--------------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 42: ISSUE 111 THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Construction of new donn begins Catechist Unnamed women's hall second offour residence buildings to be added to campus as part of plan recognized said Jeff Shoup, director of the By JOHN TIERNEY Office of Residence Life and News Writer Housing. for Echo A'isistant Rectors and Hesident Construction has begun for a Assistants for Duncan Hall were Conference honors new women's residence hall adja­ hired at the same time they were cent to the Hammes Bookstore, selected for other halls. faithformation program the University announced A rector has not been selected Wednesday. for Duncan, but Shoup said that The yet-to-be-named residence the Office of Student Affairs is in By BRIAN McKENZIE hall is scheduled to open for the the beginning phases of the News Writer beginning of the 2009-2010 process. An announcement may school year and will be 74,600 not occur until the summer, Shoup The National Conference for square feet and house 248 female said. Catechetical Leadership student<;, according to a University The other two planned resi­ (NCCL) will recognize the press release. · dence halls in the University's Notre Dame Center for The residence hall is the second plan - one male, one female - Catechetical Initiatives (CCI) in a series of four new dorms cur­ will be located on part of what and its director, theology pro­ rently mandated by the Urtiversity. used to be Juniper Hoad, east of fessor Gerard Baumbach, The first new dorm in the plan Pasquerilla East and Knott Halls, with the 2008 Catechetical is Duncan Hall, a men's dorm, Shoup said. Award at an NCCL meeting in which is scheduled to open in There is no specific timeline for Houston April 8. The award, August. Construction on Duncan construcUon to begin on the given each year for "exempla­ Ilall is on track for completion in Jumper Hoad dorms, he said. ry contributions to the min­ time for students to move in for The University is adding the istry of catechesis," recog­ the fall semester and interior con­ Construction of an unnamed women's residence hall has begun nizes Baumbach's work at the struction is ahead of schedule, see DORM/page 4 behind Welsh Family. The new dorm will be completed by 2009. CCI, a part of the University's Institute for Church Life, an NCCL press release said. The Center's director since its inception in 2003, Professor honored by SMC students Baumbach helped create the Echo Faith Formation Leadership Program, a two­ Marcy receives sixth annual 'Women Honoring Women' award; fellow co-workers honored year program where Notre Dame graduates, as well as Academic Council (SAC) coor­ participants from colleges By LIZ HARTER dinator. across the nation, can explore Saint Mary's Editor "These are women who the their faith and grow as students believe exemplify Catholic catechists through Theresa Marcy, professor of the core values of the College, service projects at partner political science, received the particularly in the intellectu­ dioceses. "Women Honoring Women" al, spiritual and personal Baumbach said Echo stands award Wednesday night dur­ realms," Payne said. out because it combines spiri­ ing Saint Mary's sixth annual Like last year, the event tual, professional and aca­ Women Honoring Women cer­ was open to students who demic work, as the program emony. nominated the finalists. also puts participants on the Marcy was joined by fellow Originally, the event was only road to obtaining a Master's finalists biology professor attended by members of SAC, degree in theology from the Doris Watt and Welcome a professor of their choosing, University. Center Receptionist Ann two students from each aca­ The apprentice catechetical Sheldon, who were selected demic department and the leaders will "work in parish from the faculty, staff and finalist and her husband. catechetical ministry for two administrators nominated by The event included a cock­ years while simultaneously students for their dedication tail reception and formal din­ pursuing a Master's degree in to Saint Mary's core values, ner after which the students theology from Notre Dame," said event organizer Kelly who nominated each finalist he said. Professor Theresa Marcy accepts the "Women Honoring Women" Payne, student body vice award at the Stapleton Lounge at Saint Mary's Wednesday. president and Student see WOMEN I page 6 see CATECHIST/page 6 Gruscinski, Falvey begin tenure STUDENT SENATE Juniors take over Saint Mary's gov't as Hodges, Payne near graduation Committee chairs, retreat gave them a chance to an enthusiastic group of By LIZ HARTER