Biographies and Histories of Volunteers and Soldiers Who Settled in Columbia, Garfield, & Walla Walla Counties & Fought in the Wars Against The Indians Researched and Compiled by Elizabeth Carson CAYUSE WAR COLUMBIA COUNTY 1847 OREGO~. 97 j oin the immigrants cong regating on the frontier to cross the plains with him to Ore­ gon. Eigh t hundred and seyenty-fi ve persons, ·with their wagous, and thirteen hundred h ead of cattle, guided through th e mountaius by Dr. ·Whitman, reached th e Col umbia riYer in September of that year, a nd the question as to which go,·ern­ ment sh ould possess Oregon was soh-ecl . Of th at oyerla nd j ourney in 1843, R ev. H . H . Spalding feelingly "-rites : "And through that great emigration during that whole summer, the Doctor was their everywhere­ present angel of mercy, ministering to the sick, helping the weary, encouraging the warnring, cheer­ ing the mothers, mending wagons, setting broken bones, bunting stray oxen, climbing precipices; now in the rear , now at the front; in the rivers, looking out fo rds through the q uicksands; in the deserts, looking for water; in the dark mountains, looking out passes; at noontide or midnight, as though those thuusands were his own children, and those wagons and flocks were his own property. Al­ though be asked not, nor expected, a dollar as a reward from any source, he felt h imself abun­ dantly rewarded when be saw the desire of his beat·t accomplished, the g reat wagon rou te over t he mountains established, and Oregon in a fair way to be occupied with American settlements and American commerce.,,. PIOXEERS OF OREGO:X I~ 1843. To the pioneer association of Oregon, one of their mem bers cl eli,·erecl an a<ld ress in 18 75 in which h e gaye his reasons for emig ntting in 1843 to this coast. " I was a poor, homeless, youth," he ob.-en-ecl, " destitute ali k e of friends, money and education. Actuated by a reckless spiri t of a c1Yenture, one place wa,;; to me th e same as anoth er. Ko tic of nea r kindred or possessions bound me to a ny spot of the ea rth's surface. Think ing my condition migh t be bettered, an<l k nowing it coultl not be worse, I took a leap in the dark." This youth, J. "\V. Nesmith, whose morning life was shadowed by such sombre clouds, became in after year:; one of O regon's most able r cpre::;cntativcs in the U nited States Senate, and in th e addrc:;s refer red to he gi,·c:; the names of th ose men, OYCr six teen years of age, who cr osr-cd th e plains to O regon in 18 --1 3. H e h ad tak en them 2!J.5 in all, at the time a nd p re:;cn ·cd the r oll which 1:-; g 1Yen a.,; follows : Df.\JI(;R ..\ T IO~ HOLL OF 18-1:3 . .Applegate, J esse Bane, _L ayton Childers, /\lose,; D uncan, James Appleg-ate, Charles Baker, Andrew Carey, l\Iiles Dorin, J acob Applegate, Lindsey Baker, J ohn G . Cochran, Thomas Da,·is, Thomas Athey, J ,1.mes Beagle, William Clymour, L. Delany, Daniel. Athey, William Boyd , L eYi Copenha,·er, J ohn Delany, Daniel, Jr. Atkinson, J ohn Baker, \Yilliam Caton, J. H . D elan:·, W illiam Arthur, " .illiam Biddle, Kicholas Chappel, Alfred Doke, \Yillinm Arlhur, Robert Beale, George Cronin, Daniel Davis, J. H. Arthur, Dn,·i<.1 Braidy, J ames Cozine, Samuel Da,·is, B urrell Butler, Amon, Beadle, George Costable, Benedict D ailey, George Brooke, Georo-c Boardman, -­ Childs, J oseph D oherty, J ohn · Bui:nett, Pete~- H. Baldridge, William Clark, Ransom Dawson, - ­ Bit-a, David Cason, F. C. Campbell, John G. Eaton, Charles Brown, Thomas A. Cason, J ames Chapman, -­ Eaton, Kathan Blevi ns, Alexander Chapman, "William Chase, J ames Etcbell, J ames, Brooks, J ohn P. Cox,John D odd, Solomon Emerick, Solomon Brown, Martin Champ, J acob Dement, W illiam C. Eaker, J ohn ·w. Brown , Oris Cooper , L. C. Dougherty, W. P . E dson. E . G. Black, J.P. Cone, J ames Day, W ill iam Eyres, J\fil es 98 OREGO~- Sheldon, "\Yilliam East, J ohn ·w. Hill, Alrnorau "l'lfays, ,\' ill iam Stewart, P. G. E vP-rman, Niniwon Hewett, H enry ::\:Iillican, Elijah Sutton, Dr. Nathaniel Ford, Niuevah H argrove, William )fcDaniel, William Stimmerman, C. Ford, Ephram H cyt, A. :.