HELP TUB FLOOD-STUCK. All Uu New* of EN. YOUR LOCAL BEB BED B A N K CROSS OR THE BED BANK and surrounding Towns REGISTER WILL KECEJVE Told Fearleaily and Without Bla» RED BANK REGISTER CONTRIBUTIONS. Inued WMklr. Entered u Second-Clam Matter at this Post, offlc* it 8«d Bank. N. J., under th. Act vl March 8, 1879. Subscription Price i One Yeaf $2.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 40. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1936. Kii Muiitfia 81.0 0. Single Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO 16. Belford People Changes To Store Fair Haven To Be That "Crucial Appeal For Aid Mother Drives Bus \L. S. Thompson Dies Of Worried About Costing Over $7,000 For Flood Victims Canvassed For Test" Election While Son Tills Soil Fire Bug Scare Now Being Made Tho destitution, suffering and Red Cross Funds Put Off Awhile "KvwybmJy WOTJIS nt Our \ Heart Trouble In South need of assistance of so many House," in the motto of the Whelan Drug Company Rcno- American people In the flood' Clarence Wilson family nf Colt's Two Fires Within Three Day* areas, places a responsibility, Councilman Urges Residents to John J. Quinn Defers Contest to Neck. Last week while the male Millionaire Sportsman and Big Game Hunter Succumbs Have Caused Alarm Among vizing Red Bank Establish- and a desire to render all pos- Give Campaign Whole-Heart- Decide Who is to be the Next members of the family wore sible aid upon those of us who busy witli spring plowing, Mrs. the Residents of the Village— ment—Installing New, Large are more fortunately situated. ed Support—Board of Health Postmaster — New Plan to Wilson slid into the driver's in His 71st Year After Long Illness- Large Damage Done. Modern Fountain. Tho best, most Intelligent and Joins State Association. Vote on Three Candidates. seat of her son James' school effective means of doing this Is bus, and took over tho task nf Funeral Tomorrow at Hyde Park. through tho facilities of the transporting Atlantic township Alterations, Interior changes, In- Two fires of unknown origin occur- American Red Gross. At a meeting of tho Fair Haven That famous "crucial test election" pupils to Ited Bank high school. Lewis Steenrod Thompson, Br.t of ring within three days have caused stalling now fixtures, etc., aggregat- May I therefore as Mayor of mayor and council Monday night an- which was to havo been held last According to her youthful pass- Brookdale farm, Llncroft, died yes- alarm ot Belford. Folks there are ing an expenditure of from $7,000 to Bed Bank call upon every citi- nouncement was made by Council- Thursday night at the ofllce of engers 8lie is a competent driv- terday morning about 8 o'clock of wondering if flrebuga aro operating $8,000 was begun Monday morning at zen of this Community to Im- man Arthur B. Siclclea of a house- George F. Wilson, chairman of the er and enjoys the work. Her heart trouble on his plantation at In their midst. Both fires proved very tho Broad and White street store of mediately co-operate with the to-house canvass to bo made for con- Democratic executive committee of route Is spread over a largo Thomaaville, Georgia; He had hren, destructive. The buildings were the tho Whelan Drug company which aro local chapter of tho American tributions to tho Red Cross flood re- Red Bank, did not take place. All area, and in order to mako in poor health for more than a year residence of William Bailey, Jr., on to bo completed within two weeks Bed Cross in their program of lief funds. Mrs. Clarence Little la the members of the committee had punctual connections she arises and had been In a semi-conscious Park avenue and tho Tydol automo- and which ;|ho well known firm ex- raising: funds nnd other necessi- chairman of the Fair Haven com- been notified several days previous shortly nfter the crack nf dawn. condition for ten days. His wife, pects to so beautify and modernize ties, to help alleviate the suffer- mittee and the co-chairmen are to bo at the office in question at the bile service station in the Campbell's time speciilcd, but late last Thursday Mrs. Geialdine Morgan Thompson, Junction section conducted by H. Clay the store as to mako it one of the ing and want of those who aro Percy D. Bennett and Georgo Cur- Republican state committeewoman, most attractive of their largo chain. In such dire need of assistance chin. Mr. Sickles Is also assisting afternoon Mr. Wilson informed the Bair. The last named building was members that the meeting had been and a member of the state board of owned by Orvillc Caster. The principal