo-Tungus Settlements Along the Chuna River" (1914), article by, 78-79. Chelkan, 157, 210; shaman drums of, 145, 159. See also Altaians; Anokhin; Kumandin; Teleut; Tubalar. Chikhachev, Petr, 5. Choros-Gurkin, Grigorii, 16. See also Altaians. Christianity, 8, 10, 15,20-21,30, 279; and shamanism, 11, 14,25-26,28,77-78, 98, 123-125, 163-166, 170, 186-187, 213, 216-217, 245-248, 260, 270, 330, 358; mystical, 351. Chukchi, 17, 28, 135; spiritual pantheon of, 356; shamanism among, 72-76, 255, 278, 284; modem shamanism of, 330-334; "family shamanism" among, 26, 117-118, 144, 282-283; social role of shamans among, 272-273; shamanic paraphernalia of, 119, 146-147, 224-225, 229, 296. See also Bogoras; Vdovin. Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette, 11; on shamanism as form of "arctic hysteria," 38f. See also "arctic hyseria"; Bogoras. Delaby, Laurence, bibliography of Tungus (Evenki) shamanism by, 31. Diakonova, V.P., "Towards the Curing Function of Tuva and Altai Shamans" (1981), article by, 136-139; "The Status of Shamanesses Among Native Peoples of the Sayan-Altai Area" (1997), article by, 289-291. See also Altaians; Tuvinians. Dikson, Olard, 29. Dioszegi, Vilmos, 32; fieldwork of, 42f. Dixon, Roland, 37f-38f. See also Hultkrantz. Dolgan, 124, 235, 330; shaman costume of, 229; shaman drums of, 145, 226; shaman seance among, 169, 237. Dugarov, D. S., 28; Historical Roots of the White Shamanism (1991), work by, 291-295. Dyrenkova, N.P., 282; "Acquisition of Shamanic Power Among the Turkic Tribes" (1930), article by, 139-142. See also Altaians; Sakha; shamanic call; Tuvinians. Eliade, Mircea, 1-2, 11, 13, 29, 281; criticism of, 34f, 205, 212, 218, 279-280; use of Radloff ethnography by, 11, 274. Engels, Frederick, 27. See also Morgan. Enisei Ostiak. See Ket. Entsy, 145; shaman costume among, 228, 230, 357; shaman drums of, 226; shaman of (fiction), 346-347. Erlik, 8, 13, 15, 19, 54, 78, 152, 157-158, 246-247, 282; as major hostile spiritual force (Altaians), 50-51, 55-56, 58-59, 153; shamans' travels to the country of, 52, 219; prayer to, 53; ethnographer viewed as "messenger" of, 77. See also Altaians; Anokhin; Teleut. Ermolova, N.E., "On 'Playing Shamans' Among Siberian Natives" (1996), article by, 295-297. See also Evenki. Eskimo. See Yupik. 362 INDEX Evenki, 19, 24, 79, 120, 170, 287, 356; shamanism (general characteristic) among, 284; Marxist view of shamanism among, 254-260; shamans of, 95, 123-125, 337; bibliography of shamanism among, 31; and the origin of the word "shaman," 1, 69-70; shaman drums of, 97, 146, 225-226; shaman costume of, 108, 148, 168, 228-229; rite of passing through hole among, 149- 151; Sakha influences of shamanism of, 163; shamanic rite Alga among, 287- 289; shamanic toys among, 147, 295-297; shamanic sessions among (descriptions), 164, 250-251; religious beliefs (1920a) of, 231-233; mental state of shamans among, 178-180, 233, 235; "white" and "black" shamans among, 237. Evens, 145; shaman drums of, 226; "professional shamanism" among, 284. Falk, Johann Peter, 4. ''family shamanism," 26, 73, 117, 144, 146, 272, 282-283. See also Bogoras; Chukchi. Flaherty, Gloria, 32. fly-agaric mushroom, as hallucinogen (Khanty), 176-177, (Evenki), 236, (Chukchi), 333. Funk, Dmitrii, 30-31, 352, 285, 297, 325, 352; "Notes on Shamanic Pantheon of the Teleut" (1996), article by, 299-300. See also Anokhin; Shor; Teleut. Gemuev, I.N., "Categories of the Selkup Shamans" (1997), article by, 301-303. See also Selkup. Georgi, Johann, 2-4. Gmelin, Johann, 3. Gold (Goldi). See Nanai. Gomboeva, M.I., "Shamanic Practice in Ethnopsychological Self-Awareness of the Agin Area Buryat" (1998), article by, 303-304, 306. See also Buryat. Gornok, Ivan, shamanic journey of, 199-202, 204-205. See also Gracheva; Nganasan. GPU (OGPU) (Soviet secret police), 345; and Siberian shamans, 26, 307. See also Il'akhov; Stalinism. Gracheva, G.N., "Toward Ethnocultural Connections of the Nganasan: Classification of Shamans" (1984), article by, 142-144. See also Nganasan. Grof, Stanislav, 30. See also New Age. Herder, Johann Gottfried, 4. Holmberg, Uno, 281. Hoppal, Mihaly, 32. Hultkrantz, Ake, 38f; on shamanism, 279. See also Basilov; Dixon. Humboldt, Alexander, 9, 11. See also Naturphilosophie. Humphrey, Caroline, 31. Hutton, Ronald, 33. Iadrintsev, Nikolai, 11-13, 36f. See also Potanin; Regionalism. Iaimova, N. A. See Baskakov. ll'akhov, P. N., 21, 25-26; "Repressions Against Northern Shamans, 1920s- 1930s" (1998), article by, 306-307. See also Khaptaev; Stalinism. INDEX 363 ltel'men, 2, 91; "family" shamanism among, 118, 282; modern resurgence of shamanism among, 321-323. Ivanov, S.V. "Toward the Study of Siberian Shaman Drums" (1976), article by, 144-147; "Shamanic Costume of the Western and Southern Siberian Tribes as Protective Armor" (1978), article by, 147-150. See also Khlopina; Potapov; Prokof eva; shaman drum; shaman costume.
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