29008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 7, 1969 luted conditions and to provide for bet­ ings have been held on it. The Senator lighted to take the amendment into the ter coordination between Federal, State, from Maine (Mr. MUSKIE) is familiar bill. and local water pollution control pro­ with the action taken, as he serves as a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ques­ grams. I congratulate the distinguished member on that committee. It has also tion is on agreeing to the amendment Senator from Maine for the excellent been discussed on the floor before, and offered by the Senator from Wisconsin. leadership he has shown on environmen­ I would hope, as it is discussed now with The amendment was agreed to. tal policy. His work on the Water Quality the distinguished Senator from Maine, Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I sug­ Improvement Act is but one example of that he will be able to accept the amend­ gest the absence of a quorum. his continuing efforts over the years to ment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk combat air and water pollution. Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I sup­ will call the roll. I understand that the Public Works port the adoption of the amendment of­ The assistant legislative clerk pro­ Committee will later consider legislation fered by my distinguished colleague ceeded to call the roll. on the very important subject of pro­ from Wisconsin. The Subcommittee on Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ viding additional :financing to State and Air and Water Pollution has given con­ ident, I ask unanimous consent that the local governments for the construction siderable thought and study as to how order for the quorum call be rescinded. of needed water and sewer facilities. In capital is to be available to our hard­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 1968, State and local governments bor­ pressed States and cities for the con­ objection, it is so ordered. rowed nearly $3 billion to provide capital struction of waste treatment facilities. I for financing water, sewer, and conser­ believe that every Member of Congress is vation programs. The Water Quality aware of the acute need in every State RECESS TO 10 A.M. TOMORROW Improvement Act of 1968 was passed by and community for such facilities. Many Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ the Senate, but was not enacted into law different :financing proposals have been ident, if there be no further business to because time ran out in the 90th Con­ considered by the subcommittee and by come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ gress before differences in the House and the full Public Works Committee. The cordance with the previous order, that Senate versions could be resolved. This Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966 the Senate stand in recess until 10 1968 act would have enabled State and authorized $3.5 billion for substantial o'clock tomorrow morning. local government units to raise between Federal grants for this purpose. How­ The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 $6 and $7 billion in capital by means of ever, appropriations have fallen far short o'clock and 33 minutes p.m.), the Senate municipal bond issues in order to pay for of the authorized amounts. This situa­ toQk a recess until tomorrow, Wednes­ needed construction. tion will be partially rectified this year day, October 8, 1969, at 10 a.m. The amendment I off er today would if the Congress appropriates the amounts afford to the State and local government included by the House Appropriations units access to the capital market now Committee in the Public Works appro­ NOMINATIONS enjoyed by State and local governments pria,tions bill. Executive nominations received by the when they issue bonds for housing, uni­ In the meantime, State and local gov­ Senate October 7, 1969: versity, and dormitory purposes. Having ernment units have continued to raise U.S. CIRCUIT JUDGE access to a competitive capital market the capital for both their share and the Charles Clark, of Mississippi, to be U.S. will enable the State and local govern­ Federal share of a project cost by the circuit judge, fifth circuit vice Claude F. ments throughout the country to borrow issuance of bonds. They will continue to Olayton,deceased. money for water and sewer construction raise needed State and local capital by U.S. ATI'ORNEY at the lowest possible cost. It is my belief this method in the future. The amend­ Paul C. Camllletti, of West Virginia, to be that in view of the astronomically high ment now under consideration would en­ U.S. attorney for the northern district of interest rates which are now being paid, able the public issuers to have access to West Virginia for the term of 4 years vice it is more imperative that new water and the same capital markets now available John H. Kamlowsky, resigned. sewer construction be paid for by raising for Federal financing thereby insuring U.S. MARSHAL capital under the most advantageous that they may borrow in a competitive Robert D. Olson, Sr., of Alaska, to be U.S. conditions. Furthermore, as I mentioned market at the lowest cost. marshal for the district of Alaska for the earlier, the fact that the Public Works Mr. President, for many reasons the term of 4 years vice George A. Bayer. Committee has not yet considered legis­ amendment is thoroughly consistent Leon T. Campbell, of Tennessee, to be U.S. with the objectives of the committee, marshal for the middle district of Tennessee lation relating to financial assistance by for the term of 4 years vice Elmer w. the Federal Government for the raising struggling against budgetary restrictions Disspayne, retired. of such capital is an additional reason over the past 3 or 4 years, to find alter­ Benjamin F. Westervelt, of New York, to why it is important at this time that native ways to make it possible for States be U.S. marshal for the eastern district of every advantage of a competitive market and communities to find the capital to New York for the term of 4 years vice George be given for State and local borrowing build these facilities. J. Ward. for water and sewer needs. I compliment the Senator for offering AsSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS Mr. President, the Committee on his proposal. It has been heard by com­ John Henry Schneider, of Virginia, to be Banking and Currency has considered mittees. It is demonstrably sound on the an Assistant Commissioner of Patents, vice this amendment in some detail and hear- basis of the hearings held, and I am de- Gerald D. O'Brien, resigned. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS YOU CANNOT VOTE in my district which I would like to ship of that government, stlll exists for all share with my colleagues: Virginians. It's not too late. There is still time to qualify, still time to take an active HON. WILLIAM LLOYD SCOTT You CAN'T VOTE! interest in the affairs of this state of your Those are fighting-and frightening­ community. OF VIRGINIA words. Or they should be, especially in Vir­ Which is just another way of saying, 1f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ginia and especially this year of 1969. you are realistic and honest, there's still Tuesday, October 7, 1969 Yet, sometime within the next few weeks, tlme to take an active part 1n your own those same words wlll be told to thousands life. The very existence of each c1 tlzen ls Mr. SCOTr. Mr. Speaker, Virginia is of men and women who live here in North­ continually and consistently affected by gov­ one of two States holding statewide ern Virginie.. They won't be able to vote ernment at every level. Taxes a.re merely the elections this year, and I do not think because they didn't bother to quality, didn't most obvious, the most fe.m111e.r and per­ enough could be said about the impor­ take the time to register. haps the most annoying. The highways upon tance of the individual vote. Not only No matter how strongly you may feel about which you drive, the schools your children the forthcoming elections, no matter what 1n Virginia reaching a crucial period in attend, the house which you llve, the is your opinion ls about the various candi­ very food you eat--all are touched 1n some its political history, but the entire Na­ dates at the state and local level, it won't way by the process of government in Rich­ tion needs for all of its citizens to exer­ make any difference at all unless you are mond. cise their right to vote. A very fine edi­ registered and thereby a qualified voter. You can affect that government by the torial appeared on October 2, 1969, in But the opportunity to do so~thing votes you cast in November. When you the Globe newspapers which circulate about your government, about the leader- choose the next Governor, when you cast October 7, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29009 your ballot for the next Lieutenant-Gov­ It is also not new to you that these condi­ past eight years, one is relninded of a passage ernor, for the new Attorney General, you tions result from a variety of factors: from a humorous poem which goes like this: The absence of a suitable national com- are affecting your life and the lives of your Little by little we subtract family. When you make your choice for the mitment; The absence of suffl.cien,t national priority; Faith and fJi,llacy from fact members of the House of Delegates to rep­ The illusory from the true The aibsence of a firm national policy; resent you in the General Assembly, you And starve upon the residue are making a choice for the kind of imme­ The absence of clear national objectives, <iiate world you want to live in.
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