change to the inter- at this time. with the campaign. Mr. Sickles made institution's and agencies, ha bepn ior of the store is the installation of a May I also urge your patron- an appeal to all the residents of the called off. a Tho lire at Mr. Bailey's home oc- Mr. Wilson did this at the direction Union Services with him most of the "winter, and • curred last Thursday night shortly thirty-foot modern soda fountain to age of the Midnight Show borough to contribute to this fund, was at his bedside when 'he' died. roplaco the present smaller one which which Is being given at the even if they give only flva or ten of John J. Quinn, state committee- heforu midnight. No one was at man and leader of the Democratic Members of his Immediate family home, the family being at a party has served Its usefulness. The new Carlton theater on Saturday cents. He said.that groups of women To Be Conducted were called to Thomaaville last week fountain, which will lncludo all of night, March 28, the <<nHr<i pro- party in Monmouth county. It was at tho home of Mr. Bailey's father. will make the houue-to-housc can- at UIB request of Mr. Quinn that the anil wero also at the bedside. William Bailey, Sr. The flro was un- tho most modern.Improvements, will ceeds of which will Immediately vass and he urged the residents of bo supplemented with a handsome bo available to the Red Cross meeting for last Thursday night waa During Holy Week He was,born on October 2, 1865, der great headway beforo it was dis- tho community to give tho campaign arranged. The purpose was ta hold and was in his 71st year. Ho was covered. Tho first floor was gutted backbar and the counter and back- for flood relief. their whole-hearted support The bar wlil bo covered with a smokeless And may I, in behalf of the an executive committee election to he last surviving member of Colonel' and large damage was done to oth- mayor and council went on record choose the next postmaster of Red Protestant Churches to Unite in niliam Payne Thompson's lmme- er parts of the dwelling. The flames canopy, the fumes and smoke caused people of Red Bank, sincerely endorsing the campaign. Councilman thank the management of this Bank. Mr.- Quinn said that whoever Holding Special Services Be- iate family. Short services were started In the cellar, Tho loda Is hy direct cooking ot tho fountain Tony Hunting stated that a midnight received the most votes would be over the broiler and grill will be car- theater for their generosity and show will be held at the Carlton eld yesterday at his plantation and partly covered by Insurance. splendid co-opcratlon In offer- recommended for appointment. H« ginning Thursday, April 2, and j p.al services for the family and In- Nothing is left of tho service sta- ried off through a special ventilator theater Saturday night of this woolt made this statement at a recent to (he roof of tho building. Coupled ing, unsolicited, and without Concluding on Good Friday. imate friends will be held at Hyde tion except a charred shell. Tho flro for the benefit of the flood relief meeting of the Fifth District Demo- •ark Friday. started In a lavatory and it was dis- with the fountain will bo a series of COKI, tho complete facilities of fund of the Red Bank district. the theater on this occasion? cratic club. Mr. Thompson was born in th» covered shortly before two o'clock individual booths whore patrons will A letter was received from Frpd Mr. Wilson had the ballots pre- A scries of Holy Week services will Sunday morning by thrco strangora bo served If they do not desire to be CHARLES R. ENGLISH, bu conducted'by the Red Bank Minis- 'estorn part of Virginia, now known Mayor. Maffeo for permission to transfer his pared and everything all set for the s West Virginia, and waa a son of •who were passing through Campbell's served at the counter. The telephone liquor license from Cedar avenue to election, when much to his surprise terium beginning Thursday nighi. ' Junction in an automobile. Flames booths were re-located to make room in late Colonel William Payne the Gold building at 507 River road. he was called on the telephone by April 2, and concluding with the an-1 hompson. He moved with hla father from tho building were beating for tho change. Mr. Hunting said the police commit- Mr. Quinn and directed not to hold nual three-hour service on Good Fri- ; against a bungalow owned and occu- The wine and liquor department In o Sea Bright about 45 years ago, tee hag approved tho transfer, but the election.
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