Xewisbam Hntiquavian Society, 1908. /^I'l IPioceeMngs ot tbe lewisbani Hntiquavian Society for 1902-1907. printc^ tor tbc Societv bv Charles -Wortb, Zbe JSlackbcatb press, S. E- 1 Contents. P.\GE List ok Officers and Members of the Coun'cil 7 Eighteenth Annual Report for 1902 .. 8 Nineteenth Annual Report for 1903 ... 9 Twentieth Annual Report for 1904 1 Twenty-First Annual Report for 1905 13 Twenty-Second Annual Report for 1906 15 Twenty-Third .Annual Report for 1907 17 Balance Sheets 19 Rules... 20 Proceedings, 1897-1907 21 List of Members 26 K ILewiebam antiquaiian Society. Ipreetdent. Sir EDWARD W. BRABROOK, C.B., F.S.A. Cbairman of tbe douncil. PERCY W. AMES, Esq.. LL.D., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. lt)ice»©resi£»ent0. PERCY W. AMES, Esq., LL D., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. The LORD AVEBURY, F.R.S., F.L.S. WILLIAM E. BALL, Esq., LL.D. The Rev. Canon R. RHODES BRISTOW, M.A. The Rijfht Hon. The EARL OF DARTMOUTH. LELAND L. DUNCAN, Esq., M.V.O., F.S..A. THOMAS V. HOLMES, Esq., F.G.S. HERBERT C. KIRBY, Esq. The Right Rev. The LORD BISHOP OF LICHFIELD, D.D. Council. PERCY DODD, Esq. ALFRED L. HARDY, Esq. ARTHUR W. HISCOX, Esq. HERBERT JONES, Esq., F.S.A. LEON-VRD M. M.A.Y, Esq. JOHN H. PORTER, Esq. R. GARRAWAY RICE, Esq., F.S.A. EDWARD C. SINKLER, Esq. CHARLES A. SPON, Esq. EDWARD C. THURGOOD, Esq. Ibonorarg treasurer. LEWIS C. THOMSON, Esq. Ibonorars Seccetacs- JOSEPH W. BROOKES, Esq. IbonoratB auDitor. LLEWELLYN W. WHITE, Esq. Xewisbam anticiuarian Society, JEigbteentb annual IReport, 1902. The Council has the pleasure to present the Eighteenth Annual Report. During the year seven meetings have been held. 7TH January. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall, when papers were read: (i) on "Mediseval Lavatories," by Edward W. Brabrook, Esq., c.b., f.s.a., Vice-President of the Society; (2) "Fonts and their Sculptures," by George C. Druce, Esq. Both were illustrated by a number of lantern slides. 28TH January. Seventeenth Annual General Meeting in the Parish Church Hall. Lecture, illustrated by lantern slides, on "Underground Greenwich," by W. E. Ball, Esq., LL.D., President. 25TH February. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall, when A. R. Goddard, Esq., read a paper on "Nine Men's Morris," an old Viking game, illustrated by numerous diagrams. Herbert Jones, Esq., f.s..a., member of the Council, gave a brief description of the Roman Villa recently discovered in Greenwich Park. Leland L. Duncan, Esq., F.S.A. , read a paper on "Some Glimpses of Lewis- ham in the 14th Century," with extracts from the Court Roll of the Manor. R. Garraway Rice, Esq., f.s.a., member of the Council, gave a lantern exhibition of old buildings, tombs and other objects of antiquarian interest. iiTH March. Meeting in the Court Hill Schools, when Leland L. Duncan, Esq., f.s.a., read papers: (1) on "The Attempt made in 1614 to enclose the Common of West- wood, which covered the ground now occupied by Sydenham"; (2) on "A Letter to the Rev. Abraham Colfe, dated 1642, hitherto unpublished, which gives some particulars of the place as seen by a London Puritan"; (3) on "The Action by the Rev. Abraham Colfe to recover Tythes withheld by certain parishioners in 1653." (9) 2istJu\e. Visit to Cobham Hall, Gravesend, by kind per- mission of Lord Darnley, when the house and its inter- esting collection of pictures, etc., were inspected. After tea a visit was paid to Cobham Church, which contains a fine collection of brasses and tombs. 12TH November. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall, when A. D. Webster, Esq., Superintendent of Greenwich Park, gave a lecture on "Greenwich Park: its History and Associations," illustrated by a large number of lantern slides. 15TH November. Meeting, arranged by Gifford Hooper, Esq., at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, by kind permission of Admiral Sir R. More Molineux, G.c.B.,when the Crypt of the old Palace of Placentia was inspected, also the Museum, Chapel, etc.; afterwards A. D. Webster, Esq., conducted the party through the underground passages in Greenwich Park; and after tea in the kiosk, the various "finds," lately discovered at the Roman Villa in the Park, were explained. During the year the Society has lost 38 members, 21 members have been elected, and the number now on the register is 174. The volume containing Particulars of Visits, etc., i8gg- 1901, and the paper on "The Maze of Maze Hill, Troy Towns and Jerusalem Roads," by W. E. Ball, Esq., ll.d., has been published and issued to members whose subscriptions were not in arrear. The Council desires to thank all members and friends who have contributed to the success of the Society in the past year by reading papers, arranging meetings, etc. W. E. BALL, President. HERBERT C. KIRBY, Hon. Secretary. 