begin planning events for women with a multitude of chief assistant named Saint Mary's Editor next year and get to know ideas." their staff, Gruscinski said. Gruscinski, a history major organizations on campus. After officially assuming "Not everyone made it to from Cleveland, Ohio, said By CLAIRE REISING Reish and Schmidt were their roles as Saint Mary's the retreat but we talked she and Falvey are looking News Writer sworn into office, and junior student body president and about next year and bonded," forward to holding BOG meet­ Karen Koski will serve as vice president April 1, juniors she said. ings to begin working The new student senators the Chief Executive Mickey Gruscinski and Sarah Gruscinski and Falvey plan towards accomplishing the and executive council took Assistant. Falvey are off to a running to continue the work of their goals they laid out in their office Wednesday at the first Heish issued executive start. predecessors, and work to platform. meeting of student body orders creating ad hoc com­ Both attended the annual improve even more. "We really have to wait till president Bob Reish and vice mittees on Student Outreach student government retreat "We recognize we have big our board starts meeting president Grant Schmidt's and Campus Technology to this past weekend with most shoes to fill, and we'll try to before we can really accom­ term, and created two ad address problems on cam­ of the women who will join continue what Kim and Kelly plish anything," she said. hoc committees designed to pus. The Student Outreach them in making up the Board started, but we also have Those goals include extend- improve communication Committee, a part of Reish of Governance {BOG) for the some ideas of our own, between Student upcoming school year. The Gruscinski said. "We've got see TURNOVER/page 3 Government and other see SENATE/page 4 I page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, April 3, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS THE STRANGEST FOOD YOU HAVE EVER EATEN? t March vveather: just tnean Anthony Salpino Barbera Ho Catherina Pinnaro Christina Lee Elise Bartzen Rachel Heneghan It seems like every year I get provnn wrong senior sophomore senior senior senior senior on predictions involving my favorite sports off-campus Farley off-campus off-campus off-campus off-campus tomns, which h11s led me to belinve thny love to tease me. Tim past thn~~ yr~<trS. I Mike Gotimer ''Afriend of "When I was a "Sweetbreads - I "Cactus ... in a "I tried "Chicken pate thought tim Yankees mine made beer kid I used to liked it until/ margarita. It rattlesnake -it was wnrn a lm~k to play tasted like absolutely in tim World Series. I Sports writer and cheese down KFC found out what it when I was " !,'li<Lr<Ultnnd my soup. It was gravy. was. margarita. " twelve." disgusting. liirmd'i hL'it M<trch disgusting." that Notrn I>anm's Men's Baskntba.ll team W<L'i a lock lilr thn Elite 8. This year, I thought t11n New York Gi<ml'i' ceiling would oo a first round playoll' viet.ory. A.'i most sporl'i fims could tP!l you, I W<L'i wmng on a.ll thn~~ munl'i, but luekily liw mn, thn Giants exceed­ ed my nxpeetatiorL'i <llld won t11n Super Bowl. Thi'i ymu-, my bad pn~dietions carried over IN BRIEF lhnn 11m sporl'i world into the unprt~dietable nature 111' spring wnathnr. A.'i it's now April, cu1d March i'i finally over. I've rnaliznd that The film "Blood Diamond," nature luL'i w;ed M<u-eh to screw witl1 our which tells the story of a the hnads yet again. diamond trade in Sierra· Belbrn spring bn•<tk. my thoology prolbssor Leone, will be shown at the <L'iknd us to predict which day we iliought DeBartolo Performing Arts would br~ the hL'it snow of' thn year. I silently Center on Tonight at 7. tl1ought it would bn M<trch 27111, <Uld I stored thP dat.t~ in 11m back of' my mind. I>isplace Me a night of soli­ The week we retumed from spring break, darity with refugees and inter­ we finally had some good woathnr, and it nally displaced people will appmlfl~d <L'i if'wp might finally be mnerging take plaee on South Quad li·om the deep lh~oze 11mt is wint.t~r at Notro today. Registration to spend Damn. Tim sun came out and people wnrn the night on South Quad is finally back out on tl1e quads. On March from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the 13111, two wm~ks belilre my prndietion lbr camp. that Ia'it snow of' the ymu-, wn even hit the 60s. I W<L'i so exdt.t•d 111at I quickly l.tJxted a The Notre Dame men's ten­ lhend back hornP, who i'i dun to vi'>it ilii'i nis team will play Ball State at wnek, to let him know how good our weailinr 4:00 p.m.
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