\foKissic, D. Ford, Nimrod H olman, John }falone, i\fadison Sharp, C. Summers, C. Ford, J ohn H olman, Daniel l\'IcClane, John B . ,V. Francis, Alexander H arriga::;, B. }Iauzee, William Sewell, H enry Frazier, Abner J ames, Calvin McIntire, John Stout, H enry Frazier, ·William Jackson, John B. }foore, John Sterling, George Fowler, ·wmiam J ones, J ohn l\iatney, W . J . Stout, -- Fowler , William J. J ohnson, Overton Nesmith, J . W. Stevenson, - - Fowler , H enry Keyser, Thomas Newby, W . T. Story, J ames F airly, Stephen Keyser, J. B. Newman, Noah Swift, -- F endall, Charles K eyser , Pleasant :Naylor, Thomas Shively, J ohn M. Gantt, John Kelley, -­ Osborn, Neil Shirley, Samuel Gray, Chiley B. Kelsey, -­ O'Brien, Hugh D. Stoughton, Alexander Garrison, Enoch L ovejoy, A. L. O'Brien, Humphrey Spencer, Chauncey Garrison, J. W. L enox, E dward Owen, Thouias A. Strait, Hiram Garrison, W. J. L enox. E. Owen, Thomas Summers, George Gardner, Willian, L ayson, Aaron Otie. E. W. SLringer, Cornelius Gardner, Samuel L ooney, J esse Otie, i\I. B. Stringer, C. W. Gilmore, l\fat. L ong, J ohn E. O'Neil, Bennett Tharp, Lindsey Goodman, Richard Lee. H. A.G. Olinger, A. Thompson, John Gilpin, Major Lugur, F . P arker, Jesse Trainor, D. Gray, -­ Linebarger, L6w P arker, William Teller, Jeremiah Haggard, B. Linebarger, J ohn Pennington, J.B. Tarbox, Stephen Hide, H. H. L aswell, Isaac Poe, R.H. Umnicker, J ohn Holmes, "William L oughborough, J. P ainter, Samuel Vance, Samuel Holmes, Riley A. Little, _Milton Patterson·, J. R. Vaughn, William Hobson, John Luther, -­ Pickett, Charles E . Y ernon, George Hobson, William L auderdale, John Prigg, Frederick W ilmout, James Hembre, J. J . McGee,-­ Paine, Clayborn Wilson, William H. Hembre, James Martin, William J . Reading, P. B. Wair, J. W. Hembre, Andrew Martin, J ames R odgers, S. P. Winkle, Archibald Hembre, A. J . Martin, J ulius Rodgers, G. W. Williams, Edward Hall, Samuel B. McClelland, -­ Russell, William Wheeler, H . Houk, J ames McClelland, F . R oberts, J ames Wagoner, John Hughes, William P. Mills, John B. Rice, G. W. Williams, Benjamin H endrick, Abijah Mills, I saac Rich ardson, J ohn Williams, David Hays, J ames Mills, William A. Richardson, D aniel Wilson, William Hensley, Thomas J. Mills, Owen Ruby, Philip Williams, J ohn Holley, B .. McGarey, G. W. Ricord, J ohn Williams, J ames Hunt, H enry Mondon, Gilbert Reid, J acob Williams,~Squire Holderness, S. M . Matheny, Daniel Roe, John W illiams, I saac Hutchins, I saac Matheny, Adam Roberts, Solomon Ward, T. B. · Husted, A. Matheny, J. N. Roberts, E mseley W hite, J ames ~ H ess, Joseph Matheny. Josiah Rossin, J oseph Watson, J ohn (Bet~} H ann, J acob Matheny, Henry Rives, Thomas Waters, J ames H owell, John Mastire, A. J. Smith, Thomas H . Winter, William Howell, William McHaley, John Smith, Thomas Waldo, Daniel Howell, Wesley Myers, Jacob Smith, Tsaac "\V. Waldo, David Howell, W . G. Manning, John Smith, Anderson Waldo, William Howell, Thomas E. Manning, James Smith, Ahi Zachary, Alexander ·:. Hill, H enry McCarver, M. M. Smith, Robert Zachary, J ohn Hill, William McCorcle, George Smith, Eli OREGO~. 99 Add to this list the names furnished by the :Same party, of those who ,rere living in Oregon wh en these emigrants arrived, and it introduces the reader to nearly all of the actual settlers of this border territory at that time, except those co nnected with _ the Hudson's Bay Company, or its former employc·s. PREVIOUS DL\IIGR..A.TIOX RE"M.A.IXIXG IN" 1843. Armstrong, Pleasant Ebbetts, Squire L eBreton, G . W. R obb, J. R. Burns, H ugh Edwards, J ohn L arrisou, Jack Sbortess, Robert Brown, -- Foster, Philip Meek, J oseph L. Smith, Sid ney Brown, vV1lliam Force, John . Mathieu, F. X. Smith, -- Force, James McClure, J ohn Smith, Andrew Fletcher, Francis Moss, S. W. Smith, Andrew, Jr. Baldra, - - Gay, George Moore, R obert Smith, Darling • Balis, James Gale, J oseph McFadden, -- Spence, -- Bailey, Dr. ·w. J . Girtman, - - McCarty, William Sailor, Jack Hathawy, F elix McKay, Charles Turnham, Joel Hatch, P eter H . McKay, Thomas Turner, -- Carter, D avid Hubbard, Thomas ::'IIorrison, -- Taylor , Hiram Campbell, Samuel H ewitt, Adam Mack, J. '\V. Tibbetts, Cah·in Campbell, J ack H oregon, J eremiah Newbanks, -- Trask, -- Craig, William Holman, J oseph Newell, R obert Walker, C. !II. Cook, Amos Hill, Davicl O'Neil, J ames A. Cook, Aaron Warner , Jack H auxhurst, '\Veberly P ettygrove, F. W. Conner, -­ Wilson, A. E. Hutchinson, -- P omeroy, Dwight Winslow, David Cannon, William Johnson, William P omeroy, ,Valte r J;)avy, Allen Wilkins, Caleb King, -- Perry.-- Doty, William Wood, H enry Kelsey, -- Rimmick, -- akin, Richard Williams, B. Lewis, Reuben Russell, Osborn cmrnECTED WITH 'PROTESTA".\"T MJS:SIOXS IN 1843. L. H. ,Judson, J ason L ee, Dr. E lijah Wh,.iJe, W. H. Gray, Gustavus Hines, Harvey Clark~;; E. Walker, · H. K. W. Perkins, H. H. Sl-'alding, Cushing E ells, M. H. B. Brewer, J. L. P arrish, Alanson Beers, Dr.
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