14th January, igoj. IRiueteentb Hnnual IReport, 1903. In presenting the Annual Report the Council congratulates the members upon the contmued success and usefulness of the Society. During the year eight meetings have been held. 27TH Janlarv. Annual General Meeting in the Parish Church Hall. Charles Welch, Esq., Librarian of the Corporation of the City of London, gave a lecture upon "The .Ancient Guilds of the City of London," illustrated by about 160 lantern slides. (lo) 24TH February. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall, when George C. Druce, Esq., read a paper upon "Early Christian Art in the Catacombs of Rome,'" illustrated by numerous lantern views. lOTH March. Mefeting in the Court Hill Schools, when (i) H. Chettle, Esq., m.a., read a paper, entitled " Words"; and (2) Philip M. Johnstone, Esq., gave an account of the Wall Paintings in Claverley Church, representing an incident of the Norman Conquest. Mr. Johnstone's account was illustrated by full-sized coloured tracings. 4TH April. Visit, under the direction of A. L. Hardy, Esq., a member of the Council, to Crosby Hall, and the Churches of St. Helen, Bishopsgate, St. Andrew Undershaft, All Hallows Staining (tower and Norman crypt), and St. Olave, Hart Street. 9TH May. Visit, arranged by J. H. Porter, Esq., member of Council, to Lingfield, where the ancient Guest House was visited, by kind permission of C. J. Hayward, Esq., who afterwards conducted the members over the Parish Church, and gave an address upon its history and monu- ments. The neighbouring half-timber houses, and the village cross and stone cell were also visited. 6th June. Visit to Merstham and Chaldon, arranged by Gifford Hooper, Esq. At Merstham, T. Fisher, Esq., Church- warden, conducted the members over the Parish Church. At Chaldon, under the guidance of the Rev. G. E. Belcher, Rector, the Church was visited with Its unique twelfth- century wall-painting representing the Ladder of Salva- tion of the Human Soul, and the Road to Heaven. Papers were read in the two Churches by Mr. Gifford Hooper. I2TH November. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall. A paper upon "Samuel Pepys and St. Olave's, Hart Street," was read by Mr. J. W. Brookes, one of the Honorary Sec- f.s.a. retaries of the Society. Herbert Jones, Esq., , member of the Council, gave an account of recent ex- cavations at Caerwent and Silchester, and the discoveries at Newgate Prison ; and a number of lantern slides were exhibited: (i) from photographs taken at Lingfield, Merstham, etc., by F. W. Nunn, Esq., and J. H. Porter, Esq.; and (2) Views prepared by J. C. Weare, Esq., of Blackheath, Greenwich, Eltham, etc. 8th December. Meeting at the Parish Church Hall, when a paper was read by Leonard M. May, Esq., member of Council, upon "The Architecture of our Parish Churches," illustrated by numerous lantern slides. The number of members now upon the register is 187. ( •!)_ The Council desires to thank Charles A. Spon, Ksq., who has kindly performed the duties of Honorary Treasurer durinij the absence of Miss M. L. Spon in the United States; also the members and others who have during the year read papers or otherwise contributed to the success of the Society. The Council also wishes to express regret that removal from Lewisham has necessitated Mr. H. C. Kirby's resignation qf the office of Honorary Secretary, and its high appreciation of the valuable services he has rendered the Society during his seventeen years' tenure of that office. W. E. BALL, President. JOSEPH W. BROOKES, Hon. Secretary. T=;th January, igo^. XTwentietb Bnniml IReport, 1904. The Council has the pleasure to present its Report for the year 1904. The meetings held were nine in number. 26TH January. Annual General Meeting in the Parish Church Hall. W. E. Ball, Esq., ll.d.. President of the Society, read a paper on "The Connection of Greenwich and Lewisham with Flanders, and its Influence on the History of England." 23RD February. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall, when Leland L. Duncan, Esq., m.v.o., f.s.a., one of the Vice- Presidents of the Societ)', gave an address upon "Lewis- ham and Blackheath in Days gone by," which was illustrated by over 70 lantern slides, mainly of buildings no longer existing, prepared from old prints and photographs. 22ND March. Meeting in the Parish Church Hall. Herbert Jones, Esq., f.s.a., a member of the Council, gave an address upon "The Roman Wall from Newcastle to Carlisle," which was illustrated by diagrams and a number of lantern slides taken and kindly lent by A. S. Cover, Esq. I2TH April. Meeting In the Parish Church Hall, when Douglas Strutt, Esq., a member of the Council, gave a lecture upon "The Antiquities of Constantinople," illustrated by numerous lantern slides.
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